



1、Module 5 Unit 2 It describes the changes in Chinesesociety导学粢年级八年级学科英语主备人课题M 5U2课型Reading学习目标1掌握本单元重点单词和词组与句型2能借助段落标题和照片理解短文大意,并理解事件发生的顺序。3能复述课文的二段。点1. 理解事件发生的先后顺序2. 能描述自己喜欢的话剧或电影。学习过程感悟及教学过程:Stepl. Lead in.Ask and answer the questions about Lao She.1. What do you know about Lao She?2. What are his

2、most famous books and plays?3. What,s special about Lao Shis Teahouse?Step2. Read.况紈Fast reading.(速读课文,请为每一段落选择合适的小标题。)Para 1A.Lao She TeahousePara 2B.The story of TeahousePara 3C.Lao Shecareful reading.A. Read the first paragraph, and answer the questions细读第一段,回答问 题。)1. When did Lao She write Teaho

3、use?2. When did the story take place (发生)?3. Whats the story about?4. What does Teahouse describe ?B. Read paragraph 2 , and finish the timeline.(速读第二段,完成时间表。)C. Read paragraph 3, and tell T or F.(细读第 3 段,判断对错。)1. Customers can only drink tea at Lao She Teahouse()2. You can enjoy the magic shows at

4、Lao She Teahouse()3. Lao She Teahouse welcomes everyone in the world()D. Read the passage carefully again and complete the passage with the words in the box In Activity 4(完成课本第4部分补全短文。)Step 3 Writing.1. Complete the table in Activity 5 and then try to retell the story to yourdeskmate 2. Try to write

5、 a passage about TeahouseThe story of Teahouse takes place in Beijing.Step4. Excises.(能力挑战)1. 根据句意和上下文补全短文。Teahouse is one of Lao She,s (famous) plays. He (write) it in 1957. The play has three actsand (show) the lives of common people in China from the end of 19thcenturv to the middle of the 20th centurv.It tells us the s of Wang Lifa and the customers of his teahouse inBeijing. It describes the c in Chinese society over fifty years.2


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