1、鍗佸崄鍏叓灞婂眾鍏叚涓腑鍏細绮惧叏浼氱簿绁炲涔犵瀛範蹇冨緱浣撳績寰椾綋浼氫氦娴佷細浜祦 娓呮竻椋庨鎵壃姝姘旀皵濂嬭繘姝杩涙褰撴椂銆傚綋鏃躲傚垰鍒氶棴鍒氬垰闂箷鐨勫厷骞曠殑鍏氱殑鍗佸叓鐨勫崄鍏眾鍏腑灞婂叚涓叏浼氬叏浼氬厖鍏呭垎鑲畾浜嗗厷鐨勫崄鍏眾鍒嗚偗瀹氫簡鍏氱殑鍗佸叓灞?浜斾簲涓腑鍏叏浼氫細浠互鏉腑澶潵涓鏀挎不灞鏀挎不灞鐨勫伐浣滅殑宸綔鍏潰鍒嗗叏闈垎鏋愬厷鐨勬瀽鍏氱殑寤鸿闈缓璁鹃潰涓寸殑褰复鐨勫舰鍔垮拰浠诲娍鍜屼换鍔姟绯荤粺鎬荤粨杩戠郴缁熸荤粨杩? 骞村勾鏉潵鐗圭壒鍒埆鏄槸鍏氱殑鍗佸厷鐨勫崄鍏浠叓澶互鏉叏闈潵鍏潰浠庝弗娌讳粠涓不鍏氱殑鐞嗗厷鐨勭悊璁哄拰瀹炶鍜屽疄璺佃返灏辨柊灏辨柊褰娍涓嬪舰鍔夸
2、笅鍏氱殑寤哄厷鐨勫缓璁句綔鍑鸿浣滃嚭 鏂版柊鐨勭殑閲嶉噸澶閮儴缃茬讲鍏呭垎鍏呭垎浣撶幇浜嗕綋鐜颁簡浠範杩戜互涔犺繎骞冲悓蹇楀钩鍚屽織涓烘牳蹇冧负鏍稿績鐨勫厷涓殑鍏氫腑澶叏闈鍏潰浠庝弗娌讳粠涓不鍏氱殑鍧氬厷鐨勫潥寮哄喅蹇冨己鍐冲績 鍜屽拰鍘嗗巻鍙插彶鎷呮媴褰撳綋鏄垜浠槸鎴戜滑寮鍒涘叏寮鍒涘叏闈粠涓潰浠庝弗娌诲厷鏂版不鍏氭柊灞闈佸眬闈佹帹杩涘厷鎺繘鍏氬拰鍥藉鍜屽浗瀹跺悇椤逛簨鍚勯浜嬩笟鐨勭涓氱殑绉戝鎸囧崡瀛寚鍗? 鍜屽拰琛岃鍔姩绾茬翰棰嗛銆傝鐪熴傝鐪熻疮褰昏惤璐交钀藉疄鍏腑瀹炲叚涓叏浼氱簿鍏細绮剧绁炰互浼樹互浼樺紓鎴愮哗寮傛垚缁繋鎺厷杩庢帴鍏氱殑鍗佷節鐨勫崄涔濆鍙紑澶彫寮鏄叏鍏氭槸鍏厷 鍚屽悓蹇楀
3、織鑲偐璐熻礋鐨勭殑閲嶈鏀块噸瑕佹斂娌昏矗浠绘不璐换銆傘? 姘戞皯蹇冨績鏄槸鏈鏈澶鐨勬斂娌荤殑鏀挎不姝箟鏄涔夋槸鏈寮虹殑鏈寮虹殑鍔涢噺銆傚姏閲忋傚厷鐨勫崄鍏氱殑鍗佸叓澶互鍏浠潵鏉厷涓厷涓韬綋鍔涜銆佺巼鍏堝瀭澶韩浣撳姏琛屻佺巼鍏堝瀭 鑼冭寖鍧氬潥瀹氬畾鎺帹杩涜繘鍏潰浠庡叏闈粠涓不鍏氫弗娌诲厷鍧氭寔鎬濆潥鎸佹濇兂寤哄厷鎯冲缓鍏氬拰鍒跺害鍜屽埗搴不鍏氱揣娌诲厷绱瘑缁撳悎瀵嗙粨鍚堥泦涓泦涓暣楗厷鏁撮鍏氶椋庝弗鍘変弗鍘? 鎯儵娌绘不鑵愯厫璐触鍑鍑鍖栧厷鍐呭寲鍏氬唴鏀挎不鐢熸斂娌荤敓鎬佹佸厷鍐呭厷鍐呮斂娌荤敓鏀挎不鐢熸椿灞曠幇娲诲睍鐜版柊姘旇薄鏂版皵璞耽寰楄耽寰椾簡鍏氬績浜嗗厷蹇冩皯蹇冩皯蹇冧负涓哄紑鍒涙不
4、寮鍒涙不 鍥藉浗鐞嗙悊鏀挎斂鏂版柊灞灞闈彁渚涢潰鎻愪緵浜嗛噸瑕佷簡閲嶈淇濊瘉銆備繚璇併傜鍏氭不绠厷娌诲厷鐨勬垚鍏氱殑鎴愬姛瀹炶返鍔熷疄璺靛惎绀烘垜鍚鎴戜滑浠不鍥芥不鍥藉繀鍏堟不鍏氬繀鍏堟不鍏氭不鍏氭不鍏?鍔姟蹇呭繀浠庝粠涓弗銆傘傚厷鍜屼汉鍏氬拰浜烘皯浜嬩笟姘戜簨涓氬彂灞曞埌鍙戝睍鍒颁粈涔堥樁浠涔堥樁娈垫鍏氱殑鍏氱殑寤鸿灏卞缓璁惧氨瑕佹帹杩涜鎺繘鍒颁粈涔堝埌浠涔堥樁娈点傞樁娈点? 浠庝粠涓弗娌绘不鍏氬厷涓嶄笉杩涘垯閫杩涘垯閫銆傜珯鍦傜珯鍦柊鐨勫巻鏂扮殑鍘嗗彶璧风偣鍙茶捣鐐逛笂涓婃垜浠垜浠厷闈复鍏氶潰涓寸殑鐨勨溾滃洓鍥涘鑰冮獙澶冮獙鈥濃濇槸闀挎湡鐨勩佹槸闀挎湡鐨勩? 澶嶅鏉傛潅鐨勭殑銆併佷弗涓郴鐨
5、勫郴鐨?鈥溾?鍥涘洓绉嶅嵄绉嶅嵄闄櫓鈥濃濅篃涔熸洿鍔犲皷鏇村姞灏栭攼鍦版憜閿愬湴鎽嗗湪鍏厷鍦叏鍏氶潰鍓嶃傞潰鍓嶃傚綋鍓嶅綋鍓? Unit 5 Wild animals Task A report on an animal in danger 1.To learn to find information in a report. 2.To learn to write a report about the wild animals in danger. 3.To learn to love and protect animals. Learning aims What animals can y
6、ou see in the picture? Looks Food Abilities Qualities(鐗规? Lets talk about bears. big and heavy large bodies short and strong legs large paws short tail s Looks It likes to eat fish and meat . Some also eat plants and insects . Food ?nsekt It can run very fast . It is good at climbing and swimming .
7、Abilities move around slowly in the daytime Qualities sleeps through the winter What action can we take ? Discussion: Hunters catch them for their fur and paws. Danger: Help Simon complete the report (鎶憡) on bears . Bears are in danger Bears are big and _. They have large bodies, short and _ legs an
8、d large paws. Their tails are _. Most bears eat meat and _, but some also eat plants and _. Bears can _. They are good at _and _. Bears move around slowly in the daytime. They sleep through_. They _ hurt people. Sadly, many hunters catch bears for their _ and _. We should take action to stop this. O
9、therwise , there may be no bears left in the world. heavy strong short fish insects run very fast climbing swimming the winter seldom fur paws Looks Food Abilities Qualities Danger and action 涔潰琛揪涔潰琛揪 ? 鐜板湪锛岃澶氶噹鐢熷姩鐗繏涓寸伃缁濓紝浣犳兂鍐欎竴涓姤 鍛婁粙缁嶅叾涓殑涓绉嶇粰澶锛屽懠鍚佷汉浠繚鎶噹鐢?鍔墿锛屼笉灏戜簬80涓瘝銆? 瑕佺偣锛?.瀵硅繖绉嶉噹鐢熷姩鐗殑浠嬬粛锛堝寘鎷璨屻? 椋
10、熺墿銆佽兘鍔涖佺壒寰侊級锛? 2.瀹冧滑闈复鐨勫嵄闄紱 3.搴旇閲囧彇鍝簺鎺柦淇濇姢瀹冧滑銆? Writing skills: 1 . Determine the title ( 纭畾鏍囬). A report on _ _ are in danger! Writing skills: 2 . Take notes from the following aspects. An ID( 韬唤璇?) for an animalin danger Name: _ Looks:_ Food:_ Abilities:_ Qualities:_ Danger:_ Action:_ Writing skil
11、ls: 3 . Writing order: from whole to part (浠庢暣浣撳埌灞閮? or from part to whole (浠庡眬閮埌鏁翠綋). Bears are big and heavy. They have large bodies, short and strong legs and large paws. Their tails are short . 4 . Use more adjectives to make your writing vivid(鐢熷姩鐨?. Bears are big and heavy. Bears have large bo
12、dies, short and strong legs and large paws. Bears have short tails. Writing skills: 5 . Dont use the same subjects( 涓昏). Bears are big and heavy. They have large bodies, short and strong legs and large paws. Their tails are short. Bears They Their tails Most bears eat meat and fish, but some also ea
13、t plants and insects. Writing skills: 6 . Write a report with exact expressions (鍑嗙鐨勮杈?. Bears can run very fast. They are good at climbing and swimming. Bears can run very fast. They can climb and swim. Writing skills: 7. Use different expressions( 琛?杈?. They can . They are able to . They have the
14、ability to. They do well in/ are good at Sadly, many hunters catch bears for their fur and paws. We should take action to stop this. Otherwise, there may be no bears left in the world. Writing skills: 8.Emphasize the purpose of writing (绐佸嚭鍐欎綔鎰忓浘锛岀偣鏄庝富棰?). Writing skills: 9.Use more adverbs and conj
15、unctions( 杩炶瘝) to make your writing read better ( 鏈楁湕涓婂彛). Writing skills: 10. Correct structures with main points and beautiful handwriting. Report: XXX are in danger! Write a report on an animal in danger Appearance Ability Character 锝? ? Have different paragraphs with different main ideas. 娈佃惤鍒嗘槑
16、銆佸眰娆竻鏅? ?Have the right word spelling, grammar and neat handwriting(姝鐨勬嫾鍐欙紝璇硶锛屼功鍐欐暣娲? ?Have new ideas and good sentences 濂芥濇兂銆佸鍙瓙 10 6 2 2 (conjuctions 杩炶瘝) Danger & Action 锝? 10 big and strong, bright eyes, yellow fur, black stripes, can run fast, eat some smaller animals or meat, hunt them for the
17、ir fur and bones, 鈥? largest animals on land, grey, long trunks and tusks, good hearing and smell, carry heavy things, friendly, hunt them for their tusks, 鈥? grey fur, and has good hearing and smell, friendly, work as a team, never hurt people, like eating snails and insects , loss of living areas鈥? live in the sea, very friendly and peaceful, can save people, very clever, can give dolphin shows, people make money by hunting them, water pollution,. Tiger Elephant Wolf Dolphin The information we got! Haha, good sofa! Yes, I do. 1. Recite Bears are in danger. 2.Please search more informat
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