1、1 note gdue to the time constraints, only a subset of the slides will be discussed during the infocom 2006 tutorial presentation 本资料由-大学生创业|创业|创业网http:/ 在线代理|网页代理|代理网页|http:/ 减肥药排行榜|淘宝最好的减肥药|什么减肥药效果最好|减肥瘦身药|http:/ 2 notes gnames in brackets, as in xyz00, refer to a document in the list of references
2、 gthe handout may not be as readable as the original slides, since the slides contain colored text and figures inote that different colors in the colored slides may look identical in the black-and-white handout 本资料由-大学生创业|创业|创业网http:/ 在线代理|网页代理|代理网页|http:/ 减肥药排行榜|淘宝最好的减肥药|什么减肥药效果最好|减肥瘦身药|http:/ 3 st
3、atutory warnings gonly most important features of various schemes are typically discussed, i.e, features i consider as being important iothers may disagree gmost schemes include many more details, and optimizations inot possible to cover all details in this tutorial gbe aware that some protocol spec
4、s have changed several times, and the slides may not reflect the most current specifications gjargon used to discuss a scheme may occasionally differ from that used by the proposers 4 coverage gnot intended to be exhaustive gmany interesting papers not covered in the tutorial due to lack of time 5 t
5、utorial outline gintroduction gunicast routing gmedium access control gperformance of udp and tcp gselected security issues gimplementation issues gstandards activities gopen problems 6 mobile ad hoc networks (manet) introduction and generalities 7 mobile ad hoc networks gformed by wireless hosts wh
6、ich may be mobile gwithout (necessarily) using a pre-existing infrastructure groutes between nodes may potentially contain multiple hops 8 mobile ad hoc networks gmay need to traverse multiple links to reach a destination a b 9 mobile ad hoc networks (manet) gmobility causes route changes a b 10 why
7、 ad hoc networks ? gease of deployment gspeed of deployment gdecreased dependence on infrastructure 11 many applications gpersonal area networking icell phone, laptop, ear phone, wrist watch gmilitary environments isoldiers, tanks, planes gcivilian environments imesh networks itaxi cab network imeet
8、ing rooms isports stadiums iboats, small aircraft gemergency operations isearch-and-rescue ipolicing and fire fighting 12 many variations gfully symmetric environment iall nodes have identical capabilities and responsibilities gasymmetric capabilities itransmission ranges and radios may differ ibatt
9、ery life at different nodes may differ iprocessing capacity may be different at different nodes ispeed of movement gasymmetric responsibilities ionly some nodes may route packets isome nodes may act as leaders of nearby nodes (e.g., cluster head) 13 many variations gtraffic characteristics may diffe
10、r in different ad hoc networks ibit rate itimeliness constraints ireliability requirements iunicast / multicast / geocast ihost-based addressing / content-based addressing / capability-based addressing gmay co-exist (and co-operate) with an infrastructure- based network 14 many variations gmobility
11、patterns may be different ipeople sitting at an airport lounge inew york taxi cabs ikids playing imilitary movements ipersonal area network gmobility characteristics ispeed ipredictability direction of movement pattern of movement iuniformity (or lack thereof) of mobility characteristics among diffe
12、rent nodes 15 challenges glimited wireless transmission range gbroadcast nature of the wireless medium ihidden terminal problem (see next slide) gpacket losses due to transmission errors gmobility-induced route changes gmobility-induced packet losses gbattery constraints gpotentially frequent networ
13、k partitions gease of snooping on wireless transmissions (security hazard) 16 hidden terminal problem bca nodes a and c cannot hear each other transmissions by nodes a and c can collide at node b nodes a and c are hidden from each other 17 research on mobile ad hoc networks variations in capabilitie
14、s & responsibilities x variations in traffic characteristics, mobility models, etc. x performance criteria (e.g., optimize throughput, reduce energy consumption) + increased research funding = significant research activity 18 the holy grail ga one-size-fits-all solution iperhaps using an adaptive/hy
15、brid approach that can adapt to situation at hand gdifficult problem gmany solutions proposed trying to address a sub-space of the problem domain 19 assumption gunless stated otherwise, fully symmetric environment is assumed implicitly iall nodes have identical capabilities and responsibilities 20 u
16、nicast routing in mobile ad hoc networks 21 why is routing in manet different ? ghost mobility ilink failure/repair due to mobility may have different characteristics than those due to other causes grate of link failure/repair may be high when nodes move fast gnew performance criteria may be used ir
17、oute stability despite mobility ienergy consumption 22 unicast routing protocols gmany protocols have been proposed gsome have been invented specifically for manet gothers are adapted from previously proposed protocols for wired networks gno single protocol works well in all environments isome attem
18、pts made to develop adaptive protocols 23 routing protocols gproactive protocols idetermine routes independent of traffic pattern itraditional link-state and distance-vector routing protocols are proactive greactive protocols imaintain routes only if needed ghybrid protocols 24 trade-off glatency of
19、 route discovery iproactive protocols may have lower latency since routes are maintained at all times ireactive protocols may have higher latency because a route from x to y will be found only when x attempts to send to y goverhead of route discovery/maintenance ireactive protocols may have lower ov
20、erhead since routes are determined only if needed iproactive protocols can (but not necessarily) result in higher overhead due to continuous route updating gwhich approach achieves a better trade-off depends on the traffic and mobility patterns 25 overview of unicast routing protocols 26 flooding fo
21、r data delivery gsender s broadcasts data packet p to all its neighbors geach node receiving p forwards p to its neighbors gsequence numbers used to avoid the possibility of forwarding the same packet more than once gpacket p reaches destination d provided that d is reachable from sender s gnode d d
22、oes not forward the packet 27 flooding for data delivery b a s e f h j d c g i k represents that connected nodes are within each others transmission range z y represents a node that has received packet p m n l 28 flooding for data delivery b a s e f h j d c g i k represents transmission of packet p
23、represents a node that receives packet p for the first time z y broadcast transmission m n l 29 flooding for data delivery b a s e f h j d c g i k node h receives packet p from two neighbors: potential for collision z y m n l 30 flooding for data delivery b a s e f h j d c g i k node c receives pack
24、et p from g and h, but does not forward it again, because node c has already forwarded packet p once z y m n l 31 flooding for data delivery b a s e f h j d c g i k z y m nodes j and k both broadcast packet p to node d since nodes j and k are hidden from each other, their transmissions may collide =
25、 = packet p may not be delivered to node d at all, despite the use of flooding n l 32 flooding for data delivery b a s e f h j d c g i k z y node d does not forward packet p, because node d is the intended destination of packet p m n l 33 flooding for data delivery b a s e f h j d c g i k flooding c
26、ompleted nodes unreachable from s do not receive packet p (e.g., node z) nodes for which all paths from s go through the destination d also do not receive packet p (example: node n) z y m n l 34 flooding for data delivery b a s e f h j d c g i k flooding may deliver packets to too many nodes (in the
27、 worst case, all nodes reachable from sender may receive the packet) z y m n l 35 flooding for data delivery: advantages gsimplicity gmay be more efficient than other protocols when rate of information transmission is low enough that the overhead of explicit route discovery/maintenance incurred by o
28、ther protocols is relatively higher ithis scenario may occur, for instance, when nodes transmit small data packets relatively infrequently, and many topology changes occur between consecutive packet transmissions gpotentially higher reliability of data delivery ibecause packets may be delivered to t
29、he destination on multiple paths 36 flooding for data delivery: disadvantages gpotentially, very high overhead idata packets may be delivered to too many nodes who do not need to receive them gpotentially lower reliability of data delivery iflooding uses broadcasting - hard to implement reliable bro
30、adcast delivery without significantly increasing overhead broadcasting in ieee 802.11 mac is unreliable iin our example, nodes j and k may transmit to node d simultaneously, resulting in loss of the packet in this case, destination would not receive the packet at all 37 flooding of control packets g
31、many protocols perform (potentially limited) flooding of control packets, instead of data packets gthe control packets are used to discover routes gdiscovered routes are subsequently used to send data packet(s) goverhead of control packet flooding is amortized over data packets transmitted between c
32、onsecutive control packet floods 38 dynamic source routing (dsr) johnson96 gwhen node s wants to send a packet to node d, but does not know a route to d, node s initiates a route discovery gsource node s floods route request (rreq) geach node appends own identifier when forwarding rreq 39 route disc
33、overy in dsr b a s e f h j d c g i k z y represents a node that has received rreq for d from s m n l 40 route discovery in dsr b a s e f h j d c g i k represents transmission of rreq z y broadcast transmission m n l s x,y represents list of identifiers appended to rreq 41 route discovery in dsr b a
34、s e f h j d c g i k node h receives packet rreq from two neighbors: potential for collision z y m n l s,e s,c 42 route discovery in dsr b a s e f h j d c g i k node c receives rreq from g and h, but does not forward it again, because node c has already forwarded rreq once z y m n l s,c,g s,e,f 43 ro
35、ute discovery in dsr b a s e f h j d c g i k z y m nodes j and k both broadcast rreq to node d since nodes j and k are hidden from each other, their transmissions may collide n l s,c,g,k s,e,f,j 44 route discovery in dsr b a s e f h j d c g i k z y node d does not forward rreq, because node d is the
36、 intended target of the route discovery m n l s,e,f,j,m 45 route discovery in dsr gdestination d on receiving the first rreq, sends a route reply (rrep) grrep is sent on a route obtained by reversing the route appended to received rreq grrep includes the route from s to d on which rreq was received
37、by node d 46 route reply in dsr b a s e f h j d c g i k z y m n l rrep s,e,f,j,d represents rrep control message 47 route reply in dsr groute reply can be sent by reversing the route in route request (rreq) only if links are guaranteed to be bi-directional ito ensure this, rreq should be forwarded o
38、nly if it received on a link that is known to be bi-directional gif unidirectional (asymmetric) links are allowed, then rrep may need a route discovery for s from node d iunless node d already knows a route to node s iif a route discovery is initiated by d for a route to s, then the route reply is p
39、iggybacked on the route request from d. gif ieee 802.11 mac is used to send data, then links have to be bi-directional (since ack is used) 48 dynamic source routing (dsr) gnode s on receiving rrep, caches the route included in the rrep gwhen node s sends a data packet to d, the entire route is inclu
40、ded in the packet header ihence the name source routing gintermediate nodes use the source route included in a packet to determine to whom a packet should be forwarded 49 data delivery in dsr b a s e f h j d c g i k z y m n l data s,e,f,j,d packet header size grows with route length 50 when to perfo
41、rm a route discovery gwhen node s wants to send data to node d, but does not know a valid route node d 51 dsr optimization: route caching geach node caches a new route it learns by any means gwhen node s finds route s,e,f,j,d to node d, node s also learns route s,e,f to node f gwhen node k receives
42、route request s,c,g destined for node, node k learns route k,g,c,s to node s gwhen node f forwards route reply rrep s,e,f,j,d, node f learns route f,j,d to node d gwhen node e forwards data s,e,f,j,d it learns route e,f,j,d to node d ga node may also learn a route when it overhears data packets 52 u
43、se of route caching gwhen node s learns that a route to node d is broken, it uses another route from its local cache, if such a route to d exists in its cache. otherwise, node s initiates route discovery by sending a route request gnode x on receiving a route request for some node d can send a route
44、 reply if node x knows a route to node d guse of route cache ican speed up route discovery ican reduce propagation of route requests 53 use of route caching b a s e f h j d c g i k p,q,r represents cached route at a node (dsr maintains the cached routes in a tree format) m n l s,e,f,j,d e,f,j,d c,s
45、g,c,s f,j,d,f,e,s j,f,e,s z 54 use of route caching: can speed up route discovery b a s e f h j d c g i k z m n l s,e,f,j,d e,f,j,d c,s g,c,s f,j,d,f,e,s j,f,e,s rreq when node z sends a route request for node c, node k sends back a route reply z,k,g,c to node z using a locally cached route k,g,c,s
46、rrep 55 use of route caching: can reduce propagation of route requests b a s e f h j d c g i k z y m n l s,e,f,j,d e,f,j,d c,s g,c,s f,j,d,f,e,s j,f,e,s rreq assume that there is no link between d and z. route reply (rrep) from node k limits flooding of rreq. in general, the reduction may be less dr
47、amatic. k,g,c,s rrep 56 route error (rerr) b a s e f h j d c g i k z y m n l rerr j-d j sends a route error to s along route j-f-e-s when its attempt to forward the data packet s (with route sefjd) on j-d fails nodes hearing rerr update their route cache to remove link j-d 57 route caching: beware!
48、gstale caches can adversely affect performance gwith passage of time and host mobility, cached routes may become invalid ga sender host may try several stale routes (obtained from local cache, or replied from cache by other nodes), before finding a good route gan illustration of the adverse impact o
49、n tcp will be discussed later in the tutorial holland99 58 dynamic source routing: advantages groutes maintained only between nodes who need to communicate ireduces overhead of route maintenance groute caching can further reduce route discovery overhead ga single route discovery may yield many route
50、s to the destination, due to intermediate nodes replying from local caches 59 dynamic source routing: disadvantages gpacket header size grows with route length due to source routing gflood of route requests may potentially reach all nodes in the network gcare must be taken to avoid collisions betwee
51、n route requests propagated by neighboring nodes iinsertion of random delays before forwarding rreq gincreased contention if too many route replies come back due to nodes replying using their local cache iroute reply storm problem ireply storm may be eased by preventing a node from sending rrep if i
52、t hears another rrep with a shorter route 60 dynamic source routing: disadvantages gan intermediate node may send route reply using a stale cached route, thus polluting other caches gthis problem can be eased if some mechanism to purge (potentially) invalid cached routes is incorporated. gfor some p
53、roposals for cache invalidation, see hu00mobicom istatic timeouts iadaptive timeouts based on link stability 61 flooding of control packets ghow to reduce the scope of the route request flood ? ilar ko98mobicom iquery localization castaneda99mobicom ghow to reduce redundant broadcasts ? ithe broadca
54、st storm problem ni99mobicom 62 location-aided routing (lar) ko98mobicom gexploits location information to limit scope of route request flood ilocation information may be obtained using gps gexpected zone is determined as a region that is expected to hold the current location of the destination iexp
55、ected region determined based on potentially old location information, and knowledge of the destinations speed groute requests limited to a request zone that contains the expected zone and location of the sender node 63 expected zone in lar x y r x = last known location of node d, at time t0 y = loc
56、ation of node d at current time t1, unknown to node s r = (t1 - t0) * estimate of ds speed expected zone 64 request zone in lar x y r s request zone network space b a 65 lar gonly nodes within the request zone forward route requests inode a does not forward rreq, but node b does (see previous slide)
57、 grequest zone explicitly specified in the route request geach node must know its physical location to determine whether it is within the request zone 66 lar gonly nodes within the request zone forward route requests gif route discovery using the smaller request zone fails to find a route, the sende
58、r initiates another route discovery (after a timeout) using a larger request zone ithe larger request zone may be the entire network grest of route discovery protocol similar to dsr 67 lar variations: adaptive request zone geach node may modify the request zone included in the forwarded request gmod
59、ified request zone may be determined using more recent/accurate information, and may be smaller than the original request zone s b request zone adapted by b request zone defined by sender s 68 lar variations: implicit request zone gin the previous scheme, a route request explicitly specified a reque
60、st zone galternative approach: a node x forwards a route request received from y if node x is deemed to be closer to the expected zone as compared to y gthe motivation is to attempt to bring the route request physically closer to the destination node after each forwarding 69 location-aided routing g
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