1、Construction Scheme for Cable Layouti编制说明及依据i.i编制说明为保证电缆线路安装工程的施工质量,使电缆敷设得以顺利进行,特编写此方案。 此方案适用于10KV及以下塑料绝缘电力电缆、控制电缆线路的敷设施工。1、2、编制依据承包合同或协议。施工图及其它设计文件。电气装置安装工程电缆线路施工及验收规范GB50169 92电气装置安装工程电气设备交接试验标准GB50169 92建筑电气安装工程质量检验评定标准GB50303 2002。石、公司质量保证手册、质量体系程序及其支撑性文件。2、工程概况工程名称、范围、地点、规模、特点、主要技术要求、工期要求等。主要实物
2、工作量以设计院的图纸及现场实际情况计算3、施工程序和施工方法Construction Procedure and Construction Method:3、施工程序 Construction Procedure3. 2、施工方法和质量要求Construction Method and Quality Requirements(1)电缆出库Sending cable out of warehousea、 电缆出库应根据施工图认真核对需出库电缆的规格、型号、数量是否符合设计要求, 且应标示清楚。电缆盘外观完整无损,合格证等产品文件齐全。While sending cable out of war
3、ehouse, check its specification, type, quantity carefully to verify whether comply with design or not and identify clearly. Appeara nee of cable drum is perfect and no damage, certificate and other product files are full.对由多根电缆缠绕在同一个盘上的电缆盘,应记录其内外层电缆的长度和缠绕次序,以利于合理安排敷设。For the same cable drum twisted
4、by multi-cables, to facilitate to direct properly layout, the length of inner and outer layer cable and twisted order should be recorded.b、电缆出库运输过程中,采用机械吊装和运输,严禁将电缆盘直接由车上推下,同时 电缆盘不应平放运输和贮存。During the course of sending cable out of warehouse, follow mecha nicalhoisting and delivery. No pushing cable
5、drum from truck directly. Meanwhile, cable drum shall not be placed, delivered or storedhorizontally. 短距离的运输可采用滚动电缆盘的方法。 但必须顺着电缆盘上的箭头指示或缠紧方向滚 动。For short-distance transportation, rolling cable drum is available. However, rolling direction must be consistent with that of arrow indication on drum or c
6、able winding.c、电缆出库后应集中分类存放,尽可能存放在开始敷设电缆处的附近。盘间留 有通道,存放处不得积水。After sending cable out of warehouse, store them collectedly and classifiably. Place them as near of the place, where begin to layout cable, as possible. Keep access among cable drums, and no accumulated water at depositing site.(2) 电缆敷设前建
7、筑工程应具备的条件:Prior to layout, civil works shall possess the following ter:msa、电缆沟、隧道、竖井、人孔等处的地坪及抹面工作结束。Completion of grade and mortar for cable trench, tunnel, well, manhole.b、电缆夹层、电缆沟、桥架内的施工临时设施模板、建筑废料已清理干净。施工用道 路畅通盖板齐全,电缆沟排水畅通,电缆夹层门窗安装完毕。Temporary boards and waste materials, used for cable interlayer
8、, trench, and tray, have been completely removed. Cover-plates for access road are all ready, and trench drainage is free. Doors and windows on cable interlayer have been installed.(3) 电缆敷设前电气专业应具备的条件:a、电缆的起点及终点设备已安装完毕,位号标识准确清楚。Having mounted plants at place of cable s starting point and end. And th
9、eirTag Numbers are identified corrected and clearly.b、电缆敷设表编制完毕, 表册中应标明每根电缆使用的电缆盘号, 敷设的先后次 序,Having compiled list of cable layout, in which Drum No. applied by each cable and layout order should be indicated.c、敷设次序应是先远距离,后近距离。根据设计和电缆的实际情况,合理安排, 避免浪费和接头。Layout order is from distant to close. Accordin
10、g to design and cable s real condition, assign reasonably and avoid waste and joint. d 技术交底和安全技术交底已做完,并存记录卡。Having finished technical talk and safety technical talk, and preserved record card.e 当电缆沿桥架敷设时,若没有人行通道应事先沿全长搭设脚手架,绑扎牢固。While layout cable along tray, if nonexistence of sidewalk, set up scaff
11、olding and band tightly along the whole tray in advance. f 辅助材料供货到位,如电缆扎带、电缆标牌、电缆标志桩等。Accessory materials, such as cable tie, cable brand and column, are ready. 电缆的电气绝缘已检查,试验项目包括下列内容:Electric insulation inspection for cable has performed. Including the following test items. 测量绝缘电阻,即测量各电缆线芯对地或对金属屏蔽层和
12、线芯间的绝缘电阻。Measuring insulation resistance.Insulation resistance of each core versus earth, versus metallic shield other core shall be measured. 直流耐压试验及泄露电流测量(其试验要求见GB50150 91)DC voltage-withstand test and leakage current measurement.Test requirement refer to GB50150-91)a、敷设电缆使用的电线滑车(滚轮) ,牵引设备已安装到位,电缆
13、滑车每 3 米 1 个,以电缆不拖地为原则。大规模敷设电缆时,事先 应准备好广播器材,对讲机、半导体、喊话器等。Pulley or roller and draught equipment used for cable layout have been installed. Set a pulley every 3 meters. The principal is that cable should not touch ground. When layout cable in force, prepare for broadcast appliances ahead such as talk
14、about, radio, speaker.b、针对敷设电缆时的具体情况,技术人员和施工负责人应编制出劳动力分布图, 指明每个关键部位的负责电工及所需人数,责任到人,在技术交底时予以公布。According to local specific condition, prior to layout, technician and construction header should compile labor distribution chart, point out responsible electrician and necessary number of employee at impo
15、rtant place to ensure everyone see his own duty. Above items shall be declared when executing technical talk.(4)、桥架内电缆敷设Layout cable inside tray.a 安装质量要求Installation quality requirements: 电缆的最小弯曲半径应符合 GB50168 一 92 的规定,即:The minimum bending radius should conform to Norm of GB50168-92.多芯控制电缆10D聚氯乙烯绝缘电
16、力电缆10D聚氯乙烯绝缘电力电线多芯15D交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电线单芯20D注 D 为电缆外径。10D10D15D20DMulti-core control cablePVC insulated power cablePVC insulated multi-core power cableLinking PVC insulated one-core power cableNote: D is outer diameter. 电缆的固定要求:桥架上垂直敷设每隔 2m处,水平敷设的电缆首末两端及 转弯、电缆接头两端处应加以固定,Requirements for fastening cable:Fix
17、 cable every 2 meters when laying cable vertically. For horizontal layout cable, fixing it at the beginning and end, two sides of corner and joint.交流系统的单芯电缆应使固定夹具不构成闭合磁络,且按正三角形排列, 每隔 1m 用绑带扎牢。For AC one-core cable, fixing it with special clamp not to form closed magnetic loop and arraying it in form
18、 of pure triangle. Banding tightly every 1 meter. 桥架上交流三芯电力电线不宜超过2 层控制电缆不宜超过三层。AC multi-core power cable should be not beyond 2 layers, and control cable no more than 3 layers. 电缆的排列: 高低压电力电缆、 强电弱电控制电缆应按顺序分层配置, 高压与低 压增加隔板。Arraying order of cable: Place high and lower voltage power cable, intensive a
19、nd faint control cable in layer and in sequence. Add partition between high and lower voltage power cable.b、敷设方法Layout method: 电缆应从电缆盘上部引出,同时检查是否有套扣现象,将写好的电缆编号 交专人负责贴在电缆首末端。Pulling cable from the upper direction of drum. Meanwhile, checking whether existence of cable-wring or not. Make special emplo
20、yee to stick prepared cable number on both ends of cable. 桥架上所有电缆全部敷设完毕,即时安装盖板,达到防护的目的。After completion of all cable layout inside tray, installing covers timely to protect.(5) 、地埋电缆的敷设方法及质量要求Layout method and quality requirements for buried cable under groun:d a、质量要求:Quality Requirements: 电缆上表面距地坪面
21、不小于0 7m。0.7m is the least distance from the upper side of cable to grade. 电缆上边及下边应复以100mm 的软土或沙层,并盖上红砖或混凝土板。Fill 100mm thickness soft earth or fine sand around cable up and down, and cover red brick or concrete plate. 电缆之间、 电缆与其它管道、 道路、 建筑物等之间平行和交叉时的最小净距 应符合 GB50168 92 的表 543 的要求。When existing paral
22、lel or crossing between cable and cable, cable and other pipes, roads, or architectures, the minimum distance should conform to Table of 5.4.3 in GB50168-92. 严禁将电缆平行敷设于管道的上方或下方。No laying cable over and under pipes in parallel 过路保护管伸出道路路基两边各 2m 伸出排水沟 0.5m。While protection pipe spreading road base, 2m
23、 should be left each side of base and 0.5m is required while spreading drainage 直埋电缆在直线段每隔 50 100m 处或电缆接头处、转弯处、进人建筑物处应设 置明显的标桩。. Setting identical columns for direct buried cable at the straight line each 50-100m, at joint or swerving place and at entrance to architecture. 电缆的弯曲电缆应符合要求。Cable bending
24、 should conform to requirementb、敷设方法Layout method: 估工估料: 大型的电缆敷设应做这项工作, 在详细研究工程设计书后, 到现场勘 察线路地形并了解情况, 然后制订出技术措施和安全措施, 并核对设计用料是否正 确,根据工程情况决定敷设方式,是采用人工敷设,还是采用机械化敷设。Estimate works quantity and necessary materials:It is required to lay large-sized cables. After studying design documents for engineering
25、detailed, go to local field to explore line s landform and learn real environment. And then, write out technical and safety measures and check whether design materials are correct or not. According to engineering condition, decide layout method: by manpower layout or machine layout 材料、工具准备:敷设电缆所需的机具
26、设备,如卷扬机、钢丝网套、千斤顶、滑 轮以及铁锹等都应需要事先备好。 电缆及保护盖板等材料, 最好按施工计划日期直 接发运到施工现场,以节约人工费用。Prepare for materials and tools:Machines and tools needed for laying cable should be all ready in advance, such as hoist, steel-wire net, jack, rolling wheel and shovel. To economize lab our cost, we had better to deliver dir
27、ectly cable and cover plate to site in reference to construction plan date. 对外联系工作:敷设电缆线路影响到农田、园林、公共道路、市区交通等情况应 事先与农村政府、园林部门、铁路局、交通队等联系,办妥有关手续后方可施工。 决定电缆中间接头的位置。 当电缆线络较长有中间接头的情况下, 要事先选择合 适的接头位置, 因中间接头故障率较电缆本体为多, 因此要考虑检修问题, 故不要 将位置选择在道路交叉口,或与其它地下管线交叉的地方。 在设计的电缆线络上开挖试探样洞, 其主要目的是调查土壤及地下管线 布置情况,深度 1m。In
28、 order to study soil and distribution of underground pipelines, excavate exploring sample holes, 1m in depth, along the designed cableline. 放样:根据设计图和土层调查情况,用石灰粉画出挖土范围Performing sample:On the basis of design drawings and soil terms, drawing out excavationregi on with lime powder 敷设过路保护管,可采用不开挖路面的顶管方法
29、,如果有困难应按路宽分半施工,必要时夜间施工。.Whe n lay ing protective pipe through road, pushi ng pipe with jackis available in stead of excavat in g groun d. If it is difficult to con struct, doing it on base of half of road width. If n ecessary, con struct ing at ni ght. 挖土:施工地点周围应设置警告标志,挖出的泥土应放置在沟边0. 3m以外,电缆沟的挖掘还必须保证
30、电缆敷设后的弯曲半径不小于规定值,宽度、深度按设计要求开挖。Excavating:Placi ng warni ng symbols around con structi on locati on. Excavatedsoil should be piled and more than 0.3m is required away trench s edgeIn additi on, excavati on must en sure bending radius of cable is no less tha n regulated value. Width and depth for exca
31、vatio n should conform to desig n. 敷设电缆准备工作。敷设前应整理土沟,将沟内石子或其他杂物清除,然后在沟中放置滑轮,每 3m 一个,转角处加放转角滑轮,保护电缆的盖板沿开挖的电 缆沟分放好。同时将电缆推滚到所需位置架设好。Preparation for direct buried cable layout:Before layout, clea n inner stones or other waste things up and mendtren ch, the n place pulley into trench every 3m, and add co
32、rner pulley atthe corner. Set cover plate along excavated cable tren ch, roll cable drumto proper location and put it onto rack. 当敷设大截面和较长电缆时可采用卷扬机等机械化方法(长沙及武汉电缆附件厂有成套设备)敷设。敷设时拖拽电缆可用特制的钢丝网套套在电缆端头上。机械化敷设电缆有以下要求:While layi ng large cross secti onal area and Ion ger cable, followi ng mecha ni zati on m
33、ethod such as hoist is available (Cha ngsha and Wuha n cable accessory factory possess sets of equipme nts). Draggi ng cable with special making steel wire net tied at the beginning of cable. Note the follow ing requireme nts whe n adopt ing mecha ni zati on method:电缆最大牵引强度(N/mm2)牵引方法牵引头钢丝网套受力部位铜芯铝芯
34、铅套铅套塑料护套允许牵引强度:7040104072Max. Draught Stress of Cable (N/mm)Draught MethodDraught EndSteel Wire Net and SheathPressurized secti onCopper coreAlumi num coreLead SheathLead SheathPlastic SheathAllowable stress degree704010407另外,速度不宜超过 15m/min,应在牵引头或钢丝网套与牵引钢缆之间装设防捻器。What s more, layout speed should not
35、 surpass 15 m/min., sp-proof shall be set betwee n draught head or steel wire net and draught cable.施放电缆时无论在任何情况下,都不能让电缆在地上拖拉,电缆到位后,可逐段将电缆提起,移去滑轮,并将电缆放在沟底,在电缆需做中间头的地方,要留有 余度,在敷设过程要统一指挥,互通信息。Whe n lay ing cable, no dragg ing cable along ground in no case. After cable reach its position, lift it step
36、by step, remove pulley, and then put it at the bottom of tren ch. Leave spare len gth at the place of middle joint.电缆敷设完毕,请甲方及监理验收隐蔽工程,技术人员做好敷设记录。然后回填,应分层夯实,安装电缆标桩。In one word, duri ng the course of cable layout, direct unanim ously and com muni cate each other.After completion of cable layout, invi
37、te client and supervisor to accept con cealed works. Mean while, tech nicians should finish layout recorder. Then, backfill and tamp trench learn edly. In stall cable identification column.(6) 、敷设电缆时,电缆允许敷设最低温度,在敷设前24h内的平均温度,以及敷设现场的温度不应低于以下规定,但温度低于以下规定时应采取措施。Temperature requirements:While lay ing ca
38、ble, the lowest allowable layout temperature, average temperature of 24 hours prior to layout and site temperature should be no lower tha n followi ng regulati ons. Take some measures whe n temperature is lower tha n that of regulati on.电缆允许敷设最低温度(摘自GB50168 92)电缆类型电缆结构允许铺设最底温度(C)塑料绝缘电力电缆0控制电缆聚氯乙烯绝缘聚
39、氯乙烯护套-10Lowe rest. temp. for allowable cable layout (GB50168-92)Type of cableStructure of cableLowe rest temp. for layoutC)Plastic insulated power cable0Con trol CablePVC in sulated PVC sheath-104、安全技术措施现场工作人员必须按规定穿工作服进人现场必须戴好安全帽,高空作业系挂安全带,办理高空作业证。电缆运输装卸,脚手架搭设应有专业起重工作业指挥。电缆盘的架设应水平稳固,电缆盘引出电缆侧不应站人,防止倾倒伤人。电缆敷设时,在电缆转角的内侧不得站人, 以防挤伤,或采取妥善的防护措施, 在桥架上敷设电缆时应有防止电缆因一点滑落掉地而引起全段滑落的措施。滚动电缆盘时,防止电缆盘碾伤人的脚部。厂房内,管廊架上敷设电缆,所有设备孔、予留孔应加盖板,无栏杆的地方加
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