1、说明消散放开3、先把下列成语补充完整,然后再改正错别字,把正确的写在括号里。(6分)姓名准考证号考场学校 班级 姓名 分数一、汉语拼音。(共计12分)1、给下列带点的字选择正确的读音,用“”划出。(2分)(1)转变(zhu mzhu C )(2)似乎(s 1 sh1)(3)珊瑚(sh oi !sh 0 )(4)解送(ji e ji2、读拼音,填词语。(每词 1分,共10分)dcng y engdian y a xiesh ang()()()y un ch enmian l 1jueji eng()( )()sh 缶 j imico su enshuitiai xi ag ji e() ()f
2、uj ing qmg zu ifenl en ch eng z 0() ()二、宇词句。(共计22分)1、查字典的知识。(字义选择每空1分,其余每空0.5分。共5分)(1)荡”字用音序查字法查大写字母 ,部首为,第七画名称是 ;荡”字在字典里共有四种意思(1) 放纵,不受拘束;(2)清除,弄光;(3)走来走去,无事闲逛;(4)摇动。在荡漾” 一词中应选第种解释。(2)及字,有音序查字法应先查音序;用部首查字法应查部首,再查画。“及”字在字典里有以下解释: 比得上;赶上;到、达到;和、跟。在“目之所及,哪里都是绿的”中应选第种解释。2、给下的字选择义项,将序号填在()内。(母空1分,共计2分)(
3、1)“抱怨”的“抱”字,正确的意思是()。用手臂围住存在心里孵(2) “爱不释手”的“释”字,正确的意思是()。万()具寂( )()之不里()()然大梧( )赞()不己()()经风箱( )成气()人()4、选词填空。(2分)(1)无论都只要就草原上行车十分洒脱,()方向不错,(能到达目的地。(2)发掘发明发现小明()每当雨后,蜘蛛都要重新修补蜘蛛网。5、按要求写句子。(每句 1分,共4分)(1)缩句:春风像母亲的手抚摸着你。(2)修改病句:听到我国申奥成功,使我高兴得跳了起来。(3)照样子变换句子:例句:人人都想守信用。没有人不想守信用。还有人不想守信用吗?大家都知道动物冬眠不是睡眠。6、排列
4、错乱的句子,在下面的括号中写上正确的序号。(3分)()河上有一座小桥。()月亮湾的后面有山,山坡上长着梨树和苹果树。()一群群鱼儿在河里游来游去,清清的河水倒映着青山、绿树、小桥。()我的家乡在月亮湾。()河岸上栽着许多桃树。春天,树上开满了桃花,远远望去,像一片片火红的朝霞。()村子前面有一条月牙样的河,河水绕着村子缓缓地流着。三阅读。(共计 36分)(-)古诗词1、按要求默写古诗。(6分)在我们学过的古诗中,有的为人们揭示了一-个道理,如题西林壁中的a*)”;有的表达了朋友的情深意重,如赠汪伦中的a”:有的则抒发了自己的爱国情怀,如示儿中的后两句a。(二)月光曲(节选)天际:(2) 本文是
5、按先 ,再,后的顺序来写的。其中,第 2- 5自然段又是按转移,即由 到到,到的顺序叙述的。(每空1企共计7分)(3)在下面的句子后面填上恰当的修辞方法。(每空 1分,共计2分) 稻谷笑弯了腰。() 那一片片庄稼,远看,好似翻滚着千层波浪。()(4) 用“”标出文中前后照应的句子。(3分)(5)概括短文的主要内容。(3分)皮鞋匠静静地听着。他好像面对着大海,月亮正从水天相接的地方升起来。微波粼粼的海面上,霎时间洒遍 了银光。月亮越升越高,穿过一缕一缕轻纱似的微云。忽然,海面上刮起了大风,卷起了巨浪。被月光照得雪亮 的浪花,一个连一个朝岸边涌过来皮鞋匠看着妹妹,月光正照在她那恬静的脸上,照着她睁
6、得大大的眼睛, 她仿佛也看到了,看到了她从来没有看到过的景象,在月光照耀下的波涛汹涌的大海。兄妹俩被这美妙的琴声陶 醉了。等他们苏醒过来,贝多芬早已离开了茅屋。(1) 找出文中的一个比喻句,写在下面横线上。(3分)(2) 找出此段落的中心句,写在下面横线上。(3分)(3) 皮鞋匠看到的事物,有的是实在的,有的是联想到的,请分别写在下面。(4分) 实在的事物:(6)短文表达了作者什么样的思想感情?(3分)四、作文。(30分)(一)新风小学少先队大队部准备6月26日(星期二)下午第二节课后在六 (7)班召开各中队中队长会议,布置期末结束工作。请你以少先队大队部的名义代拟一个通知。(5分) 联想到的
7、事物:(三)秋你悄悄走来,默默无声。你向人们展示出一幅绚丽的美景,你给人们带来了一派丰收的景象。你悄悄走来,走进花园。刹时万紫千红、千姿百态的菊花开了。它们有的把波浪似的金发披在肩上,有的把 美丽的长裙系在腰上,光彩夺目,美不胜收。你悄悄走来,走进田间。秋风过处,五谷飘香。那一片片庄稼,远看,好似翻滚着千层波浪;近看,稻谷笑 弯了腰,高粱涨红了脸,玉米乐开了怀。这时候,地里的人可忙了,到处笑语欢歌,机声和鸣。(二)命题作文:(25分)题目:一次难忘的批评我真_ (后悔、可爱、喜欢下棋)要求:任选其一,条理清楚,语句通顺,有重点,有中心,字数在400字左右。你悄悄走来,走进果园。看,树上硕果累累
8、,看小灯笼似的柿子,玛瑙似的山楂,葫芦似的鸭梨,珍珠似的 葡萄红朴朴、黄澄澄、紫盈盈好可爱啊!大大小小,五光十色,数不胜数。孩子们在园中嬉戏,他们爬 上树去,摘一颗果子,咬一口,甜丝丝、脆生生、酸溜溜你悄悄走来,走上山坡,带去了一件黄衣裳,一件红衣裳。瞧这边的山上,黄花遍地,远远地与稻田相接, 像镀上了一层金色。瞧那边的山上,霜叶如醉,遮盖了半个天际,红得像火焰在燃烧。这一红一黄,时分时合, 给人一种说不出的美感。我迷恋你啊,秋!我赞美你啊,秋!你是美丽的季节,也是收获的季节。入学英语试卷姓名 得分(1)结合短文,写出下列词语的意思。(每词1分,共计2分)美不胜收:3.游得比我快5.在七月三日
9、7.看起来一样_9.在星期三早上.Ask Rose. I think she hasB. any; any C. any; somevery young.D. some; anyC. looks like u” n the wordC. an; aD. looka ?use .D. an; anB. looks _ s and _ B. a; anC. ours; herD. mine; hisB. Here are some flowers for you D. Here are some flowers of you(满分100分 考试时间40分钟)、英汉互译(共10小题,每小题1分;满分
10、10分)1. 擅长画画 2. do more exercise_ 4. every ten minu tes6. in the coun tryside8.the short man behi nd me1O.the only child、用所给词的适当形式填空。(共8小题,每小格1分;满分10 分)1. December is the (twelve) month of the year.2. We (pick) oranges for the farmers next week.3. Mary, you(clean) the table now? Yes, I am.4. Which se
11、as on do you like (well) , spri ng or summer?5. Cut the bread into two (half).6. I often go (row) with my friends.7. He is asking Liu Yang how(get) there.8. What are the (child) doi ng?9. They(stop) the thief and took him to the police stati on.10. The stude nts are very(excite) to watch the 100-met
12、er race.三、请根据所给中文完成下列句子(共5小题,每一格1分;满分16分)1. 那边有几个男孩在踢足球?。How manyare therefootball?2. 刘涛的父亲喜欢每天在晚饭后去散步。Liu Tao s father likesafter supper every day.3. 放学后我想为我的父母买一些礼物。Ibuy somefor myafter school.4. 春天天气暖和,树变绿。It isin spri ng. The treesgree n.5. 他将在那里工作一年。He istotherea year.四、根据要求完成下列句子(共6小题;每一格1分,连词
13、成句2分,满分14分)1. We sit down and have breakfast.(改为一般过去时)Wedown and breakfast.2. My mother likes apples better than other fruits.( 改为同义句 )My motherapples.3. I usually go fishing on Sundays.(划线部分提问)you usuallyon Sun days?4. Nacy did her homework last night.(改为否定句)Nacyher homework last ni ght.5. There is
14、 one stop on this road.(划线部分提问)Howthere on this road?6. for, my, n eeds, warm, some, dad, win ter, clothes (连词成句)五、选择填空A)单项填空(共10题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案写在题前括号内。()1. Excuse me, do you have any comic books?Sorry, I don thaveA. some; some)2. Your motherThank you.A .looks at)3. T
15、here isA. a; a)4. May I use your rubber?Sorry,is at home. You can useA. my; hisB. mine; her)5. Hello, Miss Li .A. Heres some flowers for youC. Heres some flowers of you)6. the door, please.Please come in. The doorA. Be ope n; ope nsB. Be ope n; is ope ningC. Open; ope nsD. Open; is ope n()7. Look at
16、 the sig n Keep quiet ” on the wall.Wemake a n oise here.A. shouldB. mustC. shouldntD. can()8.child is that girl?A. WhoseB. WhoC. WhichD. What()9. When is the National Day (国庆节)of the PRC?Its.A. on 1st OctoberB. in 1st OctoberC. on the 1st of NovemberD. in the 1st of September()10. I can tplaypiano
17、(辛钢琴),but I playtennis very well.A. /; /B. /; theC. the; /D. the; theB)完形填空(共10题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。并将答案写在题 前括号内。My friend is Peter. He is _1_ and tall. He 2 up at five fifteen and _3_ to the zoo 4 foot at half past six every day. He makes 56 the animals _J_ and t
18、hen gives the food to the animals. When the animals eat the food, many8 watch. At half past eleve n he _9_ a talk to those school childre n about ani mals. In the after noon he clea ns theelepha nts at four twen ty. He goes 10his home at a quarter to six.()1. A. shortB. smallC.youngD. little()2. A.
19、sta ndsB. getsC. goesD. eats()3. A. liste nsB. goesC. fliesD. walks()4.A. byB. onC. inD. with()5. A. riceB. fruitC. cakesD. food()6. A. goB. atC. nearD. for()7. A. thereB. whereC. at thereD. i n there()8. A. childrenB. friendsC. peoplesD. teachers()9. A. hasB. givesC. teachesD. talks()10. A. fromB.
20、forC. toD. at六、阅读理解(共10题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。并将答案写在题前括号内。ADear BobHow are you? I m in a new school this term. And I m writing to you in my school now. This school is big and nice.There are 1,400 students in my school. I like the teachers. They are all kind to me. My classmat
21、es are very friendly. They teach me Chinese and I teach them English.There are trees, flowers and green grass in my school. It s very beautiful. Behind the school, there is a small river. The water is clean. Many fish live in it.We have no classes on Saturdays and Sun days. Sometimes I go to play fo
22、otball with my classmates. Sometimes I stay at home and watch TV. Sometimes I go shopping with my father and mother. We all like China.Please write to me soon.YoursJoh n()1. John writes this letter toA. BobB. his father()2. John is in aschool.A. EnglishB. Chinese( )3. Johns teachers.A. teach him Eng
23、lishC. dont like himC. his old schoolD. EnglishC. smallD. cityB. only teach him ChineseD. are kind to him()4. There isbehind the school.A. clean water, and he can swim in itB. a clean river, and many fish live in itC. green grass, and he can play thereD. trees and flowers, and he can play there()5.
24、Which is NOT true according to the letter?A. John plays football.B. John plays both football and basketball.C. John sometimes watches TV.D. John likes China.BChi Id re n in the USA like K Day very much. K is for kite. March 7 is the day. On that day, lots of chi Id re n go out in the open air. They
25、take their kites with them. Some kites are very big. Others are small. They are in different colours. Every kite has a long string(纟龟).To get the kites up, the chi Id re n begi n to run. They let out the string from the ball in their han ds. Now the kites are flying in the air. How nice they look!No
26、w all of the kites are high up in the air. Some are higher than( 比)others. The one like a bird is the highest( 最高). But whats wrong? Its flying away! The string is broken.Ano ther kite gets away. And more kites fly. But the chi Id re n are running after them. They want to get them back.People are watching them and laughing.()6. Kis forA. kind B. kilometer C. kites D. knife()7. K Day is on.A. May 7 B. March 7 C. April 7 D. April 1()8.To get his kite up, a child
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