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1、2012年学位英语考试冲刺题1Part III Vocabulary and Structure 1.Their advice that _here for another week seems acceptable.A. Helen stays B. Helen stayed C. Helen stay D. Helen will stayadvice (that) sb (should) doISODPCRD (that) sb (should) doinsist, suggest, order, demand, propose, command, request/require, dec

2、ide2. I remember_ for the job, but I forget the exact amount.A. to be paid B. that I receive pay C. get paid D. being paidRemember to do doing3._1983 did Jiaotong University begin to offer a degree in English.A. Not until B. Not since C. Until D. In4.But for your timely advice, I might_. Now/at pres

3、entIf it had not been your timely advice, I might not have succeeded.But for, without : 表示过去的事实相反虚拟语气:if从句X=would, should could, might现在事实相反:If sb did/were, sb X do.If I were you, I would accept it.将来事实相反: If sb were to/should do, sb X do.If I should fly tomorrow, I would fly to the moon.过去事实相反: If

4、sb had pp, sb X have pp.If I had studied hard, I would not have come to the school.A. not succeed B. not have succeeded C. succeed D. have succeeded5.He was _of deciding anything for himself.A. incapable B. packed C. incompetent for D. unableI am a student who majors in Chinese. I graduate from Guan

5、gzhou College.I am capable of using computers.I am competent for playing the piano.Guangdong Technical College of Water Resources and Electric Engineering.I am capable of using softwares.用。武装 equip sb with sth6. All cars made nowadays are_ with safety belts.A. prepared B. packed C. built in D .equip

6、pedOur classroom is equipped with air-conditioners.7. It takes more energy to do a job in two minutes than_ the same job in two hours.A. to do B. do C. will do D. is doingIt take sb time to do. It takes me two months to prepare for the examSth cost sb money. The book costs me twenty yuan.Sb spend mo

7、ney on sth.Sb spend time (in) doing sth.Time-consumingEnergy-consumingConsume v 消费8. It is suggested that a superhighway_ between Nanning and Hanoi to strengthen the close ties between China and Vietnam.A. is built B. (should) be built C. built D. will have been built9. Life on earth is _ varied and

8、 complex.A. groundlessly B. shockingly C. amazingly D. broadly10. Its Marys _that we should hold the party outside.A. particularity B. idea/news/fact/opinion C. judgment D. thinking11. I could think of nothing _going to London to find a job there.A. behind B. except/but C. through D. after12Your cou

9、rse leader will beto help you.A. available B. obtainable C. forseeable D. profitable13. If workers had been paid decent wages, profits_ so great. A.would be B.were not to be C.wouldnt have been D.would have been14.Amazon is _ the largest remaining rainforest area left on our planet. A.so far B.by fa

10、r/much/ even/ a little C.thus far D.as far as15. The best thing (_ happened to me) was finding my best friend, Katrina. A.what B.as C. that D.which定语从句:that (the only, 最高级, the first, 人和物)16.Now almost all the parents want their children to learn the piano or the violin, _their children are willing

11、or not. Be willing to do A.no matter whether B.no matter if C.however D.whatever17.Homework in American schools is often minimal _ the children have plenty of time to watch television. MaximalA.such that B.so that C.that D.because18.In terms of education systems, one cannot say that one system in on

12、e country is better than_ .A.that of another B.another C.one of another D.one another19.The new immigrants found it hard to_ themselves to the climate of the country.A.adopt B.adapt oneself to sth C.regulate D.coordinate20.Over a third of the population in that African country was estimated to have

13、no _to the health service. A.excess B.success C. process D.access have access to sth.21.When he arrived at the village, he found_ the aged and the sick at home.A.none but B.anyone but C.nothing but D.no other than22. _your jacket, please. The room is very warm. A.Take off B.Take after C.Take up D.Ta

14、ke on23.It started raining, so she_the nearest house. A.made for B.made off C.made up D.made out24.A doctor, along with a group of young nurses,_ going to demonstrate the heart operation process.A.is B.are C.will D.shall主谓一致口诀:EM、伴随用单数, (Eevery/each, Mmore than one/many a, “伴随”指with, as well as, exc

15、ept, but等表示伴随的介词)of出现看主语, (如:none of, 30% of,plenty of等,但要注意:the number of用单数)集合名词细分析, (如:committee, class等)There be, either/neither, notbut要就近,人多物单the形容, (这是指the+adj.表“一类人”用复数,表“一类东西”用单数)主谓一致变简单。25. _ , we made a plan for the future study.A.Summarized our present workB.Summarizing our present workC

16、.Having summarized our present workD.Being summarized our present work分词作状语口诀:逗号前后分作状,doing、pp记心上。先看就近主语谁,再看关系定主被。26.The proposal that business companies_ guided by professionals for their new scheme of developments was accepted without disagreement. A.be B.are C.was D.were27.The ladys appointment w

17、ould be terminated as of September 29, unless _to that time she requested a hearing.A.superior B.inferior C.prior D.juniorPriority will be given to those who come first.28. Did you _me of cheating in the test? Accuse sb of sth.A. fine B. charge for C. accuse D. punish29.In a time of fast social refo

18、rms, we should try to keep_pace with the rapid changes of society.A. step B. pace C. touch D. progress30. Neither the teacher nor the pupil _satisfied with the exam result.A. were B. was C. be D. been31. Professor Wang said that he would rather his student Jane _to the conference. Would rather sb di

19、d A. go B. went C. gone D. going32. The young man went away in a hurry, _to come back in a few minutes.A.promised B. be promising C.to have promised D. promising33. No sooner _the top of the mountain than it started raining cats and dogs.A. did the climbers reached B. the climbers reachedC. have the

20、 climbers reached D. had the climbers reachedNo sooner thanHardly when 一。就。过去完成时 had done34._, the police would have caught the criminal earlier.A.Had they received the clue in time=If they had received the clue in timeB.If they received the clue in timeC.They had received the clue in timeD.Did they

21、 receive the clue in timeIf I had studied hard, I would not have come to the school.Had I studied hard, I would not 35. Both men and women are firmly convinced _the superior excellence of their own side.A.as B. about C.by D. of 36. It is becoming a trend for large companies to_ smaller firms by buyi

22、ng their shares. Share holderA. take over B. take off C. take after D. take to37.Modern means of communication prove to be very convenient for researchers to be kept_ in their respective field.A. known B. informed 告知 C. noticed D. told38. _the interference from the local residents, the delegation wo

23、uld have caught the train bound for Edinburgh.A. Due to B. Except for C. In case of D. But for39.When a group of visitors came to the Summer Palace, all of them exclaimed that they had never seen_ like this.A. so a beautiful garden B. so beautiful a gardenC. a so beautiful garden D. garden so a beau

24、tiful40.It is _ that all students will need to complete a University Registration form.A.sure B.certain C.correct D.necessary41.Dr.Elizabeth Lee is the medical director_ communicable diseases in the county where she lives.A.in the charge of B.in charge C.in charge of D.in charge with42.The first uni

25、versities in England were _at Oxford in 1185 and at Cambridge in 1209.A.established B.suggested C.made D.created43. _ my degree of Doctor for Sciences in June of 2000,I spent a year in the laboratory of Robert Burns at Harvard University.A.Obtaining B.Being obtained C.Having obtained D.Obtained44. _

26、 ,I went back to my dormitory unhappy in the eveing.A.With anything done B.With something doing C.With nothing done D.With nothing having done45. It seemed so easy to find a job in the U.K. _ it is not.A.However B.In fact C.In contrast D.Nevertheless46.Olympic athletes must be strong both physically

27、 and_ .A.ideally B.emotionally C.culturally D.mentally47.When Tom was about to speak,his father looked at him, _to stop him.A.as regards B.as to C.as for D.as if48. The committee is expected to_ a decision tonight.A. reach B. bring C. arrive D. take49. He spoke so fast that I didnt _what he said.A.

28、make over B. make out C. make for D. make sure50. I wrote it down_ I should forget it.A. in case of B. in case C. for fear of D. in order that51. Professor Huang is always very_ to the reaction of the students when he gives lectures.A. sensible B. sensitive C. positive D. sentimental52. Tommy sent m

29、e an e-mail saying that he would visit us_ next week.A.sometimes B.sometime C.some times D.some time53By the end of next year, they_three modem hotels there.A. will build B. will be building C. will have been built D. will have built54_it left to me to decide,I would never hesitate to choose the for

30、mer.If it were left to me to decide, A. If B. Were C.Had D. Should55. Nowhere else in China _more beautiful scenery than in Kunming.A. you can find B. you have found C. can you find D. have you found56. The twins are so much_ that it is difficult to tell one from the other.A. Same B. likely C. alike

31、 D. identical57. As a matter of fact, our life styles are changing and _our bodies.A. as such B. so such C. such are D. so are58. John didnt want to risk_ wet as he had only one suit.A. getting B. to get C. being got D. to begotten59. George went hunting for a room but he didnt find one_.A. to live

32、B, to live in C. for living D. to be living in 60. The chairman insists that there _ a meeting to be held within the shortest possible time.A. is B. will be C. was D. be61 _ faculty member at a university, one has to have a doctorate degree.A. To become B. Become C. One becomes D. One becoming62. _

33、is well-known, the environment in China is badly in need of improvement.A. It B. That C. As D. What 63. With oil prices keeping _, people are hesitating whether to buy a car or not.A. rising B. arising C. raising D. arousing 64. Before the guests come, I must get the glasses _.A. washed B. to be was

34、hed C. being washed D. to wash65.John likes Chinese food, but he _ eating with chopsticks.A. doesnt used to B. doesnt use to C. isnt used to D. used not to 66. Alice trusts you. Only you can _ her to give up the foolish idea.A. suggest B. attract C. tempt D. persuade67.You look tired. Do you _ a res

35、t? A. like having B. feel like having C. like have D. feel like to have 68. After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced _ cars in 2002 as the year before.A. as many twice B. as twice many C. twice many as D. twice as many 69. Many of the people _ refused to answer any questions. A.

36、question B. questioned C. questioningD. were questioned70. It is essential that all the reports to be published _ twice. A. be checkedB. would be checked C. were checkedD. will be checked71. _, Bob still went on with the experiment. A. As he was tiredB. As was he tiredC. Tired as he was D. As tired

37、as he72. Many companies in smaller cities are offering such great professional opportunities that some graduates have a hard time _ them down A. turning B. to turnC. turnD. turned Part IV Cloze Test (10 Points) (1) Friend is better than fortune. Friend is worse than poison in some _1_ . The above tw

38、o statements are opposite and seem to be unreasonable but they can lie explained_ 2_ : The latter implies all evil friends who lead us astray. The former _3_ all good friends who drive us toward good.My ideal friend is of course a good friend _4_ goodness is shown below: he has no bad liking, as smo

39、king and drinking. He lives in frugality. He studies diligently_5_waste his golden time._6_ he honors his parents and loves his brothers; at school he respects his teachers and sympathizes with his school mates. He treats those trully who are_7_ him. He never speak of other evils _8_ boasts of his o

40、wn rnerits, In a word, he has all the good characters letter than _9_ . I can follow him as a model. By his precept I am_10_ ,the danger of doing a wrong action. By his help I am free from all difficulties.Indeed, if I have such a person as my friend, I shall never fear difficulty and I shall never

41、know the existence of the word “failure.1. A. conditions B. cases C. times D. occasions2. A. in follow B. as follows C. in following D. as following3. A. relates B. refers to C. refers D. directs to4. A. ones B. whose C. whos D. his5. A. so as to not B. so as not to C. in order to not D. in order th

42、at6. A. In the home B. In home C. At the home D. At home7. A. read to B. true to C. true with D. true on8. A. not B. or C. but D. nor9. A. mine B. my C. our D. ours10. A. awared of B. aware of C. awaring D. aware with(2)Scientists say that something very serious is happening to the earth. It will begin to get (76) _ in the following years. There will be major changes in climate in the new century. Coastal waters will have a (77) _ temperature. This will have a serious effect on agriculture. In nort


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