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1、青浦区高中英语教学资源高考词汇手册词组汇编杨志燕(青浦高级中学)整理A allow for 考虑到 associate with sb 和sb结交 attend sb 陪伴sb attend to 照料,关照B24 out of the blue 突然C11 burn the candle at both ends 日夜操劳30 lucky charm 幸运符36 chew the fat 闲聊D17 heated/ fierce/ intense debate 激烈的辩论 take delight in (doing) sth以sth为乐48 weapons of mass destruct

2、ion 大规模杀伤性武器70 dismiss sb from sth 从sth职位开除sb dismiss sb for sth 因为sth而开除sb79 be down with 由于sth而病倒了 six of one and half a dozen of another 半斤八两E9 put sb at ease 使sb轻松自在23 in case of emergency 以防发生紧急情况35 engage in doing 从事做sth engage sb as 雇佣sb为F fall over oneself to do 争先恐后去做sth fall on/ upon 由sb承担

3、或负责27 fertile imagination 丰富的想象力 fetch sb sth = fetch sth for sb 为sb去取sth develop a film 冲洗胶卷41 a flight of stairs 一段楼梯 come into focus 聚焦 follow sb into/ to 跟从sb去 set foot on 踏入63 frighten sb to death 吓死sbG The watch gains 5 minutes. 这手表快了5分钟 close/ narrow the gap 缩小代沟 get down to doing sth 开始做sth2

4、5 take sth for granted 认为sth是理所当然的 have green fingers 手巧,擅长于园丁工作31 grief over/ at 为sth而悲伤 wild guess 胡乱猜测36 be my guest 请随便H not turn a hair 非常镇静 be/ come/ go halfway to doing sth 在做sth的中途 hand down to 世代相传6 get a handle on sth 掌握sth,对sth了解 get the hang of sth 掌握sth,了解sth come into/ pop into your he

5、ad 突然想到 do sth to your hearts content 做sth直到你心满意足 not have the heart to do sth 不忍心去做sth give/ lose your heart (to sb) 爱上sb39 by hook or by crook 不择手段41 on the horizon 在地平线上 broaden/ expand ones horizons开阔视野48 bring the house down 获得满堂彩I3 identify sb as 把sb确认为 identify with sb 和sb产生共鸣 identify sb/sth

6、 with sb/ sth 认为a和b相同6 think/ speak ill of sb 对sb评价差23 be inferior to 比sth低级in an instant 立即 an internet caf 一个网吧 introduce A into B 把A引进B49 invest sth in sth 把sth投资进sth53 involve doing sth 需要做sth involve sb in (doing) sth 使sb牵涉入做sth/卷入J3 sbs jaw dropped sb非常吃惊 join up with sb/sth 联合sb/sth practical

7、 joke 恶作剧11 jump the queue 插队 jump in 插嘴 jump on sb 批评或惩罚sb12 law of the jungle 弱肉强食14 justify doing sth 使做sth有理由,合理K be keen for sb to do 希望sb做sth kill the goose that lays the golden egg 杀鸡取卵L5 last but one 倒数第二 be late with (the rent) 交租金晚了 late husband 已故的丈夫7 in later years/ life 在晚年10 have a goo

8、d laugh 哄堂大笑12 launch an attack 发动进攻 law and order 法治14 lay the foundations 建立基础17 turn over a new leaf 洗心革面 not the least/ not in the least 根本不 leave sb to do 使sb去做sth20 give/ deliver a lecture (on/ about sth) 关于sth发表演说 at length 长时间地,没完没了的 let sb down 使sb失望 throw/ shed/ cast light on sth 把光投在sth上,

9、使sth被明白 a light sleeper 睡眠很轻的人 a light heart 轻松的心情37 on everyones lips 每个人都在谈论38 make/ draw up/ write a list 写一个单子 listen up 认真听 live up to 符合45 on location 在外景地47 sleep like a log 熟睡 Look before you leap. 三思而后行。 look on 旁观 look to 依赖 look up to 尊敬53 loose change 零钱 55 be at a loss (to do/ for) 不知所措

10、 loss of income/ appetite/ control/ memory 无收入/胃口58 peace-loving/ fun-loving/ home-loving people 爱好和平的人们 sheer luck 纯粹是运气M13 no match for 不是sb的对手14 a matter of time 时间问题 to make matters worse 使的事情更糟糕16 may as well 最好做sb be that as it may 尽管是说到的那样 be meant to do 应该做sth/意图做sth32 at the mercy of 任由sb摆布

11、 The more the merrier. 人越多,越快乐 burn the midnight oil 熬夜39 might as well do最好做sth with all his might 尽全力 on sbs mind 记住 mind your own business 别多管闲事43 in the/a minority 少数人45 work/ perform miracles 创造奇迹57 ask/ cry for the moon 请求得到不切实际的东西 once in a blue moon 非常难得58 moral standards/ values/ support 道德

12、标准/价值/支持 in the small hours of the morning 在凌晨 make your mouth water 使你馋涎欲滴 by word of mouth 口述63 on the move 在行动中65 commit a murder/ crime 犯罪 not feel/ be myself 身体不好N to name but a few 稍微提几个3 have a narrow escape 差一点被抓住 narrow victory 险胜 be native to 对于是土生土长的11 negotiate an agreement/ contract 商定协

13、议 have the nerve to do 有勇气去做18 be next to do 接下去做sth There is no doing sth 没有可能做sth21 noble family 贵族22 have a nodding acquaintance with sb 和sb有点头之交24 none other than sb 正是sb25 talk nonsense 说胡话 under sbs nose 在sb眼皮底下 not a single person 没有一个人 not at all/ notat all 不客气/根本不30 take/ make notes of sth

14、做sth的笔记32 out of/ from nowhere 不知道从哪里冒出来,突然33 even/ odd number 偶数/奇数O 3 raise/ make an objection to sth 反对sth4 achieve/ meet/ accomplish/ set an objective 实现目标/设定目标5 oblige sb to do 使sb不得不做sth feel obliged to do 感到应该做sth6 under observation 在观察下7 obstacle to sth sth的障碍8 obtain information 获得信息9 obvio

15、us reasons 明显的原因10 on.occasion 在的场合11 occupy sb with (doing) sth 使sb忙于做sth12 It occurs to sb to do/ that sb想起13 offer sb sth = offer sth to sb 提供sb sth offer to do 主动提出做sth14 in office 在当权15 more often than not 经常 once in a while 偶尔 24 oppose sth 反对sth be opposed to sth 反对sth give/ issue an order 发布

16、命令 overlook the ocean 俯瞰大海 overlook his faults 原谅他的错误P take pains to do 费力的去做sth on sbs part = on the part of sb 在sb这方 pass sth down (from sb) to sb sth从sb那里传给sb passion for sth 对sth的热情14 a false passport 一个假的护照16 a pat on the back 拍了拍背 pay tribute to 向sb表示敬意22 at peace with sb 和sb和睦 peace talks 和平谈

17、判24 be peculiar to sb/ sth 是sb/sth所特有的28 perform a study/ experiment/ task/ job 做工作 on the phone 在线上39 physical appearance 外貌 physical fitness 身体健康 pick sb up on sth 关于sth批评sb46 put sth in/ into a pile 叠好,堆好sth in place 在合适的地方 in sbs place 在sb的位置51 the plain truth/ fact 清楚事实/真相 in plain clothes 普通的衣

18、服55 platform shoes 松糕鞋 play sth by ear 通过记忆来弹乐曲/通过事情的发展来决定 take pleasure in (doing) sth 以做sth为乐 a pleasure to do 高兴去做sthbe on the point of (doing) sth 即将做sth61 foreign/ economic policy 对外/经济政策 64 make/ do a poor job of doing sth 做sth做得很糟糕65 pop the question 提出问题 pop up 突然出现 in a good/ strong positio

19、n (to do sth) 做sth有优势 in no position to do sth 没有权利做sth71 apply for a post 申请一项职位 take up a post 从事工作73 achieve/ fulfill/ realize your potential 发挥潜力 have the potential for sth 对于sth有潜力74 come/ rise to power 掌权82 in the presence of sb = in sbs presence 在sb在场的时候83 be present at/ in 出席 present sb with

20、 sth = present sth to sb 给予sb sth present a problem 提出问题89 take pride in 以sth/sb为豪90 of primary importance 极其重要91 Prince Charming 白马王子93 private property 私人财产95 proceed to do/ with sth 继续做sth proceed to sp 前进到sp97 turn/ go professional 转向职业的98 make/ earn a profit 获得利益101 promote sb to sp 把sb提升到sp104

21、 prospect of doing 做sth的希望110 pull sbs leg 开sb的玩笑pull in 车子靠边停 pull over 车子靠边停 pull yourself together 振作起来113 purple in the face 非常生气115 pursue ones study/ a career 求学/追求事业 put down 放下 put forward 提出Q1 have qualifications for sth/ to do sth 有资格去做sth2 be qualified for/ to do 3 qualify sb/ sth for / t

22、o do 使sb有资格去做sth4 quality of life 生活质量6 (have a) quarrel with sb about sth 关于sth和sb吵架 without question 毫无疑问 There is no question of sth没有问题 out of the question 不可能 out of question 毫无疑问8 jump the queue 插队 wait in a queue 在队伍中等待10 quit doing sth 放弃做sth11 quite a lot/ a few 很多12 in quotes 在引号中R1 on/ ov

23、er the radio 在收音机上2 be caught in the rain 被雨淋 drops of rain 雨滴4 range from A to B 从a到b范围内变化 interest/ exchange rate 利率/汇率6 rather a difficult problem 非常困难的问题7 a ray of hope/ light/ sunshine 一线希望/光线 reach out sbs hand to 伸出手去拿 read ones palm 看手相14 the real reason 真正的理由 for real 真的 receive education/

24、training 受到教育/培训22 on sbs recommendation 在sb的推荐下23 keep/ break/ set a record 保持/打破/创立记录25 reduce sb to doing 使sb沦落做sth be reduced to doing reduce sb to tears/ silence 使sb落泪/沉默27 for sbs reference 供sb参考 reference books 参考书28 reflect on/ upon 反思 with/ in regard to 关于 regret to do (say/ tell/ inform) 遗

25、憾的去做33 relate A to B 把a和b关联起来34 release sb from 把sb从sp处释放 on release (电影)在放映中35 disaster relief 灾害救济36 relieve sb of sth 使sb缓解sth37 be reluctant to do 勉强去做sth38 rely on sb to do/ for 依靠sth得到sth/去做sth39 remember to do/ doing 记得去做/做过40 remind sb of/ about sth 提醒sb sth remind sb to do 提醒sb去做sth43 (in)

26、reply to 对sth作出回答44 report doing 报告做sth be reported to do 被报道去做sth45 have a reputation for/ as 有一个的名声46 make a request for 对sth作出请求 at sbs request 在sb的请求下 request sb to do 请求sb去做sth47 be required to do 被要求去做sth require doing= require to be done 需要被做48 meet/ fulfill/ satisfy sbs requirement 满足sb的需求49

27、 come to sbs rescue 来救sb50 do/ conduct/ undertake a research 进行研究51 resign oneself to (doing) 不得不接受去做sth(不好的事情)53 be resistant to 对sth有抵御力55 win/ earn/ gain the respect of sb 赢得sb的尊敬 in one respect 在一个方面 in some respects 在某些方面 pay your respects to sb 对sb表现出尊敬 respect sb for 因为sth而尊敬sb56 respond to 对

28、作出回应58 take/ have responsibility for 对sth有责任61 restrict A to B 把A限制在B restrict sb to (doing) sth 限制sb做sth62 as a result (of sth) 由于sth result in 导致 result from 由于 on sbs return sb一回来 in return (for sth) 作为对sth的回报64 get/ have/ take revenge (on sb) 报复sb in revenge for 对sb的报复 revenge yourself on sb 使自己

29、报复sb65 reward sb with sth 用sth来回报/奖励sb reward sb for 因为sth而奖励sb go for a bike ride 去骑车兜风 give sb a ride 给sb搭车69 rise to the occasion/ challenge 能随机应变情况的变化 give rise to 引起72 have/ play a role in (doing) sth 在sth中起着作用 role model 模范73 make room for 为sth腾出空间74 the root of all evil 罪恶之源 take root 生根76 in

30、 a row 按照顺序一排77 follow/ obey/ observe/ break the rules 遵守/违反规则 come running 跑着过来 in the long/ short run 从长远/近期来看S3 for the sake of= for sbs sake 为了sb的利益/看在sb的份上4 on a salary of 以的工资9 save sb the trouble of doing 省去sb做sth的麻烦 busy/ tight schedule 时间表紧(忙) be scheduled for sth/ to do 为了sth/做sth定了时间17 sc

31、old sb for (doing) 因为做sth而责怪sb18 at sea 在船上工作(当水手) go to sea 去当水手,去船上工作21 be in/ out of season 合时宜的/不合时宜的22 have/ take a seat 坐下 seat sb 使sb就座23 be second only to 仅次于 be second to none 首屈一指 on second thoughts 三思/再想了一下 see through 看穿 see to it that 保证,确保 see sb do/ doing/ done 看见sb做sth/正在25 seek to d

32、o 寻思着去做sth send sb/ sth flying/ sprawling/ reeling 使sb处于某一状态 make sense 讲得通,有道理33 death/ jail sentence 死刑/判坐牢 sentence sb to sth 宣判sb去sthset sb doing 使sb做sth34 in/ out of shape 身体好/不好35 shift the blame/ responsibility (onto sb) 把责任推卸到sb身上day/ early/ late/ night shift 中班/早班/晚班in sbs shoes 在sb的位置36 on

33、 shore 在沙滩上37 (at/on) short notice 时间短/刚刚知道38 shortly before/ after 在之前不久/在之后不久39 broad shoulders 宽阔的肩膀look over sbs shoulder 监督sb40 signal (to) sb to do 招呼sb去做sth41 your heart sinks 心一沉42 construction side 建筑工地43 size sb up 打量sb44 sleep soundly 熟睡 sleep like a log 熟睡45 speak to sb about sth 和sb谈论st

34、h46 give/ make/ deliver a speech 发表演说47 on the spot 在现场48 spring up 冒出49 spy on 监视50 a square peg in a round hole 不相符合/格格不入 stand up for 支持51 living standards 生活水平52 stick to 坚持53 stock market 股票市场54 a stones throw (away) from 一步之遥55 struggle to do/ for 挣扎去做sth56 be subject to 臣服于57 substitute A for B 用a代替b58 be superior to 优于sth59 take sb by surprise 使sb吓一跳60 have a sweet tooth 喜欢吃甜食T3 tailor sth to sth 按照sth来制作/制定sth take after 长的象 take on 呈现 take to sth/sb/doing 喜欢 take over 移交6 talk sb into/ out of doing 说服sb去做sth8 have a taste for 对于sth有品位 tearapart 撕碎12 i


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