



1、源代码C+代码1. #i nclude 2. #in elude 3. #i nclude occi.h4. using n amespace oracle:occi;5. using n amespace std;6.6. int mai n()7. 8. stri ngusr=sys;9. stri ngpwd=orcl;10. stringSID=ORCL;/注意大小写11. stringdate;13.12. Environment *en v=E nviro nmen t:createE nvironmen t(E nvir onmen t:OBJECT);13. Conn ecti

2、 on *conn= en v-createC onn ecti on( usr,pwd,SID);/all stri ngs14. if(co nn)15. coutsuccess createC onnection !e ndl;16. else17. coutfailure createC onnection !createStateme nt();19. stri ng sSQL = select to_char(sysdate,yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss)from dual;20. stmt-setSQL(sSQL);25.26. ResultSet *rs = st

3、mt-executeQuery();27. if(rs- next()28. 29. date = rs-getStri ng(1);30. 31.31. cout now time :dateterm in ateC onnection(conn);33. Environmen t:term in ateE nvironmen t(e nv);36.34. return 0;35. 39.我 linux 上安装 oracle 路径:/u01/app/oracle/product/-L/u01/oracle/product/-L/u01/app/oracle/product编译命令:g+ -o

4、 conn -L/u01/app/oracle/product/ conn _db.cpp问题一:编译时报如下错误:Shell代码1. oraclelocalhost demo$ g+-o conn/ -L/u01/oracle/product/conn_db.cpp2. g+: g+: No such file or directory3. conn _db.cpp:3:18: error: occi.h: No such file or directory4. conn _db.cpp:4: error: oracle has not bee n declared5. conn _db.c

5、pp:4: error: occi is not a n amespace-n ame6. conn _db.cpp:4: error: expected n amespace-n ame before ; toke n7. conn _db.cpp: In function int main():8. conn _db.cpp:14: error: E nvironment was not declared in this scope9. conn _db.cpp:14: error: e nv was not declared in this scope10. conn_db.cpp:14

6、: error: Environment is not a class or namespace11. conn_db.cpp:14: error: Environment is not a class or namespace12. conn_db.cpp:15: error: Connection was not declared in this scope13. conn_db.cpp:15: error: conn was not declared in this scope14. conn_db.cpp:21: error: Statement was not declared in

7、 this scope15. conn_db.cpp:21: error: stmt was not declared in this scope16. conn_db.cpp:26: error: ResultSet was not declared in this scope17. conn_db.cpp:26: error: rs was not declared in this scope18. conn_db.cpp:35: error: Environment is not a class or namespace19.解决:编译时没有引入 OCCI库文件路径(oracle安装时候

8、这个库已经附带装好了)路径:/u01/app/oracle/product/编译命令增加 OCCI 库:g+ -o conn -I/u01/app/oracle/product/-L/opt/app/oracle/product/ -L/opt/oracle/product/conn _db.cpp问题2 :找不到对应函数Shell代码1. oraclelocalhost demo$ g+ -o conn -l/home/oracle/oracle/i nclude -L/opt/app/oracle/product/ -L/opt/oracle/product/ conn _db.cpp -

9、Wall -O -g2. /tmp/cclFs9xq.o: In fun cti on、ma in:3. /home/oracle/oracle/demo/c onn _db.cpp:14: un defi ned reference to oracle:occi:E nvir onmen t:createE nvironmen t(oracle:occi:E nvironment:Mode, void*, void* (*)(void*, un sig ned int), void* (*)(void*, void*, un sig ned in t), void (*)(void*, vo

10、id*)4. /home/oracle/oracle/demo/c onn _db.cpp:35: un defi ned reference to oracle:occi:E nvir onmen t:term in ateE nviro nmen t(oracle:occi:E nvironmen t*)5. collect2: ld retur ned 1 exit status6.解决:增加 和它们既为 OCCI库文件)指定编译修改后的编译命令:g+ -o conn -l/u01/app/oracle/product/-L/app/orac

11、le/product/ -L/u01/app/oracle/product/-lcl ntsh-locci conn _db.cpp另外可能在引入-Iclntsh -locci编译时可能会报找不到以下错误:Shell代码1. oraclelocalhost demo$g+ -o conn -l/u01/app/oracle/product/-L/app/oracle/product/-L/u01/app/oracle/product/-lcl ntsh-locci conn _db.cpp2. /usr/b in/ld: cannot find -lcl ntsh3. collect2: ld

12、 retur ned 1 exit status4. oraclelocalhost demo$5.解决:这是因为没有找到 和 链接库,将libclntsh.so和libocci. so拷贝到/usr/lib目录下就可以了补充:完成后改写环境变量:vi ./bash_profileport LD_LIBRARY_PATH-50RACLE_H0ME/lib:/usr/llb问题三:occi在linux编译运行时报 冲突的问题Java代码1. oraclelocalhost demo$g+ -o conn -l/u01/app/

13、oracle/product/-L/app/oracle/product/-L/u01/app/oracle/product/-lcl ntsh -locci conn_db.cpp2. /usr/b in/ld: warning:, n eeded by /opt/app/oracle/product/, may con flict with解决:OCCI库在linux编译的时候,由于linux版本太高,会提示以上情况,实际上, 在大多数linux系统上,还保留有libstdc+5 的库,自己手工在编译的时候加上去就好了修改后的编译命令:g+ -o conn -l/u01/app/oracle/product/-L/app/oracle/prod uct/ -L/u01/app/oracle/product/-lclntsh -locci /usr/lib/ _db.cpp补充:编译之前将数据库监听开启在oracle的安装目录中找到lsnrctl执行文件,并运行它(监听开启)编译通过后执行结果输出:Shell代码1. oraclelocalhost demo$g+ -o conn -l/u01/app/oracle/produ


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