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1、精品文档PEP小学英语总复习选择题专项训练题1.You can play _the clean dog after class.A.withB.inC. at2.Is your mother _Huizhou? Yes, she is.A.liveB. goes toC. visiting3.Where _you this morning? I _at a meeting.A.were, wasB.are, amC.do, am4.Her brother is a policeman. He works in a _A.post officeB.police stationC.office5.

2、Whats the weather like today? Its_A.rainB.windyC.sun6.Were you _ Canada during the summer holiday?A.inB. onC. at7.Are you _a good time ?A.haveB.hasC. having8.What do you have _lunch?A.inB. forC.at9.Tom and Mary have bread and milk_the morning.A.inB. onC. at10.Does it _in Guangzhou?A. rainingB.rainsC

3、.rain11.The bank is _my uncle s home.A. next toB.inC.to12.How many _are there under the tree?A. manB. womenC. woman13.Is you r bag big _small?A. andB. orC. an14._does Ben go to school?By bus.A. HowB.WhatC.Where15._is that?That s my cousin.A.WhoB. WhatC.Whose16. I usually ride the bike after school _

4、Mondays.A.onB. inC.at17. Is your mother strong _weak?A. andB. orC. but18. I get up _7:00 every morning.A. inB. onC.at19.My friend likes _A.running and swimmingB. cook and singC.run and dance20.Tom is _than Ben.A. heavyB. heavyerC.heavier21.Tony is 14, Jim is 15.Tony is _thanJim.A.youngerB. biggerC.

5、older22._is your birthday?A. WhereB. WhenC. What.精品文档23._is that? Thats Toms mother.A.WhatB. WhoseC. Who24. Is your mother _?Yes, she is.A. cookB. cooksC. cooking25. This is peter. Hes _A. tall and shortB. tall and youngC.young and old26.Where _your sister last month? She _in china.A. was ,wasB. wer

6、e , wasC.were , is27.Look, some children _our school!A. visitsB. visitC. are visiting28.Are you in china _ January?Yes, I usually in china _January.A.in, onB.in,inC.at ,in29.Was it _yesterday? Yes, it was.A.snowB. cloudyC. rains30.My friend peter _very well.A.swimB.runningC. sings31.The red bag is_,

7、but its _than the green one.A.big, smallB. heavier ,lightC.cheap , nicer32._pens do you have ? I have nine.A.How manyB. How muchC. How old33.Mr Guo usually _shorts in July.A.wear B. wearsC. wearing34. I _at a green light .A.mustn twalkB. canwalkC. must stopping35. Let s _with the computer,Tom.A. pla

8、yB.playsC. playing36.Dont talk _class.A.inB.atC. on37.Li Lei _like fish, but his sister _.A.don tB. doesntC. aren t38.My sisters _play basketball after school.A. don tB. doesntC. aren t39._your grandma and grandpa come from china? Yes,they _A. Do, doesB.Does,doesC. Do, do40. Don t _in class. Let s _

9、to the teacher.A.talking, listeningB.talks, listensC.talk , listen41.Is she _TV now?A. watchB. washingC. watching42._can I speak to Ann, please? _A.Can , noB.May, of courseC. Must, ok43. I _to the tape yesterday evening.A. lookB. listenC.listened44. I have a _coat, my brother has an_jacket.A.new ,ol

10、dB.clean, dirtyC. big , small45.Mrs Wu is a doctor, she works in a _A.hospitalB. farmC.factory.精品文档46._you go shopping? No, I _A.Are, aren tB.Did, didnt C. Does, doesn t47.Look!Who _in the playground?A.playsfootballB. is playing footballC.played football48.We dont go toschool _Monday _Saturday .A. f

11、rom, toB. in , onC.on, on49.Doesjohn usually watchTV _Friday evening?A. onB. atC. in50.We wear jakets and coats _winter.A. onB. atC. in51.They have lunch _their grandpa everyday.A.forB. ofC.of52. The _of _is the childrens day.A. one, JuneB. first , JulyC. first , June53.When is your birthday ? Its _

12、the fifth of march.A. inB. onC. at54._you at the party yesterday? Yes, I _A.was, wasB. are, amC. were , was55.Can the women sing? Yes, _can .A.theyB. sheC. you56.The house is _the tree.A. inB. onC.under57._is Beijing? Its in north China.A.How longB. WhatC. Where58. I can t _, but I _to Canada last y

13、ear.A. fly, flewB. flew, flyC. see, saw59.My sister usually _.She is _now.A. cries, cryingB.cry, cryingC. cries , cried60.Peter usually plays football _his friends.A. withB. forC. of61. She stayed _Mary _ten days.A. for, withB. with, forC. with, of62.We going _ a trip now.A. toB.onC. for63. The _of

14、the week is _A.first, MondayB. second, TuesdayC.third, Tuesday64.Where _they_just now?Theygo to the shopping mall.A. did,goB. do, goingC. are, going65._your sister _a ruler?A. Does, haveB. Do, hasC. Does, has66.Where is shanghai? Its in _china.A.southB. northC. east67.The elephant is _than the monke

15、y.A. many biggerB. much lighterC. much heavier68.Mei Lan saw some boats _ the river.A. inB. onC. at69. The red pen is much _.A. niceB. niceerC. nicer70. There are many cars and people _the road.A. withB. inC. on71. Mom, give me some _.A. moneyB. moneysC. moneies72.This letter is _my cousin .A.with,

16、ofB. for, inC. with, for73. Thank you _your books.A. ofB. for74. Is Amy _a picture? Yes, she is.A. drawingB. drivingC. draw75._are they?40 yuan.A.How manyB. How oldC. How much76. There are _days in a week .A. twelveB. sevenC. two()75. Are _ onions? Yes, they are.A. thisB. thatC. these()76. _ is the

17、lamp?It s 5 yuan.A. How manyB. WhatC. How much()77. _ do you want? Some apples, some oranges and some bananas.A. How muchB. HowC. What()78. I _ chocolate best. That s my favorite food.A. likeB. amC. likes()79. _ there any eggs and any oranges?A. AmB. IsC. Are()80. Which one _ you like?A. doesB. doC.

18、 are()81. I like _ red one.A. theB. aC. an()82. In the library, you must _.A. be quietB. eatC. watch()83. It s nine o clock. It s time _ EnglishA.to classB. for C. on()84. -Whose shirt is this? -Oh! It s _.A. your brotherB. youC. your brothers()85. -What do you want to wear? - I want a _.A. jeansB.

19、shoesC. jacket()86. Mr. May _ tall.A. isB. amC. are()87. We _ a new math teacher.A. areB. hasC. have()88. Whats he _ ?A. nameB. likeC. do()89. _ you have new teachers?A. AreB. DoC. Is()90. Please call me Guoqiang _ Mr Liu.A. andB. butC. or() 91.- _ day is it? - Its Monday.A. WhatsB. WhatC. When精品文档C

20、. to.精品文档()92. What do you do _ Monday?A. onB. inC. at()93. -How many days are there in a week?- _.A. SixB. SundayC. Seven()94. John_ Saturday, too.A. likeB. likesC. not like()95. What _ she have for lunch?A. doB. isC. does()96. _is your birthday?A.WhatB.WhenC.Where()97 _ are they doing?-They are pl

21、aying ball games.A. WhoB. HowC. What()98. What is she doing?-_.A. She can ride. B. Yes, she is. C. She is boating.()99._ is the fish bowl?It s near the window.A. WhatB. WhereC. Who()100._is that strong boy? He s my best friend, Zhang Peng.A. HowB. WhoC. When()55. Where is the art room? It s on the _

22、 floor.A. twoB. second()56. _ pants are they? They re Wendy s pants.A. WhoseB. Who()57. Can I _ your T-shirt? Certainly! Here you are.A. useB. helpC. make()58. I want _ sneakers.A. a piece ofB. a pair ofC. a cup of()59. How _ horses are there in your farm?A. muchB. aboutC. many()60. Mary _ a little lamb.A. haveB. isC. has()61. It s time _ go to school.A. inB. toC. at()62. What hes we


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