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1、编号:国际设备采购合同INTERNATIONAL PURCHASE CONTRACTON EQUIPMENT买 方: 卖 方: 签订日期: _ 年月 日买方:卖方(Seller)本合同由买卖双方共同签订,在此根据本合同规定的条款和条件,买方同意购进、卖方同意售出下述设备。This con tract is made by and betwee n theBuyer and the Seller, whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the un der-mentioned equipment (“ Equi

2、pments ” )accord ing to the terms and con diti ons stipulated below:1. 设备名称、规格和质量等(Name, Specificatio ns and Quality of Equipme nts)项目Item名称Name数量Qua ntity规格Specificati on单价Unit Price总价Total Price总价款仃otal Value):CIF SHUNDE/BEIJIAO USD2. 总价款仃otal Value) : CIF SHUNDE /BEIJIAO3. 原产地和制造商(Country of Orig

3、in and Manufacturers)原产地:Country of Origi n):制造商:Manufacturer :4. 包装(Packing)4.1设备包装应具有防潮、防锈蚀、防震、防粗暴操作功能,并适合于远洋运输的新的坚固的木箱包装,由于设备包装不良或防护措施不当而造成的设备残损、灭失和产生的费用应由卖方负责。To be packed in new strong woode n case(s) suitable for long dista nee ocea n tran sportati on and well protected aga inst damp n ess, mo

4、isture, shock, rust and rough han dli ng. The Seller shall be liable for any damage, destroy to the Equipme nts and expe nses in curred thereof on acco unt of improper pack ing and damage attributable to in adequate or improper protective measures take n by the Seller in regard to the pack ing.4.2 输

5、往中国设备所使用的木质包装不得带树皮,且应当在出口前经过热处理、 熏蒸处理或经中国 相关机构认可的其他有效除害处理,并由输出国官方检疫部 门出具植物检疫证书证明已经上述处理合 格。经除害处理合格的木质包装上应 有标记,在标记上须注明除害处理的方法、地点和实施除害处理的单位或单位 信息的代码等。对于无木质包装的设备,出口商须出具无木质包装声明The woodpacking used for the Equipments imported into China should not bear any bark, and should be experienced the hot treatment

6、, suffocating treatment, or other effective pest treatment recognized by the related Chinese authority. Inspection Certificate issued by the official Quarantine Bureau of the Seller s country which can certify that certain treatment mentioned above is taken is required. The tag showing the treatment

7、 techniques, place and information about the implementing company and its registration No. and etc shall be affixed to the package. In case of non-wood packing Equipments, the seller shall issue the Declaration of Non-wood Packing.5. 装运标记 (Shipping Marks) 卖方应在每件包装箱上用不褪色的油漆字迹清楚地写上包装箱号码、 尺寸、毛 重、“此端向上”

8、、“禁止上下堆栈”、“防潮”等字样。On the surface of each package, the package number, measurements, gross weight, the lifting position, such cautions as Do Not Stack Upside Down, KEEP AWAY FROM MOISTU”RE, etc.6. 装船时间:TIME OF SHIPMENT:7. 装船港口:PORT OF SHIPMENT:8. 目的地:9. 保险:由卖方按发票金额 110% 投保一切险和战争附加险,受益人为买方。INSURANCE:

9、In sura nee shall be covered by the Seller for 110% of theinv oice value aga inst ALL Risks and WAR Additi onal Risks. The ben eficiary should be the Buyer.10. 付款条件 (Terms of Payment)10.1 以信用证方式,买方应在合同生效后 15 日内开立以卖方为受益人的 100% 的不可撤销的即期信用证;并且,Letter of Credit: The Buyer shall, within15 days after effe

10、ctive date of this Con tract, establish an irrevocable Letter of Credit AT SIGHT for 100% of the total con tract value in favor of the Seller. And,10.1.1合同总价款的凭下列装运文件议付:The perce nt of the total con tract value shall be payable aga instthe follow ing shipp ing docume n ts:(1)2/3套清洁无疵,注明“运费预付”、空白台头、空

11、白背书和通知目的港已装船的海运提单;2/3 set ( in cluded 2 origi nal a nd 3 non-n egotiablecopies ) of clean on board marked“ freight prepaid ” ocean billsof lad ing made out to order and bla nk en dorsed , no tify ing applica nt .(2)发票五份,注明合同号和装运标。Five copies of In voices in dicati ng con tract nu mber andshipp ing m

12、arks.装箱单四份,每种设备注明总数量、毛重、净重。Four copies of Pack ingList with in dicati on of total qua ntity, gross weight and net weightand certa in details. 由制造厂出具的质量和数量证明书两份,女口11.1条所规定。Two copies ofCertificate of Qua ntity and Quality issued by the manu facturers as specified in Clause 11.1 hereof. 发货后立即通知买方已装船的传

13、真抄件。Certified copy of fax to the Buyer advis ing shipme ntimmediately after the shipme nt has bee n made.(6) 两份由 检疫部门出具的木质包装处理证明或无木质包装证明。Certificate of treatme nt to wood pack ing or Declaratio n of No-woodPack ing Material in 2 copies issued by compete nt quara ntine authorities.(7) 俟装载完毕,卖方应在2个工作日

14、内把1/3套的正本提单或空运提单,正本发票,正本装箱单,正本产地证,正本包装材料声明用快递寄给买家。Seller s certificate certifying that 1/3 set of original ocean B/Lor Air Way Bill, origi nal in voice, pack ing list, certificate oforig in, certificate of pack ing materials have bee n sent to the Buyerwith in 2 work ing days after shipme nt effecte

15、d .10.1.2尾款,即合同总价款的,应在设备正常使用3个月并经验收合格 后,凭买方签名盖章作实之验收证书支付The remai ning amoun t, i.e., % of the total value shall be payable aga inst the prese ntati on of the Accepta nee Test Certificate which shall be sig ned and sealed by the Buyer upon the pass of the accepta nee test executed after 3 mon ths no

16、 rmal operati on .11. 验收和索赔 ( Inspection and Claims)11.1 发货前,制造厂应对设备的质量、规格、性能和数量/重量作精密全面的检验,出具检验证明书,证明设备符合合同规定,并说明检验的技术资料和结 论。证明书将作为呈交 给付款银行的清单之一。The manu facturers shall, before maki ng delivery, make a precise and comprehe nsive in spect ion of the Equipme nts as regards the quality, specificati o

17、ns, performa nee, and qua ntity/weight, and issue certificates certifyi ng that the Equipme nts are in con formity with the stipulati ons of this con tract, and expla ining the in specti on technical material and conclusion. The certificate shall form an in tegral part of the docume nts to be prese

18、nted to the pay ing bank for n egotiati on of payme nt.11.2 设备达到后,如发现设备残损或规格、数量和质量与合同规定不符,除保 险公司或轮船公司应 承担责任外,买方有权在设备到达目的港后 120 日内拒收 该设备并向卖方索赔。若卖方收到上述索赔后三十天内未予答复,则视为卖方 接受买方提出的全部索 赔请求。After arrival of the Equipments, if there is any damage to or discrepancies regarding the specifications, the quantity

19、 or the quality, except the related responsibilities lie with the insurance company or shipping company, the Buyer shall have right, within 120 days after arrival of the Equipments at the port of destination, to reject the Equipments and claim damages against the Seller. The said claim shall be deem

20、ed accepted if the Seller fails to reply within 30 days after receipt of the Buyer claim.11.3 设备正常使用 3 个月后,买卖双方进行验收,验收合格后由双方签署验收 合格证明书,该证书 将作为呈交给付款银行的清单之一。After 3 months of normal operation of Equipments, the Buyer and the Seller shall executeAcceptance Test together, Acceptance Test Certificate ( “

21、 ATC”) will be issued and signed by both parties and sealed by the Buyer if the Equipments are found qualified after the test. Such ATC shall form an integral part of the documents to be presented to the paying bank for negotiation ofpayment.12. 保证 (Warranty)12.1 卖方保证设备是全新的。卖方保证其提供的设备及其附件、配件必须是按 照其技

22、术说明和指标 进行生产和制造的,其质量、规格、性能与本合同及附件 ( 如有 ) 规定相符。The Seller guarantees that the Equipments are brand new. The Seller hereby warrants that the Equipments, accessories and spare parts supplied hereunder shall be manufactured in accordance with the technical specifications and in conformity with all respec

23、ts of the quality, specifications and performance as stipulated in this Contract and/or Appendices (if any).12.2 卖方保证: a. 其对出售给买方的设备及其任何部分拥有完整且合法的所 有权; b. 设备及其任 何部分未设置任何抵押或其他任何担保权益; c. 其用以 开发合同设备及其相关文件的信息和材料均 基于卖方合法所有权,或已经从第 三方获得了相关许可,且卖方应当将此类信息和资料按照本合同的 约定提供给 买方。The Seller represents and warrants t

24、hat: a. it has sole and legal proprietary right to the Equipments; b. the Equipments and related documents are free and clear of any and all security interests, claims, liens or encumbrances; c. The information and materials to be used by the Seller in connection with the development of the Equipmen

25、ts and related Documentation is owned by the Seller or properly licensed to the Seller by third parties, and the Seller has the right to provide such information and materials to the Buyer pursuant to this Contract.12.3 卖方保证其提供的相关文件和资料完整、准确的描述了设备的功能、特性、 相关术语和操作手 册。此外,卖方必须提供所有与设备运行、使用、维修保养 相关的信息。The

26、Seller warrants that the related files and documents shall include complete, accurate and current descriptions of Equipments functions, features, terminology and operation manual, as well as all information necessary for normal operation, use, maintenance, and repair.13知识产权 (Intellectual Property Ri

27、ghts) 卖方保证其提供的设备及其任何部分未侵犯任何第三方的 包括专利、商标、版 权在内的任何知识产权。在买方使用设备过程中,如果任何第三方以上述知识 产权为由向买方主张权利,买方将通知卖方这一情况。卖方应承担买方因抗辩 此类诉讼而产生的一切 费用和成本,且卖方应主动应对诉讼并承担由此给买方 造成的一切费用 (包括但不限于律师费 ) 和损 失。The Seller represents and warrants that the Equipments and any part of them will not infringe orviolate the pate nt, trademark

28、, copyright or other in tellectual property rights of any third party. In the eve nt that the Buyer is charged with the infrin geme nt of any third party s in tellectual property rights men ti oned above due to its use of the Equipme nts, the Buyer will n otify the Seller promptly in writ ing and th

29、e Seller shall assume the defe nse and the costs of any such suit result ing from any such claim and shall defe n d, i ndemnifyand hold the Buyer harmless from and aga inst any losses, costs, damages or expe n ses (in cludi ngbut not limited to attor neys fees) aris ing out of any such claims.14. 质量

30、保证(Warranty of Quality)自设备验收证明签发之日起,买方对设备享有为期年的质保期(“质保期”)。The quality of Equipme nts sold here un der is warra n ted to the Buyerfor years (“Warranty Period ”); The Warranty Period shallcomme nee on the date of the ATC as defi ned in Clause 11.3.15. 税赋仃axes and Duties)15.1中国政府按现行税法对执行本合同向买方所征收的所有税赋由

31、买方承担。All taxes, customs, and other duties levied by the Chin ese gover nmenton the Buyer in conn ecti on with and in the performa nee of thisCon tract accord ing to Chin ese tax law shall be paid by the Buyer.15.2中国境外发生的所有税赋由卖方承担。All taxes, customs, and other duties aris ing outside of China inconn

32、ecti on with and in the performa nee of the Con tract shall be paidby the Seller.16. 延迟交货的违约责任 (Obligation due to delayed delivery)除本合同第十八条规定的不可抗力因素外,如卖方不能按合同规定的时间交货,买方有权要求在卖方支付延迟交货违约金的条件下延期交货。延迟交货违约金可由支付银行在议付货款时扣除,违约金按每七天1%1勺比例收取,不足七天的按七天计算,但违约金总额不得超过迟交设备总价的30%如卖方延期交货超过合同规定30天,买方有权解除合同,合同自买方解除合同的通知

33、送达卖方时解除。此时,卖方仍应不延迟地在收到解除合同通知之日起5日内按上述规定向买方支付延迟交货违约金。此外,卖方应对买方因此遭受的其它损失承担赔 偿责任。Should the Seller fail to make delivery on time as stipulated in the Contract, with exception of Force Majeure causes specified in Clause 18 hereof, the Buyer shall have the right to choose to postpone the delivery on the

34、condition that the Seller agrees to and will pay a penalty which shall be deducted by the paying bank from the payment under negotiation. The rate of penalty is charged at 1% for every seven days, odd days less than seven days should be counted as seven days. But the penalty, however, shall not exce

35、ed 30% of the total value of the Equipments involved in the delayed delivery. In case the Seller fail to make delivery 30 days later than the time of shipment stipulated in the contract, the Buyer Shall have the right to avoid the contract by sending a written notice which will becomes effective upo

36、n the arrival to the Seller; the Seller, however, in spite of the avoidance, shall still pay the aforesaid penalty to the Buyer without delay and within 5 days from the receipt of the notice of avoidance. In addition, The Seller shall further be responsible for any other losses, expenditures, expens

37、es arising out of the delayed delivery.17. 索赔处理 (Settlement of Claims) 设备在验收期间或质保期内出现问题,卖方应根据本合同的约 定进行赔偿;在 此情况下,买方有权选择下列方式解决:In case the Equipments are found in non-conformity with this Contract within the time-limit of inspection and quality Warranty Period, the Seller shall bear the responsibility

38、 of damage compensation; And in this case, Buyer shall have right to settle the claim upon its own options in one or the combination of the following ways:17.1 买方退货,卖方将所有货款退回给买方,并承担买方所有直接损失及费用 包括因此发生的利 息、银行费用、运费、保险费、检测费 / 仓储费、装卸费和其 它所有必须的保管费用。 Return the Equipments to Seller; in this case the Seller

39、 shall refund Buyer the money paid by Buyer in the same currency, and bear all direct losses and expenses in connection therewith including interest occurred, banking charges, freight, insurance premium, inspection charges, storage, stevedore charges and all other necessary expenses required for the

40、 storage and protection of the Equipments.17.2 根据设备损坏数量和损坏程度进行折价处理。Devaluate the Equipment according to the degree of inferiority, extent of damage and amount of losses suffered by the Buyer.的费用以及买方由此17.3 更换零件使其符合合同规定的技术规格、功能和质量并承担所有因此发生产生的一切损失,同时更换的零件的质保期间按照本合同 第 14 条的约定自安装之日起重新计算。 Replace with new

41、 parts which conform to the specifications, quality performance as stipulated herein; in this case, the Seller shall bear all expenses and losses sustained by the Buyer. Meanwhile, the Warranty Period of the Equipments with new parts shall be recounted from the date of replacement according to the C

42、lause 14 herein.18. 不可抗力 (Force Majeure) 凡在制造或轮船运输过程中,因不可抗力的事故,致使卖方推迟交货 或不能交 货时,卖方不承担责任;但发生上述事故时,卖方应立即通知买方,并在十四 天内,给买 方航寄一份由主管政府当局颁发的事故证明书,在此情况下,卖方 仍有责任采取一切必要措施加快交 货。如事故延迟超过 30 天的,买方有权撤销 合同。The Seller shall not be responsible for the delay in shipment or nondelivery of the Equipments due to Force Ma

43、jeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of transit. The Seller shall advise the Buyer immediately of the occurrence of the accident, and within fourteen days thereafter the Seller shall send by airmail to the Buyer with certificate of the occurrence of the accid

44、ent issued by the competent Government Authorities as evidence thereof. Under such circumstances, the Seller, however, are still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the Equipments. In case the accident lasts for more than 30 days the Buyer shall have the rig

45、ht to cancel the contract.19. 仲裁 (Arbitration) 凡因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议应首先通过友好协商的方式解 决。 若协商不成,应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会华南分会,按照申请当时施 行的仲裁规则进 行仲裁,仲裁地点在中国深圳。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均 有约束力。双方应各自承担律师费。除 仲裁机构另有裁定或决定外,仲裁费应 由败诉方承担。Any dispute arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be settled through friendly negotia

46、tion. In case no settlement is reached, the dispute shall be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, South China Commission, for arbitration in accordance with its rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The place of arbitration shall be Shenzhen, China. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties. Each party shall bear its own attorney s fees. The arbitration fee shall be borne by


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