1、华中科技大学本科生学习指南 土木工程专业本科培养计划 Un dergraduate Program for Specialty in Civil Engin eeri ng 一、培养目标 I. Educati onal Objectives 培养适应现代科学技术与经济发展需要,德、智、体全面发展,掌握土木工程学科的基本理 论和基本知识,获得工程师基本训练,具有创新精神的高级技术人才。 毕业生能从事土木工程的设计、施工和管理工作,具有初步的项目规划和研究开发能力。 The program is designed to prepare a comprehensive and balaneed te
2、chnician with a sound knowledge of civil engineering, basic engineer training and perceptual ideas of innovation. Students may develop a career in desig n, con structi on and man ageme nt of civil engin eeri ng or pla nning, and research as well. 二、基本规格要求 n. Skills Profile 1. 具有较扎实的自然科学基础,了解当代科学技术的主
3、要方面和应用前景;具有基本的人文 社会科学基本理论知识和良好的素养; 2. 掌握工程力学、流体力学、岩土力学的基本理论,掌握工程规划与选型、工程材料、结构 分析与设计、地基处理方面的基本知识,掌握有关建筑机械、电工、工程测量与试验、施工技术 与组织方面的基本技术; 3. 具有工程制图、计算机应用、主要测试和试验仪器使用的基本能力,具有综合应用各种手 段(包括外语)查询资料、获取信息的初步能力; 4. 了解土木工程主要法规; 5. 具有进行工程设计、试验、施工、管理和研究开发的初步能力。 As a stude nt of this program, you will acquire: 1. So
4、lid gro unding in both n atural scie nee and huma nities 3. Skills in engineering drafting, computer application,ability to use general testing and experime nt apparatus, in formati on gatheri ng and search ing skills; 4. Un dersta nding the laws and regulati ons relat ing to civil engin eeri ng; 5.
5、 Ability to desig n, test, con struct, man age, develop and research a project. 三、培养特色 in. Program Features 1. 重视基础,专业面的拓宽通过加强学科基础实现; 2. 重视人文素质教育,要求人文课程修满10学分; 3. 以学科建设提高本科教学水平,学科建设成果进入本科教学内容(房屋减震、数值仿真、 桥梁、岩土等科研成果进入本科教学); 4. 理论与实践教学环节并重、计算机分析与实验测试技术并重、多媒体与传统教学方式互补; 5. 课内与课外教育相结合(第二课堂要求10学分,学生参加科研、社会
6、实践); 6. 基本规格要求与个性发展相结合(选修课程充分,可修第二学位、第二专业)。 1. This Program pays special attention to knowledge grounding, and it is through basic knowledge that it wide ns the specialty content ; 2. This program places emphasis on the education of humanities culture, and it requires the stude nts to get a minimum
7、of 10 credits from electives in huma nities and social scie nee; 3. This program raises the un dergraduate educatio n level by means of discipli ne con structi ons (Scie ntific research product ions as seismic desig n of build ing, data simulati on, bridge and rock appear in the un dergraduate teach
8、 ing) ; 4. This program attaches much importa nee to the comb in ati on of theory and practice, the in tegrati on of computer an alysis and experime nt measuri ng tech no logy and the cooperati on of multi-media and traditi onal educati on methods ; 5. This program also pays much atte ntio n to the
9、comb in atio n ofcurriculum and extracurricular 2 华中科技大学本科生学习指南 education. (It requires students to take part in the activities of scientific research and social practice); 6. This program requires skills profile, but at the same time it also allows stude nts to develop their pers on ality. (They ca
10、n take the sec ond specialty or auxiliary specialty). 四、主干学科 IV. Major Discipli nes 力学 Mechanics、土木工程 Civil Engineering 五、学制与学位 V. Len gth of Schooli ng and Degree 修业年限:四年 Duratio n: 4 years 授予学位:工学学士 Degrees Con ferred: Bachelor of Engin eeri ng 六、学时与学分 W. Hours/Credits 完成学业最低课内学分(含课程体系与集中性实践教学环节)要
11、求:190 Minimum Credits of Curricular(Compris ing course system and inten sified intern ship practical trainin g) : 190 完成学业最低课外学分要求:5 Minimum Extracurricular Credits : 5 1. 课程体系学时与学分 Hours/Credits of Course System 课程类别 课程性质 学时/学分 占课程体系学分比例(% 通识教育基础课程 必修 1040/65 40.7 选修 160/10 6.3 学科基 础课程 学科大类基础课程 必修
12、528/33 20.7 选修 32/2 1.3 学科(专业)基础课程 选修 480/30 18.5 专业核心与专业方向课程 选修 320/20 12.5 合计 2560/160 Course Classified Course Nature Hrs/Crs Percentage (%) Basic Courses in General Education Required 1040/65 40.7 3 华中科技大学本科生学习指南 Elective 160/10 6.3 Basic Courses in Discipline Basic Courses in General Discipline
13、 Required 528/33 20.7 Elective 32/2 1.3 Basic Courses in Discipline Elective 480/30 18.5 Common Core Courses Elective 320/20 12.5 Total 2560/160 2. 集中性实践教学环节周数与学分 Weeks/Credits of Inten sified Intern ship and Practical Training 实践教学环节名称 课程性质 周数/学分 占实践教学环节学分比例() 军事训练 必修 2/2 6.7 公益劳动 必修 1/1 3.3 测量实习 必
14、修 1/1 3.3 生产实习(社会实践) 必修 3/3 10 课程设计 必修 3/3 10 选修 4/4 13.3 毕业设计(论文) 16/16 53.4 合计 30/30 Internship Membership of the group which is entitled as Excellent Social Practice Group by the Communist Youth League of HUST or Hubei Province 2 2 Examinations in English and Computer CET-6 Students whose Band-6
15、exam scores accord our requirements 2 National Computer Rank Examination Win certificate of Band-2 or higher 2 National Computer Software Qualification Win certificate of programmer 2 Win certificate of Advanced Programmer 3 Win certificate of System Analyst 4 3 Competitions University Level Win fir
16、st prize 3 Win second prize 2 Win third prize 1 Provincial Level Win first prize 4 Win second prize 3 Win third prize 2 National Level Win first prize 6 Win second prize 4 Win third prize 3 4 Theses Those whose thesis appears in national publications Per piece 23 5 Scientific Research Depending on b
17、oth the time spent in and ability demonstrated in scientific research project Each item 13 6 Experiments Depending on innovative extent Each item 13 Note: In HUST Sports Meeting, the first and the second prize, the third to the fifth prize, and the sixth prize to the eighth prize are deemed respecti
18、vely the first prize, the second prize and the third prize of university level. 华中科技大学本科生学习指南 七、主要课程 W. Main Courses in Specialty 材料力学 Material Mechanics、结构力学 Structural Mechanics、土力学 Soil Mechanics、土木 工程材料 Civil Engineering Materials、基础工程设计原理Foundation Engineering Design Theory 、 混凝土结构设计原理Concrete
19、Structure Design Theory、钢结构设计原理Steel Structure Design Theory、土木工程施工Civil Engineering Construction、混凝土结构设计Design of Concrete structures、桥梁工程 Bridge Engineering、道路勘测与设计Roadway Survey and Design、地下工程 Un dergro und Con struct ion Engin eeri ng。 八、主要实践教学环节(含专业实验) 忸. Major Practical Trai ning 测 量实习 Survey
20、ing Practice、生产实习 Engineering Internship、钢结构课程设计 Steel Structure Course Project、基础工程课程设计Foun dati on Engin eeri ng Course Project、土木工程施 工课 程设计 Civil Engin eeri ng Con structi onCourse Project、房屋建筑学课程设计 Buildi ng Construction Course Project、混凝土楼盖设计Design of Concrete Floor、单层厂房结构设计 Structural Desig n
21、of Factory Buildi ng、道路勘测课程设计Roadway Survey Course Project 、路基路 面课程设计 Roadbed and Paveme nt Course Project、桥梁工程课程设计Bridge Engin eeri ng Course Project、地下工程课程设计Underground Engineering Course Project、深基坑工程技术课程设计 Deep Excavati on Tech no logy Course Project、地基处理课程设计Foun datio n Disposal Course Project、
22、毕业设计 Undergraduate Thesis 九、教学进程计划表 IX . Table of Teaching Schedule 院(系):土木工程与力学学院专业:土木工程 School (Department): School of Civil Engineering Practical 必修 Required ;hip and Training 1301120 毕业设计 Undergraduate Thesis 10w/10 10w 21 华中科技大学本科生学习指南 土木工程辅修专业培养计划 Un dergraduate Program for Auxiliary Specialty
23、 in Civil Engin eeri ng 一、培养目标 I. Educati onal Objectives 培养适应现代科学技术与经济发展需要,德、智、体全面发展,掌握土木工程学科的基本理 论和基本知识,获得工程师基本训练,具有创新精神的高级技术人才。 毕业生能从事土木工程的设计、施工和管理工作,具有初步的项目规划和研究开发能力。 The program is designed to prepare a comprehensive and balaneed technician with a sound knowledge of civil engineering, basic eng
24、ineer training and perceptual ideas of innovation. Students may develop a career in desig n, con structi on and man ageme nt of civil engin eeri ng or pla nning, and research as well. 二、学分 n. Credits 完成学业最低学分要求:25 Minimum Course Credits : 25 其中: Including : 学科基础课程:15学分 Basic Courses in Discipli ne:
25、15 学科专业课程:10学分 Courses in Specialty : 10 三、教学进程计划表 川. Table of Teach ing Schedule 课程 类别 Course 课程 性质 Course 课程 代码 Course 课程名称 Course Name 学时/ 学分 Hrs/ 其中 Including 各学期学时 Hours Distribution in a Semester 22 华中科技大学本科生学习指南 Classi fied Nature Code Crs 课外 Extra cur. 实验 Exp. 上机 Ope( ation 1st 2nd 3rd 四 4th
26、 五 5th 六 6th 七 7th 八 8th 必修 Required 0805031 土木工程材料 Civil Engineering Materials 48/3 10 48 必修 Required 0804953 土力学 Soil Mechanics 40/2.5 8 40 必修 Required 0801741 混凝土结构设计原理 Concrete Structure Design Theory 72/4.5 72 Disciplir 必修 Required 0801751 钢结构设计原理 Steel Structure Design Theory 48/3 48 Bas (必Coutes Required 0804991 基础工程设计原理 Foundation Engineering Design Theory 32/2 32 专业选修课程(以下3组任选1组) Electives in Specialty (one out of three) 160/10 23 华中科技大学本科生学习指南 续表 课程 类别 Course Classi fied 课程 性质 Course Nature 课程 代码 Course Code 课程名称 Course Name 学时/ 学分 Hrs/ Crs 其中
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