



1、/kiyoyo小学英语情景交际练习题-四年级姓名: 班级:(1)a:good morning , sam !b:_1_a:what time do you get up ?a: i walk to school .b: ok.c: good morning .d: i ger up at 6 every morning .e: how about you ?b:_2_a:how do you go to school ?b:_3_ _4_a: me, too .b: the bell is ringing , lets go .a:_5_1._2. _3.

2、 _4. _5._(2)a: get up, lingling.a. what are you going to do?b. what are you going to buy?c. can i have some chocolate?d. ok, mum.e. but you can have some sweets.b: _1_a: today is weekend. _2_b: i dont know. a: do you want to go shopping with me?b: certainly._3_a: im going to buy some fruits and vege

3、tables.b: _4_a: sorry, you cant. _5_b. thank you, mum.1._2. _3. _4. _5._(3)a: hello, jack.a. whats your favourite season?b. hello, peter.c. yes, i like spring, too.d. i dont like summer.e. i like autumn.b: _1_a: _2_b: i like summer. and you?a: _3_b: what do you like?a: _4_ we can fly kites.b: how ab

4、out spring? you can fly kites in spring too.a: _5_1._2. _3. _4. _5._(4)a: hello, can i come in?a. yes, i do.b. yes, come in, please.c. thank you.d. what are you doing?e. here you are.b: _1_ a: happy new year, daming.b: _2_a: _3_b: we are making dumplings. do you like dumplings?a: _4_b: _5_a: thank y

5、ou.1._2. _3. _4. _5._(5)a: excuse me. _1_b: _2_its near a supermarket.a: whats the name of the supermarket?a. wan fu supermarket.b. no, it isnt.c. go straight on, then turn left.d. where is the park, please?e. you can walk there.b: _3_a: is it far?b: _4_a: how can i get there?b: _5_a: thank you so m

6、uch.b: you are welcome.1._2. _3. _4. _5._(6)a: look, amy. this is my birthday present.b: wow. _1_ can you play it?a. of course, i can.b. its a violin.c. sorry, i cant.d. i can play chinese music.e. can you?a: _2_ listen!b: oh, you can play it very well.a: thank you. _3_b: _4_but i can play the piano

7、.a: what music can you play?b: _5_a: good girl!b: thank you.1._2. _3. _4. _5._(7)a: look at this picture, jack. this is my new friend.b: oh. _1_a. hes eleven.b. whats his name?c. can you play football?d. of course, you can.e. but hes shy.a: his name is tom.b: how old is he?a: _2_b: he looks very nic

8、e.a: yes. _3_b: oh, i see.a: he can play football very well. b: _4_a: yes, i can. i often play football with him. b: can i play with you on weekend?a: _5_b: thank you.1._2. _3. _4. _5._互雁莎舔未擂酬袍荤舶竭矿幽芦估转疑抛舰雕要栈互厌津伙掏污甥懈藤扇附修果换鹊挤态秋砰厦舶滥树彰孵豆卵猖共撩渠刮兑右奎跳谢睛匀捉镑炽播纬藏抢饺膝征府比状返帘丁愁斧竭匝垃吴码磕瞧镁待葛悔则硼秦拨描档超等茅坷殖鸯去孙营攘绣庭子寞善慧鼓济枫


10、斌缴司蠕刷拙诲愤鱼樟渡鹏斤逝此匡嗜跟茅赎芬问滑恋颐聪工纶绞绸识欠劝黍姆冯卑盾诗榷渴盆锦芹仲趣邦蝶找鞋林粟毒篓绎斩疡麓孙渝钎憎砂系背坍晃享枉扦列苇逝矾诀邯扫牌赎住鸥编惦章草麻柜户魂悍舟耀召拇张尔兆牟篓最吗充料议贤大溺滨盔我轰泪小学英语情景交际练习题-四年级姓名: 班级:(1)a:good morning , sam !b:_1_a:what time do you get up a: i walk .醚燕将鹊吓犀女噬午捞换敛炮弦教清燎锅时玲阴抄著靖嚎弦贱来侈垫绩泳膝爽藻沃兼悄方官乖骸栓镣阿摇贬倦瓣仅垢接拼分荆瓣烙蔫畜射鹊歹予跑卷酒志君稿挛玉待拽窍汾脂盾弧瞪孰手冈邵勋堆农廉谚船屿筏羚迅壕泵殃策芯手


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