1、Hindu Prophecies 印度教的预言 Apocalypse for the Hindu is the n atural ending of the world in the fourth age, the Kali Age. 印度教的启示就是关于宇宙四个时期中的完结时期,也就是卡利年代。 It is one of a series of apocalypses, each of which marks the end of one cycle and the beg inning of ano ther creati on. The cen tral figure in the st
2、ory is Vish nu, the preserver God, into whose self the world is absorbed before being born aga in. 在一系列的预言里面,都是标记着一个周期的结束和另一个周期的开始。 中心主旨包括保护神毗瑟奴,本身就是在世界里面,等着再次重生。 Vish nu has already saved huma nity on a nu mber of occasi ons, symbolically appeari ng as a savior in many differe nt forms. It is said
3、that He will appear aga in soon, as Kalki, a white horse, desti ned to destroy the prese nt world and to take huma nity to a differe nt, higher pla ne. 毗瑟奴已经在一系列的时机里拯救了人类,象征性地以一个被赋予很多 形态的救世主来出现。据说他很快又会再次出现,叫做卡尔基,是一匹 白马,被批派去毁灭现时的世界,把人类带到一个不同的,更加高的地 方。 All kings occupy ing the earth in the Kali Age wi
4、ll be wan ti ng in tranq uillity, stro ng in an ger, tak ing pleasure at all times in lying and disho nesty, in flict ing death on wome n, childre n, and cows, prone to take the paltry possessi ons of others, with character that is mostly vial, rising to power and soon falling. 在卡利年代,所有占领土地的国王都欠缺宁静,
5、强烈地愤怒,以说慌和 欺诈为乐,造成妇女,儿童,牛只的死亡,倾于占有其它人微不足道的 财物,主要是小人的特征,加强权力,却很快又倒台。 They will be short-lived, ambitious, of little virtue, and greedy. People will follow the customs of others and be adulterated with them; peculiar, un discipli ned barbaria ns will be vigorously supported by rulers. Because they go
6、on liv ing with pervers ion, they will be ruin ed. 他们会变得寿命缩短,野心勃勃,毫无美德,并且贪婪。人们会跟随其 它习俗,与他们掺杂在一起,尤其是,无修养的野蛮人会精神旺盛地得 到统治者的支持,因为他们继续过着颠倒的生活,他们会被毁灭。 Dharma becomes very weak in the Kali Age. People commit sin in mind, speech, and acti ons. 在卡利年代,律法变得非常不牢固。人们在思想,语言和行为都犯了罪。 Quarrels, plague, fatal disease
7、s, famin es, drought, and calamities appear. Testim onies and proofs have no certa in ty. There is no criterion left when the Kali Age settles down. 争吵,苦恼,致使的疾病,饥荒,干旱和灾难不断出现。证词和证据变 得不能确定。卡利年代的时候,标准变得荡然无存。 People become poorer in vigor and luster. 人们的活力与光彩都变得贫乏。 They are wicked, full of an ger, sin f
8、ul, false, and avaricious. 他们邪恶,充满愤怒,有罪,欺诈和贪婪。 Bad ambiti ons, bad educati on, bad deali ngs, and bad earnings excite fear. 邪恶的野心,劣质的教育,不道德的交易和不义之财刺激了恐惧。 The whole batch becomes greedy and un truthful. 整群人都变得贪婪和不诚实。 Many sudras will become kin gs, and many heretics will be see n. 很多首陀罗会成为国王,可以看到很多异端
9、者。 There will arise various sects; sannyasins weari ng clothes colored red. 各种各样的宗派会兴起;桑雅生会穿着红色衣服。 Many profess to have supreme kno wledge because, thereby, they will easily earn their livelihood. 很多都表示拥有至高无尚的知识,因为这样他们就可以很容易地找到生 计。 In the Kali Age, there will be many false religio nists. 在卡利年代,会有很多错
10、误和虚假的宗教。 In dia will become desolate by repeated calamities, short lives, and various diseases. 印度会因为再三的灾难,寿命的缩短和各种疾病而变得荒凉。 Every one will be miserable owi ng to the dominance of vice and Tamog una. 每一个人会因为恶行占优势的缘故而感到不幸。 People will freely commit aborti on. 人们会轻率地堕胎。 Earth will be valued only for he
11、r min eral treasures. 地球会仅仅是因为她的矿石储藏而变得有价值。 Money alone will confer n obility. 金钱会独一无二地被授予 高贵”的头衔。 Power will be the sole definition of virtue. 权力会是定义美德的唯一标准。 Pleasure will be the only reason for marriage. 享乐会是婚姻的唯一理由。 Lust will be the only reas on for woma nhood. 强烈的性欲会是女性气质的唯一理由。 Falsehood will wi
12、n out in disputes. 谬误会在辩论中取得最后胜利。 Being dry of water will be the only definition of land. 干歇的水源会是定义陆地的唯一标准。 Praise worth in ess will be measured by accumulated wealth. I 财富的积聚会是值得赞美的唯一标准。 Propriety will be con sidered good con duct, and only feeble ness will be the reas on for un employme nt. 恰当会成为良
13、好的引导,弱者会成为失业的唯一理由。 Bold ness and arroga nee will be equivale nt to scholarship. 冒失和自大会等同于学识。 Only those without wealth will show hon esty. 只有没有财富的人才会表现得忠诚。 Just a bath will amount to purificati on, and charity will be the only virtue. 仅是一个浴室会用作净化,施舍会变成唯一的美德。 Abducti on will be marriage. 诱骗会成为了婚姻。 Si
14、mply to be well dressed will sig nify propriety. 好的衣着会被看成代表恰当的唯一标准。 Any hard-to-reach water will be deemed a pilgrimage site. 难以触及的水源会被认为是圣地。 The prete nse of great ness will be the proof of it, and powerful men with many severe faults will rule over all the classes on earth. 自称为伟大的会是拥有很多错误的有权势的人,他们
15、支配着地上的所有 阶级。 Oppressed by their excessively greedy rulers, people will hide in valleys betwee n mountains, where they will gather hon ey, vegetables, roots, fruits, birds, flowers and so forth. 受到贪婪的统治者的过份压迫,人们会躲藏在山谷里,并且把金钱,蔬 菜,树根,花卉等到诸如此类收藏在那里。 Sufferi ng from cold, wind, heat and rain, they will put on clothes made of tree bark and leaves. 受到寒冷和风暴,
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