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1、高一英语语法填空专题练习(1)This is a true story. It happened in Amsterdam, Holland1the early1940s afterthe GermanNazis had _2_(occupy)most of Europe. The Nazi PartyruledGermany from 1933 to 1945. One of theirkey_(policy)was_4_(kill)allthe Jews in Europe. Ifany persons5_(know)to be Jews were found,they would be

2、sent to concentration camp farther east, mostly in Poland.Families were separated and transported in trains. For many days, they wentfood, water, sanitation or fresh air. _ 7_(avoid) this terrible fate, someJewish families went into hiding, often with the help of8(Jewish)friends. Thisdiary was writt

3、en during the time9Anneand her family movedto escape from_(kill) by Nazis.(2)In onlyfiftyyears, English1(develop)intothelanguagemost _2(wide) spoken and used in the world. English is the working language of mostinternational organizations, international trade and tourism. Businessmen andtourists oft

4、en come to China without being able to speak 3. Chinesebusinessmen,taxidriversand studentstalkwiththem usingEnglish.English isalsothe languageof4 (globe)culture,suchaspopularmusicand theInternet.You can listentoEnglishsongs (5)theradio(6)useEnglishtocommunicate (7)peoplearoundthe worldthroughtheInte

5、rnet.Withsomany people(8)(communicate)inEnglishevery day,itwillbecome(9)(important) to have(10)good knowledge of English.(3)My name is Wang Kun. Since middleschool,my sisterand I1(dream)about2(take)a great bike trip. When we graduated from college, we finally got thechanceto do it. It3mysister4first

6、had the idea tocyclealong 5Mekong River from6itbeginstowhere it ends. The Dai livenear the LancangRiver,the Chinesepartofthe riverthat7(call)the Mekong Riverin othercountries. Wang Wei soon got them interested in cycling too. She insisted that we8(find)the source of the river. She gave me a 9(determ

7、ine) look.Once She has made up her mind, nothing can change it. Finally, I had to give10 .(4)At 3:42 a.m. everythingbegan to shake.Itseemed1theworld was_2_ an end! Eleven kilometers_3_ (direct) below the city thegreatest earthquakes of the 20th century began. It was heard in Beijing, _4_isone hundre

8、d kilometers away.One - thirdof the nationfeltit.A huge crackthat was eight kilometers long and thirty meters wide cut _5_ houses,roads and canals.Steam burstfrom6(hole)in the ground.Hard hillsof rockbecame rivers of dirt. In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins .Two-thirds of the peop

9、le died or _7_(injure) during the earthquake.Thousands of families8( kill) and many children were left_9_parents. The number of people10were killed orinjured reached more than 400,000.(5)My name isElias.I am a poor blackworkerin South Africa.The time(1)_I firstmet Nelson Mandela was a very difficult

10、periodof my life.I was twelveyearsold. It was in 1952 and he had opened a black law firm to advise poor black people(2)_ their problems.Ibegan schoolat six. The (3)_where I studiedonly two years was threekilometres away. I had to leave , (4)_ my family could not continue to paythe shoolfees and the

11、bus (5)_ . I could not read (6)_write.Aftertryinghard , I got a job in a goldmine . This was a timewhen one had got to have a passbookto live in Johanneburg. (7)_(sad) I did not have this passbook because I wasnot born there and I was worried (8)_ whether I would be out of work.The day when Nelson M

12、andela told me what to do and helped me was one of the9 (happy) days of my life . He told me how to get the correct papers so I couldstay in Johanneburg. I never forgot (10) _ kind he was and when he organizedthe ANC Youth League , I joined it as soon as I could .(6)The Internet has become part of y

13、oung people s life. _1_ report shows that 38% of students often use the Internet . Most of them get _2_ (use) information on the Internet _3_ use the Internet to help in their studies.But many students dont use it _4_ a good way. Some play games too much,some visitwebsites_5_ shouldn t lookat.So bad

14、 thingsmay happen _6_students spend too much time on the Internet._7_ is important for students to use the Internet properly. Now we have atextbook,_8_ uses many examples to teach studentssome good ways to use theInternet. It gives useful _9_(advise).Some students also make friends on the Internet.

15、But if you want to have aface-to-face_10_ (meet)withyour onlinefriends,letyour parentsknow andmeet in a proper place.(7)When you read a story in English, do you read it for the story1for theEnglish? This is a question2is not so3(fool)as it may seem, for Ifind that many students of English pay far mo

16、re attention to the story than to theEnglish. For instance, they care for how the mystery in the story4 (solve),but do not remember a singlesentencein the storyand cannottellwhat prepositionis used before a certain word in the speech of a certain character.Of course,ifyou want toknow thestoryonly,yo

17、u need not5(bother)aboutthe language.Buta studentof Englishisdifferent6astudent ofstories or7 is called the general reader. As you may also have learned from the above, youought to read not only very carefully but also aloud8 you learn the passageby heart and can recite it as if it9 (be) your own. O

18、n10hand, thiswill teach you many useful words and phrases; on the other hand, it will help youto avoid many errors and faults in expression.(8)Liu Xiang was the firstAsian_1_ (win)the men s 110m hurdlesat theOlympics in Athens. _2_ that he became an idol to the young people.“I never thought I would

19、run under 13 seconds and _3_(break) the Olympicrecord.” said LiuXiangintears,“I am veryvery excited. I m proud notjustformyself and for Chinese _4_ for Asia. My race went _5_ (wonderful)from start to finish.” Liuadded.“ Itis_6_ amazing experiencebeingtheOlympicchampion.Iwanttothankmy coachand my fri

20、endsfor_7_theirhelp.I thinktoday we Chinesehave showed theworldwe can runas fastas anybodyelse. ”_8_ his return from Athens, Liu Xiang has been at the center of a mediacircusand he has been tomany press appearances and meetings._9_ Liuthinks2004 is just the beginning, and he expects to be at his pea

21、k in the 2008 BeijingOlympics. Liu said,“For some players, its just a job. For me, it s _10_I love.”(9)Will _1_ matter if you don t take your breakfast? Recently a test_2_ (give) in the United Sates. Those tests included people of differentages from 12 _3_ 83. During the experiment, these people wer

22、e given all kinds ofbreakfasts, and sometimes they got _4_ breakfast at all. Special testswere set up to see _5_ well their bodies worked and when they had eaten_6_ certain kind of breakfast. The results show that if a person eats aproper breakfast, he or she will work with better effect _7_ if he o

23、r shehas no breakfast.This factappears to be _8_ (especial)trueif a personworks _9_ hisbrains. For example, if astudenteats fruit, eggs, bread andmilk before goingtoschool,he will learnmore quicklyand listenwith_10_(much) attention in class.(10)Enough sleep is important to health. The amount of slee

24、p _1_(need)depends on theage ofthepersonand theconditionsin _2_ sleep takesplace.The young may need more sleepthan _3_ old,but usuallyeighthoursareenoughfor the healthof grown-ups.Somecan do with _4_ than thisamount,butothersmay need more. Everypersonknows his own need. _5_ is thena matterof goodjud

25、gment to satisfy his need. Sleep should always be enough to make one bring backhis _6_ (strong) and get ready for a day s work.Fresh air is necessary to sound sleep. So it is not _7_ reason for somepeople tothinkthatitispracticableto sleep inthe open air.A bath at bedtime,_8_hotnorcoolbutofbodytempe

26、rature,may behelpful_9_sleep.Sleepproducing drug should never be taken except when _10_ (suggest) by adoctor.(11)Justnow, I enteredthe website“TopicforToday” . Ifeel1(interest)in the report on middle school students using cell-phones on campus. In fact, students now come to school 2 cell-phones. My

27、schoolmates have different opinions. Some think 3 is convenient to get in touch with others with themorecell-phone, which alsomakes you feel safe especiallyin time of trouble. 4 ,it is nice to enjoy various functions of different cell-phones.5thinkdifferently. First, the cell-phone is not 6 must in

28、school, as7 aresome IC phones there, 8(make) it easy to call others. Second, many studentsoften play e-games and send e-massages with their cell-phones, even in class, 9will surely have bad effects on their study. What s more, it will result _ agreat waste of time and money. In my opinion, the cell-

29、phone is a useful tool inour daily life. But it doesn t mean we can use freely in school.(12)A few years ago, SARS broke_1_ in the mainland of China, causing somepeople _2_ (kill)or nearlygot closeto death.The situationwas so severethat there was_3_ time to debate who is to blame. The most important

30、 thingforthe governmentto do is to findout the cause of this_4_(dead)disease.They invitedallthe most _5_ (experience)expertsin thisfieldto discussand quite a few suggestions were put forward. Some of the top experts then testedthem to see whether they were _6_(avail). Doctor Zhong Nanshan chose onep

31、atient whowas seriously ill and hadlittle hope_7_ pickingup and had thenew medicine tested on him. _8_ his great joy, this patient recovered! Hemade his way to his office and telephoned the top official, _9_ (tell) himthisexcitingnews. For convenience,he moved to livein hisoffice.His method didmake

32、sense. Not soon after that, the _10_ hospitals also controlled thisterrible disease and kicked it out finally.(13)It is commonly believed that school is1people go to get education.However, it has been said that today children interrupt their education to go toschool.Thedifference2schoolingandeducati

33、onsuggestedbythisisimportant.Education is endless,3(compare) with schooling. It can take placeanywhere. It includes both the standard learning that takes place in schools and4_whole universe of learning out of class. Though the experience of schoolingcan be known in5(advanced),educationquiteoftenpro

34、ducessurprises.A chancetalkwitha6(foreign)may leada persontodiscoveringhow littlehe knowsof another country. People obtain education from babies on. Education, then, is avery broad and7 (limit) term. It is lifelong experience that starts longbefore the start of school.Schooling,8 the other hand, is

35、a basic experience,9style changeslittle from one way to the next. Throughout a country, children arrive at schoolat thesame time,take10(fix)seats,use similartextbooks,do homework, takeexams and so on. Schooling has usually been limited by the edges of the subjectsbeing taught.(14)I m1only daughter o

36、f myparents. So they are worried2everythingI do. For example, 3 Iridemy bike,my parentswont letme 4 (ride)bymyself. They are afraid I might fall off my bike and hurt5. They are takinggreat trouble to support the bike, with my mother even6(carry) a first-aidbox. I m not free to ride and I often say 7

37、(angry),“ Why not let me ridealone? ”Now, most families have one child. Parents want to do everything for theirchildren. This does no good 8them. Too much love from parents may preventchildren from9(be) independent. In my opinion, parents should let theirchildren do_10_they should do alone.(15)In No

38、rth America people are always in _1_ hurry. Children have speciallessonsorsportsactivities_2_school.Parentsoftenworklateand_3_ get home until 7 or8 o clock at night. Most NorthAmerican familiesdon t have time to prepare a meal. That is _4_ fast food is so popular inNorth America. People spend about

39、40% of their dollars _5_ fast food.PeopleusuallybuyfastfoodfromrestaurantchainssuchasPizzaHut,McDonalds, or KFC,_6_ they can enjoypizza,sandwiches,friedchicken,so on. Fast food saves work and time, but it is not _7_ (nutrition).Fast food is popularinmany countries. American fast-food companies now h

40、averestaurants all over the world. But not _8_ is happy about the spread ofNorth American fast food. A group of people in Italy want to fight _9_ theandspread of American fast food. They don t like the idea of more fast food chains_10_(open) restaurants in their country.(16)Yesterday afternoon I wen

41、t to the South Lake Park. It happened that I saw touching event. At that time, some people were boating on the lake. 21_themwasa happy family. They were taking photos3suddenly the girl fell4theboat into the water. She was struggling and herparents cried out,“ Help! Help!It was5(evidence) that they c

42、ould not swim at all. From nearby a young manimmediately rushed to the lake.Without taking off his clothes, he jumped into thewaterand quicklyswam6thegirl,7wasalreadytiredout.At lastcarried8to the bank. She was saved!How happyand gratefultheparentswere!9,when theythoughtexpressing their thankfulness

43、, the young man10(disappear).”heof(17)We high school students do have some growing pains, but we can get rid of themcorrectlyand wisely.1,some of us are upset2theirbodystylesandlooks.It s unnecessaryand it s notimportantatall.We needn tcareaboutit.It is one sinner beauty3matters. Second, we sometime

44、s seem to bemisunderstood4 our teachers, parents and classmates.5 (face) withthis, we can find a proper time to have a heart-to-heart talk with them, trying toremove the6(understand). Some of us have fewer friends. I think beingopen-minded and friendly will do you good. Third, we may fall behind oth

45、ers,7_makes us stressed. Actually we can encourage8 to work efficiently, fullof_9_(determine).Atlast,some ofus don thave much pocket money, so theyfeel unhappy. Isnt it strange? So long as we have some, that s enough. And wecan learn10 to spend money.(18)Ann: There are pills for everything now, _1_?

46、James: Almost _2_. There are pills for colds and pills for headaches.Ann: There are pills for seasickness and pills for _3_(airsick).James: Those are the _4_ ,arent they? Being sick on a ship is like beingon a_5_ , isn t it?Ann: I suppose so. There are pills to make you _6_(sleep).James: And there are pills to


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