



1、As 的用法大全As 的用法小结(一)、 as 作连词的用法 :1、 作“在期间,当的时候”引导时间状语从句、注意与when、 while的用法区别。 下列情形时 ,只用 as, 而不用 when 或 while 。1 )用于表示同一个人的两种动作 交替 进行,指一边 一边、 如:The girl sings as she goes to school、He looked behind occasionally as he went forward in the forest 、2)表示两个同步发生的动作或行为,意思就是随着的发展、如:As time went on / by, she bec

2、ame more and more beautiful、As children get older, they become more and more interested in everything、3)表示两个短暂行为或事情几乎同时发生、如:I watched her as she read the book、I thought of it just as you opened your mouth 、Just as the flying worm hit her face, she gave a loud cry、4)接名词表示某一个年龄段时、如:As a young man, he

3、was active in sports、As a little boy (When he was a little boy) he began to learn to play the piano 、 when作当的时候解,可以指较短的(一点)时间,也可指一段时间。如 :When I was at college, I could speak several foreign languages、When the clock struck twelve, I had slept for 2 hours 、I was wandering through the street when I cau

4、ght sight of a tailor有意料之外的意思 s shop while 常表示一段较长的时间或一个过程 ,强调主句谓语动词与从句谓语动词同时如:Work while you work、Play while you play、Strike while the iron is hot 趁着2、As =Since 作既然、 由于解,常用来表示 已为人们所知或显而易见 的原因或理由。如 : As hesbeen ill for ages, I will help him 、As / Since youre not feeling well, you may stay at home 、A

5、s he wasnt ready, we went without him、3、 As =in the way that 作像、 按照的方式 解,引导方式状语从句。如 : Do as I toldyou、Remember, you must do everything as I do、Take the medicine as directed、Maglev trainsdon make much no ise, as pla nes doWhe n at Rome,do as Roma ns do 入乡随俗As in your country,we grow wheat in the nort

6、h and rice in the South 、4、用于as- as或not / so/ as - as中,前一个as就是副词 后一个as就是连词,引导比较 状语从句。如 :They helped the old as much as possible、I dont speak English so/ as well as she does、As 的用法大全5、 表示虽然 ,尽管 等 ,引导让步状语从句 ,常用倒装语序 ,模式为 : adj、 /adv、 / n、 +as + 主语 +谓语 +主句。如 : Tired as they were, they walked on、Child as

7、 he is ,he knows alot.Fast as he ran,he didnt catch the bus.Much as I respect him, I wont do as suggests、 Try as you may, you might fail again Try as he might,Tom could not get out of the difficulties.6、 表示也 一样。 She is a doctor, as was her husband、(二)、 as 作关系代词 ,引导定语从句 ,表示正如 ,这一点、如 :He is very caref

8、ul, as we all know 、 As is well-known, Taiwan belongs to China 、另外,当先行词被the same, such, sc等词修饰时,常用as来引导定语从句。如:Such a clever girl as she can learn anything quickly、He wished tc be such a man as Lei Feng was.I was reading the same bcck as he bcught yesterday、This bcck is nct such as I expectNcte: He t

9、cck the pclice back tc the same place where he witnessed the rcbbery(三)、as作介词的用法、1、 表示好像。如 :He dressed as a pcliceman、They gct united as cne man.2、表示作为当作。如 :I fcund a jcb as a guide、3、当某人就是某身份时。如 :As a child , she was sent tc abrcad、4、as引导的介词短语大多用作状语,as译为作为;少数情况可引起宾语补足语。如:As a Party member, Ill take

10、 the lead in everything、(状语) She wcrks as a mcdel、(状语)She has me as cne cf her best friend、s (引起宾语补足语 )(四)、作副词的用法1 表示与 等同。如 :This dress is twice as expensive as that cne、2 像,如等。 As befcre, he remained unmcved、 He dcesnt speak English assc fluently as ycu.(3)英语中有很多表示比较的成语。 as black as ccal as blind a

11、s a bat as brave as a licn as bright as dayas busy as a beeas ccld as iceaseasy as ABCas fat as a pigas hct as fireas light as air a featheras like astwc peas beansas pccr as a church mcuse as rich as a Jewas scundas a bell 状况极佳;十分健康 as fit as a fiddle as strong as a horseas stupid as adcnkey as swe

12、et as hcney sugaras white as sncwas red as blccdas bright as a button as wise as Solomon(五)含as的固定词组的用法1、As soon as I get to Beijing,Ill write to you. 我一到北京 ,就给您写信。2. as/so long as作 “只要解 ,eg; As/ So long as you study hard,youll make progress.比较 :Ive waited as long as two hours. 我一直等了整整两小时。As 的用法大全3.

13、as if/though常用来引导方式状语从句,作“好像,仿佛”解。如果从句中讲的就是 非真实 情况,则用虚拟语气。 eg:She loves the child as ifthough he were her own.As if /though也可用来引导表语从句,常用在“ It looks /seems.+as if/though句型结构 中。 It looks to me as if/though it is going to clear up.It seems as if/though he knew nothing about it、You look as though you sl

14、ept badly、4. as to 作“关于 ,至于”解。 eg;There is no doubt as to his honesty.5. as much/ many as多达 ,“达至 U 之多eg:He can earn as much as 5000 dollars a mon th.6. As / So far as I kno w,he will come here n ext Mon day.据我所矢口 ,比较:We might go as far as the school a nd back我们可以走到学校那边 ,然后回来。7.She died as a direct r

15、esult of the accident表示 “由于 .的结果。8. as well 为“也 ,还”之意。 eg: Come early,and bring your brother as well.9. so as to表示目的 to表示结果。eg:He studied hard so as to pass the exan她努力学习 以便通过考试。 (表示目的 )10. as a matter of fact 实际上,事实上As a matter of fact,Im very fond of house work.11. as follows 如下 Our plan is

16、as follows.12. as for 至于 ,说至As for me,I shall never return there.13. as good as几乎已经,实际已经Everything was as good as settled.一切都差不多安排好了、 She is as good as her words 她遵守诺言。He as good as said Im a liar、 她无异于说我撒谎。比较:Your composition is as good as his.您的作文与她的作文一样好。另外 ,还有以下习惯搭配 ,其翻译不能随便从字面来理解:(as) good as g

17、old 表现很好的(as) good as new 完好如新as good as onesword 守信as good as pie 很好的 ,可爱的 ,讨人喜欢(as) good as a play 非常有趣14. as well as同样,与也,而且 She called on you as well as I.不但我来瞧您,她也拜访了您。 She called on you as well as me. 她不但拜访了我 ,也拜访了您。在下歹V句中,as well as表示 像一样的涵义 :She as well as you is an English teacher. 她像您一样也就是

18、英文教师。George hasngtone abroad as well as his brother、 乔治并没有与她兄弟一样出国去 。 (她兄弟一人出国 ) George, as well as his brother,hasngtone abroad、 乔治与她兄弟都没有出国。1) as well as 可连接并歹的单词或短语 前后两个动词的时态要一致。即:若第一个动词就是一般现在时 ,第二个动词也应就是一般现在时;若第一个动词就是一般过去时,第二个动词也应就是一般过去时。例如 :He publishes(published)as well as prints(printed)his o

19、wn books. 她的书就是自己印刷并出版的。2) 如果第一个动词就是复合时态,或由can,may, must等加动词构成时,as well as后面可省去助动词或情态动词,此时,as well as意为既又”。例如:As的用法大全We are repairing the roof as well as painting the walls.我们在粉刷墙壁,同时也在修理屋顶。She can / could sing as well as da nee 她既会跳舞也会唱歌。3)如果第一个动词就是不定式,as well as后面的动词也要用不定式,但要去掉to。例如:You cant expec

20、t her to do the housework as well as look after the children. 您不可能叫她既照 管孩子又做家务。注意as well as的另外两层涵义:1)as well as还有除之外”之意。例如:As well as knowing some Russian,she speaks English very well. 除了懂得一点俄语之夕卜,她的 英语讲得很好。比较:He can speak English as well as she does她与她英语讲得一样好。15、as many /much /deep / large,ect.as达 程度,多/深/大 达 As early as hissec ond film,Chaplin had developed his own manner of acti ng. 早在她第二部电影中 ,卓别林 就形成了自己的表演风格。The well is as deep as eight metres这口井深达八米。16、as usual 像平常一样She would go homeas usual for Christmas.17、such a


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