1、unit 10 can you play the guitar?the 1st period section a1a2cteaching aims(教学目标)1、 learning to talk about abilities(学会谈论能力)2、 learning to talk about likes and dislikes(谈论喜好和意愿)language points(语言点)1、 要求掌握以下句式:(1)-can you dance? -yes, i can./ no, i cant.(2)-what club do you want to join? -i want to joi
2、n the music club.2、 要求掌握以下词汇:(1) 情态动词can, cant(2) 动词dance, swim, sing, paint, join(3) 名词art, music, guitar(4) 动词词组play chess, speak english, play the guitar 3、 难点如何呈现can, cantteaching steps1.warming-up and revision (1) daily greetings to the students t: good morning/afternoon. ss: good morning/after
3、noon, sir/miss. t: what day is it today? ss: its monday/tuesday/. t: whats the date today? ss: its dec.12,. t: whats the weather like today? ss: its sunny/cloudy/.write the students answers on the blackboard.(有意识地在教学初期开展有关星期、日期和天气的问答,可分散教学难点,为以后的教学打下伏笔。条件好的班级,可让学生做duty report)(2) revision t: what da
4、y do you like?/do you /does he like sunday/tuesday?do you like the sunny days/the rainy days/?(如果学生不会答, 改用一般疑问句来提问。但要注意两个句子要交替使用。在复习中有意识地插入新词来提问,如果学生不懂,借助手势、图片、简笔画等来帮助学生理解。)2.presentation t: (从复习中引出)(ask and answer with individual students.)why do you like sunday/ the sunny days? s: i like playing b
5、asketball and i can do it this day. t: oh, what do you like? s1: i like swimming.s2: i like playing basketballs3 i like dancing. t: oh, you like dancing. i like singing. i can sing very well. but i cant play the guitar. look, he can play the guitar. what can she do? can she play the guitar, too?s: n
6、o she cant, but she can play the violin.t: can they play the violin?s: no, they cant, but they can play the trumpet.then to the individual students, ask. t: can you play the guitar? s: no, i cant. /yes, i can. t: can you swim / paint / dance / ?(可唱一首简短的歌曲来帮助呈现can。使用一系列图片,指着其中会弹吉他的学生,说,look, he can p
7、lay the guitar. but i cant.在说的同时,配上点头和摇头的动作来帮助呈现。图片呈现完后,可结合归纳can 及cant的用法)3.practice t: now please ask and answer in groups of 4 using the questions:what can you do?can you sing? can she paint? can they ? then each group ask a student to report like this: i can sing and cindy can dance. jones and je
8、nnifer cant sing or dance but they can play chess. 4.presentationt: oh, good. from you work i find you are all talented. our school has a music club. (show the photo of the school music club) its great. right? do you want to join it? (if the students answer is“no”)oh, you can join other clubs. our s
9、chool has a lot of clubs. lets see what clubs we have. ok? s: art club, english club, swimming club,(use the photos of clubs to help the students)t: do you want to join the art club? s: no, i dont./yes, i do. t: what club do you want to join?( ask individual students) s: i want to join the chess clu
10、b/ english club/(用照片或图片来帮助学生,并把小组名称列在黑板上。在提问时要注意一般疑问句do you want to join?和特殊疑问句what club do you want to join?的适当比例,因为在workbook中出现较多的一般疑问句形式。而且在让学生进行操练时鼓励学生自由转换一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。)5. make a survey t: what clubs do you want to join? please ask and answer in groups. write down your group members answers in th
11、e form. and then give us a report.namewants to joinli lei english club(调查前发给学生表格,教师先做一个sample然后让学生做。在学生调查过程中仔细聆听,随时给予帮助。时间控制在三分钟之内。调查好后,选取几组做报告。e. g.:li lei wants to join the english club. lin tao wants to join the music club.)6. work on 1a show the picture in 1a to the students(放大图片) t: there are m
12、any clubs. lets see what clubs they want to join. and what can they do? please look carefully, match the words with the people. t: now lets check the answers.answers1,a 2,e, 3,f 4,b 5,d 6,c 7,g(给学生一分钟的时间来完成此项任务,如有需要,可先在小组内讨论答案。)7. work on 1bt: now lets listen to the tape, and number the conversation
13、s1-3t: lets check the answers.answers ( from left to right)2, 3, 1tapescript conversation 1 girl: i want to join the music club. boy: oh, can you sing? girl: yes, i can. conversation 2 girl: can you swim? boy: no, i cant. conversation 3 girl: i want to join the art club. boy: can you paint? girl: ye
14、s, i can.(如果有需要,教师可播放磁带两遍。如有必要,也可以让同桌讨论答案。)8.work on 2at: now lets listen to the tape, find out what clubs they want to join.t: now lets check the answers.answers circled items: a. english club c. music club d. chess clubtapescript conversation 1 boy1: what club do you want to join? girl: i want to
15、join the chess club. boy1: can you play chess? girl: no, i cant. boy2: i can. conversation 2 boy: here are all the clubs. girl: what club do you want to join? boy: i want to join the english club. how about you? girl: hmm. i want to join the chess club. can you play chess? boy: no i dont like chess.
16、 do you like music? girl: oh, yes. i can sing and dance. i like music. boy: me, too. lets join the music club.(如果有需要,教师可播放磁带两遍。如有必要,也可以让学生四人一小组讨论答案。)9. work on 2b t: david and lisa are talking about what clubs they want to join. lets listen to the tape and fill in the blanks, using the words in the
17、box. t: now lets check the answers. answers(1) do (4) club (2) to (5) play (3) want (6) cant t: now lets listen to the tape again and repeat. ask some students to read the dialogue loudly.(在播放磁带前,先让学生熟悉对话内容及方框内的动词。在要求学生跟读的同时,让学生用箭头在书上标明语调,提醒学生注意语音、语调。)10. work on 1c and 2c t: look at the pictures in
18、 2c. what club do these pictures stand for?s: art club, english club, music club, basketball club, swimming club. t: what can you do? what club do you want to join? please read the dialogues in 1a and 2b. make a similar dialogue with your partners. i will give you five minutes and then i want to ask
19、 some of you to act out your dialogues. please be quick.(1c和2c的内容重叠,在教学时合并为一个步骤。教师先和一位学生做个示范,再让学生做。时间控制在五分钟内。然后让一些组上台表演。)11.homework oral work:(1) listen to 2b, read and recite it and the words and phrases in1a.(听,读,背诵对话和1a中的词、词组) (2) go on making up your dialogues with your group members and polish
20、 it.(继续和小组成员编对话并完善对话) written work(1) do workbook 1 p43,44.(2) copy the words and phrases in 1a one line each.(抄写1a中的词、词组各一排。)write down the things you can and cant do. (写出3到5件你会做的事情和3到5件你不会做的事情。)the 2nd period: section a grammar focus, 3a,3b,4groupwork,just for funteaching steps:1. warming-up and r
21、evision(1) daily greetings to the studentst: good morning/afternoon. ss: good morning/afternoon, sir/miss.t: what day is it today?ss: its monday/tuesday/, etc. t: whats the date today? ss: its december 12, etc.t: whats the weather like today?ss: its sunny/cloudy/,etc.write the students answers on th
22、e blackboard.(2) revision a game: can or cant (a memory game) ask six students to stand in line: a: i can sing but i cant dance.b: “a” can sing but he cant dance. i can play the violin but i cant play the piano.c: “a” can sing but he cant dance. “b” can play the violin but she cant play the piano. i
23、 can speak english but i cant speak japanese.d: “a” can sing but he cant dance. “b” can play the violin but she cant play the piano. “c” can speak english but he cant speak japanese. e: 2. presentationt: (从复习中来)what can you do?/ can you sing?s: i can play the guitar.t: what club do you want to join?
24、s: i want to join the music club.t: what about you?(to the other students)ask individual students.(如果学生不会答,改用一般疑问句来提问。但要注意两个句子要交替使用。待学生理解后用本节课的新句式what can you do?来问答。如果有机会带入新的知识点,也不妨呈现。如what about you?这个句子。)work in pairs (ask and answer)3.work on 3a(完成p61,3a)t: lets put the conversation in order.t:
25、lets check the answers. answers: the lines are numbered in this order: 2,3,1,4 let students read the conversation loudly and make up similar dialogues. ask some pairs to act out.4.presentationt: i can sing and i can sing very well. ( write “sing well” on the blackboard) can you sing?s1: yes, i can s
26、ing. but i cant sing well.t: can you speak english? s2: yes, i can speak english but i cant speak it well.t: who can play the piano?s3: i can.t: can you do it well? ( write “do it” on the blackboard )s3: yes, i can. i can do it very well.t: work on groups of four. make up similar dialogues. please w
27、rite down the answers in the form.(first do a sample with a student)namecanwell not well li leiswimmarysing(给出的表格要简单明了, 先和学生做sample。让学生四人一组互相问答并做表格统计,为3b的另一部分做准备)5.work on 3bdo group works1:what can you do?s2: i can play basketball.s1: can you play it well?s2: yes, i can.s1: can he play basketball?
28、(point to s2)s3: yes, he can. s1: can he play it well?s3: yes, he can play it well. s1: what can you do then?s4: i can dance. s1: can you dance well? s4: no, i cant.(学生依次提问,练习问答。)t: now use the form we have done. tell us what your group members can do .eg: li lei can swim and he can swim very well.
29、mary can sing but she cant sing very well. tom can 6.work on 4groupwork( 用几张幼儿园孩子的照片来帮助教学)t: now you are middle school students. you can swim. you can sing. you can do many things. but they cant. they are only kids.(show a picture of a group of kids to the students) they are going to beidaihe. but t
30、here arent enough teachers. are you good with kids? do you want to join them? can you help them with swimming? can you help them with basketball? (write “be good with, help sb. with sth./doing sth.) please look at the ad on page 61, part 4suppose one of you is the headmaster of the kindergarten. ple
31、ase make an interview with your partner. then take turns. (give them five minutes) then ask some pairs or groups to act out their interviews.ask other students to listen to the interviews carefully and ask some questions about the interviews. such as: have they found someone for the job? why? what c
32、an they do? what cant they do?7. grammar focususe the sentences on the blackboard to do the grammar focus.t:这两天我们学习了谈论人的能力。我们学习了情态动词(要求学生讲出)s:cant:如果要表达会做,用什么?不会,用什么?s:can, cantt:请大家看这些动词,有没有变化?s;没有,是原形。t:对,动词放在情态动词的后面,不管主语是第一、二还是第三人称,也不管是单数还是复数人称,动词都用原形。请大家一定要记住这一规则。8. homeworkoral work:1recite the
33、 dialogue in 3a and 3b(背诵3a和3b中的对话)2go on making the interview in part 4 and polish it. (继续做采访并完善对话)written workdo workbook2 p38. (the 3rd period section b 1a-2c self-check 3)1. warming-up and revision(1) daily greetings to the studentst: hello/ hi, everyone. how are you today? ss: im great/fine/so-
34、so/very well. and you?t: im great. and i have something good to tell you. we have many different clubs in our school for you to join. the art club, the music club, the english club, the basketball club(老师可根据学校实际情况罗列俱乐部名称。)(2) revisiont: what club do you want to join?s: i want to join (学生根据自己的喜好回答后,老
35、师可根据自己对这个学生的了解建议他参加某个俱乐部。)t: can you? /can you do well, a? (学生姓名), i think you can also join the club because.(建议四、五个学生作答后,让学生进行两人小组问答。)(然后老师可先问一个学生他的同伴的情况。)t: what club does want to join? can he/ she ? can he/she do it well?(然后老师告诉全体同学这个学生的情况。)a wants to join the club, he can/he can but he cant do
36、it well(接下来老师可以叫其他同学用这种方式汇报同伴的情况。)s: a wants to join the club, he can/ he can but he cant do it well. b can2.presentation: t: now, lets see how many of you want to join each of the club. how many of you want to join the art club? please hands up.(依次提问,问二三个后问到the music club。)how many of you want to j
37、oin the music club?(如果举手的人比较多,老师可对举手的人进行随机提问)can you sing? can you dance? can you play the guitar? can you play the drums? can you the piano? can you play the trumpet? can you play the violin?(对于出现的新的关于乐器的词汇,老师可一边说一边做手势,比如play the drums,可以做出敲鼓的动作; play the piano, 做出弹钢琴的手势,手指在键盘上弹奏的样子;play the trumpe
38、t, 做出吹号的动作;play the violin,做出拉小提琴的手势;也可以一边说一边呈现图片或幻灯(如果举手的人较少,老师可以这样说:)t:im sorry most of you dont want to join the music club. maybe you cant sing, dance or play the guitar, but you can learn a lot in the music club, and its very nice. what can you do in the music club? ok, you can play the guitar.
39、 you can play the piano, play the drums, play the trumpet or play the violin. 建议事先录制好这些乐器的声音或一小段音乐,让学生听并猜这是什么乐器的声音,这样能使学生的各种感官结合起来记忆。如果没能录制,可以做手势让学生猜这是什么乐器。)3. work on 1a on p.62. (完成p62 1a) t: now lets do 1a on p62, and see if you can do the exercise correctly and quickly.4.work on 2a-2b on p 621)
40、2a: get the students to read the list of words to the class.use the picture in 1a to remind students what the words mean, if necessary.l play the recording the first time. students only listen.l play the recording a second time. this time students circle each word they hear mentioned in the conversa
41、tion on the recording.l check the answers.2) 2b: t: now look at 2b on page 62, listen again and fill in the chart with the words in the box. lets see what bill, jennifer and victor can do, and what they cant do.play the recording. students listen to the conversation and write in the answers on their
42、 charts.check the answers. answers cancantbillplay the guitarsingjennifersing, play the drumsplay the pianovictorplay the pianodance, sing5. work on 2c on p 62.task 1: pair work.t: now, you look at the chart and i dont, please ask me questions about bill, jennifer or victor.s: can bill play the guit
43、ar? ( possible question) t: yes , he can, but he cant sing. (possible answer)t: its your turn now, first your ask and answer in pairs with books open, then i will ask some pairs to ask and answer with the books closed.task 2: group workt: bills teacher wants some students for the school concert. and
44、 we want to have an english party. what can you do in the party? please discuss in groups of four, then make a list.namewhat can you do?6. work on 3 on p64 task1: to fill in the cardt: how to join a club? what questions do they ask?t: now look at part 3 on page 64. read the conversation and fill int
45、he card. ( about 2 minutes)lets check the answers.task 2: to do the activities on p63. t: do you remember the posters on page 63? what are they about?ss: theyre about school music festival, a rock band, a sports day, and the school show.t: now you go to join one of them. you have to answer some ques
46、tions and fill in a card. ask 2 to 4 students to form a group, and make conversations. here is the card for you to fill in.(表格内容写在黑板上或在幻灯上打出)7. homework:oral work: 1) finish task two left in class.written work: 1) list new words about instruments: drums, piano, trumpet, violin2) finish off workbook2
47、 p39. (the 4rd period section b 3a-4, self check just for fun)teaching steps:. warming-up and revisiont: good morning/afternoon! how are you today? how is the weather today? s: its fine/rainy/cloudy/.t: oh, the weather today is good/not good. what can you do then? (after collecting some answers)t: w
48、hat can you do in our english party?ii. presentationt: you can do so many different things in the english party. it must be wonderful. maybe you can be in our school music festival. here is an ad from the school magazine. see if you can join it.let students read the ad quickly and answer the questio
49、ns.questions: -who do they want for school music festival? -musicians. -do you know the meaning of musicians?(if they dont know, give them an example, e.g. beethoven was a great musician.)(给学生一分钟左右的时间让他们完成此项任务。两人一组交流答案后,让学生边说动词边做出相应的动作, 老师先示范着做,学生马上会跟着动起来。)1. work on 3at: now turn to page 63, read 3
50、a and underline the things they want people to do for the school music festival. check the answers with your partners.what do they want people to do for the school music festival? answers are you a musician? can you sing? can you dance? can you play the piano, the trumpet, the drums, or the guitar?_
51、t: whom do you call if you want to join them?s: zhang heng.t: whats zhang hengs telephone number?s: its 622-6033.then get some individual students to read.2. work on 3bt: can you write an ad or a poster now? here is a poster for you to complete, maybe its easy for you. please look at 3b on p63. who
52、do they want?ss: musicians.t: yes. how many musicians do they want?ss: they want two.t: do they want musicians for school music festival?ss: no, they dont. (help them answer) they want two good musicians for a rock band.t: do you know rock band? can you name some rock bands you know?example: u2 from
53、 the usa, beyond / china, the beatles / england, 零点乐队, rolling stone (滚石乐队) / england, etc.point out the words in the box. ask a student to read the eight words to the class.t: now fill in the blanks with these words to finish the poster. (about 2-3minutes)t: now lets check the answers. (get a stude
54、nt to read it out)then the whole class read together. answers (1) can (2) play (3) guitar (4) can (5) sing (6) can (7) play (8) drums答案 (3)和(8)可调换。 3. work on 3ct: its your turn to write your own poster now. its about a sports day.do you like sports?what sports do you like?what sports can you do?wha
55、t sports do you know in english?examples: chess/volleyball/ping-pong/football/swim/tennis/basketball/chinese kung fu, etc.t: can you write a poster for a sports day now?first, think of a title.title: players wanted for school sports day target language: are you ? we want . can you? please callat. please email事先把这些目标语言准备好,用幻灯打出,或印在纸上发给学生,让他们把他们所设计的海报写在下面)t:
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