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1、Lesson 6 A Good Chance (by Elizabeth Cook-Lynn) Dances with Wolves Background ? American Indian ? Indian American Background ? American Indian ?Indigenous peoples of the Americas ?Native Americans ? Indian American ? are Americans who have ancestors from India ?Eg. Chinese Americans : ? represent Am

2、ericans of Chinese descent. Background ? Native Americans in the United States are the indigenous(本土的) peoples in North America within the boundaries of the present-day continental United States , including parts of Alaska and the island state of Hawaii. ?They are composed of numerous, distinct trib

3、es, states, and ethnic groups (民族) ?The terms used to refer to Native Americans are controversial; according to a 1995 US Census Bureau set of home interviews, most of the respondents with an expressed preference refer to themselves as American Indians or Indians. ? (Elizabeth Cook-Lynn) (born 1930

4、in Fort Thompson, South Dakota) is an editor, essayist, poet, novelist, and academic, whose trenchant( 尖锐的,鲜明的) views on Native American politics, particularly tribal sovereignty (部落 主权), have caused controversy. ? 本文选自印第安人女作家伊丽莎白库克-林创作的反映印第安人生活的同名小说。 ? 印第安人在美国倍受歧视,多数仍生活在政府为他们划定的、边远贫瘠的居留地 内。六七十年代,在轰

5、轰烈烈的黑人民权运动的影响下,印第安人也掀起了反对种 族歧视、争取合法权益的斗争。 ? 1968年美国印第安人争取民权的战斗组织“美国印第安人运动”正式成立,要求 经济独立,复兴传统文化,保护合法权利,特别是印第安人部落的地区自制和恢复 他们认为被非法剥夺的土地。当时印第安人为抗议政府违反协议,占领了阿尔卡特 拉斯岛Alcatraz Island (19691971),并于1972年向华盛顿进军,占领了印第安人 事务局的办公大楼。各地印第安人的民权运动如火如荼。 ? 故事的主人公、年轻的印第安人喜鹊的思想也产生了很大变化,他从向往到大学 学习、进入主流社会,发展到积极参加民权运动、抗议政府对印

6、第安人的歧视。喜 鹊思想的变化和他被无故枪杀,不能不引起我们对美国所标榜的“人权”、“自 由”、“平等”的深思。 Native American occupation Native American occupation ?Alcatraz Island is an island located in the San Francisco Bay, 1.5 miles (2.4 km) offshore from San Francisco, California. ? ?The Occupation of Alcatraz was an occupation of Alcatraz Islan

7、d by the group Indians of All Tribes (IAT). ?The Alcatraz Occupation lasted for nineteen months, from November 20, 1969, to June 11, 1971, and was forcibly ended by the U.S. government. Custer County South Dakota Custer City, Oklahoma Discuss ?1. Putting all the political and economic issues aside,

8、which side are you in, the Indians or the whites? ?2. Does there exist any similar situation in China is history? Explain. ?3. What is the real situation in these days? What do you think of Dalai Lama? Words and expressions ?1. abridged ?Adj. 删节的 节略的 ?Abridge v.删减 删节 缩短(stay) ?Abridgment n.节略本 删节本 ?

9、In the decades after his death, three successive versions appeared that were variously sanitized, abridged and tidied up ?1.agitate: ?vt. to make sb feel angry, anxious or nervous 使焦虑不安,困扰 ?This remark seems to agitate her guest. ?vi. for/against sth : to argue strongly for sth you want, especially

10、for changes in a law, in social condition. etc. (尤指为法律和社会状况的改变而)激烈争论、鼓动、煽动 ? This political group has been agitating for social reforms. ?An attempt to agitate for liberal reforms, coupled with growing dissatisfaction in the monarchy, led to an outbreak of demonstrations against the King in 1848. ?

11、?Adj. agitated : 焦虑不安的,激动的 ? n. agitation 焦虑不安 3. bloodshot shot 1.V. 射击(shoot) 射门 投篮 2.N。发射、射击 1.Give it s shot 2.A big shot Briefcase 公事包 ?Backpack ?Pouch/wallet/purse ?Travelling bag ?Briefcase ?Tote bag ?Lady bag ?Handbag ?Waist bag ?Pencil case/box ?Shoulder bags ?Garment bag ?Trolley/uprights

12、?Trolley backpack ?Creek 小溪 小河(泛指) ?Spring 泉水 ?Stream 小河 小溪(山涧) ?Brook 细细溪流 ?River ?Pond fishpond(长草长鱼-人工 造成) ?Pool swimming pool ( 清澈透明- 人工 天然) ?Lake ?Resevoir ?Sea ?Ocean ?5. embitter: make bitter and angry 使.怨恨. ?Being scolded without good reasons embittered him. ?让人无端责骂,他感到一腔怨气。 ?enable 使能够 ?enc

13、ase 将.装入箱中 ?enchant 施以魔法,使着迷 ?embody 具体体现 ?empower 授权 authorize Freak 畸形的人 动植物 现象 犹豫不决 ?V. Hesitate ?N. hesitation ?Adj. hesitant ?Adv; hesitantly ?Hesitate in doing sth/ to do sth ?As their name indicates, kingsnakes eat other snakes they do not hesitate to attack, kill and consume rattlesnakes ?7.

14、 intent ?adj. 专注的 坚决的 专心的 (comparative, superlative?) ?N。 意图 目的 含义 ?I was so intent on my work that I didnt notice the time. ?uc. = intention ?Shes full of good intentions (intent) but they rarely work out. ?I do it out of good intent.=intention ?v. intend Intend to do想要做 intend for 打算 ?I fully inte

15、nded to pay for the damage. Noncommitally 不置可否地 ?Indecisive ?Commit ?Vt. 犯罪、做错事、指派、委托,使 承担义务 ?The old man committed his will to the care of the lawyer. ?So many children who commit violent crimes have themselves been brutalized by years of abuse and neglect. ?Commit to do sth 承诺做某事 N. Commitment 承诺

16、保证 委托 承担义务 献身 ?This means that the closeness and attraction they once felt is gone, and they stay together only out of commitment. Be committed to sth/doing sth. ?I am committed to fixing our broken immigration system in a way that upholds our traditions as a nation of laws, but also as a nation of

17、immigrants. ?假释 Parole(v. n.): permission that is given to a prisoner to leave prison before the end of their sentence on condition that the prisoner has behaved well. ?On parole 在假释中 parole hearing ?保释 Bail(v. n.): money that sb agrees to pay if a person accused of a crime does not appear before th

18、eir trial. When bail has been arranged, the accused person is allowed to go free until the trial. Bail sb out. 保释某人 , 搭救, ? 假释VS保释 Shitty ?Adj. ?1. 卑劣的 下贱的 ?2. 不幸的 令人不快的 ?3. 极坏的 悲惨的 ?CF, SF ?9. tentative: ?a) not definite or certain, because you may want to change your mind. ?不确定的,暂定的;试探性的;试验性的 ?We

19、fixed a tentative date for the meeting. ?Tentative conclusion 初步结论 ?Tentative standard 暂行标准 ?b) unsure , hesitant 犹豫,踌躇不决的 ? a tentative nod 迟疑的点头 Text Analysis ?Why did I want to find Magpie? ?Did Amelia think that Magpie would accept the offer from the university? ?What happened to Magpie during t

20、he years when the narrator and Magpie were out of touch with each other? ?Who is Elgie? ?Did Elgie think that Magpie might want to accept the scholarship? What made him think so? ?What happened to Magpie in the end? Text Analysis ?1. its not up to me to say. ?Be up to sb to do sth 应由某人做某事 ?Translate

21、: ?该由朱丽叶自己决定要不要嫁给罗密欧,父母应该做的不应该是干 涉子女的婚姻决定而是提供支持和帮助。 ?7. know of his whereabouts 知道他的下落. ?a) know of=know about : have heard about 听说过,知道 ?I dont know him, but I know of him. ?我不认识他,但知道有这个人。 ? b) whereabouts : ? the place where a person or thing is ?下落,去向 ? His whereabouts are/is still unknown. ? 他仍下

22、落不明。 ?2. (be) in for : be going to experience sth soon, especially sth unpleasant. ?必定会经历,少不了受到、即将遭受(不愉快的事) ?淘气的男孩免不了要挨打。 ?The naughty boy is in for a beating. ?看那样子,似乎我们免不了要遇到暴风雨天气。 ?It looks as if were in for stormy weather. ?3. reference: 参考 提及 引用 ?V. refer ?Refer to sb/sth ( as sb/sth) : to ment

23、ion or speak about ?我们提到李宇春,总是称呼她为“纯爷们” . ? We always refer to Li Yuchun as “the true man”. ?Refer to sb/sth: to described or to be connected with sth ? 描述、涉及、与。相关 ?The term “Arts” usually refers to humanities and social sciences. ? Arts 一词通常指的是人文和社会科学 ?To look at sth or ask sb for information 参考、征询

24、 ? refer to the dictionary reference book ? reference person ?4. in good spirits: 情绪很好 ?spirits : plural mood with regard to great happiness or great sadness ?I hope you will be in better spirits when we meet again. ?我希望我们下次见面时你情绪会好些。 ?He is so depressed that I wonder who could lift his spirits. ?他非

25、常沮丧,我不知谁能帮他振作起来。 ?In high/low spirit mood Why dont you just leave it alone now? ?Leave sb or sth alone 不管 别惹 别碰 ?Shut up, just leave me alone, I need to think. Leave/let alone sth 更不必说 ,更不消说, 更别提 ?In old China there was hardly any machine-building industry , leave alone an automobile industry. ?Its

26、water is so contaminated that in some areas it is unsafe even to touch , let alone use for irrigation or drinking. ?Sentence ?N. 句子 判刑 ?V. 判刑 ?A five-year sentence ?A sentence of five years ?Death sentence ?Lifelong imprisonment ?Be sentenced to sth 被判处Lifelong imprisonment/ death ?7. settle +sb/one

27、self ?To make yourself or sb comfortable in a new position 使处于舒适的位置 ?He settled himself comfortably in his usual chair. ?I settled the baby on the sofa and put a blanket over her. ?Please settle your bill before leaving the hotel. ?His gaze settled on her face. ? settle down in Guangzhou ? settle a

28、dispute ?9. get away ?There is a meeting after work, but I should be able to get away by seven. ?We are hoping to get away a few days at Christmas. ?Dont be temped to cheat in the exam Youll never get away with it. ? ?10. scoff / mock at: 嘲笑,嘲弄 ?A photo of my mothers ?A photo of my mother ? the mome

29、nt I walked into the classroom, everyone smiles to me. ? mean ?8. inch: to move or to make sth move very and carefully in a particular direction. 谨慎移动 ?Patrol : 巡逻,巡查 ?Patrolman. 巡逻官 ? Always tentative about letting you know what he was really thinking , Elgie said, “Yeah?” But Salina wouldnt let hi

30、m get away so noncommittally, “Elgie,” she scoffed. “You know he wouldnt go!” ? 埃尔吉总是犹豫着是否让别人了解到他的真正想法,他问道,“是 吗?” 可莎琳娜却不想让他就这么不置可否。“埃尔吉,”她嘲弄 道,“你知道他是不会去的!” ?11. go for: ?to choose sth. Relieve relief ? believe belief ?to be attracted by sth/sb, to like or prefer sb or sth. ?To put a lot of effort in

31、to sth, so that you get or achieve sth. ? Go for it! ?11. surveillance ? the act of carefully watching a person suspected of a crime or a place where a crime may be committed. ? surveillance camera 监控摄像头 ? ?12. isolate ?The US has sought to isolate Cuba both economically and politically. ? The city

32、has been isolated by recent flooding. ?isolated sunset sunrise ?Isolation related ? What do you think the best choice is ? You think the best choice is XXX ? ? Some key points about the last class:1 ?1. (At) one time when, we ended up ?2. What do you think it would be like for him at that university

33、 in California? ? You think it would be like XX for him at that university in California. ? What would it be like for him at that university in California? ? What do you think it would be like for him at that university in California? ? 你认为什么是最好的选择? ? What do you think the best choice is? ?混合疑问句的句式:

34、 特殊疑问词do you think(或其他表示心里活动 的词)陈述语序 “陈述语序”非常重要。 ?12. convict ?Convict: ?v. to prove or announce that someone is guilty of a crime after a trial. 证明 有罪 ? convict sb of sth ? 他被判有诈骗罪(fraud) ? He was convicted of fraud. ?n. someone who has been proved to be guilty of a crime and sent to prison 罪犯 ?越狱犯

35、 an escaped convict ?12. exile: to force someone to leave their country, especially for political reasons ?n. 流放( in , go into, be forced into ) ?After a long period of forced exile he returned to rule his country again. ?被迫流亡国外很长一段时间后,他回国再次执政。( rule) ?v. 流放某人,使某人流亡 sb. ?战后,他被流放国外而其他领导人则被捕入狱。 ?After

36、 the war, he was exiled and other leaders imprisoned. Put in jail ?13.hung: ?Hang 悬挂,吊;垂落;悬浮 ; 绞死,施以绞刑 ?Hang hanged hanged ?Hang hung hung ?Hang your coat up the hook. ?Her hair hung down to her waist. ?她的长发垂及腰际。 ?Smoke hung in the air above the city. ?城市上空烟雾弥漫。 ?He was the last man to be hanged for

37、 murder in this country. ?他是这个国家最后一个因谋杀被处以绞刑的人。 独立主格 ?名词或者代词加上其他成分(分词、不定式、名词、代词、形容词、副 词或介词短语)构成,在语法上是一个独立的短语,不是句子,在意思 上依附于整个句子,具有一下四个特点: ?1. 作用相当于状语从句,可表示时间、原因、条件、行为方式或伴随情 况。 ?2. 独立逐个结构可置于句首也可以放在句尾。 ?3. 独立主格结构的逻辑主语与句中语法主语不同,不指同一个人或同一 事物。 ?4. 主要用于书面英语。 ?名词或者代词加上其他成分(分词、不定式、名词、代词、形容词、副 词或介词短语)构成,在语法上是

38、一个独立的短语,不是句子,在意思 上依附于整个句子。 Miserable misery ?1. with/without +名词/代词(宾格)+分词 ?Without any money left, he had no choice but to borrow some from his friend. ?With him sitting next to her, she felt safe. ?2.名词/代词(主格)(逻辑主语)+分词 ?Homework finished ,he went to bed ?3.名词 (逻辑主语)+介词短语/形容词/副词 ?Book in hand, the

39、teacher entered the classroom. ?He walked out of the room, face red with anger. ?pick up 捡起 获得 收拾 学会 接某人 ?The economy is picking up this year. ?Lets pick up where we left off yesterday. ?Ill pick you up at five. ? He was picked up by police and taken to the station for questioning. ?Grandma picked u

40、p English when she go travelling in Europe. ?resist resistance ?The bank strongly resisted cutting interest rate. ( 抵制;反抗) ?He couldnt resist showing off his new car. ? ( 抵挡不了,忍不住用于否定句) ?6 “There are things about this though ,” Elgie said. “Magpie shouldnt have been there , see, because its a part o

41、f the condition of his parole that he stays away from friends and relatives and ex-convicts and just about everybody. ?“ 还有件事”,埃尔吉继续说:“麦格派本不应该在那儿,你知道吗? 因为假释的条件之一就是他应该远离他的朋友、亲戚和以前的囚犯, 差不多是不能见任何人。 ?7 But the silence which hung about the place filled me with apprehension, and when we walked in the back

42、 door which hung open , we saw people standing in the kitchen. I asked carefully , “Whats wrong?” 然而,四周的寂静使我忐忑不安。当我们走进敞着的后门时,看到 人们都站在厨房里,我小心翼翼地问道,“出什么事了? Scold ?8 I held the poems tightly in my hands ,pressing my thumbs,first one and then the other ,against the smoothness of the cardboard folder. ?

43、?我把麦格派的诗紧紧地握在手里,两个拇指先后把光滑的文件夹狠 狠地摁下去。 Scold ?8 I held the poems tightly in my hands ,pressing my thumbs,first one and then the other ,against the smoothness of the cardboard folder. ? ? 我手里紧紧地握着那些诗歌 ,拇指时不时地交替摁着光滑的硬纸板表 面. ?拇指交替用力按压着硬纸夹光滑的表面 . Question ?What does the ending of the story tell you? ? TH

44、E END Exercise c ?1. hesitant ?2. whereabouts ?3. segregated ?4. tentative ?5. click ?6. noncommittally ?7. intently ?8. agitation Exercise D ? 1. South Africa used to be a country where black people and white people were (separated, segregated). ?Separate: to divide or split into different parts, i

45、f something separates two places or two things, it is between them so that they are not touching each other ?Segregate: to separate one group of people from others, especially because they are of a different race, sex, or religion( 尤指种族隔离) Exercise D ?2. The letter from her sister so (embittered, ag

46、itated) her that she stayed awake half the night, trying to think of a way to get back at her. ?Embitter: to make sb feel angry or disappointed about sth over a long period of time 使怨愤;使沮丧;使苦恼。 ? Years of caring for her aging parents had embittered her. ?多年来一直照顾她年迈的双亲使她颇有怨言。 ?Agitate: (formal) to ma

47、ke someone feel anxious, upset, and nervous( 激 怒,使不安,使激动 ) ?Get back at sb.: to do something to hurt or harm someone who has hurt or harmed you Exercise D ? 3. You havent seen him for over a year?” he sounded (incredible, incredulous). ?Incredible: too strange to be believed or very difficult to bel

48、ieve( 表示一 种怀疑的态度) ?Incredulous: unable or unwilling to believe something( 表示虽然不愿相 信但承认事实) Exercise D ?4. No matter what he said, the only response he got from him was a (noncommittal, tentative) “I see” ?Noncommittal: deliberately not expressing your opinion or intentions clearly(不明朗的) ?Tentative: n

49、ot definite or certain, and may be changed later; not behaving or done without confidence (不确定的,不肯定的,暂定的; 踌躇的,犹豫的) Exercise D ?5 . That plan was too (untrue, unrealistic) to be adopted. ?Untrue: not based on facts that are correct ?Unrealistic: unrealistic ideas or hopes are not reasonable or sensib

50、le Exercise D ?6. When people looked at him too (intently, tentatively), he felt very uncomfortable. ?Intently: giving careful attention to something so that you think about nothing else ?Tentatively: not definite or certain, and may be changed later( 暂时,试验 性的) Exercise D ?7. Since she didnt know an

51、ybody in that city, she was rather (hesitant, tentative) when accepting the job offer. ?Hesitant: uncertain about what to do or say because you are nervous or unwilling 【朗文】 ?Slow to speak or act because you feel uncertain , embarrassed or unwilling 【牛津】 ?Tentative: not definite or certain ,because you may want to change your mind; done without confidence; 【朗文】 ?Not definite or certain ,because you may want to change it later; not behaving or done with confidence( 这是tentative的第二个意思) 【牛津】 The Task fo


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