



1、外文文献翻译nike, lining, for everyone, is a familiar sports brand. in the united states, have high amounted to 70% teen dream is to have a pair of nike shoes. lining is the china sporting goods industry leader. in this paper we will from nike, nike lining lining the development the core value to discuss

2、the lining and nike in the cultural difference. we then aiming at the nike lining the politics, economy, culture, technology and other aspects of the macroscopic environment analysis. in the brand positioning, nike and lining are only used a self-expression positioning, nike s slogan is just do it,

3、lining was replaced with a new slogan make the change ( make change happen ) replaced the original anything is possible ( everything is possible. ).there is also the opportunity to develop products such as sport wear, sunglasses and jewellery. such high value items do tend to have associated with th

4、em, high profits. the business could also be developed internationally, building upon its strong global brand recognition. there are many markets that have the disposable income to spend on high value sports goods. for example, emerging markets such as china and india have a new richer generation of

5、 consumers. there are also global marketing events that can be utilised to support the brand such as the world cup (soccer) and the olympics. product development offers nike many opportunities. the brand is fiercely defended by its owners whom truly believe that nike is not a fashion brand. however,

6、 like it or not, consumers that wear nike product do not always buy it to participate in sport. some would argue that in youth culture especially, nike is a fashion brand. this creates its own opportunities, since product could become unfashionable before it wears out i.e. consumers need to replace

7、shoes. lining, nike is take self-expression way of positioning, can exhibit the unique brand image, promote a unique personality, so that the brand has become the expression of consumer personal values, self expression of a carrier and media. lining and nike target customers are young people, is a s

8、imilar consumer groups. but they all have their own one is from the united states foreign brands, is a domestic national brand is they can be successful, because they are used for their own various positioning and marketing strategies.the market for sports shoes and garments is very competitive. the

9、 model developed by phil knight in his stamford business school days (high value branded product manufactured at a low cost) is now commonly used and to an extent is no longer a basis for sustainable competitive advantage. competitors are developing alternative brands to take away nikes market share

10、. as discussed above in weaknesses, the retail sector is becoming price competitive. this ultimately means that consumers are shopping around for a better deal. so if one store charges a price for a pair of sports shoes, the consumer could go to the store along the street to compare prices for the e

11、xactly the same item, and buy the cheaper of the two. such consumer price sensitivity is a potential external threat to nike. if you have a body, you are an athlete - bill bowerman said this a couple of decades ago. the guy was right. it defines how he viewed the world, and it defines how nike pursu

12、es its destiny. ours is a language of sports, a universally understood lexicon of passion and competition. a lot has happened at nike in the 30 years more so we discussed below lining nike market positioning and their respective market differentiation strategy. it is because they each find themselve

13、s in the market are in the best position and strategy, it is the two brand to become the leader of the important reasons.待添加的隐藏文字内容3李宁、耐克都是采取自我表现的定位方式,可以展示品牌的独特形象,宣扬独特个性,让品牌成为消费者表达个人价值观、表现自我的一种载体和媒介。李宁和耐克的目标顾客都是年轻人,是一个相似的消费人群。但他们都有着各自的情况一个是来自美国的国外品牌,一个是国内的民族品牌之所以他们都能够成功,因为他们都采用了适合自身的各种定位和市场策略。所以我们在下




17、。因此2010年李宁正是修改了自己的logo,并且将将宣传口号改为“make the change”(让改变发生),以求能够更加吸引年轻人的目光,这样做的直接后果是可能丢掉原先的忠实顾客 位所热爱运动的人不会伤害部分消费者,能受到更多的人的追捧。耐克考虑抛弃传统制鞋过程中那些剪裁、缝合和粘贴的过程。因为只有这样才有可能制造出更轻盈的鞋。在材料的选择上给出建议也是他们的工作。最终他们建议耐克公司采用一种同时具备弹性和耐久性,并且厚度和强度均可变化的涤纶纺线,这种纺线可以加入莱卡材料而不影响使用。在穿上新鞋子之前,我们只能这样形容:它比你抽屉里的任何袜子都要轻、都要柔软,被称为“羽量材料”像羽毛一样轻盈和柔软。耐克公司新的制鞋技术不仅迎合了运动员们的更高需求,也可能会给自己的生产模式带来变革。在产品开发方面,李宁公司在佛山建立了亚洲一流的产品设计开发中心,引进了国际先进的开发管理机制,并聘请了国内外一流的设计师、版师、以及专业的开发管理人才,加强市场调研和设计开发力量,保证了公司产品的技术更新,形成了开拓国际市场的能力。体育产品的专业化作为一个中国体育用品行业的发展方向,得到了越来越多厂家的重视。而作为中国体育第一品牌李宁在这次展会中所推出的专业运动产品显示着中国体育用品技术含量正在逐步提高,也寓示着中


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