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1、托福1月机经a级口语、写作重点题 + 参考答案 a级第一套 托福口语task 1题目 适用non-native speaker的参考答案 your university cafeteria is planning to add another type of food to the campus food menu to attract more people. which kind of food would you recommend your university should add?if i have the chance to choose, i think ill go for

2、the vegetarian food, coz nowadays more and more people pay attention to their fitness and keep good figure. vegetarian food is not only the first choice for the vegan but also the favorite of those who want to lose fat or weight. whats more, people tend to think that vegetarian food does benefit to

3、our environment too. eating less meat means fewer animals will be brutally killed. some environmentalist strongly suggest too.托福口语task 2题目 适用non-native speaker的参考答案 some people prefer to buy new books. other people prefer to buy used books. which way do you prefer and why?i think it is a good idea t

4、o buy used books, if those books belong to learning material. you know, thousands of trees are killed every year, and even more logs are made into books. buying used books can largely improve the rate of utility and doesnt bother to buy new one. many foreign countries now launch new regulation that

5、students should use the old textbooks, and are not allowed to buy new material. those actions actually better improve the public awareness of protecting our environment.托福写作task 2题目 适用non-native speaker的参考答案 which of the following three factors contributes to an enjoyable vacation most? a. good food

6、 b. good location c. good friends with you.the first topic-a useful friend is more like a magic bag, because when you have troubles, he or she will always come out and save you from the awkward situation.the second topic-a pleasant trip can not be without a funny friend, too. you guys can share inte

7、resting things and take good photos together. if you are bored, he or she will give a lot of punch lines and humorous stuff to make you laugh.the third topic-a knowledgeable fellow will enable you have a more meaningful vacation. some people travel for fun, for food, for beautiful scene, while some

8、people travel for information. if there is a friend who has better knowledge of the destination, he or she will definitely informs you with various knowledge, and you can learn a lot from him or her托福1月机经a级口语、写作重点题 + 参考答案 a级第二套 托福口语task 1题目 适用non-native speaker的参考答案 your university is planning to al

9、low students to eat snacks in class. what is your opinion and why? what are the advantages and disadvantages of eating in class?i think to students it is definitely a fantastic idea to have food in class. but have you ever consider the teachers feelings, too? if you are a teacher who stands at the p

10、latform, watching your students having foods, drinks or something in front of you, do you feel comfortable? class is the place for students to learn, not to have meals. plus there are more appropriate places to eat, say like canteen or restaurant built inside or outside the campus.托福口语task 2题目 适用non

11、-native speaker的参考答案 some people prefer to collect old things such as newspaper. other people prefer to drop them. which do you prefer and why?i am not the guy who yearns for the past, so i hate to see old stuff stuck in my house. regularly, i drop them off to recycling station for some money. newsp

12、aper, notebooks, and exhausted battery always can trade for a better price, and i heard that some of stuff can even be reused in some factories. thats a brilliant idea, isnt it? people sometimes may be regretted when they drop some old stuff and eager to find the same things again later.托福写作task 2题目

13、 适用non-native speaker的参考答案 do you agree or disagree with the following statement? nowadays it is easier to maintain good health than in the past.the first topic-true it is, it is much easier to keep fit than in the past because of advancement in medicine. first of all, technology has made huge leap

14、in therapy and treatment. various drugs and medicines can be easily approached in the pharmacy. secondly, researchers contribute great contribution and energy to medical development. some striking news said that lethal diseases like cancers or tumors have better treatment to overcome. thirdly, state

15、-of-the-art equipment has been established and experimented with for further medical studies.the second topic-people today have variety of choices to stay healthy. they go to gym where they can jog on the treadmill, or swim in clean and clear pool. some elderly people would like to walk, practice ta

16、ijiquan, and just play chess on the public park. government launches some initiatives to build up new public facilities just for the health of the community.the third topic-some people may be against that it is not an easy job to maintain good health, due to mounting pressure or poor environment. pe

17、ople suffer multiple syndromes like anxiety, sub-health, flue or depression all the time, because they live in a world full of intense competition. but we still can keep good health just for our family and next generation. if you don not care yourself anymore, no one will come to you and only you ca

18、n save yourself. people today need to look ahead, and think ahead. they have to be aware of the importance of good health.托福1月机经a级口语、写作重点题 + 参考答案 a级第三套 托福口语task 1题目 适用non-native speaker的参考答案 what personal quality do you admire most? creativity, courage or intelligence? explain why? please include de

19、tails and examples in your response.among these three personalities, i prefer creativity the most.firstly, a man should be innovative, which means one person should not only do their jobs greatly, but also know how to be a creative person, just like how to inspire others, how to flexibly deal with c

20、omplex interpersonal relationship, etc.secondly, a man should have the ability to accept new things, which related to their imagination. for example, a good leader should be a person with flexibility of learning advanced theories from other countries, so that they can do an all-round decision.托福口语ta

21、sk 2题目 适用non-native speaker的参考答案 some people prefer to listen to music while they are studying or working. others prefer to stay in a quiet while they are studying or working. which way do you prefer and why? include reasons and details in your response.i prefer a quite place.firstly, i prefer quiet

22、 and peaceful places rather than bustling ones, because i like doing some leisure things without noises, such as reading, listening to the music while working time for a break.secondly, it is much more efficient to work alone in a quiet place. working alone can greatly make me focus on the stuff i a

23、m involved in, so that fewer mistakes i may make, and this can also save me lots of time on other work definitely.thats why i prefer working in quiet places.托福写作task 2题目 适用non-native speaker的参考答案 do you agree or disagree with the following statement. parents should allow their children to make mista

24、kes and let them learn from their own mistakes.the first topic-it is so hard for a parent to sit alone and allow their child to make a mistake. most parents go out of their way to protect their children from everything from any injuries to emotional upset. however, at some point part of being a good

25、 parent is letting go and watching them move.the second topic-no matter how much we want to help our kids, they need to have the freedom to make mistakes and learn from them. trials and errors can be the greatest lessons. children experience what it feels like to do stupid things so they learn that

26、making poor decisions leads to things not turning out well for them. these experiences will leave a lasting impression on children and they will learn to consistently make good decision and avoid making the same mistakes. when i was studying in high school, one day i forgot to bring me my textbook,

27、but my mom said “im sorry you forgot your textbook, but that is your responsibility.” i got blame from my teacher, but i learned a lesson, and since then i always wrote down any important things i need to put in my schoolbag in case i forget.the third topic-in addition, perhaps the best way to free

28、childrens creativity is to ask them to stop being afraid of making mistakes. “anyone who has never made mistakes has never tried anything new.” the great inventor albert einstein said. indeed, what mistakes do is offer us the opportunity to explore beyond where we thought we were going-they introduc

29、e that rare element of chance into our work. so if a son comes to his dad with an apparently unpractical “a piece of work of art”, just let him do it and allow him to make a mess, instead of warning him against the risk of making mistakes, because there is a chance that a series of mistakes or failu

30、res may eventually lead to a bright and creative young artist.托福1月机经a级口语、写作重点题 + 参考答案 a级第四套 托福口语task 1题目 适用non-native speaker的参考答案 what kind of movie do you like most? explain why you like this kind of movie.well, i dont like movie much, but if i have to choose one, i have to say maybe romance is mo

31、re or less my type.firstly, love stories wont make people feel sad or depressed, and all it tells is just a combination of happiness and lovesecondly, my whole family is willing to watch those romances, because we usually dont have much time to think more after a whole days work or study. we just wa

32、nt to relax and laugh.thirdly. when a movie tells a story of a man and a woman, it often ends up well. we dont need to imagine more endings for its story. instead, if they broke up, we wont let it go for a quite a long time.托福口语task 2题目 适用non-native speaker的参考答案 do you agree or disagree with the fol

33、lowing statement? students should be required to wear school uniforms to school.definitely, students are our future and should be paid much more attention to, so the safety is the primal priority to be considered. if they put on uniforms, their identity is to some extent to be known by the public. w

34、hats more, various uniforms have been designed for students increasing interest and inclination. plus teachers and administers in campus can better regulate and guide the whole school students.托福写作task 2题目 适用non-native speaker的参考答案 which way do you think is the best for a student to make new friends

35、? a. joining a sports team b. participating in community activities c. traveling.the first topic-i think the best way for a student to make new friends is to join a sports team. by participate in some sports team, you can easily get to know each other, because you know he or she is your closed partn

36、er and will play, train and even live together in the future time.the second topic-cooperation and coherency is the main essence of the whole team. here you learn how to work with other members. when you guys find disagreements on some specific issues, you learn to negotiate, to argue, or even to pe

37、rsuade your partners.the third topic-while some people may contend that joining a sports team easily gets fights or argues. that is right and as a matter of fact; it can not be denied or avoided. competition and debate are designed for your closer relationship.托福1月机经a级口语、写作重点题 + 参考答案 a级第五套 托福口语task

38、1题目 适用non-native speaker的参考答案 缺失托福口语task 2题目 适用non-native speaker的参考答案 should a city try to preserve its old, historic buildings or destroy them and replace then with modern buildings?well, historic buildings record our ancestors effort and great mind. if we destroy those valuable evidences, we woul

39、d not be able to teach our next generation by viewing them in person. our young people should value and respect those historic buildings, coz it brings us useful information and knowledge we can take good advantage of. for example, siheyuan, a traditional courtyard inbeijing, is well-preserved by ou

40、r government. it attracts millions of people from abroad to visit托福写作task 2题目 适用non-native speaker的参考答案 when you are assigned to finish writing about an important presentation in a month. which way do you prefer? 1. to start working on it right away. 2 wait until you have a good idea about it.the fi

41、rst topic-presenting fabulous speech acting like an expert or professional talents is always a dream to most students when asked to finish this demanding yet intriguing task. students tend to be nervous, anxious and shy speaking in front of the public. without appropriate preparation or guidance, we

42、 are all likely to fail this gold opportunity.if i have the assignment to write this essential presentation in a given month, i would wait until some fresh and compelling ideas strike in my mind.the second topic-there is an old chinese saying that: “fight no battle unprepared”. we are soldiers in ba

43、ttle where the public sitting there are supposed to be imaginary enemies. we should present our perfect state to attract their full attention, so a perfect and persuasive writing material is definitely required. fresh ideas will replenish this gap perfectly and as long as we have time, say like a mo

44、nth, we need to prepare well, searching information or data in library or on webs, collecting materials and useful notes from other people and composing them all together.the third topic-some students prefer to write it right away due to the time pressure. however, they dont know how to start at fir

45、st sometimes. we usually brainstorm before we decide to do something important. time, as a matter of fact, is enough to let us make efficient use of it. the higher the efficiency is, the more time we can squeeze.托福1月机经a级口语、写作重点题 + 参考答案 a级第六套 托福口语task 1题目 适用non-native speaker的参考答案 task 1when it comes

46、 to the criteria of making friends, i am prone to forge friendship with similar minds.as proved meaningfully, like “birds of the same feather flock together; and soul mate”, amicable friendship connected by similar interests outstrips a conflicted tie which may as well border on saber-thrusting.ther

47、e are a number of reasons as follows. when exchanging inner thoughts with closed friends in a pleasant atmosphere, one can feel safe, the fortress of which is erected and strengthened by the understanding and encouragement by the similar minds. one cannot appreciate too much a positive feedback, a c

48、ase especially true in the most desperate scene.besides the psychological safety, like-minded connection is more than absolutely the base of success of ones business. only in a shared picture can ones course be open to the probability of success.托福口语task 2题目 适用non-native speaker的参考答案 缺失托福写作task 2题目

49、适用non-native speaker的参考答案 老师是应该花更多的时间教书还是做研究the first topic-first of all, the research could have great influence in the real world and could one day lead to real achievement, like a cure for cancer or a solution to global warming. this research could make a wonder to millions worldwide. it, therefo

50、re, seems fair that a professor should spend more time doing research than giving lectures to students.the second topic-in addition, if a professors research was successful it could benefit the university and the students in two ways. first, the university would be able to receive grants and funding

51、 to catch up with further research. this money would help the university perfect their research facilities, which would benefit the students who use these facilities. secondly, recognition of the research would bring the high-level reputation and standing of the university, which is something that w

52、ould also do good to the students who studied there by association.the third topic-moreover, a professor who continues to do research is more aware of recent developments and is kept at the forefront of the field. this makes him or her a more knowledgeable teacher. the professor is also more likely

53、to be a more enthusiastic teacher because they will be excited about the new discoveries they are making and be eager to share this passion with the students they teach.托福1月机经a级口语、写作重点题 + 参考答案 a级第七套 托福口语task 1题目 适用non-native speaker的参考答案 which of the following jobs would you like to do in your city?

54、 a clean up the city. b build more bicycle trails. c plant more trees. explain why.well, i definitely go for planting more trees to refresh our citys appearance. the function of our trees not only involves fresh air and efficient oxygen, but also adds beautiful green flavor to our lives. if we grow

55、more trees to our streets, our cold, indifferent skyscrapers may seem more humanity to us now. moreover, making our next generation to appreciate the significance of trees obviously brings us influential impacts.托福口语task 2题目 适用non-native speaker的参考答案 缺失托福写作task 2题目 适用non-native speaker的参考答案 do you a

56、gree or disagree with the following statement? use specific reasons and examples to support your response. it is better to have classes with good friends.the first topic-class is supposed to be an ideal environment where friendly and comfortable ambience occupies most. however, some teachers prefer

57、to be serious and rigid to provide a lesson full of intension. without appropriate guidance and encouraging methods, students probably fail to perform and speak their minds freely and loudly. having classes with good and useful friends may do great benefits to acquiring knowledge.the second topic-co

58、nstructive and fabulous information or advice is likely to be supplied by friends. they are so called friends who tend to be helpful and easy-going. when you are distracted accidentally or trapped into embarrassed situation. friends may warn you or remind you instantly. it is such a good feeling that you never feel before and definitely stimulate you to make much more progress.the third topic-some people may argue that friends having classes together probably chat wi


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