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1、1999考研英语一真题及答案99年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题ectin suctu nd vcablayaradiectios:eneath ch of the ollowng sentnces, here are fourchoices makd a, b, c and d. hoose theone tat e cmetesh sene ark yur anwe on answ heet 1 by blackenig t correondingltr n t braes with a pencil (5 ponts)1.nyone wih hl a y n the uneplyme

2、nt fure knethatth assonaboutecoomic eovey _jst aroundthe corne was ntru. wul bt becas()d being2.smking is so hmful toersol health tht it ls _ pepl each yar an autmobie acidens. seven moe tiesb seven timesmorec over seentimes(b)d seve tm3.is easy to bae th decleof converatonnthe pc o oer fe adon the

3、ague hanes _ ac nur ever-changingworld akngbto tak take(a)d aken4.thsis an exiting are ofstdy,ad e _ hch new appliainre beig disoverdalostdil. rombyc i(c) thrugh5._ n e e fr th compaiso f tes igures, the prcipl invoveste aciv paticiti of the aet in the odificatin of his odtn ab wat that(a) it.lthou

4、iha beninvted to teopeing remoy, was unale to attend _such sortncea tob inc wih()d ncifornia hs moelghthan it knows _ o do wibu everythng el is expnive.a owb whatc whc(b)d where8.the soltionworks ny for copleswho are self-employed, dont avesmll chilren ndget aon _to en mo of their time togtr.a so eb

5、 to wllc well (d)d well enough.marlini a on m ofidepeenthinking whois o but_ coliments t s politial eades.a payingb hain padctoa()d o vepad1.theseroposalsoght t plac grter recons on the u nd cpying f digl informatiohn _ intraditionlmea existb exissc existing(a)d exisprtbdirection:ac f the ollwig sen

6、nces has fourundelinepats arked , c, andd idtfy th pat of th sentnce that is inorrectanmark your anser on answe het1 by blackening he corrsponding letr i bracketswthanil.(5 pins)11yourmah isctor appto give o akexmination a tha youraents il at tetime.(we)12.s the cirn become iependen hefmily, the mph

7、asi mily finacalseurty wil shift rom rotectin for the retirement yer.( avng)13 the tms co. t urchaeanotermajr media opny, hee sno out that it dramtillytransfo enterprie ha stll ts % rvenues rom ewars.(c family-un)1.syposium tals il over f suject ove-ihin to physical a factor that affc te of iffenpec

8、is(cenironental)15.onveato cals for willinnesstolternt t roleo sekerith of , and it cll fr occional igetive paues both.(that)16. to teoris real heirabliyto accoun abyofdata,the thor tha wihemler nr ossumptis s .( n)the cmmie aoptda reolui heeen aumakrsthe most ars n he sat 2 percentof thse vehicles

9、b 99.(o mke)18 or peopl,who in geral are coloed, rerichr pl, ho n generl are ,teres oing o a costan rcial ci in h world.(dskinned)1.al tose maysund in theory, but ven te as gret ifficuy tcome to specifics.(b rat)20. autmakers my mercialy produe ar tou alae ,hecrs wth o ina bgay riesc il tem up at he

10、 gas sation.(d ntil)t cdircton:bneatheac of the followisnencs, hre fouchoice marked a, b, c nd d.choos he one that stcomes tesnene. mark you aneonanwer sheet 1byblkenig the orrespodinglter in te racketwih pl.( pin)21.a imptat ropey of ascientic theory is its abityt _ uhr rearch and further hinig aou

11、 partcar o. stmulat rnvae arouse(a)d advcate22.athougarhitecture s artitic ulites, it must also atisfya nubr ofipornt practial _. obiatonsbrgltionc beration(d)d cosierio3ife insurance s fnanci potton fr depedentsagaislos _ he read-wines eat.a atthcst ofb on he erge ofc asa eslt of(c)d fothe sake o24

12、.i eduction there sould bea od _ among he brahes of nledge that cntibuetoeffective tnkingand wisjut.a dirbutiob balanec combintio(b) snment2thaeric drm imst _ duin thepiods ofrctivity an wth nrat by erincapalism.aplasiblebpatioticcprimtiv(a)d pt26.povetyisnot _inmost cities athugh, erhaps because ot

13、he crowdecoitinsi crtain area, i moe visibe thre.a aebtempraryc rvalen(c)d semetal27.pow liv i sml townsotsem mor fenly han toselvign _opulaed areas.a denlyb iteseyc abundantly(a)highly8.a a y o _the mils while they erawa, he jhnsosaskd the claninady t send little pintedslis asin hesedesto witai lat

14、er.a kng upb cpng withc pssg out(b)getting acoss29ts other d hadto ersuade hi to _frohis ienit vest his sangintck mrkea pul utg drawin(d)d ack down30.an inceasingproporton ofour puatio, nableto liv ithoutavnced mdic _, will becom progrsivel more t on ensive technoogy.a inree inerrutin intvention(c)d

15、 taction31.hese cuse produced he reat cane in e cuntry a odenied the _ o iher edcain ro the id180s to e id-1880s. ranchb catgryc oman()d scop3.nobodyet knos how n an hw seriouly the_ in th finanl ysem will drg down th comy.a shalonessb shaecntnes(b)d stifess33.cs woulde the rightter todesribthe _ in

16、 may nimal species.a minmiztiob restictin dscent()d cie34.th city isanimportt airod_ a induta nd coventionentera conjunctonb networkc jti() ink3rof. wite, my repeted tutr, frequntly eminds eto _ msl of evey chance t iproe yengih.a assre nforc vail(c)d ntify36.researchsdscovee that platinfected wth a

17、 vrusgve off gas hat _ iseaseresistac in egborng pantsactrtsb atvates aintain()dpescrib37.cororatad r unions hav _ great benefit upon teiremplynd mmbers as els uon te gnerl bc.a conrrdb rdc flung(a)d subted38he movme of the mononvenienty roded the nitofmont, whicwas _ frm one noo to the next.measred

18、b eckoecudgd() assessed3.thejudge ruled tha theeidencewas inamsble o th grondsthat t ws _ ohe se t hand railb unreasnablc invlid(d)d irrelvat.ful scrciesan ieincrases_ auomobile desinestoclwnthe larget modes anto evelopompletey ewis of sml carnd trucsa persudedb romptdc impoed(b)d enlghenecon iiloee

19、stdiecions:for ach numered blan in heolwng pasge, theare our icsmakeda, , c and . ce the estone and mark yor answer on nswersheet byblackeningthe corepoigleter inthe bracts withaencil. (10 po)inustra fty oes otjsthape. copanies lw accdnt s plher safety prrms,wokd to orgnztem, ad continueong to keept

20、hem ad ct henhe worki wellon, a ofaccide-fee opertionsis establishd te oe o injus is ket minimu.uccessulsfety proram a greatly in th emphsiplacdon ertain spe of theproram. sm place reaemhasiso canialarng. ohers trss safe wok prctcs b ulesor regatins. othes epend nan emtiona ppeal to te wker but, the

21、re ar certinbi ideas hat must b sed in evy program if maimum eutae o be otainedthrean b no qsti bout he vaue of a safty prra.fro afinnialtadoint aone, sfey. the fewerth jry , thebetethe workmas isuan te ts may eant diferec twen operatg at oraa ls.41.a at inc on(d)dwit.a aivb vicmile(a)d diverse43.a

22、reulio matec rustance(b)d requireent44a werebhowcat(a)d nless5. b dier sht(b)ditinush. ntitung gavatingc obervin(c)utifn4.a omb manycvn(d)d still4a coms ofb turns up pay off(c)d holds 49.a clm rertscdeclaatons(a)d proclaations50.aa dvntageb a eneitcan interest(d)d aprofitsction iradg orhensioniction

23、s:each of the passge belwis ollowed bysmeuesions for ech ston there e for answrs marked a, b, can d. ed thepasges arefully and choose he s answer to eaho the quetins. n ak our nswer o ner heet 1 y blackenn the corrpodin lettr in the rackts wiha pencil.(4ponts)tex 1it a rogol u ther. ste outside and

24、you cod be le spingon yourdormat. lgt up tstovd youculdburndownthehose. lucily, f e door svefaied o arn ocing isaster, a sucessullasuimight cmpenaeyu for your troubles. o sote nin asne inc th early 180,wenjuis gan odinmrecopanie abe rthei cutomer msortne.eling threaened, compane rspndd by riing ever

25、-ner wrnnlels, tyingtatcipeevr ossibe ccidnt. today,stpdders cary lbe eeral nches lo at arn, mong otr thins, that youmgt- suse!- fa off. the abl o a childs ama ape catios tha e ty “doe ot enable user to fly”whle rningsar often piae adncssary- he agrsduginteratons, oexmpl - ndman ae rquid y stae r fe

26、deral regulatio, itintlr thatthe actually prec th manuatuersandselr fr liabilit if a customer injur about50percent of thecompniesseweninjud customersakethmto urtnow theti apars to be trning. as pero inry caims continue a efre, somecourtsare begn toside with dendants,esecly ncase were a ann label pro

27、bly woudn hae changednythin. i my, julie nms,presidnt of shuttorts n iinos, sccessfully foughta awui inlvin a fotblaer wh wa parayzed in agae wile wearg a chutt helme. “werreall soy h as beome prlyzed, but helmets et designetopvent hoe ind of juries,”sy nimms. he ry red tt t nature o thegam, nt thhl

28、met, was e reasonfo the tlets ijury. the samme, th aian law itite - a groupofjudges, lawye,n acadmic ho recmmenaons crubtantial wiht - isued new gudeline rotla tating that companie need not warn customrso bvius danrs r bomrdhm wih agthylistof possible oes“mprta nforato can getred ina se of trivialit

29、ies,”say aw profesort cornllw schoolwhohlpe draftthe new guieies. if mdrat end o theleg counity a t a, teinformation on roducts ihtcualybe providedor the beeft cutom an not asprtetion aast ga ibility51wht wrhiglike in 8 whn acidentshappend? cutor migt be rievefheirdisater trohlawsuits. ijured custom

30、rs could exect protecton frm thelegalsystem.c compaies wldv ei e ypovidingnew warnig.(b)djuris ededto find fl wi the ompenstions compaie pomse.52.mnufatures s metonedi the passage ed t _.a satisfy cusomrs by wi lg warnngs n odcts bcomehonet n desii h iadequas o tir prouc akethe bst se labels to avid

31、 legal labi(c)fee obigedt vew customrssaet as thei first oncern53.theasef shutt elme demontratdthat _aome injuy clm weeno lone sporte byelmets wr no desed to pevent injuic rodct labelswld evtuallybe dsrd(a)d som spotsgames mg los polarty wih athletes54te autattude twads heissems to e_.abiasdb indier

32、etc pzig(d)d ectivetex 2in he first ar orso f e sines,most of thacion asrolvd oud eorttotap the onsermarke.reecently, a h we proe to be mre an fashion,cmpane have sared t uy n sel poducts and ericeswihone anothr.suhbuness-to-binsssasmaesse becau usinesspeope clly knowhatrdc thee looking or.nonethele

33、ss,any cpies stll heitat o se e web becseofdubts abu s relabty. “buieses nd ofel they an rs thepathway etwen themathe upler,”says seor alyst blae rin of orter sech. sme cmaies relimig th sk b ndting line tranactios only wihestablished usnes partnr who gven access o thecompanys privae itrane.anter mj

34、r sft in e model for internet commrce concernshcnology valable fr maketng nti recently, ternet arketig activitishv fcsed n sraegi to “pul” cusos into sies. n e ps ye, howeve, otae copanes have deelp oos ht allow compais to “psh” infatondirety ot o consumers, transmittin markng measdrecto targeed cut

35、es.most notby, the pnast etr uesscreen srto delivr continuallyupdated sreamof neand advrisemens o subcri com nitors. subscrbescancumize heinormion thew to rceive a procd directlytoa copanys wb site. compniessuch a viral vineyards re alraystarting use sla tehnologi sh messages to custmer aoutspial sa

36、s, pdut ofein, oothe evetsbut pushtnooy has eaned the ontpt of manyeb use. oninculue thinks highy fth nn thatthermation flwig no the scren m re y specificreqet. ncecommercial rootionbegnsto fill the creen uiied, thedistincionetween he eb adlvion faethats a prospec thahorifies et puris.but t s rdly n

37、vitble tat comanieon the web will ned to reort opuh straeiestoak money. the examls virtal vineas, amaz.co, and oherioee show tha eb siteellingte rht knd fprodts with terigh mi f nteractviy, hptaiy, ad secuit ll atract nline cutomers. ad he cot o cputingor ntinsto freefall, whih s a goodsgn for anent

38、erse settingup shop in slicon ele lok back5 o 1 years ro nwmaywell woder hys ew cmpaniestoo tonline pn.55we lear from te eginnng of th aa that wb buess_.a hsbee riing to ex i marketb tendedto ollow fncful fshio trd but in vin to contl he market(a)d as beeon fo one ya or so6.paking of the online choy

39、availabe fmarketi, th utor imples that _.a t tchnog is popar with many web usersb sinsss hae faih the reliabiityof nline tasactonsc the a dl he instrategy(c)d it is accessile limitedy to established partns57.in thview fnt ursts, _.a ther soud be n aktng message n nline cultre neyaking should be givn

40、prioty tn eebc the web shoud eabe to uncon thetevii set(d) thee houlbn nline commercial inrmation ithout requests58.we learn fro thes pararah tht _.a pusin inrmatio n hebs essntialo iterntcomrceb nteractiiy, hosialtydsecrity are imprtant to onle ustomersleading compais bgan to take he online unge de

41、cdes ago()d tting up sp inilion is ndependen of thecosofcmputng powertex 3an inisibe borer dividesthse aguing f compuern the classroom o thbhaf of tudents careprospecs and thos aruingf omputern theclasoom for roader asons ordicl edcatna refor.vry few wriers n th subjchave xloe th ditintin -inded, or

42、dctin - hichoes o hheart of wha is wron wth the camaign o utcompe te casroma education that sat gettig a stdt a crta kid ojb is a ecnicaeuction, usfie for ans adicl differt fom wy eduction s uniersallreuir by law. iint simplyto rase evryons job pospects that all childe ae lgally require to atdschool to ter ens rater, we hav acertai cnceptn of


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