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1、一、指示代词this和that的用法(1)this或者that 作主语时,连系动词be要用单数形式is,同时后面名词用单数形式。例如:this is a pen.that is a tree.(2) 向别人介绍某人时,要用“this is .”,不用“that is.”例如:this is alan.(3) 在回答this或that做主语的句子时,要用it来代替this或者that。例如:is this a hamburger? yes,it is . whats that? its a pig.2、 不定冠词a/an及定冠词的用法(1) a常用在以辅音音素开头的单词前,an用于以元音音素开头

2、的单词前面。(2) a book “一本书”表示数量一(3) a boy wants to see you. 泛指某人某物,不具体说明(4) that is a car,not a jeep. 指一类事物定冠词the 特指某些人或者某些事用法如下:(1) 特指某些人或者某些事物,或对话中双方都知道的人或事。that is the car.(2)上文中提到的,下文中再次出现i see a box,the box is on the desk.(3) 用于世界上独一无二的事物前或者唯一范围呢唯一的事物on the earth on the wall(4) 用于某些普通名词构成的专有名词前the g

3、reat wall(5) 西洋乐器的名词前面,或固定搭配前play the pianopaly the guitar3、 人称代词及物主代词1、 人称代词分为主格和宾格形式,并且有单复数形式 人称数格主格宾格单数复数单数复数第一人称iwemeus第二人称youyouyouyou第三人称hetheyhimthemsheheritit2. 人称代词的主格通常在句子中做主语,若单数人称并列做主语时,英语中的顺序常为:第二人称-第三人称-第一人称,即:you and he,he and i ,you and i,you,he and i.3. 人称代词与be动词的关系:连系动词be一般用于现在时态当中

4、,主要有am/is/are我(i)用am,你(you)用are,is连着她(she)他(he)它(it),复数形式全用are例如:i am a boy. he is a student. she is a beautiful girl. it is a little dog. they are my best friends.4. 形容词性的物主代词:类别人称第一人称第二人称第三人称复数单数复数单数复数单数复数形容词性物主代词myouryouryourhisheritstheir形容词性物主代词具有形容词的性质,在句中做定语,修饰名词,不可单独使用,当有形容词修饰时,物主代词置于形容词之前。例

5、如:my pen your book my red glass his father4、 含有be动词的一般疑问句(1)含有be动词的陈述句变为一般疑问句,要将be动词提前。如果句子中的主语为第一人称则要变为第二人称;第一人称的形容词性物主代词变为第二人称的形容词性 物主代词例如:i am zhang yang.are you zhang yang?that is my bike.is that your bike?(2) 含有be动词的肯定回答和否定回答-is this your pen ?-yes,it is./no,it isnt-are you a student?-yes,i am.

6、/no,im not.5、 where 引导的特殊疑问句1、 -where is my pencil? -its in your school bag.in:“在.里面”2、-where is the picture? -its on the wall.on:在.上(表面接触)3、 -where are my shoes? -they are under the bed.under:在.下面6、 have/has的用法1、 have“有”主语一般是人也可以是物。2、 have:当主语为复数名词、一二人称,或一二三人称的复数时用have3、 has“有”为have的第三人称单数形式,当句子主语为

7、不可数名词、可数名词单数或第三人称单数时用has。例如:they have many basketballs. lucy has a very beautiful toy.4、 否定句式:主语+dont/doesnt+havei dont have a pen.lucy doesnt have a beautiful toy.5、 一般疑问句:do/does +主语+have 肯定回答及否定回答例如:-do you have an eraser? -yes,i do./no,im not.- does your brother have a basketball?-yes,he does./n

8、o,he doesnt.6、 当have/has后的名词有some修饰时,在否定句和疑问句中some要变成any。i have some good friends,i dont have any good friends.she has some apples.she doesnt have any apples.7、 固定短语的用法:have lunch have a look have dinner have a good time7、 可数名词与不可数名词 名词复数在英语中,名词分为可数名词和不可数名词两大类。可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。不可数名词没有复数形式,可数名词变复数形式的规则


10、wifewivesleafleaves(二)不规则变化构成方法例词改变元音字母man-men foot-feet woman-women tooth-teeth词尾加en或renchild-children单复数同形deer(鹿)sheep(羊) chinese(中国人) japanese(日本人)(三)复合名词变复数构成方法例词一般的复合名词,只把中心词变为复数(中心词一般是第二个名词)apple tree- apple treespencil box-pencil boxes由man和woman构成的复合名词,二者均变为复数man doctor- men doctorswoman teac

11、her- women teachers单数句变复数句的规则把一个单数句变为复数句,要遵循下列规则:一变,一删,六不变。一变:将单数句中的指示代词、人称代词、物主代词、名词以及系动词变为相应的复数形式。this-these that-those he/she/it-they i-we my-our his/her/its-their一删:将单数句中的不定冠词a/an删去。六不变:保留句中的形容词、定冠词the、副词、疑问词、介词短语和叹词等。i am a student. we are students.this is a nice key. these are nice keyswhats t

12、hat? what are those?.随堂练习1. there are four _ ( tomato) in the drawer.2. jeff likes _ ( strawberry ) very much. 3my aunt has three_(brother).4. here are some_(photo).5. there are two_(boy) in the picture.6. is that his_(orange)?7. i have four_(dictionary).8、 基数词1.基数词的构成 1) 1-12的基数词是独立的单词,有其各自的形式:one,

13、 two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve。 2) 13-19的基数词以-teen结尾。一般都是在相应的表示“几”的基数词后加-teen。如:fourteen,sixteen, seventeen,nineteen等,但13 thirteen, 15 fifteen, 18 eighteen的拼写较特殊。 3) 20-90中表示整十位数的词,一般都是在相应的表示“几”的基数词后加-ty。如:sixty, seventy, ninety,但20 twenty, 30 thirty, 40 forty,

14、 50 fifty, 80 eighty的拼写较特殊。 4)21-29直到91-99,表示“几十几”用整十位数加个位数表示,中间用连字符“-”把十位数和个位数连接起来。21 twenty-one 35 thirty-five 5)one hundred 意为“一百”,还可以用a hundred.要表示200-900,用“具体数字+hundred”200 two hundred 900 hundred2. 基数词的用法 (1)表示年龄,基数词放在years old之前。 he is twelve years old. (2)用来表示人和物的数量,放在名词之前。 i have three ball

15、s.(3)表示顺序、编号等,放在名词之后。例如:第209房间 room 209 im in class four. (4)用来计算。例如:3+2=5 three and two is five。 (三加二等于五)10-5=5 ten minus five is five。 (十减五等于五)3.顺口溜帮你巧记基数词: 基数词,不难记,找出规律很容易: 零至十二形各异,一个一个单独记。 后加-teen为“十几”,thirteen, fifteen看仔细,eighteen只有一个t。 表示“几十”要加-ty,twenty, thirty是特例; forty, fifty更厉害,和eighty一起搞例

16、外。 表示数字“几十几”,连字符号要切记。 要表“几百几”,and 常把百、十系(美式英语可省略and); 还有一点须注意,“几百”后别把-s立。巩固练习:1.david,how old is your father this year?_a.four b.forty c.fourty d. fourteen2.if a=3,b=4,whats the answer to the problem:a+b+1=? the answer is_.a. five b.six c.seven d.eight3._and seven is twelve.a.five b.six c.seven d. e

17、ight4.a week has _days.a. five b.six c.seven d.eight5.my daughter is _.a.eleven b. eleven years c.eleven old d.eleven year6.im 13 years old and my sister is 15years old. so my sister is_years older than me.a. one b. two c.three d. four小结:随堂练习:( )1. bob likes playing _ guitar, but his brother likes p

18、laying _ chess. a. the; / b. /; the c. the; the d. /; /( )2. gina likes action movies,_ she doesnt like thrillers.a. and b. so c. or d. but( )3. -how much are these black pants? -_. a. its ten dollars. b. its ten dollar. c. theyre ten dollars. d. theyre ten dollar.( )4. if you want to be a reporter,

19、 please call frank _ 9966330. a. in b. at c. on d. for( )5. she is_ at playing basketball. and she can sing very _,too.a. good ;good b. good ;well c. well; well d. well; good( )6. -where _ marys pen pals _from?-the united kingdom. a. does; come b. does; live c. do; come d. are; live( )7. hed like to

20、 buy two _, two_ and half a kilo of _. a. tomato; potato; beef b. tomatos; potatoes; beef c. tomatoes; potatoes; beefs d. tomatoes; potatoes; beef( )8. jim is 13 years old. birthday is may 3rd. a. my b. her c. hisd. your( )9. whats in my backpack ? a book? yes, english book. a. a b. an c. / d. the (

21、 )10. when does betty play tennis ? she plays tennis seven saturday morning a. in; at b. on; on c. at; in d. at; onstep5家庭作业一、单项选择1.lucy king _ my name. a. am b. is c. are d. /2.look! that is _ key. a. she b. you c. i d. my3. i _ mark. his name _ tony. a. is, is b. am, is c. are, am d. am, are5.this

22、_sally.she_mysister. a.am,isb.is,arec.are,isd.is,is 6.whatsthis?_acat. a.thisisb.thissc.itsd.it 7-_is the baseball? -it is under the desk.a.what b.where c.he d.it8.theres a map of china_the wall(墙).a.in b.on c.under d.between9.-_the baseball on the desk? -yes,it is.a.does b.do c.is d.are10. your bro

23、thers cds_in the drawer.a.is b.isnt c.are d./11. her watch _ in her backpack. a. am b. is c. are d. be 12. please call jenny _ 536-4428. a. in b. to c. on d. at13.mr.hu,_ my father.a.it is b.this is c.this d.that14. do you have a baseball? _. but i have a basketball.a.yes, you do. b.no, you dont c.y

24、es, i do. d.no, i dont15. do you have_alarm clock?a.a b.an c.the d./16.he has 3 soccer balls. _ he doesnt play sports.a.and b.but c.only d.or17. do you like hamburgers? _.a.yes, i like. b.yes, i do. c.no, i dont like. d.no, i do.18.i have some apples. apples are my favorite(最喜欢)_.a.fruit b.fruits c.

25、vegetable d.vegetables19.my mother likes eggs _ breakfast.a.in b.for c.has d.have20.mary _ watch tv, but mike _. a.doesnt ; does b.doesnt ; doesnt c.doesnt ; watches d.does ; doesnt21. look! thats _ apple tree. in _ tree you can see a bird (鸟).a. a, theb. an, a c. a, the d. an. the 22. _ are good friends.a. he


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