第三章 药物的杂质检查_第1页
第三章 药物的杂质检查_第2页
第三章 药物的杂质检查_第3页
第三章 药物的杂质检查_第4页
第三章 药物的杂质检查_第5页
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1、,lecture 3:药物的杂质检查test for impurities in drug substances and products,1. introduction and definition (概述),2. test for common impurities (一般杂质检查),3. test for related compounds (特殊杂质检查),1. introduction and definition(概述)1.1 什么是杂质(what are impurities?)1.2 为什么需要控制杂质的量(why they should be controlled?)1.3

2、杂质的类型有那些?(what types of impurities are there?)1.4 什么是杂质的限度检查?(what is the limit test of impurities?)1.5 杂质的限度如何确定?(how to setup a proper limit?),the purity of a drug is an existing status. 药物的纯度代表其存在的特定状态,反映了药物的洁净程度。,1. introduction (概述),purity is the absence of impurity in a drug.,impurities are su

3、bstances inside a confined amount of drug, which differ from the chemical composition of the drug compound. 杂质:任何影响药品纯度的物质均称为杂质,1.1 what are impurities?,少量杂质的存在往往影响药物的有效性、稳定性及安全性。the presence of unwanted chemicals even in small amounts may influence the efficacy, stability and safety of the pharmace

4、utical products.,1.2 why they should be controlled?,严重不良反应案例(examples of serious influences ),thalidomide 沙利度胺,2-(2,6-dioxopiperidin-3-yl)-1h-isoindole-1,3(2h)-dione,systematic (iupac) name:,left: (s)-thalidomideright: (r)-thalidomide,沙度利胺对映异构体 two enantiomers of thalidomide,1.3 what types of impuri

5、ties are there?,无机杂质,有机杂质,生物体,异构体杂质,聚合物 inorganic, organic, biochemical, isomeric or polymeric components can all be considered impurities.,杂质的分类 classification of impurities,fall generally into three main categories by their origin:按来源分类 process impurities (生产过程引入) degradation impurities(贮藏过程中产生 )

6、contaminant impurities(污染),杂质来源与种类 source and sorts of impurities,制备过程中产生,碳酸酐酶抑制药双氯非那胺 可能因原料未反应完全而引入邻二氯苯 可能因二氯磺酰氯氨解产生氯化铵,如果未洗净则引入氯化铵,贮藏过程中产生,外界条件影响:日光、空气、温度、湿度、 微生物等引起药物产生,胺化,环合,(甲巯咪唑),缩合,甲巯咪唑即是卡比马唑合成中环合的中间体,也是贮存过程中的分解产物。,(1)一般杂质: 在多种药物中普遍存在的杂质。 (cl- so42- pb as fe) 有害杂质 ( pb as ) 信号杂质 (cl- so42-):考

7、察生产工艺, 反映药物的纯度水平 (2)特殊杂质: 个别药物的生产及贮藏中引入的杂质。,杂质的分类classification of impurities,按化学性质分类 can also be classified into three categories by their chemical characteristics: inorganic impurities (common, 一般杂质) organic impurities (process- and drug-related,有关物质) residual solvents (残留溶剂),杂质的种类,无机杂质 inorganic

8、impurities can result from the manufacturing process. they are normally known and identified. include: 试剂,配位体,催化剂 reagents, ligands and catalysts 重金属或其他残留金属离子 heavy metals or other residual metals 无机盐 inorganic salts 其他 other materials (e.g.filter aids,charcoal 助滤剂,活性炭),the most commonly found inorg

9、anic impurities are: cl- so42- pb as fe 信号杂质,有机杂质 organic impurities can arise during the manufacturing (生产)process and/or storage(贮藏) of the drug substance. 有关物质 related substances (compounds) every drug has its own related substances. include: 起始原料 starting materials 副产物 by-products 中间体 intermedia

10、tes 降解产物 degradation products 试剂、配位体、催化剂 reagents, ligands, and catalysts,残留溶剂 residual solvents are inorganic(无机) or organic liquids(有机) used as vehicles for the preparation of solutions or suspensions in the synthesis of a drug substance. were evaluated for their possible risk to human health and

11、placed into one of three classes. 分成三类 class 1,2and 3 solvents.,class 1 solvents: solvents to be avoided应避免使用 已知致癌物质 known human carcinogens, 很可能致癌物质或环境毒性 strongly suspected human carcinogens, and/or environmental hazards.,class 2 solvents: solvents to be limited限制使用 非基因毒性动物致癌物或其他可能有不可逆毒性的溶剂,如导致神经毒性

12、或致畸 nongenotoxic animal carcinogens or possible causative agents of other irreversible toxicity such as neurotoxicity or teratogenicity. 可能具有可逆性毒性的溶剂 solvents suspected of other significant but reversible toxicities.,class 3 solvents: solvents with low toxic potential具有潜在低毒性 solvents with low toxic

13、potential to man; no health-based exposure limit is needed. class 3 solvents have permitted daily exposures of 50 milligrams (mg) or more per day.,1.4 杂质的限度 what is the limit test of impurities?,所有的杂质都应清除吗? should all impurities be eliminated?,所有杂质的水平应被控制以保证产品的一致性和安全性the levels of all impurities sho

14、uld be controlled to provide a consistent and safe product.,it is generally not necessary and not economically feasible to totally eliminate all impurities.,不影响疗效、不产生毒性、保证药物质量的原则; 综合考虑杂质的安全性、生产的可行性与产品的稳定性; 允许药物中含有一定量的可以检测和控制的杂质。,水杨酸 salicylic acid should not greater than 0.1 per cent of the total am

15、ount.(0.1%),重金属 heavy metals should not more than 20 ppm.,aspirin 阿司匹林,salicylic acid 水杨酸,the limit test(限度检查) is used to determine whether an impurity component in a test substance is above or below a specified level(规定的水平). i.e. fail to meet the specification or meet the specification,对杂质进行检查, 杂质含

16、量应符合限量要求,limit = allowed amount of impurity % (ppm),杂质的限量:药物中所含杂质的最大允许量。 限量表示(g/g) :百分之几(%) 百万分之几(10-6) 限量检查: 检查所含杂质是否超过杂质限量的规定, 通常不要求测定其准确含量。,杂质的限量检查定义(limit test),杂质限量检查方法,取一定量 (cv) 与被检杂质相同的纯品或对照品配成对照品溶液,与一定量(s)药物供试溶液在相同条件下处理后,比较反应结果,以确定杂质含量是否超过规定。,对照液浊度 供试液浊度,杂质限量的计算:,式中: l 杂质的限度(%) c 对照液浓度 (g/ml

17、) v 对照液的加入体积(ml) s 供试品的量(g) 注意: 单位统一,例 : 茶苯海明中氯化物的检查 取本品0.30g置200ml量瓶中,加水50ml、氨试液3ml和10硝酸铵溶液6ml,置水浴上加热5min,加硝酸银试液25 ml,摇匀,再置水浴上加热15 min,并时时振摇, 放冷,加水稀释至刻度,摇匀,放置15min, 滤过,取续滤液25ml置纳氏比色管中,加稀硝酸10ml,加水稀释成50ml,摇匀,在暗处放置5min, 与标准氯化钠溶液(10g cl/ml)1.5ml 制成的对照液比较,求氯化物的限量。 c= 10g/ml v=1.5ml s= 25 0.30 200=0.0375

18、g,1.5 如何设定限度 how to set up the specification level (limit)?,原料药中 salicylic acid should not greater than 0.1 per cent of the total amount in the drug material.(0.1%),aspirin,salicylic acid,制剂中 salicylic acid should not greater than 0.3% in aspirin tablets(普通片), 0.6% in dispersible aspirin tablets(分散片

19、).,the thorough studies of the origins, types and properties of the impurities contained in a drug substances or products are very important for their rationale testing and control.,充分了解药物中杂质的来源、种类和性质,才能够针对性地制订出药物中杂质的检查项目、检查方法和适宜指标。,2、一般杂质检查方法,条件:硝酸酸性条件(稀硝酸10ml) 反应试剂:硝酸银试液 1.0ml 杂质对照:nacl (10g/ml) 灵

20、敏度范围: 5080 g / 50ml 讨论:选择稀硝酸反应条件的意义。,2.1 氯化物(chloride )检查 原理:,比浊方法:同置于黑色背景上,自上向下观察。 平行操作原则。 3. 若供试品有色,需经处理后方可检查。,注 意:,干扰及排除,(1)外消色法:如高锰酸钾中氯化物的检查, 可先加乙醇适量,使其还原褪色后再依法检查。,(2)内消色法:倍量法,供试品有色处理方法,2.2 、重金属(heavy metals )的检查,第一法 硫代乙酰胺法 适用对象:溶于水、稀酸和乙醇的药物 原 理: pb2+ + 醋酸盐缓冲液 + 硫代乙酰胺(ch3csnh2) pbs (黄棕黑) 条件: 介质:

21、醋酸盐缓冲液 (ph 3.5) 2ml 试剂:硫代乙酰胺 (ch3csnh2) 2ml 杂质对照液: pbno3 (10g/ml) 灵敏度范围: 1020 g / 27ml,葡萄糖中重金属的检查:样4.0g溶于23ml水,加入2ml缓冲盐,依法检查,其重金属不得超过 百万分之五,取标准铅( 10g/ml),v=? c= 10g/ml l= 5 10-6 s=4.0g,v = 2.0 ml,例 2:,注意:供试品如有色,需经处理后方可检查。,1. 外消色法:在对照管中加稀焦糖溶液或其他无干扰的有色溶液。 2. 内消色法。 3. 改用第四法,微孔滤膜过滤法。,第二法:含芳环或杂环的有机药物 如苯佐

22、卡因、甲硝唑 第三法: 溶于碱的药物或在稀酸产生 沉淀的药物 如磺胺类、巴比妥类 第四法: 铅斑法,c 垫圈(外径10mm,内径6mm) d 滤膜(直径10mm,孔径3.0m) e 辅助滤板,cd,a,b,f,e,滤器下部,滤器上盖,连接头,微孔滤膜过滤法检查重金属装置,2.3 砷 盐 (arsenic),第一法 古蔡氏法 gutzeit 第二法 ag-ddc法 白田道夫法 bettendorff,国内外常用方法:,古 蔡 氏 法 :,sbh3+hgbr2sbh2(hgbr)+hbr 锑斑,zn+hcl,白田道夫法,检查砷盐仪器装置,8cm,18cm,有孔玻璃旋塞,导气管,ash3发生瓶,二乙

23、基二硫代氨基甲酸银法 ag-diethyldithiocarbamate ag-ddc法,2.4 干燥失重 ( loss on drying),恒温干燥 干燥剂干燥 减压干燥 热分析法 thermal analysis,ta,干燥失重物主要指水分 (结晶水或吸附水) 或挥发性物质,在程序控制温度下,测量物质的质量与温度关系的方法,热重分析法 thermal gravimetric analysis,tga :,差示热分析法,在程序控制温度下,测定供试品与 参比物质之间的温差(t)随温 度变化的函数关系,differential thermal analysis,dta:,草酸钙(cac2o4h

24、2o)的热重曲线,热差曲线的直线,吸热峰,放热峰,热差曲线示意图,差示热分析仪主要结构简图,盐酸多巴酚丁胺的dta-tga曲线,2.5 有机溶剂残留量测定,色谱系统与系统适用性试验 system suitability tests; ssts 以直径为0.250.18mm的二乙烯苯-乙基乙烯苯型高分子多孔小球作为固定相,柱温为80170;并符合下列条件: 用待测物的色谱峰计算的n应大于1000; 内标物与待测物的两个色谱峰的r1.5; 每个标准溶液进样5次,所得待测物与内标物峰面积之比的rsd5%; 若以外标法测定,所得待测物峰面积的rsd10%,3. test for related com

25、pounds (特殊杂质检查),every drug has its own related substances.,吸附或分配性质的差异嗅味的差异对光选择吸收性质的差异挥发性的差异颜色的差异溶解行为的差异旋光性质的差异,物理性质上差异:,酸、碱性质的差异氧化还原性的差异杂质与一定试剂产生沉淀杂质与一定试剂产生颜色反应杂质与一定试剂反应产生气体,化学性质上差异:,吸附或分配性质的差异薄层色谱法 tlc,一般要求: 颗粒直径1040m 薄层涂布:无粘合剂 含粘合剂:常加入1015% 煅石膏 (caso42h2o,180烘4h) 或0.50.7%羧甲基纤维素钠水溶液,比移值,常 用 方 法:,杂质

26、对照品法 供试品自身对照法 对照药物法,供试品10l n-甲基哌嗪10l 50mg/ml 50g/ml,枸橼酸乙胺嗪 i2蒸气显色,规定: 如显杂质斑点,不得多于2个,其颜色与对照品主斑点相比较,不得更深。,地塞米松磷酸钠 地塞米松 20mg/ml 0.20mg/ml,如有12个杂质点超过时,应不得深于0.01%对照液的主斑点。 其中有1个杂质点应不深于0.002%供试品的主斑点。,氨苯砜中检查“有关物质”规定:,0.01%供试品,100g/ml,1%供试品,10mg/ml,0.002%供试品,20g/ml,高效液相色谱法 hplc,主 要 方 法:,峰面积归一化法 不加校正因子的主成分自身对照法 加校正因子的主成分自身对照法:用于有杂质对照品时,杂质的含量测定。 内标法加校正因子测定


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