人教版七年级英语下册《nit 4 I want to be an actor.Section A》课件_13_第1页
人教版七年级英语下册《nit 4 I want to be an actor.Section A》课件_13_第2页
人教版七年级英语下册《nit 4 I want to be an actor.Section A》课件_13_第3页
人教版七年级英语下册《nit 4 I want to be an actor.Section A》课件_13_第4页
人教版七年级英语下册《nit 4 I want to be an actor.Section A》课件_13_第5页




1、Hello! Everybody!,Section A,What does he do? Hes a director(导演).,张艺谋,Director Zhang is going to make(拍摄) a new movie named “寒窑. It needs many actors .If you are interested in (对-感兴趣)movies ,Come and Join us !,ActorsWanted,What kind of actors do they need ?,Lets go and try !,shop assistant,doctor,stu

2、dent,actor,an actor,reporter,policeman,policewoman,policemen,policewomen,bank clerk,waiter,shop assistant,waiter,student,bank clerk,actor,doctor,reporter,policeman,如果你想参加这部电影的拍摄,你需要接受三项能力测试。,温馨提示:,Are you ready ? 你准备好了?,Lets go!,测测你的辨别力,测试第一关,Guess the job,What does he or she do?,a student,a doctor,

3、a policeman,a reporter,shop assistant doctor actor reporter policeman waiter bank clerk student,f,b,h,c,a,d,e,g,测试第二关,才艺展示 (show yourself),What does she/he do? She/He is a/an,What do you do? I am a/an,What do you do?,Im a student.,What does he do?,He is a student.,What does she/he do? She/He is a/an

4、 ,shop assistant,waiter,student,bank clerk,actor,doctor,reporter,policeman,policewoman,-What does she do?,-She is a shop assistant.,-She is a policewoman.,shop assistant,What does she do? What is her job ? What is she ?,测试第三关,你有丰富的想象力吗?,Try please !,What does Yao Ming do?,He is a basketball player.,

5、Whats Yao Mings job?What is Yao Ming ?,What does he want to be?,想成为,He wants to be a policeman.,Free talk,What do you want to be? I want to be a/an.,展开你想象的翅膀,doctor,reporter,bank clerk,actor,teacher,policeman,Summary,shop assistant doctor actor reporter policeman waiter bank clerk student,What does

6、he do? Hes a ,What does he want to be?,He wants to be.,What other jobs do you know?,cook,pilot,host,postman,work,drive,er,r,What other jobs do you know?,dancer,DJ,farmer,runner,singer,1.Please find out the five jobs that are going to grow the faster recently. (调查当今社会上的热门职业) 2.Write a letter to introduce(介绍) yourself.,Homework,(把课堂知识与实际生活联系起来,使


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