外研版初中英语九年级下册教案:Module11 Unit2(初三上)_第1页
外研版初中英语九年级下册教案:Module11 Unit2(初三上)_第2页
外研版初中英语九年级下册教案:Module11 Unit2(初三上)_第3页
外研版初中英语九年级下册教案:Module11 Unit2(初三上)_第4页
外研版初中英语九年级下册教案:Module11 Unit2(初三上)_第5页




1、外研版九年级(上)module 11 population 一、教材概述本教学内容来自英语外研版九年级(上)module 11 population。本模块以“人口”为话题,涉及人口过剩以及由此而产生的相关后果。通过阅读,希望能够唤起学生们的忧患意识,并培养他们在实际生活中提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的能力。二、教材分析本模块以“人口”为话题,涉及人口过剩以及由此而产生的相关后果。通过阅读,希望能够唤起学生们的忧患意识,并培养他们在实际生活中提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的能力。通过本模块的学习,学生学习正确使用冠词,并能够准确读出大数字。为学生提供了充足的语言实践运用的机会。学生可以围绕人口这


3、能力,使各层次的学生都有所收获。四、模块教学目标 (一)语言知识目标1、功能:能够理解并表述大数字,正确使用冠词。2、语法:能够正确使用冠词,并能够准确读出大数字。 3、词汇:population, crowd, increase, smoke, increasing, minute, percent, appointment, crime, flat, law, rubbish, tax, vision, add, fault, police, cure, along with, thanks to, in the distance, close down, add to 4、话题:以“人口

4、”为话题。(二)语言技能目标1、听:能听懂对话;听辨、写出大数字。2、说:能够用大数字谈论人口问题。3、读:能够读懂涉及人口问题的文章,掌握文章大意。4、写:能够写出所存在的问题,提出解决问题的建议。5、演示与表达:能够结合图表介绍对某一地区人口的调查与研究。五、教学策略 让学生形成自主学习,有效交际、信息处理、英语思维能力。1、在认知方面,让学生学会联系,归纳,推测等技能。学习查词典,阅读报纸,提高自学能力。2、在调控方面,能够从同伴处得到反馈,对自己在叙述及作文中的错误进行修改。3、在交际方面,能够学习运用恰当词语介绍自己的理想假期。4、在资源方面,能够通过阅读报纸等其他资源获取更多简单英

5、语的人口过剩以及由此而产生的相关后果。5、在自学策略方面,能够根据自己的情况预习教材并进行拓展。6、在合作学习策略方面,能够根据小组内同学的特长分工合作,共同完成学习任务。注意学习策略共享。unit 2 it was a quiet country village教 材英语(新标准) 九年级上册课时1课时教 学 设 计课 型reading and writing教学目标1. to get information from the reading passage in relation to city problems.2. to cultivate students different rea

6、ding skills.3. to realize how serious the problems caused by large population.4. to make three suggestions of ways to improve the city situation.教学重点to enable ss to talk about the population in our country and think of some ways to solve the problems.教学方法听说法、练习法教学准备多媒体教室、图片、录音机及其它直观教具 教学过程教学过程教学步骤教师

7、活动学生活动活动目的pre-reading step1 warming- up1.ask the students to take out their homework about the questions in activity 1, unit 2. and share their opinions with their partners.2.ask someone to read his opinions aloud in class.3.ask them which opinion is the best.1. discuss their opinions, and share wit

8、h their partners.2. the others listen carefully and give points.3. choose the best speaker.这部分的活动为读前预热部分,目的是激活学生已有的相关背景知识,增强学生的话题意识,并能围绕主题发表自己的看法。while-readingstep1.predictionmake the ss predict what the text talks about according to the title .step2. fast readingask the ss read the text quickly and

9、 think about the general idea of this text.step3. intensive reading1. provide five subtitles for the ss to match the five paragraphs. and ask them read the text again.2. ask the ss to read a third time with one question: what problems does arnwick have now? 3. ask them to complete the exercises in a

10、ctivity3, and help them get the answers. step4. listen, and read aloud the text.1. play the tape, ask them to listen to it.2. ask the ss to read aloud and check if they still have any problems in reading.3. teach the key structures and solve the difficulties.1. discuss with the partner to guess what

11、 the text is about.2. read the text quickly, and then grasp the main idea.1. do the matching exercise by reading the text again.2. read the text again, and then discuss the questions with their partners before finding out the answers.3. check the answers.1. listen to the tape and read after it in a

12、low voice.2. read the text chorally and loudly.3. learn the useful expressions and difficulties and then make notes.通过对这篇文章进行预测,快速阅读和细读,目的是要训练学生的整体理解能力,同时还有对细节理解与判断、推理与逻辑的能力。提高学生的阅读能力和技巧。post-reading.writingplay a video about some problems in our city, such as traffic and pollution. ask them to talk

13、 about their feeling to these problems. have them make their suggestions of ways to improve the situation.discuss how to solve these problems, then write down the suggestions of ways to improve the situation.该活动的目的是要训练学生在实际生活中解决在实际生活中解决问题的能力。.summary make them think about what they can learn from th

14、is story.discuss with partners and give different answers.帮助他们总结、归纳、识记本课所学知识,消化课堂知识homework1. read the passage loudly with proper pronunciation and intonation.2. finish the exercises in unit2 of 学生新报,新学案板书设计notes: along with thanks to in the distance close down add to 教学反思: 1、通过教学活动和教学实践,我深刻地体味到,中学英语课堂教学改革势在必行。以前的传统教学过多的注重语言知识的讲授,课堂上以教师为中心,学生学习英语的热情与学习英语的时间成反比。英语是一种语言,学习语言的兴趣来源于习得语言技能的成功感。积极主动地参与语言实践是习得语言技能成功感的源泉。2、我校学生在英语学习方面没有一个好的语言氛围,学生习得的语言大多数都在课堂上,让学生在课堂上成为学习与运用英语的主动参与者,积极参与教学活动,课堂气氛就非常活跃,在静之中学会思考和写作,基本达到了本节课的目的。学生自己通过阅读、谈论来完成任务,充分体现了学生的自主合作精神,学生能运用英语进行思维,达到了本模块以听


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