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1、Self-introduction by-重庆华章Sample OneGood morning! Nice to meet you here, professor. I am happy to be here and take this interview. I am XXX, 31 years old, a local citizen. I graduated from Chongqing Technology and Business University in 2004, majoring in financial investment. Within the period of my

2、campus life, I studied hard and gained rich knowledge about my major. After that, I worked in xxx, a limited liability company, dealing with assets management work. My main job is to participate in the joint ventures and acquisition, establish new branches, and handle the subsidiaries assets effecti

3、vely. From 2004-2008, I joined some large projects about acquisition and establishment of new subsidiaries. After 2008, I was transferred in xxx. But now, I was dispatched, by disciplinary commission, in xxx company, supervising their relocation work From last April, I have been studying in a MBA tr

4、aining institute where I make many friends from all walks of life. And now I am taking this interview for the final result. I hope I can pass the exam smoothly and further my MBA study. Because, for my part, MBA learning will be a part of my academic journey ,and during this colorful journey I will

5、meet different kinds of friends with whom I can enrich my studies and personal lives both. Furthermore, I am sure I can learn a lot from MBA courses, and finish my tasks better.I have so many hobbies, such as playing football, basketball and singing with my friends in KTV. But my favorite is to fish

6、. Once I am free, I will go out for fishing in the pool nearby.Thats all! Thank you! Sample TwoGood morning, dear professors! Im so happy to take this interview here.Im XXX, born in XXXX.I graduated from Chongqing Normal University. After that, I have been working in schools for nearly 16 years. And

7、 now I am working in xxx as a computer teacher, and meanwhile I am appointed as the chief head of general affairs, responsible for the security and logistics of our school. I am conscientious, steady, aggressive and active to participate in all kinds of tasks assigned by xxx. Proud to say, handing w

8、ith all the staff together in our school, we have made much achievement unitedly.Our teaching quality are graded, our teaching and studying atmosphere is harmonious and free care. At present, we are building our school as a “safe school”“healthy school”“”digital school“environmental school”and “civi

9、lized school ”.All in a word, I love my students and set being a teacher as my whole life career.After school, I have many interests to enjoy my life freely, such as doing some sports, reading and surfing on the Internet. To promote my own quality, and adapt to the developing society, I am determine

10、d to study MBA.I am sure I can learn a lot from the coming MBA courses with which to finish my job creatively and enjoy my life meaningfully.Thats all .Thanks for you careful attention. Hope to see you soon and again. Sample ThreeGood morning, nice to meet you. It is my pleasure to have this opportu

11、nity for this interview and I hope I can make a good performance today .My name is XXX, and I am XX years old. I come from chongqing. My father is an engineer, and my mother is a chemical analyst. It is my greatest happiness that my parents are in good health.In 1997,I graduated from Chinese Departm

12、ent of Sichuan University. In the first years, I worked as an assistant in administration department. Since 2004, I have been working in the human resources management, and now with my hard work, I am a manager. During my employment, I have acquired working experience and some skills. I know how to

13、communicate well with my colleagues. I have a strong sense of responsibility for any task designated. I am open-minded, quick in thought , very fond of sports and tour .In my spare time, I also have broad interests, such as reading books, especially those about administration, finance and history.I

14、always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on leaning. Now I realize that what I learned is not enough for my future target. As far as I think, it is would be great if I can apply my academic knowledge and some management skills into my career, and that why I choose to further my

15、 study with MBA .If I am given a chance to study in this university, I will spare no effort to work hard and try to be a successful manager after graduation.OK, that is all. Thank you for your attention. I hope to see you again and soon. Sample FourGood morning!Nice to meet you here .professor. Firs

16、t of all, please allow me to express my appreciation for the opportunity to take part in todays interview. Then I will make a brief introduction about myself.My name is xxIm 29 years old, Im a native of Chongqing girl. I graduated from the Chongqing normal university in July,2004.My majoring in jour

17、nalism. During the past seven years,I have been worked in China mobile Chongqing branch and I was a secretary. From last October. I have been studying in a MBA training institute where I make many friends from all walks of life. And now I am taking this interview for the final result. I hope I can p

18、ass the exam smoothly and further my MBA study. Because, for my part, MBA learning will be a part of my academic journey ,and during this colorful journey I will meet different kinds of friends with whom I can enrich my studies and personal lives both. Furthermore am sure I can learn a lot from MBA

19、courses, and finish my tasks better.I think Im an optimistic, open-minded, hardworking and responsibility person. I will try my best to do every work. well. In my spear time, I like traveling, surfing the Internet. Because I think they can broaden my horizon (视野更开阔?)With 7 years working experiences,

20、 I have deeply understand what I have learned was not enough for my target. so that is the reason why I choose to further my study with the MBA degree. I think I would be an excellent student of your MBA program.Ok, that is all, thank you for your attention. Sample FiveGood morning, professors. It i

21、s my pleasure to have this opportunity for this interview and I hope I can make a good performance today. To begin with, I am very honored to make a self-introduction here. My name is XX, you can also call me XX, because the pronunciation of it is like my Chinese name. I am 27 years old, a local cit

22、izen. I graduated from XX university few years ago. majoring in XX . I liked management very much, and want to make some achievement in this field. And now, I am trying my best for obtaining a key to Chongqing university for MBA.I have worked in XX for four years. In the first year, My main job is c

23、omputer management. From 2008, I joined a large project named quality management system about enterprise management. My job is standardize every activities of our company, such as how to assess, how to improve, how to encourage, and so on. Now, I realized that what I had learned was not enough for t

24、his position, I thought it would be greater if I can study more knowledge about management. My ultimate aim is build a company of my own, so I can try my best to help more poor child to go to school.In my spare time, I have so many hobbies, such as swimming and singing with my friends in KTV. But my

25、 favorite is playing basketball. After work, I will go out for playing basketball with some of my colleagues.Thats all .Thanks for you careful attention. MBA面试英文自我介绍 一行文前 在写MBA面试英文前对自己进行三轮自我拷问: 1准备好纸和笔,第一次拷问自己: 我有哪些优点和优势? 我有哪些背景和经历? 可以发动朋友同事家人一起来想,所有可能想到的,一一写在纸上。 2总结完毕,再度拷问自己: 在这些优点和优势中,我最大的优势是什么? 在

26、这些背景和经历中,我最与众不同的地方是什么? 3结合上述两轮的答案,第三次拷问自己: 我对(目标院校)北大光华管理学院有什么利用价值? 把这个问题的答案想明白后再开始行文。 二行文中 行文中始终牢牢记住一个原则:时刻考虑面试官的需要。-我为什么要录取你,而不是其他的人!? 自我介绍行文中,只有一条主线:我有一个理想,我缺乏一个平台。我用过去的经历和能力证明我有资格挤身于光华这个平台,实现自己的理想。这条主线一定是非常清晰和可行的,中间缺的只是“给我一个平台”这个环节。自我介绍的唯一任务就是要告诉面试官:你今天为什么一定要接收我!我们不是张君,你不接收我,老子一枪崩了你。我们要做的是打动面试官。

27、达到一个“你不接收我,你会后悔,会是你(北大)的遗憾,你看着办吧”的效果。 写自我介绍的过程中,权衡行文主线中的两个方面:目标院校(北大)要录取我,是我需要得到来目标院校(北大)来深造?还是我也值得他们(北大)选择我? 很多学员在面试过程中,都是急切的表达自己急需读MBA深造。事实上,没有哪个参加考试不是急切需要深造的。我们在陈述理由的时候,需要展示的是个性化的东西。你在陈述自己的理想与人生职业目标时,牢记:所有的理想与目标都只有一个指向,那就是促使你选择 MBA。 而介绍的重点是应该放在“我值得目标院校(北大)选择我”。 你的过去经历是否与面试官选择你有关,什么优秀*员,学习马列主义先进分子

28、与面试要选择你无关的辉煌经历,毫不犹豫的X掉!所有的辉煌经历与风光故事中,只有既能证明你有资格进北大,也能证明你有潜质实现你的职业理想的才放在自我介绍中去。一定要狠心的删去没必要的辉煌与风光。而进行你自我介绍中的经历与故事,都要和你的目标-证明你有资格进入北大-有清晰的逻辑关系。 行文中,要懂得如何变劣势为优势,比如有的学员因为自己的中专背景可能觉得难以启齿,但是如果能够做换位思考,我是中专生都这个厉害,你北大给我一个机会,我还能不龙行天下?所以这样的时刻一定要发挥自己强烈的自我意志,去影响面试官,让他感受到你无穷的潜力,而不是盯住你的weak教育背景。 行文中几个关键点: 1 自信是整个自我

29、介绍的基调。-自己如果对自己没信心,很难想象如何让别人对自己有信心。但自信不是狂妄。把握好度! 2一定要用英文思维,第一次就用英文写作!-人有一种天生的惰性和犯贱。要读MBA一定能够认识到这一点。关键是怎么克服。很多学员希望别人为自己写好介绍,自己背背就行,这样惰性不可能不在面试过程表现出来。所有人也都知道惰性的流露无疑会让自己走向面试的死胡同,但是还是要让惰性控制自己。这就是犯贱。 3 行文中不要浪费一个字!-现代社会,每个人都很忙,不要让你的垃圾信息浪费我们的时间。再怎么漂亮恢弘的用词,只要能删,一定要毫不犹豫。 4 不要试图说一个字的不真实之言!-在面试官面前,你就是幼儿园的小孩,你有几

30、斤几两,自己掂量一下。任何不实之言,他们都能一眼看出。 5 不要有一丝的犹豫不绝与模棱两可。-这点对于一个管理者来说是个基本的素质,不必多说。 6 展示个性!-这是个个性化年代。不要跟我说你读了 6年中学4年大学,毕业3年升为科长,5年做了处长。谁都可以做到。 三行文后: 1.至少做三次以上修改-好的文章永远都是改出来的!三次是最低底线! 2.自我介绍要反复模拟练习,并找不同背景的人提出修改意见,在陈述时,不能让人感觉在背稿纸,而应该是与朋友交流,语气中肯又不失激情。 3.要给面试官一碗水,自己要准备一桶水。做到胸有成竹,灵活应变 英语自我介绍资料及范文 目前,随着新一轮大学毕业生求职高峰的到

31、来,备战英语面试正逐渐成为很多毕业生的求职重点工作之一。新橙英语培训中心专业商务面试课程教师chie介绍说,英语面试的方法因公司与工作的不同而有所不同,但基本流程是差不多的。 sO100 英语面试一般包括三轮 chie介绍说,第一轮面试一般由公司人力资源部的人员担任考官,他们会从你的个人简历出发,询问一些有关个人的问题,比如请你用英语做一个自我介绍。有些公司也会有一部分英语笔试,主要考查应聘者基本的语言运用能力。第二轮面试则由部门主管经理出面,这时候有关业务方面的问题成了面试的重点,所以英语面试也从个人情况转向了专业领域。比如应聘市场部,则应聘者通常会被要求谈一谈以往最成功的一个案例,或者自身

32、的业务强项等。如果前面都很顺利,那么,最后一轮面试一般就是和公司的总裁面对面了。外企的总裁一般是老外,当然面试就变成全英语的了。总裁询问的问题一般会和公司的精神、企业文化有关。 面试中最需要自信普华永道人力资源部经理姜周红介绍说,一般在进行英语面试时,多是希望考查应聘者听说读写的实际操作能力。小组讨论是英语面试的重要一环,一般来说,小组讨论形式的面试其目的主要是要了解应聘者在团体中的工作反应。进一步说,面试官更多的是希望了解应聘者面对指责的态度。姜周红说,在外企的面试中,除了笔试之外,面试中的英语部分以考查应用能力为主,所以应聘者在面试当中最需要的是自信、敢说。不妨尽量采用简短明了的词汇来表达

33、自己的意思。另外,切忌在面试当中抬高自己贬低别人。回答问题尽量自然,并作为小组成员之一在自己的负责范围内答题,也不要重复其他应聘者的答案。说话要流利,思维要连贯,层次要清晰,不要夹杂中文,可以用“well”、“however”这样的过渡词来给自己停顿和思考,同时,也使得自己的表述显得口语化一些。 面试前了解一下企业文化新橙英语培训中心专业商务面试课程教师chie建议说,学生的先期准备主要是个人情况和业务方面。专业英语的准备要充足,有时会被要求用英语解释一个专业术语或解答一个技术问题。所以,在面试前不妨去公司的英文网站了解一下企业文化,这对与老板面谈会有帮助的。 chie介绍说,英语面试目前的趋

34、势是通常设在一个类似于接待室的地方,而非特别准备的会场,由2-3个人负责面试。外国人作为考官进行面试时,由于他们与我们的思维方式、习惯以及文化有所差别,因此必须熟悉他们的理解方式和语言表达方式。不同公司对外语水平的要求不同,有的只具备用外语接听电话的水平即可,也有的要求用外语从事一般性工作。因此,应聘者必须准确了解应聘公司的外语使用程度和目的等信息后,再做出相应的对策。 英语面试实战指南 I:Interviewer(面试者)A:Applicant(求职者) 介绍教育背景:简明扼要,实话实说尽管你在简历中对自己的教育背景作了介绍,但在面试时,面试官还有可能就此方面提问。还是事先做点准备吧。 I

35、whatisyourmajor A MymajorisBusinessAdministration.IamespeciallyinterestedinMarketing. (不仅回答了问题,还顺带一句介绍了自己较为感兴趣的方面,简明扼要。) I Whichuniversityareyouattending A Iamattendingniversity. I Haveyoureceivedanydegrees A Yes.First IreceivedmyBachelordegreeinEnglishLiterature andthenanMBAdegree. I Whatcoursedidy

36、oulikebest A ProjectManagement.IwasveryinterestedinthiscoursewhenIwasastudent.AndIthinkitsveryusefulformypresentwork. 口语复试材料(英文自我介绍) 一、 第一句话(first word)见到考官的第一句话,很关键,不用说的很复杂。可以是一个简单句,但一定要铿锵有力。展示出自信和实力。千万不要来一句“sorry, my English is poor”.常见的开头有:1. Good morning! may I introduce myself .2. I am glad to

37、be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. Im peter white, my NO is (北大清华等学校参加面试的考生很多,可能对考生有一个编号,说一下自己的编号显得很职业,也很正式。) 二、作自我介绍成长经历(making a self-introduction developing history)有很多学校要求做一个自我介绍,这一问题并非在请你大谈你的个人历史。考官是要在你的介绍中寻找有关你性格、资历、志向和生活动力的线索。来判断你是否适合读MBA。你可以先介绍一下成长的经历,出生地和毕业学校等内容。在这一部

38、分要介绍的有些特色,让老师在听几十个人流水帐式的介绍中增加一点乐趣,就权且当作MBA人际关系管理的第一个挑战吧!I come from *,the capital of *Province. I graduated from the * department of *University in July ,1997. (很简单的一句话,一定要发音准确!要把毕业学校的英文准确名字搞清楚了。)你可以借光一下家乡的名人,可以用这句高水平的话,展示高超你高超的口语。You know, there is a saying that “The greatness of a man lends a glor

39、y to a place”. I think the city really deserves it.另外在介绍性格和爱好的时候,适合把家庭介绍结合在一起,可以说父母给了你哪些方面良好的影响。不要流水帐似的介绍家庭成员。可以这么说:Just like my father, I am open-minded ,quick in thought and very fond of history. Frequently I exchange ideas with my family during super. In addition , during my college years, I was

40、once the chairman of the Student Union. These work have urged me develop active and responsible characters. 在这里给出描述个人品质常用词汇的中英文对照,可以参考。able 有才干的,能干的 adaptable 适应性强的 active 主动的,活跃的aggressive 有进取心的 ambitious 有雄心壮志的 amiable 和蔼可亲的 amicable 友好的 analytical 善于分析的 apprehensive 有理解力的aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的 audacious 有冒险精神的 capable 有能力的,有才能ca


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