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1、A Brief Introduction to Translation Studies:A Required Course for Postgraduates, Conducted by TAN Weiguo,The First SessionBrief Introduction to This Course,1.5 英汉翻译技巧简说,1.4 翻译理论与翻译实践的关系,1.3 翻译理论要点,1.2 中西翻译史概说,1.1 多元化的翻译定义,1.6 翻译的功能,狭义的翻译定义可从语言层面、超越语言层面、强调互动以及艺术的角度展开(同上),广义的翻译不仅指两种不同语言之间的翻译,还指单一种语言内的

2、信息传递或意义解释(何刚强,2009:3),语际翻译。如果细究翻译类型、翻译过程和翻译结果,我们也会发现,即使是狭义的翻译,也具有各种各样的形式(许钧,2009:22),广义,狭义,1.1 Multiple Definitions of Translation,In short,inside or between languages, human communication equals translation. (Steiner, 1998:49) 简言之,无论是在语言之内还是在语言之间,人类的交际就等于翻译。(乔治斯坦纳,1998:49),1.1 Multiple Definitions

3、of Translation,An interpretation or translation is any text which makes more understandable what is hardly understood. This holds true not only for translation from one language into another, but also for commentary(评论,述评), explanations of words, notes (注释), paraphrases (意译,同种语言意释), meta-phrases (直译

4、), and the like. (Lefevere, 1992:86) 阐释,即翻译,是指任何一个使本来难以理解的变得易于理解的文本,这不仅指一种语言译成另一种语言,而且还指同种语言评论、词语解释、同种语言注解、意译、直译等。(同上),1.1 Multiple Definitions of Translation,翻译:把一种语言文字的意义用另一种语言文字表达出来,也指方言与民族共同语、方言与方言、古代语与现代语之间一种用另一种表达;把代表语言文学的符号或数码用语言文字表达出来。(现代汉语词典,1978,1983,1996) 显然,以上三个定义都是广义的翻译定义,1.1 Multiple D

5、efinitions of Translation,翻译工作者通常关注狭义的翻译定义,即两种不同语言之间的转换以及与此密切相关的问题。 Translation may be defined as the replacement of textual material in one language (the source language) by equivalent textual material in another language ( the target language). (Catford, 1965:20) 翻译可以定义为一种语言(源语)的语篇材料为另一种语言(目标语)的等值

6、的语篇材料所取代。(同上),1.1 Multiple Definitions of Translation,Translation is a process which occurs between cultures rather than simply between languages. (Shuttleworth,1997:35) 翻译是一个动态过程,发生于两种文化之间,不仅仅单纯地涉及两种语言。(同上) 定义4是语言学家Catford给翻译下的定义,定义5是从语言和文化的视角定义翻译的。事实上,大多数关于翻译的定义都是以语言/文化交际为观察视角的。Now lets look at th

7、e following:,1.1 Multiple Definitions of Translation,Definition 1 Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. (Nida besides, the translator makes much effort to p

8、reserve the cultural,还有各种各样的翻译定义,时间有限,不必一一讨论。在此我们试图给翻译下一个全面的定义: Translation is a dynamic communicative process in which the meaning or message of a source language text (SLT) is reproduced in a target language text (TLT) in a faithful and natural manner; besides, the translator makes much effort to

9、preserve the cultural information,the general style, effect and function of the SLT in the corresponding TLT; thus, the translator realizes his grand purposes of putting across human ideas and feelings, transmitting cultural knowledge, and pro-moting human civilization, as well as ren-dering the tar

10、get language and culture ri-cher, more colorful and more prosperous. ( Tan Weiguo, 2012),1.1 Multiple Definitions of Translation,Now lets discuss one question in pairs: How do you define translation? Or: What is your definition of translation? Or: What does translation mean to you? Please work in pa

11、irs. You are supposed to ask each other this question and answer it to each other. In two minutes, you will be asked to answer this question.,1.2 中西翻译史概说,罗新璋:中国翻译实践和翻译理论的发展自身显现为三大时期:汉唐以来的古代时期;近代和“五四”以来的现代时期;解放以后的当代时期。,当代翻译高潮始于80年代,延续至今。改革开放以来,翻译活动十分频繁,不断丰富,翻译研究蓬勃发展,硕果累累,明末清初:是中国逐渐敞开大门与世界扩大接触的初期,文化交流

12、的需要使实际的翻译活动应接不暇(黄振定,1998:15),中国古代第一次翻译高潮出现于汉唐时期,集中于佛经汉译。佛经翻译在宋元走向尾声。,人类的翻译活动与人类文明的进步、与人类语言的发展相互促进。,古希腊文化的翻译,推动了罗马文学的兴起和 发展,对后世整个西方语言文学及其思想、社 会产生了不可估量的影响,正式翻译理论的出现稍微迟一点, 首载史料的是罗马共和晚期的西塞罗,西方翻译史最早可以追溯到公元前二至三世纪之间,翻译实践和翻译理论同时并进,也像中国一样呈现出几次高潮和几个阶段,1.2 中西翻译史概说,文艺复兴时期的欧洲给翻译事业创造了广阔的舞台。极大地促进了翻译的繁荣,反过来,翻译也极大地推

13、广和发展了文艺复兴的成果。 文艺复兴时期是优秀文化成果的相互传介、吸收和鼓舞的时期。如德国的马丁路德对圣经的翻译;法国则有16世纪的Jacques Amyot 翻译了希腊罗马名人比较列传,对于当时的法国语言文学具有重大意义。 给英国文学史更是留下了无价之宝。人文主义作家们,散文诗歌译之,文史百家译之,或传美品,或为资政;于是英国语言蓬勃发展,英国文学如日方升,英人眼前一片开阔的知识新天地。这正是文艺复兴的心智气候。翻译家厥功甚伟。(王克非,2000:275),文艺复兴时期的翻译,Thomas North 翻译了希腊罗马名人比较列传等等,对莎士比亚影响极大。 John Florio 翻译了随感录

14、等。 被称为“诗人之诗人”的斯宾塞翻译了大量诗歌,为英国文学从形式到内容都输入了不少养分。,文艺复兴时期,英国著名的翻译家有:,文艺复兴时期,欧洲各国丰富多彩的翻译为各国语言文学和思想都输入了新鲜血液,进一步使文艺复兴的成果发扬光大。 还有规模和范围更为宏大的翻译,如18世纪初始的俄国彼得大帝时代的翻译和19世纪中后期日本明治时代的翻译。俄日翻译高潮的意义不仅仅在语言文学方面,更表现在民族、国家的发展和进步方面。,1.2 中西翻译史概说,是民族、国家发展进步之需推动起来的,推动了民族的发展和进步。,为各国语言、文学和思想都输入了新鲜血液。,广泛地传播人类文明,让人类共享人类文明成果,1,2,3

15、,翻译的历史意义可归纳如下:,1.2 中西翻译史概说,The essentials of translation theory embrace definitions of translation which includes the nature of translation, the concept of translatology, translation principles or standards, translation strategies, translation context skilful planning in general (Longman Dictionary

16、of Contemporary English, Pearson Longman, 2005, p1640) strategy 指为达到主要目的或实现总体目 标而制定的行动方针或行为计划。, translation strategy:为实现翻译功能、达到翻译目标而设定的翻译行为方针,对翻译实践具有广泛的指导作用,可广泛地应用于翻译的过程。 翻译策略的应用受翻译性质和翻译原则的制约,其适当运用有助于体现翻译的性质,有助于实现翻译原则,有助于提高翻译质量。,1.3.4 A Few Words Concerning Translation Strategies,1.3.4 A Few Words C

17、oncerning Translation Strategies,直译法是最常用的主要翻译策略,因为它不仅适用于翻译源语语篇中那些为目的语读者所熟悉的语言和文化成分,而且适用于翻译那些尽管陌生却易为目的语读者所接受的异国语言成分和文化特征。显然,直译的应用性比意译更广。根据我们的观察和个案研究,归化策略应用之频繁,远远超过异化策略,因为英汉两种语言和英汉两种文化差异巨大(谭卫国,2011:22),将中西主要翻译策略加以比较研究可以发现:直译法比异化策略应用得更广,二者的关系是包涵与被包涵的关系,而意译法的应用频率则大大不如归化策略,故二者的关系为被包含与包含的关系。虽然直译法和归化分别作为中西

18、主要翻译策略是应用最为频繁的,但是意译法和异化分别作为中西主要补充性翻译策略,对于实现翻译原则、达到翻译目的同样必不可少、不可替代,同样具有广泛的指导意义和普遍的应用价值(同上,23),偶尔必须采用直译+意译或异化+归化这种灵活的综合性翻译策略才能保证译文质量上乘,Translation Strategies,1.3.4 A Few Words Concerning Translation Strategies,让我们观察和分析两个实例: (3).Blessed by year round good weather, Spain is a magnet for sun worshippers

19、and holidaymakers. 西班牙蒙上帝保佑,一年四季,天气美好,宛如一块 磁铁,吸引着 酷爱阳光、爱好度假的人们 (4) You can spread your wings with Open Studies. 开放型大学让你展翅飞翔。,Example (3) is a typical metaphorical sentence in which Spain is compared to a magnet. Not only the tenor (本体)and the vehicle (喻体)but also the figurative meaning (比喻意义)are all

20、 reproduced in the version. Example (4) is a case of implicit and complicated metaphor, which possesses a profound meaning. It is translated into a vivid metaphorical sentence in Chinese, which is faithful to the original. Both examples are translated vividly and adequately by means of the literal-p

21、lus-liberal translation strategy. (这两个例子的汉译均采用直译+意译 的翻译策略,保持了原句的风姿。),1.3.4 A Few Words Concerning Translation Strategies,语境与选词,动态意义,多维性,语言符号所承载的意义具有多维性。词义具有多维性这个普遍现象使翻译中的词义辨析和选词遣词大大复杂化,词语的动态意义取决于具体语境,特定的语境决定词语的特定意义,翻译中的错误常见于词语层面。语境与翻译的研究首先应聚焦于语境与选词这个最基本的问题, 翻译语境,顾名思义,指翻译活动所涉及的各种语境,包括使语篇理解和译文表达获得正确意义

22、的各种因素。翻译语境在确定源语语篇和译语语篇的词义、句义和语篇意义等方面起着决定性的作用,其重要性无论怎么强调也不过分,1.3.5 Translation Context and Wording,Comprehen-sion of the source language text (SLT), Traditionally, the process of translation is dichotomously divided into,reproduction of the SLT in the target language,improvement of the target languag

23、e text (TLT),1.3.6 The Translation Process,Correct Comprehension of the Source Language Text First at the Macro-Level,Micro-Level Faithful Reproduction of SLT in the Target Language,Repeated Improvement of the Target Language Text,1.3.6 The Translation Process, In our opinion, the process of transla

24、tion had better be divided into the following three stages: The process of translation will be discussed in detail later on.,one is that the translator actuates his knowledge to correctly comprehend the SLT and successfully produce the TLT,the other is that the translator carefully considers and con

25、scientiously allows himself to be restricted by some elements related to translation activity,This is a very important topic and a key aspect of translation theory. This subject is discussed at length as a key point of the translation theory in our text-book.,1.3.7 The Translators Subjectivity,从广义上讲

26、,翻译批评就是理解翻译与评价翻译;从狭义上讲,翻译批评是对翻译活动的理性反思与评价,既包括对翻译现象和翻译文本的具体评价,也包括对翻译本质、过程、技巧、手段、作用、 影响的总体评价,翻译批评既是对翻译理论的实际应用,又是通过翻译实 践反作用于翻译理论,对翻译理论加以检验、促进和指导。翻译批评的价值应在实践与理论两方面得以实现。,在实践层面,翻译批评具有监督功能,包括对译者的指导功能和对读者的引导功能。在理论层面,翻译批评具有理论研究和构建功能。,根据其不同主体相应地包括读者 批评、译者批评和专家批评三种形式。批评者的主观态度和精神与批评者的客观技能和素质同样重要,批评者不仅要具有语言能力、文化

27、知识和文学素养,还要树立客观精神、创造精神和求真精神,1.3.8 翻译批评(务必掌握如下要义),随着翻译研究的深度和广度不断拓展,对翻译的评价由传统的以“信”为基本准绳的单一标准走向多维度、多视角的多元标准。翻译批评的标准应具有合理性、互补性、历史性和发展性。(许钧,2009:223) So far we have mentioned the eight key aspects of translation theory. Please go over them and point them out one by one. Ask each other the following two qu

28、estions and answer them positively to each other either in English or in Chinese. Can you mention the eight major aspects of translation theory? Which are they?,1.3.8 翻译批评,翻译理论源于翻译实践,又是翻译实践的宏观指南;翻译实践是翻译理论的源泉,又对翻译理论加以检验和修正,The relationship between translation theory and translation practice must be c

29、lear to all translators and translation theorists. Lets observe the following citations:,其实理论应是出自翻译实践又能指导翻译实践的。我们要能够通过丰富的翻译经验总结出几条来,这几条要很精练,不是很玄,能对以后的翻译工作起指导作用。严复的信、达、雅就是理论。(王佐良,1989:33),翻译理论,归根到底,实质上是对翻译性质和规律的认识问题;用通俗的话来说,就是翻译观的问题。有人说,自己没有任何理论指导,这是不可能的。,任何译者,都自觉或不自觉地受到某种理论的指导,或者说受到某种翻译观的支配。这种观点可体现在

30、译者对每一个具体语言问题的才处理上,最终反映在他的译作的效果上。(郭建中,1997),All translators, whether consciously or unconsciously, base their work on a certain theory of translation. (Jin Di & Nida, 1994:15),1.4 翻译理论与翻译实践的关系,1.5英汉翻译技巧简说,何谓翻译技巧?所谓翻译技巧,说到底就是对语言差异的灵 活而巧妙的处理。英汉互译所涉及的基本翻译技巧,建立在英语和汉语的习惯用法基础上,是在翻译原则指导下,为了求真求信、求顺求畅而对英汉两种语言

31、的差异和特点进行“艺术”处理的变通手段(孙致礼,2003:81)。 翻译技巧不等于翻译理论。翻译理论是对翻译实践的宏观指导,而翻译技巧倒是译事经验的总结。翻译理论不能与翻译技巧相提并论。翻译理论是宏观的,揭示了翻译活动的性质和规律,可用于多种语际的翻译之中。英汉翻译技巧源于英汉两种语言互译实践,揭示了英汉两种语言的异同,反映了这样两种语言的惯用法和独特现象。 理想的译文应该是“形神皆似”。但是,由于英汉两种语言在词法和句法方面存在巨大差异,“形神皆似”的译文往往不可多得。在翻译过程中,译者往往不能照抄英汉词典的释义,又不能照搬原文的句法,而必须考虑英语和汉语的遣词造句特征,对译文做出必要的变通

32、,以便达到变中求信、变中求顺的目的(孙致礼,2003: 81),1. 5 The Function of Translation,What do you know about the function of translation? You can describe it both macroscopically and microscopically, either generally or specifically.,Since it appeared, translation has played a very important part in the development of a

33、ll countries. It has helped people to better communicate with one another, and in the mean time it has facilitated the development of culture and civilization of all nations, such as the Sutra translation in China and the Bible translation in western countries. Time passes swiftly. We are living in

34、an epoch in which science and technology are developing rapidly and information is playing an increasingly important part in the economic development and cultural prosperity of all nations.,1. 5 The Function of Translation,In the present epoch, no nation can develop rapidly without communicating wit

35、h or learning from others. Actually, translation, as a means to bridge different cultures, has been playing a very important role in promoting global economic and cultural development, and China in particular benefits a great deal from translation, which is obvious to all. With Chinas entry into the

36、 WTO, translation, as a noble cause, is bound to play an even more important role in all fields of our country.,1. 5 The Function of Translation,Can you describe the function of translation from the macro-level? Can you all describe the function of translation from the micro-level? Work in pairs or

37、discuss the two questions above and answer the above two questions positively to each other.,1. 5 The Function of Translation,1.6 Requirements for the Learners of This Course, Your Tasks for This Term You are supposed to study and master the first part of the textbook, basic theory of translation. E

38、veryone is expected to grasp the elementary aspects of translation theory. Moreover, all of you must learn to apply them to translation. Besides, you are expected to grasp all the translation techniques by learning all the examples in the relevant chapters of the textbook. You are expected to learn intensively and recite al


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