



1、 INTERCONTINENTALstandard operating PROCEDUREN谥 HOTELS GROUP标准操作程序HOW TO SCRUB STONE FLOORS大理石地面结晶Task Number :PA-0018任务号Department :Housekeep ing部门客房部Date Issued:January 2005发出时间2005年1月GuestExpectation :顾客愿望I expect floors to be clean in a hotel. Special care needs to be taken on stone floors, as d

2、irt can not easily be see n on this material.我希望酒店的地面是干净的。大理石的地面应该特别留意,因为这上面的灰尘不容易 发现。TIME TO TRAIN :培训时间25 mi nu tes25分Why is this task importa nt for you and our guests?为什么此任务对于你和我们的客人都很重要?An swers:答案1. I understand the importanee of having clean stone floo我知道干净的大理石地面的重要性。2. It is important for us

3、 to take good care of floors, as this shows our professionalism. 我们注意地面的清洁是很重要的,这能显示我们的专业性。3. We can in crease our GSTS scoi我们可以增加顾客满意程度调查的分数。WHAT/ STEPS 内容步骤HOW/ STANDARDS 操作标准TRAINING QUESTIONS培训疑问1) Preparati on equipme nt 设备准备Prepare a bucket of diluted all-purpose clea ner in hot water.准备一个水桶用来

4、在热水里稀释全能清洁 剂。Put “ Work in progress sig n” in place将“暂停服务”的牌子放好。Why do I n eed this equipme nt? 我为什么要准备这些设备?i.2) Prepare the area 区域准备Place the “ Work in progress” sign and barea with divider sta nds.将“暂停服务”的牌子放置好,将工作区 隔开。Move exist ing furniture from the area invo Ived. 将区域内的家具挪开。Dust the floor sta

5、rting from the far end of the area.首先对区域推尘,由远及近的进行。Pour the diluted all-purpose cleaner into the water tank of the scrubber.将稀释后的全能清洁剂加入机器水箱。lcWhthdo I need this sig n?我为什么要这样的牌子?Can 1 not clea n around the fur niture?我能够将不清洁家具旁边吗?Do I n eed to dust first before scrubb ing? 在我洗刷前需要先推尘吗?What clea nin

6、g material do I n eed? 我需要什么样的清洁材料?3) Scrub the floor 清洁地面Adjust the level of the scrubbing machine han dle so that it is most comfortable for you. 调整机器把手,达到最佳的工作状态。Apply the Soluti on by pulli ng the chemical release han dle on the water tank while you are scrubb ing the floor.在洗涤的过程中通过水箱上的把手控制洗 涤液

7、的用量。How can 1 scrub the floor comfortable?我怎么才能工作的比较顺手?How can I put solution into the water tank?我如何控制水箱的洗涤液用量?What is the system of scrubb ing?WHAT/ STEPS 内容步骤HOW/ STANDARDS 操作标准TRAINING QUESTIONS培训疑问Scrub the floor area by area. 地面逐片进行洗涤。Repeat the process in other affected secti ons until the en

8、tire floor has been scrubbed. Overla the edges of the scrubbed surface so that no streak ing occurs.在其他区域重复操作,直到清洁完毕。对 边沿进行处理防止遗漏。After the en tire floor has bee n scrubbed and dried, use clea n water to mop the area.整个地面洗涤完毕后,用清水拖地并干燥 地面。Use a wet and dry pick-up mach ine to dry the floor after the

9、 scrubb ing.清洁完毕后用吸水机干燥地面。Return the furniture to its original place and remove the floor sig n whe n the floor is dry. 待地面干燥后将家具复位和并将牌子收 起。清洗的程序是什么?Why do I n eed to overlap sect ions?p我为什么要重叠进行?Why do I n eed clea n water after scrubb ing?我为什么在洗涤后还要清水冲洗?How do I dry the floor?我怎么弄干地面?4) Store equi

10、pme nt设备存放Clea n and dry the equipme nt the n retur n the equipme nt and supplies to the PA storeroom. 清洁干燥设备与洗涤原料一起放回PA仓库。Hose or flush the scrubbing pad with clean water, the n hang the scrubb ing pad on the wall or in the desig nated locatio n in your hotel.将刷子及甸子放回仓库挂好或放到指定的 位置。Why do I have to

11、store equipme nt properly and always on the same place?我为什么要将设备和原料放回原位?5) Report defects问题上报Report maintenance problems found while clea ning immediately.在清洁保养的过程中发现问题立刻上报。Why do I have to report immediately? 我为什么要立刻上报?Summary questions 问题总结1. What is important when preparing to scrub a stone floo在准备清洁大理石地面时应注意什么?2. What do I need to prepare for attention在思想上我应该准备什么?3. What are the steps in scrubbing the floor清洁的步骤是什么?4. How frequently do I have to scrub floors?地面的清洁频率是什么?5. Is there anything specifically I must remember when handling stora存放设备时我应该注意什么?6. Do I need to report


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