



1、小升初英语代词必考知识点小升初英语代词必考知识点 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(小升初英语代词必考知识点)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为小升初英语代词必考知识点的全部内容。6专题二 代词1. 人称代词、物主代词与反身代词第一人称第二人称第三人称人称代词主格iweyouhesheitthey

2、宾格meusyouhimheritthem物主代词形物myouryourhisheritstheir名物mineoursyourshishersitstheirs反身代词myselfourselvesyourselfyourselveshimselfherselfitselfthemselves用法:人称代词主格:做主语 人称代词宾格:动词和介词后 形容词性物主代词:后接名词,空后面有名词时用形物 名词性物主代词:后不接名词,空后面无名词时用名物 反身代词:某人做某事by+反身代词 eg。 he finished the work by himself. 主语位置:句首 he is tom.

3、be动词后 am,is,are are you tom? 情态动词后 can,may can he draw? 助动词后 do,does,did does he have a cat?常见介词:for,with,to,of2. 指示代词 与与is,可数名词单数,不可数 名词连用 与are,可数名词复数连用与名词单数连用的词有:it, is, a, an, this, that与名词复数连用的词有:they, are, some, 大于1的数字(two, three, four .。), these, those, many, a lot of= lots of (许多)3. 疑问代词1)。 w

4、hat 什么 对物、动作提问 it is a cat。 what is it? he is singing a song。 what is he doing?2)。 who 谁 对人提问 lily likes dancing. who likes dancing?3). how 怎么样 对身体状况、交通方式提问 im fine。 how are you? 表身体状况常见的词有:fine(好),well(好),ill(生病的) they go to school by bus。 how do they go to school?4)。 whose 谁的 对的提问 (常见的有物主代词和名词所有格)

5、 my pen is red。 whose pen is red? this red pen is mine. whose is this red pen? lilys pen is on the bed。 whose pen is on the bed?5). where 哪里 对地点提问 his pen is on the bed. where is his pen? they are flying kites on the playground。 where are they flying kites?6)。 which 哪一个 选择性 which pen do you like, th

6、e red one or the black one? 你想要那只笔,红的还是黑的? (要从红笔和黑笔中选择一样)7). why 为什么 对原因提问 i like summer because i can swim。 why do you like summer?8). when 什么时间 对时间提问 he does his homework in the evening。 when does he do his homework?9)。 what time 什么时间 对点钟提问 the english lesson is at 8:00. what time is the english l

7、esson?10). how often 多久一次 对频率提问i brush my teeth once a day。 我一天刷一次牙。how often do you brush your teeth?表频率常见的词有:once a week 一周一次 twice a month 一个月两次 three times a year 一年三次11)。 how many 多少,对数量提问 后接可数名词复数 he has five books。 how many books does he have?12)。 how much 对价钱、不可数名词的数量提问 how much + be 多少钱the

8、dress is 100 yuan。 how much is the dress? how much + 不可数名词单数 there are two cups of tea. how much tea is there?13). how long 多长 对长度提问 the ruler is 20 cm. how long is the ruler?14)。 how far 多远 对距离提问its 100 kilometers from beijing to shanghai。how far is from beijing to shanghai?15). how tall 多高 对身高提问 i

9、 am 1.6 meters tall。 how tall are you?16)。 what colour 什么颜色 对颜色提问this pen is black。 what colour is this pen? 17). how old 几岁 对年龄提问he is 11 years old. how old is he?四、不定代词(不确定指代) 指物 指人 指人somesomethingsomebodysomeoneanyanythinganybodyanyoneeveryeverythingeverybodyeveryonenonothingnobodyno one一些任一每一无注意

10、:1. some用于肯定句,any用于否定句和疑问句 2. 表示委婉请求时用some 例: may i have some apples? 我能要一些苹果吗?3. 当不定代词做主语时,后面的谓语动词用单数 例:somebody is there. 有人在那。 everyone comes early today。 今天大家都来得早。4。 不定代词+形容词 形容词+名词 something important 一些重要的东西 a lovely dog 一只可爱的小狗拓展:a few, few, a little, little的区别 a few 有几个 few 几乎没有 +可数名词复数a little 一点 little 没有


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