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1、Business plan, Team,1,Businessplan商业企划书(英文版),Market analysing,Entrepreneurial background,Marketing plan,Organization and management,Risk assessment,PROCESS,2,Businessplan商业企划书(英文版),Entrepreneurial background,A large number of college students will graduate from the school in June each year.At this t

2、ime, what about the goods that they have been consuming a lot ? Taken away or sold to the recycle bin? lt will bring you a lot of trouble.Sold ?it seems too waste,after all, these items have a lot of re use value, such as: used textbooks, football, etc.,3,Businessplan商业企划书(英文版),Entrepreneurial backg

3、round,Face this situation I advise graduated students to sell these items to other brother, sister. It not only spread the traditional virtues of our country, but also realize the reuse of resources.So we want to set up a trading market which can resale second-hand goods. Through our analysis, we be

4、lieve that the secondary trading market has a great development prospects.,4,Businessplan商业企划书(英文版),Market analysing,The graduate from Zhengzhou University more than ten thousands, which makes up of a potential market. Through detail survey and analysing, we discover that many graduates can not carr

5、y their things and choose to sell them to recycle bin or junior students. Its acceptable for students to buy some cheap second-hand things. Nowadays a large part of college students come from middle-income families. The things they need are both great quaility and cheap, which satisfied reality need

6、s.,5,Businessplan商业企划书(英文版),Marketing plan,1. Following our investigation, we find that something in shchool are very popular with students, such as teaching material, sport goods, electric fan and so on. Therefore, we will be the interediaries of these items and all the students are our main market

7、 and consumer.,6,Businessplan商业企划书(英文版),Marketing plan,2. Under the pubicity and promotion, let our second-hand goods intermediary platform be known by all students, which encouraging students to provide the second goods for us. And then ,we will help them sell these items out through our secend-goo

8、ds platform that realizing the recycling finally.,7,Businessplan商业企划书(英文版),Marketing plan,3. On the way of price, we need to evaluate the resale items . According to the damaged extent of the items, use of time and life, we should make reasonable estimates about its resale price. At the same time, w

9、e alse need to charge some handling fee for the reselling.,8,Businessplan商业企划书(英文版),Marketing plan,4. On the way of distribution channel, we will combine online sales with store sales, which not only can expand consumer ,but can also increase our advertising effert. Therefore, we will achieve the mu

10、lti-azimuth sales of items.,9,Businessplan商业企划书(英文版),Organization and management,1, set up joint 3 1 person, the finance department, sales department, maintenance department, 3 people 5 people, 3 propaganda department, logistics department, 5 people and all for college students, according to the pos

11、ition of different hiring related professional students, such ability make men.,10,Businessplan商业企划书(英文版),Organization and management,2, in our shop shall practise a system of assessment and incentives, to reach a certain standard of effective reward employees, and each employee to the end of the mo

12、nth will have bonus.,11,Businessplan商业企划书(英文版),Organization and management,3, estimate we have, the main cost to the school to apply for a store of capital is 150 yuan per month, a years rent is 1800 yuan, we send gift will cost 500 yuan, and other public relations activities about 1000 yuan, other

13、expenses estimated around 1500, employee wages total cost about 300 yuan a month (only calculate salary, students during the period of school each semester according to the four months, two semesters), 2400 dollars, a year will be start-up capital for about seven thousand yuan altogether.,12,Busines

14、splan商业企划书(英文版),Risk assessment,1, the first month of the promotion and public relations activities are likely to spend our total capital intermediary shop 1/4, this operation will face after financial difficulties, poor management and even make us no longer operating intermediary shop.,13,Businessplan商业企划书(英文版),2, due to the impact of traditional ideas, some students may not be willing to trade in this way.,Risk assessment,14,Businessplan商业企划书(英文版),Risk assessment,3, the price is cheap, which is in line with the


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