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1、冀教版六年级下册英语知识点 Unit3Unit3 What will you do this summer?Lesson 13 Summer is coming!1. Words 单词season季 spring春天summer夏天autumn秋天winter冬天happen 生different不同的leaf leaves叶子( 复数)weather天气lose lost失去, 减少their他 的 /她 的 /它 的fan 扇,扇子cloud云swim游泳2. Phrases 短 happen to 生in different seasons在不同的季 里sit in the sun坐在太

2、阳下look at the clouds看云ride a bike 自行 3. Sentences句子1) What happens to trees in different seasons?在不同的季 里 木 生了什么 化?2) Many trees don thave any leaves. 多 木没有了叶子。3) In spring, the weather is warm.在春天,天气暖和。4) Trees have new leaves. 木 出新叶子。5) It s hot in summer.在夏天,天气炎 。6) In autumn, trees lose their lea

3、ves.在秋天, 木落叶。7) What colour are the leaves?叶子是什么 色的?8) I like to sit in the sun.我喜 坐在太阳下。9) Sometimes I play sports with my friends.有 候我和我的朋友一起做运 。10) Sometimes I like to look at the clouds.有 候我喜 看云。11) I like to ride my bike.我喜 我的自行 。Lesson14 Tomorrow we will play.1. Words 单词will将要tomorrow明天Saturda

4、y星期六park公园flower花pick摘,采close关wrong 的right正确的angry生气的trip旅行soon不久wet潮湿的Harbin哈 2. Phrases 短 go to the park去公园fly a kite放 筝pick the flowers摘花look at the beautiful flowers看那些美 的花run home跑回家close the door关 go on a trip去旅行listen to music听音 will not将不会next week下周next Spring Festival明年春 get wet弄湿3. Senten

5、ces 句子1) What will we do? We will go to the park.我 将要做什么? 我 将要去公园。2) I will not fly a kite.我将不会放 筝。3) I will pick some flowers for my mother.我将 我的 摘些花。4) You cantpick the flowers in the park.1你不能摘公园的花。5) Then I will run home and close the door.然后我会跑回家,把门关上。6) Dontbe angry.不要生气。7)I will not do it.我不会

6、那样做。8) They will go on a trip next week.他们下星期将要去旅行。9) Summer is coming.夏天要来了。10) It will be hot soon.不久天气就会变热了。11) I will not go to the zoo today.今天我不会去动物园。12) I don twant to get wet. 我不想淋湿。13) Next Spring Festival, I will not go to Harbin.明年春节,我将不会去哈尔滨。Lesson 15 Jenny s Summer Holiday1. Words 单词hol

7、iday假期lake湖grandmother祖母,外祖母grandfather祖父,外祖父swim swam游泳beach海滩,湖滨watch观看ship船,舰boat小船sea海ocean海洋summertime夏季2. Phrases短语summer holiday暑假go on a trip/ go on trips去旅行last summer去年夏天this summer今年夏天next summer明年夏天swim in the lake在湖里游泳play on the beach在沙滩上玩go on a trip to the sea去海边旅行swim in the sea在海里游

8、泳watch the ships and boats on the sea 在海上看轮船和小船3. Sentences 句子1) What will you do for the summer holiday?这个暑假你要做什么?2) My family likes to go on trips in the summer.在夏天我们家喜欢去旅行。3) Last summer, we went to a lake with my grandmother and grandfather.去年夏天,我们和爷爷奶奶去了一个湖。4) I swam in the lake.我在湖里游泳。5) I pla

9、yed on the beach.我在沙滩上玩。6) I like playing on the beach.我喜欢在沙滩上玩。7) This summer, we will go on a trip to the sea.今年夏天,我们会去海边旅行。8) I will watch the ships and boats on the sea.我会在海上看轮船和小船。9) What did Jenny do last summer?珍妮去年暑假做什么了?She went to the lake. 她去了湖边。10) Who did Jenny go with? 珍妮跟谁一起去的? She we

10、nt there with her grandparents.她和她的爷爷奶奶一起去的。11) What will Jenny do this summer?珍妮今年夏天将要做什么?She will go on a trip to the sea this summer.今年夏天她将要去海边旅行。12) What will Jenny watch on the sea?珍妮将要在海上观看什么?She will watch the ships and boats on the sea.她将要在海上看轮船和小船。Lesson 16 Li Mings Summer Holiday1. words 单

11、词visit访问, 参观aunt姨妈,姑妈,伯母,舅妈uncle叔叔,舅舅,姨父,姑父cousin堂兄弟姐妹,表兄弟姐妹them他们,她们,它们( they 的宾格)feel felt感觉again再一次call打电话,呼叫2. phrases短语on June 25在 6 月 25 日fly home乘飞机回家say hello to sb.和某人打招呼,向某人问好meet my friends和我的朋友见面feel happy感到开心23. Sentences句子1) On June 25, I will fly home.我将要在 6 月 25 日乘 机回家。2) I will be i

12、n China for the summer holiday.我将在中国度 个暑假。3) I will say hello to my mother and father.我会向我的爸爸 好。4) I will visit my aunt and uncle.我会看望我的叔叔 5) I will miss Canada, but I will feel happy to see China again. 我会想念加拿大,但是我会 又 到中国而感到高 。6) We will call you.我 将会 你打 。7) Youll buy some fruit.你将会 一些水果。8) What wi

13、ll Li Ming do for the summer holiday?李明暑假将要做什么?Li Ming will fly home.李明将要乘 机回家。a summer camp夏令 in early July在七月初there will be将会有go water skiing去滑水go skating去滑冰go swimming去游泳take trips around the forest在森林附近旅行learn about学 some of the animals and plants in the forest 森林里的一些 物和植物at night在夜里work togethe

14、r共同工作cook a meal做 sit around 坐tell stories / tell a story 故事watch the stars看星星make new friends 交新朋友send emails 送 子 件Lesson17 Danny s summer holiday1. Words 单词learn学 fish , also也,而且forest森林else 的clever 明的,机灵的camp露 ,扎 arrive到达other其他的,另外的Australia澳大利 ski滑雪animal 物plant植物meal一餐,一 wait等候,等待3. Sentences

15、句子1) What will you do this summer holiday?今年暑假你将要做什么?2) Last summer, I learned to swim. And I also learned to fish.去年夏天,我学 了游泳。我 学 了 。3) Will you visit your family? Yes, I will.你会看望你的家人 ?是的,我会。4) What else will you do?你 要做什么?5) I will also learn to fly.我 要学 。6)Why will you do that?你 什么要那么做?(指学 )7) T

16、hat will be fun.那将会很有趣。8) I will go to a summer camp this year!今年我会去夏令 !9) I will arrive with 20 other students in early July.在七月初我会和其他20 名同学一起去。10) There will be students from China, the U.K., Australia a and the U.S.将会有来自中国的,英国的,澳大利 的,和美国的同学。2. Phrases 短 11) We will play sports, go water skiing an

17、d go swimming.learn to swim学 游泳我 将会去做运 ,去滑水和去游泳。learn to fish学 12)We will learn about some of the animals and plants in thelearn to fly学 forest. 我 会在森林里 一些 物和植物。visit your family看望你的家人13) At night, we will work together to cook a meal.near a forest在森林附近在晚上,我 会一起做 。what else 有什么14) After dinner, we w

18、ill sit around, tell stories, sing songs20 other students其他 20 名学生and watch the stars.fly to China乘 机去中国晚 后, 我 将会 坐在一起, 故事, 唱歌和看星星。315) It will be a great summer.它会是一个很棒的夏天Lesson 18 Three kites in the sky1. Words 单词wonderful奇妙的,极好的wind风tail尾巴fast faster快更快high higher高更高second第二third第三only只, hear听 afraid害怕的,担心的bring 来remember 得, 起no one没有人2. Phrases短 fly high 得高fly very low 得很低fly higher 得更高fly faster 得更快look up向上看think about想,考 want everyone to see her想要每个人都看 她swim well游泳游得好need some help


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