已阅读5页,还剩72页未读 继续免费阅读




1、,Web Agency Service Domain,Web Building,Web Solution,Web Consulting,Web CI Web Design Web application,e-Business Consulting Market Analysis,1,一类课资,e-Marketing,E-CRM,e-Marketplace,SCM,Supplier,Customer,Supplier,Customer, , Order Fulfillment ,e-Business Value Chain,2,一类课资,Consulting,Marketing,Contents

2、,Flash,Design,Coding,CTI,UMS,Mailing,Server,D/B,Creative,Interaction,System,ebiz Integration,Strategy,Sopping,eCRM,IRM,VOC/ RMS,e- Learning,Interactive Full Service, ebiz, ,eSolution,3,一类课资,eBiz Sector & Solution, eSolution ,LIFE,System,INFORMATION,COMMUNICATION,Techno Village,/,/,/,/, / / ,/,Mail+S

3、MS+Fax+, , , DB, ,/,4,一类课资,eBiz Total Service,eBiz Strategy,eBiz Operation,eBiz Consulting,Planning,Contents,Solution,eBusiness Integrator,eBiz Building,Marketing,eBiz total service,5,一类课资,eBusiness Transformation,Supplier,Supplier,Supplier,stockholder,Employees,On-line,Off-line,SCM ERP IPS,eCompany

4、,EIP/KMS/GW,IRM/RMS/PRM,WebSite CRM/CP,Partners,6,一类课资,Customer A,Customer B,Customer C,Supplier A,Supplier B,Supplier C,eBiz Consulting,eBiz Solutions,eBiz Integration,eBiz Solutions & Service,Internet Area BSP Area SI Area NI Area,7,一类课资,PACS,ERP,CRM,EIP,Mailing,B2Emall,Integration Developers,Web

5、Service,Enterprise Solution,Business Fields : SI Development & Solutions,8,一类课资,eCompany ,SCM/IPS,DW/CRM,Customer,Stockholder,Supplier,eCompany,IRM/RIS,GW/KMS,ERP/EIP,9,一类课资, Data Integration,Enterprise CRM,eCRM,Data Warehousing/Integration,TransactionData,Customer Profile,eBiz Total Service,Web Log

6、Data,Data Base,10,一类课资,SM MU,SI MU,NI MU,R&D MU,eBiz Total Service,11,一类课资, ,e-CRM,Service,Sales,CRM Data Warehousing/Integration,SMS Channel,Web FAX Channel,eMail Channel,Web Site Channel,Post channel,Consumer,Investor,Purchaser,Analyst,The press,Club,Marketing,Customer Interaction Platforms Intera

7、ction Management Infrastructure,Customer Communications,12,一类课资,E-Mail,EDMS,GW,KMS,2( ),ERP,1 ( ),CRM,SCM,E-Planning,Office Management System,13,一类课资,eCRM,WCMS,IRM/PRM,Mailing,MES,CTI,PABX,IBS,Network Integration Automation System Enterprise Network,CRM/DW,EIP/EKP,ERP/SCM,GW/KMS,SI consulting SI dev

8、elopment SI management,Web consulting Web development Web management,NI Area,SI Area,Web SI Area,eBiz Solutions & Service,Web SI Area SI Area NI Area System Area,14,一类课资,DW/E-CRM / CRM,E-Marketplace,SCM,ElS,GW/KMS,ERP,CMS,Management & Business,B2B,Marketplace,IPS,EIP/EKP,PMS,Partner & Supplier,Custo

9、mer,B2E,B2C,B2M,eBiz Sector & Solutions,15,一类课资,2004 , ,Consulting,eSolution,2004,Web Building,Web integration Publishing DB generation,Web Design,16,一类课资,Innovation,Operation,Optimization,Business & IT Strategy,Supply Chain Execution,eBiz Enterprise Management,17,一类课资,SI Area NI Area Solution Area

10、SM Area Internet Area R&D Area Consulting Area,SI Business Area,SI consulting SI development SI management N/W management New technology,Network Integration - Network Consulting - Network Integration - Network Management,18,一类课资,CRM,Forecasting, Opportunity Management, Configuration, Generation ,For

11、ecasting, Customer Care Spare Management ,Forecasting Personalization Campaign Management Marketing Encyclopedia,ERP,CMS,SCM,EIP,eStrategy,Solution & Service - SI Development & Solutions,Marketing,Sales,Services,19,一类课资,One-Stop Service,10%,10%,5%,5%,BSP,IT consulting IT development IT management N/

12、W management New technology,Wireless Internet,Web Contents,Web Mailing,Web SI,eBiz Solutions & Service,BSP Area Internet Area SI Area NI Area Consulting Area,BSP MU : (Business Service Provider Management Unit),20,一类课资,Internet Area BSP Area SI Area NI Area,55%,15%,20%,10%,eBiz Solutions & Service,C

13、onsulting for eBiz eStrategy Consulting. eManagement Consulting eBusiness Restructure Consulting e-CRM,e-Marketing Consulting,e-Solution/ e-Infra/ e-Infra,SI consulting & management,Network Integration / Automation System,IT development & management,21,一类课资,SCM,CRM,e-Supply chain Management,e-Custom

14、er Relationship Management,E-biz transformation,System,- , - ,- - Supply Chain ,ERP/EIP,e-Business Perspective,22,一类课资,eBiz Consulting,e-Marketing & Promotion,eCreative & Contents,eBiz SI & Solutions,eBiz Service Domain,eBiz Total Service,23,一类课资,e-CRM function,e-Customer Relationship Management,e-C

15、RM,e-CRM,Adaptation,Analysis,Data Gathering,eBiz Solution analysis _e-CRM, / , ,24,一类课资,46%,22%,19%,Source:Executive Issues Survey CEO Global Business Study,The Alexander Group, Incorporated, , , , ,7%,6%,Summary, ?,CEO , ,1 2 3 4 / 5 Restructuring 6 7 (Globalization) 8 9 (Geopolitical) , ,1 2 3 4 5

16、 6 7 Restructuring 8 (Globalization) 9 (Value-Added Supplier Relationships), ,25,一类课资,1. ,5. , , ,4. ,3. ,2. ,1. , ( ) ? ?, Site ?, Site Site ( , ) ?, / ? ?, ? ?, ,eCRM,e-CRM ,26,一类课资, 2,1,2,3,90 , : 60% ( 80 90% ), , : 40%, ,27,一类课资, 2,3. ,2. ,4. ,5. ,6. ,1. , 2, , (), / , : 100 / : 10, / (),28,一类课

17、资, , , , ,- , , ,: ,5 ,29,一类课资,Strategy,Contents,Solution,Brand A,Brand B,() ,Ebiz , , ,Brand C,Summary,- ,Integration Branding & Identity,30,一类课资,Off-line On-line Business WCMS e-CRM ,1. 7 ( ) 2. Web Solution ,Off line Business On line Business ,Vision,Mission,Planning,1. Summary,- ,31,一类课资,Supplie

18、r,Customer,eCompany,e-Business Sector & Solutions,Partner,Stockholder,Employee,IPS SCM,IRM PRM,e-Marketing,GW+KMS EDMS,Buy Side,Sell Side,ERP EIP,32,一类课资,e-Business Solutions,Customer,Partner,Shareholder,Employee,33,一类课资,Sales Team,System Team,Consulting Team,SI MU,Network Team,Automation System Tea

19、m,Enterprise Network Team,NI MU,eBiz,CRM,EIP,R&D,eBiz Collaboration Network,34,一类课资,Website Strategy,Site E,Site B,Site H,Site F,Site A,Site G,E-biz Transformation,AS IS,TO BE,Site C,Site D,Strategy and Implementation,e-Shopping,Information,eBusiness,Business Function & Strategy,35,一类课资,Himart,2. .,

20、 , , , ?,36,一类课资,Publish,Interact,Transact,Integrate,Customer Information Access HSE Communication,Customer and Technical Support Supplier Relationship Management,Electronic Order to Cash Electronic Procurement Supplier Bidding & Selection,Integrated Planning and Forecasting Integrated Plant Managem

21、ent,: ,e-Business _Fulfill Demand,37,一类课资,Proposal,- Web Site System ,Value,2003,2004,2005,2006, / ,e-Branding B2B / B2E Web (EIP) personalization(e-CRM / DM ), ,E-Biz , ,1,2,3, Branding & Identity (Web CI) Business / (Site Concept) System & Solutions,38,一类课资,Web Site, 2003, 2004,EIP,e-Biz SI,Web SI

22、,Web, 2005,eBiz Planning eBiz Integration e-Package/Solution e-learning Solution e-Total Marketing,Web Identity Web Contents Web Promotion Web Applications,Web SI Planning Web System Integration SMS / eFax / Mailing eCRM / IRM / CMS e-Marketing(PRM),Web SI & eSolution,e-biz Total Solution,eBiz Value

23、,eBiz Transformation,39,一类课资,e-Business ,Convergence,Industry Transformation,Value ChainIntegration,Channel Enhancement, : PwC,eBiz Transformation,40,一类课资,Solution Development,30%,60%,30%,60%,Customer,Customer,Supplier,Supplier,Loyalty,System Integration,eCRM IRM PRM,Solution Development,41,一类课资,App

24、lication,Web DB Integration Mobile Application Customer Integrated,Home Page,System,Solution,e-branding Web Style Guide On-line Marketing,DB/Web Server Multimedia Server Wireless/Security,e-CRM e-Marketing WCMS .,e-Business Transformation,Marketing Innovation,Channel Innovation,42,一类课资, , ,eOffice S

25、olution Planning, , , .,() / ., , .,45%,15%,5%,35%, .,43,一类课资,KMS,EIS,EDMS,SCM,CRM,Non-formal Information,Enterprise Knowledge/Information Portal,EKP-EIP,Solution & Service - SI Development & Solutions,GW,ERP,How convenient would it be, if we can view all the numerous information scattered on the in

26、ternet, such as Intranet, GroupWare,(ERP),(CRM),(SCM) gathered in single screen?,44,一类课资,eBiz Solution,eCRM,2003,2004,2002,SMS,CMS,PMS,EIP,ERP,SCM,45,一类课资,Electronic Decision Making,E-mail,E-board,Schedule Management,MIS,Name Card Management,Career Management,Human Relationship Management,Survey,mes

27、senger,GW eagleOffice,Solution & Service - eagleOffice,46,一类课资,Defense Defense, the Agency for nationalsecurity institution etc.,Finance Bank, Insurance, Security, Credit Card, Investment Trust etc.,Chemistry Petrochemical, heavy chemical/ explosive/energy etc.,Service Distribution /service/leisure/

28、 educational institution etc.,Public sector Government organization/ government investment institution etc.,Industry Machine, construction, assembling, equipment etc.,SI MU Business Fields,Business Fields : SI MU,47,一类课资,Company Organization,Company,Organization,eBiz Solution,Consulting,Internet Biz

29、,System,Solution Mu,R&D MU,Planning MU,INFRA MU,48,一类课资,Organization,Planning & Public,Supporting Team,President & CEO,CS team Biz 1 team Biz 2 team Biz 3 team,Sales 1 team Sales 2 team SI System team SI Develop team,Sales 1 team Sales 2 team Automation team Network team,Consulting 1 team Consulting

30、 2 team Consulting 3 team,eBiz team Solution team,SI MU,INFRA MU,Consulting MU,R&D MU,BSP MU,49,一类课资,Organization,50,一类课资,How to reach online user and provide Customised In-depth product information?,How to sell products and process orders Over the Web?,What are new offerings, unique to the Web?,How

31、 to revolutionise business models and shift value creation?,Product/Service Innovation,Business Model Innovation,Marketing Innovation,Channel Innovation,Source : Arthur D.Little,eBusiness Perspective,( e-Business ),51,一类课资,Channel Enhancement,Value Chain Integration,Convergence,Industry Transformati

32、on, , Win-Win, (: ) , , ,: PwC, eBusiness ,Web SI - Web SI Consulting - Web Applications - Web Solutions,e-Biz / M-biz - e-Biz Consulting - e- Biz Integration - e-Biz Solutions,e-Biz Total - e-Total Consulting - e- Biz Total Integration - e- Biz Total Solution,Business Value,100,250,300, , ,120,400,

33、700,Degree of Innovation, , ,Web build - Web Planning - Design/Component,52,一类课资,Web build - Web Planning - Design/Component,Web SI - Web SI Consulting - Web Applications - Web Solutions,e-Biz / M-biz - e-Biz Consulting - e- Biz Integration - e-Biz Solutions,e-Biz Total - e-Total Consulting - e- Biz

34、 Total Integration - e- Biz Total Solution,Business Value,100,250,300, , ,120,400,700,Degree of Innovation, , ,53,一类课资,44.9%,2.3%,9.4%,15.9%,15.4%,12.3%, , , ,: ,54,一类课资,eBiz Service & Solutions,10%,15%,20%,55%,2004,Web Service & Solution,eBiz Consulting,SI Service & Solution,Network Integration,55,

35、一类课资,50%,15%,10%,10%,15%,30%,20%,30%,7%,10%,5%,SCM CMS ERM ERP KMS HRM,SCM (Supply Chain Management),2004,2003,ERM (Enterprise Resource Management),SI Development & Solutions,56,一类课资, IT. , : , IT , IT ,10 20 50 100 100 ,100 (845 ),10 (4,159 ),5 10 100 200 200 , ,57,一类课资,30%,30%,40%,50%,( : %),CMS,G

36、W/KMS,PMS,SCM,100 80 60 40 20 0,Solution ,1,2,3,4,58,一类课资, ,946,973,989,1,078,1,110,1,195,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000,(),(/),: ,59,一类课资,450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0,(:),: ,60,一类课资,2004 1 ,10,000,20,000,Solution,(21,626),(18,122),(9,807),(7,984),(7,467),(10,266),(14,

37、073),(7,810),ERP CRM/DW KMS/GW EDMS WCMS Mailing Community B2B FAX,(: ),61,一类课资,50%,100%,Solution,ERP CRM/DW KMS/GW EDMS WCMS Mailing Community B2B FAX,97%,87%,75%,52%,55%,75%,65%,100%, ,62,一类课资,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,Product,( : ),5,000,6,800,5,500,8,000,6,500,5,500,Extension,Front end,Back end,B

38、2C / e-Community / Cyber IR Web Business / e-Marketing,System (HW) / Network(LAN,WAN) Solutions / Applications,9,000,5,000,4,500,7,500,2004 ,63,一类课资,:,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,(: ),:924 :742,61,166,195,238,369,611,924,1337,350,551,538,543,561,645,742,862,1,007, _ ,1,300 1,200 1,1

39、00 1,000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100,64,一类课资, IT ,228,24,20,41,59,67,40,52,134,174,73,137,228,310,162,2,6,10,117,166, , , :16%, :16.6%,: KISDI,400,1,000,9 IT , , ,S/W, SoC, ,TV,Post-PC,S/W,2002,2007,2002,2007,65,一类课资,2004 ,(:),2003,2004,2005,1,000,500, ,1,500,20%,12%,600,400,300,500,1,000,15%,66,一类课资,2003,IT ,IT,100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0,240 200 160 120 80 40 0,143,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,133,154,157,147,157,154,153,171,190,186,IT,(:),: ,34.7,27.7,20.8,12.9


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