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1、Read and Enjoy the following story: Long long ago, a hill was there; a temple (寺庙) stood on the hill; an old monk (和尚) lived in the temple, the old monk was telling stories to a little monk.,What stories was the old monk telling?,So what stories was the old monk telling?,1,The revision of inversion

2、in Senior three -part one 高三英语倒装句第一讲 主讲人:戚昊黎 2015.11.3,2,一.英语句子的基本语序和倒装语序: 1.英语句子的基本语序(主语+谓语+其他成份):,(1)The headmaster came here.,(2) I will never forgive you.,主语,谓语,状语,主语,谓语,宾语,3,2. 英语倒装句的语序:,Here came the headmaster.(完全倒装),Never will I forgive you.(部分倒装),谓语,主语,谓语,主语,助动词,宾语,否定副词,地点状语 (副词),4,1. 在以her

3、e、there、now、then 、 out、in、等表示地点,时间和方向的副词开头的句子里,句子完全倒装,(1) There goes the bell. (2) Now comes your turn. (3) Here comes the old lady!,二. 完全倒装(Full inversion),欣赏,总结用法1:,(4)In came Mr White. (5)Up went the arrow into the air.,5,2.在There be (exist、happen、live、appear、lie等)的句型中。,1.Long long ago, there was

4、 a hill in the forest. 2.There exist so many mistakes. 3.There occurred a terrible accident at that time.,欣赏,总结用法2:,6,3. 当表示地点的介词词组在句首时。,(1) In the temple lived an old monk.,翻译,总结用法3:,(2) 0n every picture of paper was a picture of horse.,(3) In the front of the lecture hall sits a professor.,7,Summa

5、ry: 英语句子的自然顺序是主语在前,谓语在后。 把谓语动词放在主语之前(谓语+主语),就是完全 倒装结构。,8,选出错误的句子: A. In he came and back he went again. B. In came he and back went he again. C. He came in and he went back again.,在上述三种句子中,如果主语为人称代词,则不需要倒装。,you I, we, he, she, they, it,Here you are. Here it is. In he comes.,9,Exercise one: (1) Then_

6、we had been looking forward to. A. come the hour B. the hour came C. the hour comes D. came the hour (2) There _just now. A. the bus comes B. the bus came C. came the bus D. comes the bus,10,(3) _a beautiful palace _the foot of the hill. A. There stand; at B. There stands; under C. Stands there; und

7、er D. There stands; at (4)There _. A. goes the phone; B. is the phone; C. does the phone go; D. the phone goes;,11,(5) Out _, with a stick in his hand.A. did he rushB. rushed he C. he rushedD. he did rush (6) _ from the top of the building when the policeman pointed the gun at him. A. Jumped down th

8、e robber B. Jumped the robber down C. Down jumped the robber D. Down the robber jumped,12,(7) Under a big tree _, half asleep. A. did sat a fat man B. a fat man sat C. did a fat man sat D. sat a fat man ( 8)At the top of the hill _. A. a beautiful lake lies B. lies a beautiful lake C. a beautiful la

9、ke lying D. is lying a beautiful lake,13,三、部分倒装,(1) Only then did he find it important to get along with others. (2) Only in this way can we make great progress.,Only+状语放句首。,14,2. 否定意义的词或短语放句首时,该句子部分倒装。,这类词或短语主要有 never, neither, nor, little, seldom(很少, rarely(很少), hardly, not only, in no way(决不), at

10、 no time, few, not, no 等,(1) Seldom does he come back on Sundays. (2) Never have I found him so happy. (3) Little does he care about what I said.,15,Not only did he say so, but (also) he did so.,3.以关联连词not only.but also开首的句子前倒后不倒。,注意:当连接主语时不倒装,Not only he but also I have kept the secret.,16,4. 当So (

11、Neither /Nor)位于句首,表示前面所说的情况也(或也不)适用于另一人(或物)时。 So/Neither/Nor +be/助动词/情态动词+主语,翻译下列句子:,2. Tom went to the part yesterday. And so did I.,Peter cant answer the question. Neither can I .,17,Summary: Partial inversion(部分倒装): +助动词/情态动词/be动词+主语+谓语+其他成份,18,(1) Only in this way _ make progress in your English

12、. A. you B. can you C. you be able to D. will you able to (2) Only when the meeting was over _go back to meet his friend.A. he could B. he was able to C. was he able toD. was able to he,Exercise 2:,only+状语从句,主句倒装,从句不倒装,19,3) Hardly _ the airport when the plane took off.A. I had arrived atB. had I ar

13、rived C. had I reachedD. I had got to 4) Not only _working hard, but also _very polite.A. the boy is; he is B. the boy is; is he C. is the boy; he is D. is the boy; is he 5) She is not fond of cooking, _ I.A. so amB. nor amC. neitherD. nor do,20,(6) -Li Ping studies hard. -_. A. so do I B. so I do C

14、. so I study D. so study I (7) Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother? I dont know, and_. A. Nor do I care B. Nor I do care C. I dont care neither D. nor dont I care (8) Not only Jack but John can answer the questions.,21,(10) Only in this way can we make great progress. We can make great progre

15、ss only in this way.,(9) Only then did he find it important to get along with others. He found it important to get along with others only then.,22,(11) Seldom does he come back on Sundays. He Seldom comes back on Sundays. (12) Never have I found him so happy. I have Never found him so happy. (13) Li

16、ttle does he care about what I said.,He cares Little about what I said.,23,Summary: Full inversion(完全倒装): .+谓语+主语+其他成份 Partial inversion(部分倒装): +助动词/情态动词/be动词+主语+谓语+其他成份,24,Homework: 1.完成学案的homework,复习部分倒装句和完全倒装句的结构 2.欣赏歌曲中有倒装句的歌词 3. 周报13期阅读A,B。,25,Thanks for joining me ! Bye!,26,A girl called A Qia

17、o lived there long ago. 2. Here comes your husband. 3. A professor sits in front of the classroom. 3. Out rushed the children. 5. Not only will you save money,but you may also enjoy more. 6. The names of those who were late yesterday are written on the blackboard. One knows its value, only when one

18、lose freedom.,Exercise four : 请找出倒装句,27,6) the hour we had been looking forward to came then. 7) A beautiful palace stands there at the foot of the hill. 8) He rushed out , with a stick in his hand. 9) A fat man sat under a big tree , half asleep.,28,1) the hour we had been looking forward to came t

19、hen. 2) The bus came there just now. 3) A beautiful palace stands there at the foot of the hill. 4) The phone is there. 5) He rushed out , with a stick in his hand. 6) The rubber jumped down from the top of the building when the policeman pointed the gun at him. 7) A fat man sat under a big tree , h

20、alf asleep. 8) A beautiful lake lies at the top of the hill .,29,5. Not until(直到才) 句型的倒装句,(1)直到上周他们才找到这辆丢失的自行车。,They didnt find the lost bike until last week.,Not until last week did they find the lost bike.,倒装句,总结notuntil 的倒装句结构,30,5. Not until放在句首, 从句不倒装,主句倒装。如:,(1)Not until last week did they fin

21、d the lost bike. (简单句) (2)Not until my son had entered the university did he realize the importance of time. (复合句),31,(1) Not until the early years of the 19th century _know what heat is. man did B. man didnt C. didnt manD. did man (2) Not until I began to work _ realize how much time I had wasted.A

22、. didnt I B. did I C. I didntD. I,32,6.在if引导的非真实条件句中,如有助动词had, should或were时,可以省略if,进行倒装,1.If I should be free this afternoon, I would come and help you with your lesson. 2.If I were in your place, I would not be fit for your job. 3.If it hadnt been for the captain, the ship would have sunk with all

23、on board.,(1) Should I be free this afternoon, I would come and help you with your lesson. (2) Were I in your place. I would not be fit for your job. (3) Had it not been for the captain, the ship would have sunk with all on board.,Not 不提前,33,(1) So excited was he that he could hardly say a word.,7.

24、在So .that, such.that, (so/such 提前)前半倒。,Such a good teacher _that we all like her.,(2)翻译:她是如此好的一个老师以至于我们都喜欢她。,is she,练习: So loudly _ that _ hear her clearly. A. did she speak; could everyone B. did she speak; everyone could C. she spoke; could everyone D. she spoke; everyone could,34,(1)Jack studies

25、German, but he doesnt study French. So it is with Jim.,(2) Tom is clever and he studies hard. So it is with Mary.,6.当前面的句子中主语、谓语或肯否定形式不同时, 则用so it is /was with.或Its the same with 句型来表示。,35,练习:,1. -Li Ping studies hard. -_. A) so do I B) so I do C) so I study D) so study I 2. I dont know. _. A) Nor d

26、o I care B) Nor I do care C) neither I do care,36,3)Its raining. -_. So it is B) so is it C) So it is with me 4)Marx was born in Germany and German was his native language. _Engels. So it is B) So is it C) So it is with,37,7. 用于“形容词(或名词、动词)”+as(though) 引导的让步状语从句中。,Ugly as I am, Im gentle.,Child as h

27、e was, he had to make a living.,Try as he would, he might fail again.,38,1.(2005广东)_,Carolina couldnt get the door open. Try as she might As he might try She might as try Might she as try,39,2.(2005重庆)_, he talks a lot about his favorite singers after class. A quiet student as he may be Quiet student as he may be Be a quiet student as he may be Quiet as he may be a student,单数可数名词作表语提前不用冠词,40,8.在以often, always, once, many a time, now and then, 等作状语的频度副词位于句首时。,Often did I speak of him before. Many a time has he helped me with my experiment.,Many a time _ swimming


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