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1、polish英音:pli美音:pl 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释polish及物动词 vt. 1.磨光,擦亮(+up)He polished his spectacles with a handkerchief before answering. 回答之前,他用手帕擦拭了一下眼镜。2.使优美,使精炼;润饰(+up)The speaker spent several days polishing her lecture. 演讲者花了几天时间润饰她的演讲稿。不及物动词 vi. 1.发亮;变光滑;变优美名词 n. 1.磨光,擦亮SGive your shoes a polish. 把你的鞋子擦一擦。

2、2.磨光粉;擦亮剂UYou should use wax polish on wooden furniture. 你应在木制家具上打上蜡。3.光滑,光泽A hot plate will spoil the polish on this table. 热盘子会毁坏桌面的光泽。4.优美,完善UFour years of college gave her considerable polish. 四年的大学教育使她更加完美。Polish形容词 a. 1.波兰的;波兰人的;波兰语的名词 n. 1.波兰语sulphur英/slf/美n.硫(磺),硫黄The water smacks of sulphur

3、.这水有点儿硫磺味。enclose英音:inkluz美音:nkloz 及物动词 vt. 1.围住;圈起;关闭住H(+with/by)The palace is enclosed by a high wall. 皇宫为高墙围住。 A white fence enclosed the house. 房子周围有一圈白色的篱笆。2.把(公文,票据等)封入A check is enclosed herewith. 随信附寄支票一张。privilege prv!d 词典释义n. 1. 特权;优特 2. (个人的)恩典,殊荣 3. (议会内部享有的言论自由等)议会特.vt. 1. 给予.特权(或优待) 2.

4、 以特权免除hail hel 词典释义vt. 1. 向.欢呼;为.喝彩 2. 承认.为;拥立(+as) 3. 招呼vi. 1. 招呼;招呼致意 2. (不用被动式)来自(+from)n. 1. 欢呼;打招呼int. 1. (表示欢呼,祝贺等)好啊;欢迎Wenger hails relentless Gunners relentless英音:rilentlis美音:rlntls 形容词 a. 1.残酷的,无情的2.不间断的,持续的;坚韧的,不懈的a relentless autumnal rain 绵绵秋雨magnificent英音:mgnifisnt美音:mgnfsnt 以下结果由译典通提供词

5、典解释形容词 a. 1.壮丽的,宏伟的,宏大的We visited a magnificent palace in the city. 我们参观了一座城里的宏伟宫殿。2.豪华的;华丽的,华贵的The royal wedding was a magnificent occasion. 皇家婚礼场面豪阔。3.极美的;很动人的4.【口】极好的What a magnificent day! 今天天气好极了!5.高贵的,高尚的;庄严的His magnificent ideas had a great influence on me. 他崇高的思想对我有过巨大的影响。exclusive ksklusv 词

6、典释义a. 1. 排外的;除外的;全部的;唯一的 2. 独有的,独占的,专用的B 3. (团体,学.n. 1. 独家新闻;独家经营的项目(或产品等)scope英/skup/美n.范围;余地,机会We widened the scope of our investigation.我们拓宽了调查范围。might英/mait/美n.力量,威力,能力We fear the military might of the enemy.我们惧怕敌人强大的军事力量。assess英/ses/美vt.对(财产等)估价We should equitably assess historical figures.我们应该

7、公正地评价历史人物。 prejudice英/predudis/美n.偏见,成见They accused him of having a prejudice against his women employees.他们指责他歧视女雇员。thorough英/r/美a.彻底的;详尽的Give the room a thorough clean.把房间彻底打扫一下。indispensable英/indispensbl/美a.必不可少的,必需的Air is indispensable to life.空气是生命所必需的。whitewash英/(h)waitw/美vt.粉刷,涂白You should wh

8、itewash the door of your hall.你应当粉刷你大厅的门。puff英/pf/美n.(一)喷,(一)吹He took a puff at his cigarette.他吸了一口香烟。fraction英/frkn/美n.小部分;片断;分数The cost is only a fraction of his salary.那项费用不过是他薪水的一小部分。slope英/slup/美n.倾斜;斜面vi.倾斜On both slopes of the roof there are broken tiles.屋顶的两面斜面都有破瓦片。brisk英/brisk/美a.活泼的;清新的Th

9、e actress is walking at a brisk pace.那位女演员正以轻快的步伐走着。scratch英/skrt/美vt.&vi.&n.搔;抓The dog is always scratching.那只狗老是搔痒。solemn英/slm/美a.庄严的;隆重的This is a solemn duty.这是一个庄严的职责。Terminal 末端的straw英/str:/美n.稻草,麦杆,吸管They laid straw over the yard .他们将稻草铺在院子里。diameter英/daimit/美n.直径The circle has a diameter of 6

10、 inches.这个圆直径六英寸。limb英/lim/美n.肢,臂,翼;树枝Some creatures can reproduce a lost limb.有些动物能重生失去之肢。mess英/mes/美n.混乱,混杂,肮脏Ireland, at least, has some excuses for its fiscal mess.至少爱尔兰有其财政混乱的一些借口。Refute 驳斥arise英/raiz/美vi.出现;由引起Accidents often arise from carelessness.事故常起因于粗心。tumble英/tmbl/美vi.摔倒,跌倒;打滚Children t

11、umble over each other in play.孩子们玩耍时相互连身翻滚。circular英/s:kjul/美a.圆的;循环的She paid a circular visit among her relations.她逐一拜访她的亲友。Chill 使寒冷,寒冷squeeze英/skwi:z/美vt.&vi.榨,挤;压榨You can squeeze through sideways.你侧着身就能挤过去。tender英/tend/美a.嫩的;脆弱的Hes as tender as a chicken and not up to hard manual work.他柔弱得象只小鸡,不

12、能胜任艰苦的体力劳动。outset英/autset/美n.开始,开端He was not here at the outset of the experiment.实验开始时他不在这里。spin英/spin/美vt.纺;使旋转n.旋转She got up and spun a little turn.她站起来转了一小圈。altitude英/ltitju:d/美n.高,高度;高处The plane flew to a very high altitude.飞机飞行到了一个非常高的高度。spectacle英/spektkl/美n.光景,景象;眼镜The city after the earthqu

13、ake was a terrible spectacle.地震过后的城市一派可怕的景象。domestic dmstk 词典释义a. 1. 家庭的,家事的 2. 国家的;国内的 3. 一心只管家务的;一心追求家庭乐趣的.n. 1. 仆人,佣人 2. 【美】国货spark英/sp:k/美n.火花,火星Some forest fires are caused by sparks.一些森林火灾是由电火花引起的。Resolve 解决,决心turbulent英/t:bjulnt/美a.骚动的,骚乱的She tried to calm her turbulent thoughts.她试图平息一下紊乱的思绪。

14、shriek英/ri:k/美vi.尖声喊叫n.尖叫声Her shriek still vibrates in my ears.她的尖叫声仍在我耳中回响。monument英/mnjumnt/美n.纪念碑;纪念馆A monument was erected to the memory of that great scientist.树立了一块纪念碑纪念那位伟大的科学家。prevail英/priveil/美vi.胜,优胜;流行Justice will prevail over evil!正义一定能战胜邪恶!interfere英/intfi/美vi.干涉,干预;妨碍I have the right t

15、o interfere.我有干预的权利。awfully英/:fl/美ad.令人畏惧的;很You look awfully pale,are you all right?你面色很苍白,身体怎么了?indication英/indikein/美n.指示;表示;表明I have no indication of his decision.我看不出他有作决定的表示。sheet英/i:t/美n.被单;纸张;薄板The maid change the sheet every day.女佣每天更换床单。racket英/rkit/美n.球拍I like your new pingpong racket.我喜欢你

16、新的乒乓球拍。transparent英/trnsprnt/美a.透明的;易识破的Her mother disapproves of her wearing transparent underwear.她母亲不赞成她穿透明的内衣。multiply英/mltiplai/美vt.使增加;乘Friendships multiply joys and divide grief.快乐友谊可增加快乐和分担忧伤。scarf英/sk:f/美n.围巾,头巾;领带Is this scarf for your mother?这条围巾是给你妈妈的吗?Despaire n,v, 绝望plain英/plein/美n.平原a

17、.清楚的Animals range over the hills and plains.动物在山丘和平原上出没。boast英/bust/美vi.自夸vt.吹嘘Great boast, small roast.说得天花乱坠,成事微乎其微。devise英/divaiz/美vt.设计,发明This time we will devise a better solution.这次我们将设计一种新的解决方案。cucumber英/kju:kmb/美n.黄瓜He gave me a huge cucumber.他给了我一根大黄瓜。butcher英/but/美n.屠夫;屠杀者A butcher needs s

18、harp knives.屠夫需利刃。arbitrary英/:bitrri/美a.随心所欲的;专断的You can make an arbitrary choice.你可以随心所欲地做选择。portrait英/p:trit/美n.肖像,画像These portraits are great pieces of paint.这些肖像画都是艺术精品。repent英/ripent/美vi.悔悟,悔改vt.后悔You shall yet repent it.你总有一天会后悔的。van英/vn/美n.大篷车,运货车A delivery van has brought the grocery order.送

19、货车已把定购的杂货送来了。pave英/peiv/美vt.铺,筑(路等)The street is paved with asphalt.街道被铺上柏油。retire英/ritai/美vi.退下;引退;就寝She will retire in a month.她一个月后就退休了Weekday 工作日plaster英/pl:st/美n.灰泥;硬膏;熟石膏He mixed up some plaster to repair the wall.他和了一些灰泥去补墙。prime pram 词典释义a. 1. 最初的;原始的;基本的;原有的 2. 主要的;首位的 3. 最好的,第一流的 4. .n. 1.

20、 最初,初期the S 2. 黎明;春天the S 3. 青年;壮年;全盛时期the S 4.vt. 1. 灌注,装填;为.装火药(或雷管) 2. (注水或油等)使起动(+with) 3. 在.vi. 1. 作准备peep英/pi:p/美vi.(从缝隙中)偷看At the examination he peeped at his neighbours paper.他考试时偷看了他邻座的卷子。Telescope 1.望远镜 telescope 1.单筒望远镜 2.计数管望远镜 conservation英音:,kns:vein美音:,knsven 名词 n. U(+of)1.保存2.(对自然资源的

21、)保护,管理Conservation is one way to make sure we have enough energy in the future. 对自然资源的保护是保证我们将来有足够的能源的一种办法。3.【物】守恒,不灭conservation of mass 质量守恒Thrive 1.繁荣,兴旺 thrive 1.茂盛;兴旺;繁荣 2.兴旺,繁荣,茁壮成长 3.兴旺,蓬勃发展 expedition ,kspdn 词典释义n. 1. 远征;探险;考察 2. 远征队;探险队;考察队 3. 迅速,敏捷reveal rvil 词典释义vt. 1. 展现,显露出 2. 揭示,揭露;暴露;

22、泄露(+to/as)+that 3. 【宗】(上帝.n. 1. 揭示,揭露;暴露;泄露landmark英音:lndm:k美音:lnd,mrk 名词 n. C1.(显而易见的)地标,陆标The pavilion on the hilltop was a well-known landmark. 山顶上的亭子是个著名的陆标。2.(国界、庄园等的)界标,界石3.(历史上划时代的)重大事件,里程碑The teacher outlined landmarks in the history of mankind. 老师概述了人类历史上的里程碑。crittercams是潜水员快速放到鲸背部的微型录像装置 p

23、reserve przv 词典释义vt. 1. 保存,保藏;防腐(+from) 2. 保护;维护;维持 3. 腌(肉等);把.做成蜜.n. 1. 蜜饯;果酱P1 2. (动植物)保护区;禁猎区 3. 包揽的事物 4. 防护用品;diversity davst 词典释义n. 1. 差异;不同点 2. 多样性S1(+of)innovative no,vetv 词典释义a. 1. 创新的Salute 招呼,行礼magnet英/mnit/美n.磁铁,磁石,磁体He picked all the pins up with a magnet.他用磁铁捡起了所有的大头针。status英/steits/美n.

24、地位,身份He feels that his rise in status is well worth the loss of money.他觉得地位升高了,损失点儿钱也值得。vigorous英/virs/美a.朝气蓬勃的He never ceased to chase after his dream in his vigorous youth.在精力充沛的年轻时代他从未停止过追求自己的“梦想”。steward英/stjud/美n.乘务员,服务员We thanked the steward for his good service.我们感谢了乘务员所提供的优质服务。stale英/steil/美

25、a.陈腐的;走了气的Without sufficient stimulation, any long-term relationship will grow stale.如果没有足够的新鲜感,任何长时间维持的关系都会变得死气沉沉。 vine英/vain/美n.葡萄树Love is a vine that grows into our hearts.爱情是一棵葡萄树长在我们心中。porter英/p:t/美n.搬运工人The porter will help you.行李员很快就去帮助您。snap snp 词典释义vt. 1. 猛咬 2. 突然折断;拉断 3. 使发劈啪声;捻(手指)使劈啪作声;啪

26、地关上(或.vi. 1. 咬;攫;抓(+at) 2. 劈啪地响;(门等)咯嗒一声关上 3. 啪地一声折断;(神.n. 1. 猛咬;猛扑;攫夺 2. 突然折断 3. 劈啪声;厉声的斥责 4. 天气突变(尤指转.a. 1. 突然的,冷不防的;迅速的 2. 啪一声关上或扣上的;用弹簧的wand wnd 词典释义n. 1. 棒,棍,竿,杖 2. 魔杖;【音】指挥棒 3. (表示官职的)权杖,权标 4. (树的).reckon rkn 词典释义vt. 1. 计算,数 2. 测算,测量 3. 认为,把.看作(+as/among/with) 4. 【口.vi. 1. 计算,数 2. 估计;判断 3. 【口】

27、觉得,猜想 4. 【口】指望,盼望(+on/up.leap英/li:p/美vi.跳,跃n.跳跃Having heard the good news,they leapt for joy.听到这个好消息,他们高兴地跳起来。 slit英/slit/美n.裂缝vt.切开,撕开They slit his throat.他们切开他的喉咙。patch英/pt/美n.补丁;碎片vt.补缀You only need to patch the modules that you have installed.你只需要将已安装的模块打上补丁就可以了。supplement英/splimnt/美n.v.增补,补充The

28、y had to get a job to supplement the family income.他们不得不找一份工作以贴补家庭收入。pond英/pnd/美n.池塘Most farms have a pond from which cattle can drink.大部分农场有池塘供牛喝水。density英/densiti/美n.密集,稠密;密度Having a lower population density than normal or desirable.人口密度比一般的少或者比期望的少。cordial英/k:djl/美a.热诚的,诚恳的His friends gave him a

29、cordial welcome.他的朋友对他表示热诚的欢迎。ribbon英/ribn/美n.缎带,丝带;带Her hair was tied up with a ribbon.她用一条丝带系着头发。coil英/kil/美n.(一)卷;线圈vt.卷There is a fly on her loose coil of hair.在她蓬松的头发上有一只苍蝇。rebel英/rebl/美vi.造反I guess you can rebel sometimes.我想有时候你也可以反抗一下。appeal英/pi:l/美vi.&n.呼吁;申述I appeal to your sense of justice

30、.我呼吁你们拿出正义感。spill英/spil/美vt.使溢出vi.溢出The coffee is so full that it might spill over.咖啡太满可能会溢出来。whirl英/(h)w:l/美vt.使回旋vi.&n.回旋The wind whirled the dead leaves about.风吹得枯叶四处回旋。grieve英/ri:v/美vt.使悲痛vi.悲痛I grieve very much for what I have done.我为自己的行为感到痛心。bargain英/b:in/美n.交易vi.议价;成交They closed with a barga

31、in.他们谈妥了一笔交易。democratic英/.demkrtik/美a.民主的,民主政体的We want to have a democratic culture.我们想有一个民主的文化。scene英/si:n/美n.发生地点;场景What can you deduce from the scene?你从这个场景中能推断出什么?singular英/sijul/美a.单一的;非凡的She was a woman of singular beauty.她是个绝色美人。devil英/devl/美n.魔鬼,恶魔Once a devil, always a devil.一次做魔鬼,永远做魔鬼。apparatus英/.preits/美n.器械,仪器;器官There are some electrical apparatus in the room.房间里有些电器。tuition英/tju:in/美n.教,教诲;学费Is her tuition expensive?她的学费是否很贵?reinforce英/ri:inf:s/美vt.增援,支援;加强Lets go and reinforce them!让我们去增援他们。precaution英/prik:n/


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