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1、actor,actress,director,producer,cameraman,make-up artist,scriptwriter,lighting manager,film editor,costume designer,stuntman,演员,导演,制片人,摄像,化装师,编剧,灯光师,影片剪辑员,服装师,替身,Action! Good Take! Stand by! Take Two,A,Being a director,Stand by,等待,准备开始,Action,开拍,Take Two,再拍一次;拍两次,Good Take,拍得好;好镜头,Stand by,Action,Ta

2、ke two,Good take,Get ready,Start,Once more,Well done,Bad,Stand by,Action,Take two,Good take,No good (NG,Can you match them,1.What was Audrey Hepburns dream at a very,young age,2.What marked the beginning of Audreys,successful career,3. How did Hepburn become world-famous,To become,a successful balle

3、t dancer,Playing,the lead role in the play,Gigi,By playing,the lead role of a young princess in,the Hollywood film Roman Holiday,Answer the following questions,5. Why did Hepburns achievements go beyond,the film industry,6. How old was Audrey Hepburn when,she died,Because,she spent her last few year

4、s working,closely with UNICEF and helped many poor,children,She was 64 years old,4. In which film Hepburn made her final,appearance and played the role of an angel,In the film,Always,Answer the following questions,一、根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子,1,The stubborn girl _,坚持,on her,idea, but she failed at last,2. Her _

5、,成就,went beyond,the film industry at that time,3. As we all know no one can make his,dream come true without e_,insisted,achievements,ffort,4. The event m_ the beginning of,Hepburns successful career,5. The f_ test is coming,inal,arked,二、用所给词的适当形式填空,1,Audrey _ (choose) to,play the lead role in Gigi

6、by Colette,was chosen,2. They _ (water) the,flowers when I got to the garden,3. Gong Li is one of the most beautiful,_ (actress) in China,4. At the _ (begin), we didnt,believe him at all,5. The boy fell asleep _ (peace,after driving some milk,were watering,actresses,beginning,peacefully,三、翻译下列短语,1,好

7、莱坞一向最棒的,女演员之一,2,因为失去而感到,难过,3,梦想成为一个成功,的芭蕾舞演员,4,吸引某人的注意,5,一部以他的小说为,基础的剧本,one of Hollywoods all,time greatest actresses,feel sad about the loss,of,dream of becoming a,successful ballet dancer,catch ones attention,a play based upon her,novel,11,超出,12,她的最后几年,13,为的是,以便于,14,因为她在这个领,域的努力,15,安然辞世,go beyond,

8、her last few years,so that,because of her effort,in this area,pass away peacefully,6,标志着的开始,7,在中扮演的主,要角色,8,赢得奥斯卡最佳女,演员奖,9,又四次奥斯卡提名,10,最后一次露面,mark the beginning of,play the lead role,ofin,win the Oscar for Best,Actress,four more Oscar,nominations,make ones final,appearance,A,Australia is far away fro

9、m China,It is a good place to visit,Australia is far away from China,but,it is a good place to visit,Although,Australia is far away,from China, it is a good place to,visit,We use,although,though,to,contrast two clauses,we cant,use,but,and,although,together,Can you find out the mistake,Although it is

10、 very hot,outside, but I enjoyed my,journey,Although I was tired, but I,was still happy,Although,Australia is far away,from China, it is a good place to,visit,It is a good place to visit,although,Australia is far away from China,We put,although,at the,_ or in the,_ of a sentence,middle,beginning,1.

11、The music for the Beijing Olympics uses,traditional Chinese music and the,sounds of an ancient Chinese bell,though,it is in a Western style,2,Though,I like acting, Id rather be a,director,3. Colette insisted that Hepburn was the,perfect girl for the lead role in the play,although,Hepburn had never p

12、layed any,major roles before,20-hour flight,The 20-hour flight was very tiring,_ she was excited,_ the 20-hour flight,was very tiring, she was excited,She was excited _ the,20-hour flight was very tiring,but,Although,although,it rained heavily / it was still hot,it rained heavily,the temperature was

13、 still high,although,Although,it rained heavily, the temperature,was still high,I got hot and sweaty / I walked slowly,People were still hot and sweaty,they walked slowly,although,People were still hot and sweaty,although,they walked slowly,there was a train every five minutes / it was,still very cr

14、owded,there was a train every five minutes,it was still very crowded at the station,although,Although,there was a train every five minutes,it was still very crowded at the station,Using although / though,though,连词,conj,虽然,尽管,副词,adv,不过,然而,although,连词,conj,虽然,尽管,1,两词同义并可换用,但,although,语气,较重,通常放在句首并用于正式

15、场合,如,Id quite like to go out,although,though,it is a bit late,我很想外出,虽然为时稍晚,Although,its raining, they are still,working in the field,虽然在下雨,但他们仍在地里干活,Though,he tried hard, he was not,successful,虽然他尽力而为,但他没有成功,Although / Though,he was tired, he kept,on working,虽然他已经累了,但仍然继续工作,e.g. I will try it,althou

16、gh,I may fail,即使我可能失败,我也要试一下,Although /though,it was) snowing, it,was not very cold,虽然在下雪,但是天气不是很冷,There is air around us,although,we,cant see it,尽管我们看不见,但我们周,围全是空气,注意,1. though,可用于,even though, as,though,等结构,although,则不能,Even though,I fail, Ill keep on trying,我纵然失败,仍会继续尝试下去,You look,as though,you k

17、now each other,看起来你们好像彼此认识,2. although,和,though,用作连词时不能和,but,连用,但可跟,yet, still,等连用。如,Although,he lives alone,yet,he is happy,He lives alone,but,he is happy,他虽然单独生活,但很愉快,My car is very old,but,I dont want to,buy a new one,虽然我的汽车很旧,但我不想买一辆新,的,Although / Though you are a little,younger than me,yet,you

18、are much taller,Although / Though you are a little,younger than me,but,you are much taller,1.You took a pill before you got on a ship,but,you got seasick,同义句,2. You have enough time,but,you wont be,able to visit all places of interest,同义句,More practice,Although,you took a pill before you got,on a sh

19、ip , you got seasick,Although,you have enough time,you wont be able to visit all places of,interest,Mr Wu went to see,My Fair Lady,last,Friday. However, he did not enjoy,himself. Read the sentences below,and find out why. Join the two parts,of the sentences by using,although/though,1. I left early t

20、o,avoid the rush hour,there was a lot of traffic in the streets,Although/though,I left early to avoid,the rush hour,there was a lot of traffic,in the streets,avoid doing sth,避免做某事,1,她对我的问题避而不答,2,我免不了要碰见他,She,avoid,ed,answering,my questions,I cant,avoid,meet,ing,him,2. I could not,find a space to par

21、k my,car,the cinema,had a big car park,I could not find a space to park my car,although/though,the cinema had a big,car park,3. I,finally,got a ticket / my seat was,in,the last row in the corner,Although/though,I finally got a ticket,my seat was in the last row in the,corner,在角落里的最后一排,4. people,kept

22、 coming in,the film had,already,been on for 15 minutes,People kept coming in,although/though,the film had already been on for 15,minutes,5. I felt very hot / I only,had a T-shirt on,I felt very hot,although/though,I only,had a T-shirt on,6. some people were,talking loudly,they were told to,keep quie

23、t,Some people were talking loudly,although/though,they were told to keep,quiet,We can use,although / though,at,the beginning or in the middle of a,sentence to introduce a clause,silent,1. _,was / the test / difficult), no students,failed it,2. _,_ (play / fun / to / computer,games / are), students s

24、hould not spend,too much time on them,将括号内的内容重新排序,完成句子,注意运用,although / though,Although / Though the test was difficult,Although / Though computer games are,fun to play,3. _,_ (misses / she / home town,her), she is not going back this year,Although / Though she misses her home,town,)1. _ she is young

25、, she knows quite a lot,A. When B. However,C. Although D. Unless,)2. He went out without an overcoat _ it,was so cold,A. although B. so C. if D. for,Practice,C,A,链接中考,)1. _ scientists have done a lot,of research on A (HIN1) flu, there are still,some cases for further study. (2009,南京,A. As B. Once,C.

26、 If D. Although,解析】此题考查了连词的用法。通过句意,我们了解到,科学家已做了关于甲流的大量研,究,是后面主句,仍有一些病例需要进一步研究,的引出条件,表示条件退让一步。我们应选用,引导让步状语从句的连词,although,故选,D,D,)2. _ they are very tired, they feel,happy because theyve finally finished their,project. (2011,广州,A. So B. Although,C. If D. But,解析】考查连词。分析句意可知,他们虽,然很累,但很快乐,前半句是让步状语从句,用,al

27、though,B,B,1.The flowers are,very,beautiful,Everyone likes them,The flowers are,so,beautiful,that,everyone likes them,2.She is,quite,a lovely baby,Everyone loves her,She is,such,a lovely baby,that,everyone loves her,3.The actress worked,very,hard,She didnt have a day off last,year,The actress worked

28、,so,hard,that,she didnt have a day off,last year,在英语里,我们用,_,或,_,连接一个表示结果,的状语从句,意思相同,但是用法,不同,so. that,such.that,1. sothat,引导结果状语从句,so,that,句型中的,so,是副词,常用来修饰,形容词或副词,常用句型为,主语,谓语动词,so +adv./adj.+that,从句,He is,so,young that,he cant look after himself,The boy ran,so,fast,that,I couldnt catch him,注意,so +ad

29、j.+a/an,单数名词,that,从句,He is,so,young,a,boy that he cant look,after himself,1. He is _ young _ he,cant look after himself,2. The boy ran _ fast _,I couldnt catch up with him,3. He was _ angry _,he couldnt say a word,so that,so that,so that,1,Millie is,such,a good storyteller,that,she could write excit

30、ing scripts,2.It was,such,an exciting script,that,she read it through without stopping,a noun phrase,a noun phrase,2.such. that,作,如此,以至于,解,连,接,结果状语从句,结果状语从句是用来补,充说明主句动作发生所带来的结果,和,so. that,意思相同,但是用法不同,so,是副词,后面可加形容词和副词,so,adj,adv,that clause,eg. It is,so nice that,we can go out for a,picnic,天气是如此的好以至

31、于我们可以,外出野餐,而,such,是限定词,后面要加名词或名词,词组,名词前面可以带形容词,也可以,不带,such,noun/noun,phrases,that,clause,e.g. It is,such,a nice day,that,we can go,out for a picnic,今天是如此好的一天以至于我们可,以外出野餐,1,such,a(an,adj,单数可数名词,that,He is,such,a clever boy,that,everybody,likes him,2) such,adj,不可数名词,that,He has made,such,great progres

32、s,that,the,teachers are pleased with him,3,such,adj,复数名词,that,They are,such,interesting novels,that,I,want to read them once again,注意,He had,so little,education,that,he was,unfit for this job,他所受教育很少,不适合这个工作,为什么用,so,呢,当名词前有,_,等词所修饰,的话,句子中要用,_,many/much/little/few,so,_foolish _a fool,_nice a flower,_

33、 a nice flower,_many/ few flowers,_nice flowers,_much/little money,_ rapid progress,_many people _ a lot of people,so many,已成固定搭配,a lot of,虽,相当于,many,但,a lot of,为名词性,的,只能用,such,搭配,so,such,so,such,so,so,so,such,such,such,1. It is a difficult problem,Nobody can work it out,It is,such,a difficult probl

34、em,that,nobody can work it out,2. I am very tired after a day of work,I do not want to move at all,I am,so,tired after a day of work,that,I do not want to move at all,用,so . that,和,such . that,连接句子,1,这个问题太难了,没有人能回答,用,sothat,或,suchthat,翻译句子,This question is,so,difficult,that,nobody,can answer it,This

35、 is,such a difficult question,that,nobody can answer it,2,这部电影太好看了,电影院里座无虚,席,This film is,so,good,that,the cinema,is full of people,This is,such a,good film,that,the,cinema is full of people,3,那家剧院很大,他们几乎在里面迷路了,The theatre was,so,big,that,they,almost lost their way in it,That was,such a,big theatre,

36、that,they almost lost their way in it,1,Jackie is _ a famous film star_ people all,over the world know him,A. so, that B. too, to C. such, that D. enough, that,2,这个箱子是如此的重以至于我搬不动,The box is _ _ _ I cant carry it,It is _ _ _ _ _I cant carry it,Practice,so heavy that,such a heavy box that,3,他是如此的胖以至于无

37、法通过这门,He is _ _ _ he cant go through the door,He is _ _ _ _ _ he cant go through,the door,so fat that,such a fat man that,4._fine day it is today! Yes, the sunshine,is_ beautiful that Id like to go swimming,in the sea,A. How, such B. What a, very,C. How, so D. What a, so,6,当球迷们看到贝克汉姆的时候,他们如此激动以致于,大喊

38、大叫,When the football fans saw Beckham, they got_,_ _ they cried out,5. The camera is _expensive_ I cant afford it,A. so, that B. such, that,C. so, as to D. enough, that,so,excited that,1.Theyre _ little sheep _,they should be looked after well,A. sothat,B. suchthat,C. tooto,D. so that,2.After a thre

39、e-hour walk, Mr. Wu walked,_ slowly _ he is hard to catch,up with us,A. sothat,B. suchthat,C. tooto,D. enoughto,B,A,1,Hepburn was very beautiful. Many,people were amazed by her beauty,Hepburn was,so,beautiful,that,many,people were amazed by her beauty,Shirley does not know who Audrey,Hepburn was. Am

40、y is telling her,something about Hepburn. Help Amy,join her sentences with,sothat,and,such that,2. Hepburn was a kind lady. She spent,her last few years working with,UNICEF to help poor children all over,the world,Hepburn was,such a kind lady that,she,spent her last few years working with,UNICEF to

41、help poor children all over,the world,3. Hepburn acted very well. Some people,mistook her for a real princess,Hepburn acted,so,well,that,some people,mistook her for a real princess,4. Hepburn was a great actress,Shell always be remembered,Hepburn was,such,a great actress,that,shell always be remembe

42、red,We can use,adjective,or an,adverb,between,so,and,that,We use a,noun,between,such,and,that,1. Miss Jiang is _ a popular,teacher that almost everyone likes her,2. The computer is _expensive,that I cannot afford it at all,3. Nancy is _ lonely and wants to,go back home at once,such,so,very,用,such, s

43、o,或,very,填空,用,so, such, such a,或,such an,填空,1.He was _ excited that he,couldnt get sleep,2. This teacher is_ kind that we,all like him,3.There is _ much food in the,refrigerator that we dont need to buy,anything,so,so,so,4. He ran _ quickly that I,couldnt catch up with him,5. This is _ interesting a

44、,book that we all enjoy reading it,6.This is _ interesting book,that we all enjoy reading it,7. They are _ interesting,books that we all enjoy reading them,such an,so,so,such,另外,,so . that .,句型也可转换为,not) . enough,或,too . to .,结构。如,Uncle Wu is,so,rich,that,he,can,buy a car,Uncle Wu,is rich enough to

45、buy,a car,吴叔叔很富有,能买得起小汽车,He got up,so,late,that,he,couldnt,catch the,early bus,He got up,too,late,to catch,the early bus,他起得太晚了,没能赶上早班车,1. The man is so strong that he,can carry the box,2. I was so tired that I cant,go on with the work,练一练,The man is,strong enough to,carry,the box,I was,too tired to

46、 go,on with,the work,3. The question is so easy,that I can work it out,4. The bag is so heavy that,she cant move it,The question is,easy enough,for me to work,out,The bag is,too heavy for her,to move,注意,当主从句主语不一致时,改为简单,句时,不定式的宾语省略,Have a try,1. Nancy is _ loney and wants,to go back home at once,2. T

47、hey are _ little sheep that,we like them very much,very,such,当两句之间表示结果关系,但是用,and,连接时,我们一般,不用,such/so,而,用,very,表示程度,当,little,解释为,少,时,前面必须,用,so,解释为,小,时,根据具体情况选,用,so,或,such,如,so little water,such little babies,拓展二,C,so that,引导,目的状语从句,目的状语从句,用以说明主句动作发生的目的,其,从句中的谓语动词通常和情态动词,can,may, will, might, would, c

48、ould, should,等,情态动词连用,而且主句和从句之间不使,用逗号,so that,意为,以便,为了,使能够,可以,与,in order that,相替换,e.g. 1.They got up early,so that,they,could,catch the early bus,为了能赶上早班,车,他们早早就起床了,2.Say slowly,so that,I,can,understand,you,说慢点,好让我听明白,3. We will come at eight,so that,the,meeting can begin early.,We will come at eigh

49、t,in order that,the,meeting can begin early,sothat,引导结果状语从句,意为“如,此,以至于,so,后面加形容词或副,词,e.g. This book is,so interesting that,everyone wants to read it,这本书很有趣,人人都想看看,He ran,so fast that,I couldnt catch up,with him,他跑得那么快,我没赶上他,so that,句型也可以,用来引导结果状语从,句,意为“因此,结果,这时其,从句中,的谓语动词不与情态动词连用,这种结构和,sothat,引导的结果在

50、含,义上有很大的区别,请比较,He didnt plan his time well,so that,he,didnt finish his work in time,他没有把时间计划好,结果没有按时完成,这项工作,没按时完成这项工作的原因是没计划好时,间,Its,so,hot,that,I cant sleep,天气热得我不能入睡,天气热到人不能入睡的程度,1,我戴眼镜是为了看得更清楚,2,他借了很多书,以便在暑假里阅读,用,so that,翻译句子,I wear glasses,so that,I can see,more clearly,He borrowed many books,so

51、,that,he could read them in the,summer holiday,Simon is talking with Neil, his friend,in the UK, about Chinese action films,on the phone. Help Neil answer,Simons questions. Put the words in,brackets in the correct order and join,the two parts of each sentence with,so that,1,Simon: Are you interested

52、 in Chinese,action films,Neil: Of course. _,_,_,I have bought / more about,Chinese kung fu / a lot of DVDs,I can learn,I have bought a lot,of DVDs so that I can learn,more about Chinese kung fu,2. Simon: Are you going to introduce,Chinese kung fu to your friends,in the UK,Neil: Sure! _,_,_,what Chinese kung fu is all,about / I will lend them my,DVDs / they will learn,Ill lend them my DVDs,so that they will learn what,Chinese kung fu is all about,3. Simon: Has anybody taught you,Chinese kung fu,Neil: Yes. _,_,_,I could improve / my


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