



1、外 研 版 英 语 六 年 级 小 升 初模 拟 测 试 卷一、单项选择 1.以下哪个划线字母不是发的音 a.hatb.blackc.snake2.kilo a.1ibraryb.likec.tigerd.hospital3.以下哪个划线字母不是发 ai的音 a.rideb.bikec.fit4.选出划线部分读音相同的一组 a.koala, climb, cakeb.cute, car, goatc.grin, kick, grab5.dont cry. let me help you. a.flyb.baby6.lets _. a.playingb.playsc.play7.他是我的爸爸.a

2、.shes my mother. b.hes my father.8.my father cooked dinner for us last weekend. a.b.9.they _ monkeys.a.areb.amc.is10.do you often go to school bus or foot? a.on; byb.by; inc.on; ind.by; on11. did you go?i went to turpan. a.whatb.whoc.where12.im thirsty, mum. a.heres a cup of tea for you. b.heres a c

3、ard for you.13.amy _ saturdays. a.likeb.onc.likes14.orange, orange. sit _ a.aroundb.upc.down15.lets a short break for lunch. a.takingb.to takec.take16.whats_ favourite colour,ms smart? a.youb.your17.what kind of shop is it?a.i like a clothes shop. b.its a clothes shop. c.i will go to a gift shop.18.

4、listen!the children . a.singb.are singingc.sings二、单词拼写(词汇运用)19.bill went to london three days a_. 20.lily is a _(女孩). 21.do you live with your grandparents, tommy?no. we visit them three _ a year.22._(摸一摸) the toy tiger. its_(柔软). 23.一excuse me. how can i get to the_? 一ok. go straight and turn_at th

5、e second _. 三、选词填空(词汇运用) 24.选择正确的单词 look_(at,it)me. i am a monkey. im_(night,naughty). i am_(blue,brown). i can_(swing,spring). 25.选词填空what who how where when(1)_old are you?im 10 years old.(2)_are you going to do tomorrow?im going to go camping.(3)_do you get up?at 7:00.(4)_are you going to zhuhai?

6、im going by bus.(5)_are you going this weekend?im going to the park.四、排序题 26.根据文章意思,正确排序.yes, we have a new music teacher.do you like her?is she old?do you have new teachers?no, she isnt. she is funny.yes, we all like her._五、句型转换27.照例,用一般过去时改写下列句子.例:i like spring. i liked spring before.her hair is s

7、hort. _ 28.there is a ruler in the pencil case.(改为一般疑问句)_a_in the pencil case? 29.i went shopping with my mother yesterday.(改成否定句) 30.summer is the hottest season. ( 对画线部分提问 ) 31.does lingling have a friend?(肯定回答) _ 六、补全对话32.猜猜图中人物在说什么,选择正确答案_ai like bananas. bno,i dont. ci like grapes.七、连词成句33.love

8、, i, nature (.)(连词成句) 34.love free book in i my reading time .(连词成句) 35.i, to, listen, music, bed, on, my (.)36.ugly is it (.)37.go, with, sometimes, my, i, fishing, grandpa (.)_八、完形填空38.完形填空 we have a big playground in our school. we all like to 1 games 2 after school. its friday. we have only two

9、classes 3 the afternoon .when school is 4 a lot of students go to the playground . look ! the boys of grade two are 5 a basketball match. so me girl are 6 and shouting .football is our favourite sport. many teachers are also 7 football. li ming, li lei and wei fang are students of grade one. they ar

10、e 8 volleyball. its six oclock. its time 9 home. the students all leave the playground. 1. a. dob. makec. playd. take2. a. thereb. herec. at thered. at here3. a. onb. inc. atd. with4. a. beginningb. finishc. alld. over5. a. havingb. makingc. playingd. doing6. a. seeingb. lookingc. watchingd. meeting

11、7. a. playingb. playing thec. playd. play the8. a. playingb. playing thec. playd. play the9. a. forb. to goc. god. go to九、阅读理解39.读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答句.peter is a school student. he likes reading books. he often goes to the school library on monday afternoon. peter likes playing basketball,too. he plays b

12、asketball with his friends on tuesday afternoon. on wednesday he plays volleyball with them. peter plays chess after school on thursday. on friday evening,peter plays games at home. at the weekend peter goes to the park and fly kites with his family.(1)whos peter? a.a school student. b.a little boy.

13、 c.a school girl.(2)when does peter play chess? a.on friday eveningb.after school on thursday.c.on wednesday and thursday.(3)where does peter play games? a.at homeb.at schoolc.at the park(4)why does peter go to the school library on monday afternoon? a.because he likes reading.b.because he likes pla

14、ying.c.because he will wait for his friends.40.阅读短文,判断正误. hello, im li qiang. im ten. this is my family. we are at home. my mother is cooking. my father is watching tv. my grandparents are reading newspapers. look, my sister is playing with her doll. i am writing a letter.(1)li qiang is nine. (2)li

15、qiangs mother is cooking. (3)li qiangs father is reading newspapers. (4)li qiangs sister is playing the violin. (5)li qiang is writing a letter. 答案与解析一、单项选择1. c 2.d 3. c 4.a 5. a 6. c 7.b 8.a 9. a 10.d 11. c 12.a 13. c 14. c 15. c 16.b 17.b 18. b 二、单词拼写(词汇运用)19. ago 20. girl 21. times 22. touch;soft

16、 23.hospital;right;crossing 三、选词填空(词汇运用)24. at;naughty;brown;swing 25.(1)how(2)what(3)when(4)how(5)where 四、排序题26. 五、句型转换27.her hair was short before. 28.is;there;ruler 29.i didnt go shopping with my mother yesterday. 30. which season is the hottest ? 31.yes, she does. 六、补全对话32. b;c;a 七、连词成句33. i lov


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