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1、、交际英语1. - How do you like the movie we saw yesterday?A. You are welcome.B. How about you?C. lve n ever see n a better movie tha n it.D. It is very expe nsive.答案:C2. - Un believable! I have failed the driv ing test aga in!- This is not the end of the world.A. Good luck.B. Cheer up.C. Go ahead.D. No p

2、roblem.答案:B3. -He teaches physics in a school.A. What does your father do?B. Who is your father?C. What is your father doing?D. Where is your father now?答案:A4. - Excuse me, how much is the jacket?-Its 499 Yuan.A. Oh, no. Thats OK!B. How do you like it?C. Which do you prefer?D. Would you like to try

3、it o n?答案:D5. - Hi, Tom, hows everyth ing with you?- , and how are you?A. Dont men ti on itB. Hm, not too badC. Tha nksD. Pretty fast答案:B电大、各类远程网络教育统考大学英语B、计算机应用基础统考辅导全套题库,精心整理并归类完毕,全中文翻译,视频教程讲解,零基础一次性通过,索取请加 QQ:153499368二、阅读理解Look at the in structi ons on the bottle of the medic ine and the n choos

4、e the right an swers.(请阅读药瓶上的说明,选择正确的答案。)Joh n is twelve years old. He had a bad cold and coughed day and ni ght. He went to see a doctor.The doctor gave him some cough medic ine.Cough Medici neShake it well before use.Take it three times each day before meals.Dose (药量):Age : over 14: 2 teaspoonfuls

5、 8-13: 1 teaspoo nful4-7: 1 / 2 teaspo onfulNot right for children below the age of three. Put it in a cold place. Use it before December 1st 2002.6. Joh n should take 3 teaspo on fuls a day.A. TB. F答案:A7. The medic ine should be kept in any place.A. TB. F答案:B8. John should shake the medicine well b

6、efore he takes it.A. TB. F答案:A9. When kids are two years old, they cannot take this medicine.A. TB. F答案:A10. John will stop taking the medicine when it is left after Dec.lst, 2002.A. TB. F答案:BIn the Un ited States, it is not customary to teleph one some one very early in the morni ng.(在美国通常不会在清晨给人家打

7、电话。)If you teleph one him early in the day, while he is shav ing or hav ingbreakfast, the time of the call shows that the matter is very important and requires immediate attention.The same meaning is attached to teleph one calls made after 11:00 pm. If some one receives a call during sleeping hours,

8、 he assumes its a matter of life or death. The time chosen for the call com muni cates its importa nee.In social life, time plays a very important part. In the U.S.A. guests tend to feel they are not highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the p

9、arty date. But it is not true in all coun tries. In other areas of the world, it may be con sidered foolish to make an appo in tme nt too far in adva nee because pla ns which are made for a date more tha n a week away tend to be forgotte n. The meaning of time differs in treat time differe ntly. Pro

10、mpt ness is valued highly in American life, for example. If people are not prompt, they may be regarded as impolite or not fully resp on sible. In the U.S. no one would thi nk ofkeep ing a bus in ess associate wait ingfor an hour, itwould be too impolite. A pers on, who is 5 mi nutes late, will say

11、a few words of expla nati on, though perhaps he will not complete the senten ce.11. What is the main idea of this passage?A. It is not customary to teleph one some one in the morni ng and in sleep ing hours in the U.S.B. The role of time in social life over the world.C. If people are late, they may

12、be regarded as impolite or not fully responsible in the U.S.D. Not every country treats the concept of time as the same.答案:B12. What does it mean in the passage if you call some one duri ng his or her sleep ing hours?A. A matter of work.B. A matter of life or death.C. You want to see him or her.D. Y

13、ou want to make an appo in tme nt with him or her.答案:B13. Which of the following time is proper if you want to make an appointment with your friend in theU.S. A.?A. at 7:00 amB. at 4:00 pmC. at the mid ni ghtD. at 4 am答案:Bparty is14. Which of the followi ng stateme nts is true accord ing to the pass

14、age?A. ln the U.S.A. guests tend to feel they are highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner exte nded only three or four days before the party date.B. No misun dersta ndings arise betwee n people from differe nt cultures about the con cept of time.C. It may be con sidered foolish to make an appo

15、 in tme nt well in adva nee in the U.S.A.D. Promptness is valued highly in American life.答案:D15. From the passage we can safely infer thatA. it s a matter of life or death if you call some one in day time.B. the meaning of time differs in different parts of the world.C. it makes no differe nce in th

16、e U.S. whether you are early or late for a bus in ess party.D. if a person is late for a date, he needn t make some explanation.答案:B三、词汇与语法16. I gave Grace a prese nt but she gave me nothing.A. in returnB. i n turnC. i n adva nceD. i n short答案:A17.Samuel Cleme ns,as Mark Twain, was one of the most f

17、amous America n writers.A. to knowB. to be knownC. k nownD. kno wi ng答案:C18. I didn t know what to do, but then an idea suddenlyto me.A. appearedB. happe nedC. occurredD. emerged答案:C19. Australia is one of the few countriespeople drive on the left of the road.A. whichB. thatC. whereD. o n which答案:C2

18、0. - Write to me whe n you get home.-OK, I.A. mustB. shouldC. willD. ca n答案:C四、完型填空It was getting dark.(天色渐晚。)Some children and two Canadian women were still21on the ice n ear a big hotel. They were hav ing a good time.Suddenly the ice broke. One of the boys fell into the water. The children shouted

19、,“ HelpThey did nt know what to so. The two Can adia n frie nds heard22and skated over to get theboy out of the water.The ice was thin. The two Can adia ns fell into the water, too. But they tried their best to23the little boy. They knew they must be quick. If they did nt push him up on to the ice,

20、he would soon die.Many people ran over to help.Some of them had ropes and poles. A young man jumped into thewater to save the24people.The boy and the two Can adia n wome n were out of water at last. One of the wome n did nt feelwell. She was sent to the25at on ce. But she felt very happy because the

21、 boy was safe.21.A. saveB. hospitalC. threeD. skati ngE. them答案:D22.A. saveB. hospitalC. threeD. skati ngE. them答案:E23.A. saveB. hospitalC. threeD. skati ngE. them答案:A24.A. saveB. hospitalC. threeD. skati ngE. them答案:C25.A. saveB. hospitalC. threeD. skati ngE. them答案:B五、英译汉26. Their pare nts dont kn

22、ow them as well as their frie nds do.答案:他们的父母不像朋友那样了解他们。27. Many schools will ope n for less ons at the beg inning of September.答案:很多学校九月初开学。28.O nly on weeke nds, cars can not go into the Cen tral Park.答案:只有在周末,中央公园不许汽车入内。29. This box can hold more books tha n that one.答案:这个箱子比那个箱子能装更多的书。30. He did

23、 nt n eed to atte nd the meeti ng.答案:他没必要参加那个会议。31. We must take some measures to con trol the polluti on.答案:我们必须米取措施来控制污染。六、写作80词的短文。32. 写作Instructions:根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于33. 你对“兴趣是最好的老师”的看法;34. 举例说明你的观点。In terest is the Best Teacher.(兴趣是最好的老师。)In terest is the Best Teacher.In terest can be a very good teacher. It guides you to discover things you are in terested in and explore the mysteries of some amaz ing thing. Whe n your teacher asks you to le


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