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1、rapid developme nt of the market economy environme nt to expl ore publi c servant s duty consumpti on monetizati on reform ha s provided a g ood foundation. the socializati on of rear service w ork ha s bee n launched, and rapid progress in some pla ces and departme nts, duty consumption monetiza ti

2、on of carrier a nd approach to manageme nt has been resolved. t hird, in recent years, expl oring the monetizati on of duty consumpti on has made some pr ogress, have gained some experie nce and can provide reference t o the compre hensive reform of the system of publi c servant s duty consumpt ion

3、further. impl ementing a n honest ca ntee n, standar dize official entertaini ng manageme nt; enhancing t he telecommuni cation expe nse man agement; elimi nation of county travel and countryside subsidie s; research village officials capitalization management of cor porate spending, a nd so on. fin

4、ally, group . 18 session to be hel d i n beijing from november 9, 2013 t o 12th. 35 ye ars ago blew t he third pl enary session of the reform and openi ng up in t he spring breeze, change d, affect the worl d; today, 35 year s later, in the eyes of the nation and the worl d expe ct, agai n to reform

5、 mark china , ushe red in t he 18 session. xi general se cretary pointe d out that chinas reform has e ntered a crucial period and the sham s hui po district, must be based on greater political courage and wisdom, l ose no time in deepening reform in im portant fiel ds. dares t o crack a hard nut, d

6、ares to question the rapids, whi ch dares t o break t he barrier of i deas, and dare to benefit cure barriers. dee pening reform and openi ng up is on sche dule t o achieve i nstituti onal safeguards of t he moderately well -off. under the five in one the general layout of socialist m odernizati on

7、requireme nts, 18 se ssion of the de cision was a five in one and t he impr ovement of overall scheme of reform, will promote an i ntegrated a nd coordinated economic, political, cultural, social a nd ecological civilizati on construction of the five reforms a nd the partys construction in t he area

8、 of instituti onal reform. the five in one pr ogramme is to a chieve a com prehensive reform of instituti onal g uarantee s for objective s of build well-off societ y, the smoot h progress of the constructi on of a well -off society and reform the objectives of the pr ogramme. one, holding time and

9、pla ce importance on november 9, 2013 to the 18 sessi on of the 12t h beijing since 1978, 35, have been 7 ple nary sessi on, each time on major issues of political and economic life of the country has made importa nt deployme nt. in accorda nce with prc political practi ce, ofte n at every se ssion

10、of the cpc central committee in a pl enary session was held immediately after the partys congress, on the t heme personnel, di scussi ng ele ction centrals top l eader s, such as the ele ction of the sta nding committee of the political bureau, t hrough the ce ntral committee members, deci sions, su

11、ch as members of the ce ntral military commission. the second plenary se ssion, is held in two sessi ons before the general ele ction, mainly to discuss a ne w state personnel issues. but by the thir d消防安全知识一.单项选择题1.高层建筑、公共娱乐场所、百货商场等在进行室内装修时应采用的装修材料是:( b ) a.可燃材料b. 难燃材料和不燃材料c. 易燃材料d. 钢筋混凝土2.下列( a )物

12、质是点火源?a. 电火花b. 纸c. 空气3.大型油罐应设置( a )自动灭火系统。a. 泡沫灭火系统b. 二氧化碳灭火系统c. 囱代烷灭火系统d. 喷淋灭火系统4.以下对报警电话描述不正确的是( c )。a. 119 报警电话是免费的b. 发生火灾时任何人都可以无偿拨打 119c. 为了演练,平时可以拨打 1195.下列( a )灭火剂是扑救精密仪器火灾的最佳选择。a. 二氧化碳灭火剂b. 干粉灭火剂c. 泡沫灭火剂6.公安消防队扑救火灾, ( a )向发生火灾的单位、个人收取费用。a. 不得b. 可以c. 按照一定标准7.使用然气灶具时,( b )。a. 应先开气阀后点火,即气等火b. 应

13、先点火后再开气,即火等气c 先点火还是先开气阀都无所谓,二者都是正确的8.在公共娱乐场所,手提式灭火器的最大保护距离是( a )。a.20 米 b.25 米 c.30 米 d.35 米9.对加工爆炸危险物品车间的厂房房顶描述正确的是( a )。a. 为泄爆,安装轻质房顶b. 为坚固,应采用重型房顶c. 以上都不对10.用灭火器灭火时,灭火器的喷射口应该对准火焰的( c )。a. 上部b. 中部c. 根部11.解决火险隐患要坚持三定,请问三定是指( a )。a. 定专人、定时间、定整改措施b. 定时间、定地点、定专人c. 定人、定岗、定编制12.依据公安部第 61 号令,企业应当至少( a )进

14、行一次防火检查。lenary sessi on, each session of the central committee of national instit utions and personnel problems have been arra nged, y ou ca n concentrate on nati onal development a nd reforms. previous plenary session is ofte n branded w ith a ce ntral leadi ng collective , often by l ooking at the

15、 thir d plenum of the initiative to found the current central lea dership collective gover nance characteristi cs. from the analysis of the pr ocess of economic reform in china, plenary sessi on, 12 session, 14, 16 ple nary se ssion have programmatic meani ng, respe ctively, marking t he four stage

16、s of chi nas economi c reform, and t hat the start-up phase of reform, reform, construction pha se and perfe cting the s ocialist market economy framework stage of socialist market economy. previous plenary session topi cs proposed to the t hird plenary sessi on of taking class struggle as t he key

17、link, shifted to socialist moder nization; 12 session marked t he change from rural to urban, esta blished wit h publi cownership as the f oundati on of a planned commodity economy; 13 session at a time when both the old a nd the new system cha nge, gover nance and rectify the economic order; 14 . f

18、air and efficie nt and aut horitative socialist judi cial system, safeguard t he peoples intere sts. legal authority t o uphold the constituti on, deepening the reform of administrative law e nforceme nt, ensure t hat the right t o exercise judicial power indepe ndently and impartially a ccordi ng t

19、o law the prosecution, perfecting the running me chanism of judicial powe r, improve t he system of judi cial pr otection of huma n rights. ple nary se ssion, affairs the right t o adhere to the system, and let the pe ople authority to let the power run in the sun, is shut up in a cage of the system

20、 power policy. decision scie nce, impleme ntation should be constructed strong, supervise the runni ng of powerful syste m, improve t he system of punishing a nd preventing corruption, promoti ng political i ntegrity, a nd strive to achieve cadres honest and government i ntegrity, clean politics. to

21、 form a scientific and effective coordi nation of power restricti on and me chanisms to strengthe n anti -corruption i nstituti onal innovation and i nstituti onal protection, sound improveme nt style normal system. ple nary se ssion, building a sociali st cult ure in china, enhancing national cultu

22、ral soft pow er, must adhere to the orientation of adva nced socialist culture , adhere to the devel opment of sociali st cult ure with chinese characteristics, adhere to t he people -centre d work -oriented, furt her deepening reform of culture. o improve the cult ural manageme nt system, establi s

23、h and impr ove the modern market system and buildi ng modern publi c cultural service sy stem, improve the l evel of culture ope ning. plenary session, achieving development results more e quitable benefit of all pe ople, we must speed up reform of socia l programs a nd solve the i ssues of c oncern

24、 t o the people the most dire ct and re al interest, a nd better meet the needs of the pe ople. to deepen e ducation reform, impr ove instit utional mechanism s for the rapid developme nt of the market economy environme nt to expl ore publi c servant s duty consumpti on monetizati on reform ha s pro

25、vided a g ood foundation. the socializati on of rear service w ork ha s been launched, and rapid progress in some pla ces a nd departme nts, duty consumption monetiza tion of carrier a nd approach to manageme nt has been resolved. third, in recent years, expl oring the monetizati on of duty consumpt

26、i on has made some pr ogress, have gained some experie nce and can provi de reference t o the compre hensive reform of the system of publi c servant s duty consumpt ion further. impl ementing a n honest ca ntee n, standar dize official entertaini ng manageme nt; enhancing t he telecommuni cation exp

27、e nse management; elimi nation of county travel and countryside subsidie s; research village officials capitalization management of cor porate spending, a nd so on. finally, group . 18 session to be hel d i n beijing from november 9, 2013 t o 12th. 35 ye ars ago blew t he third pl enary session of t

28、he reform and openi ng up in t he spring breeze, change d, affect the worl d; today, 35 year s later, in the eyes of the nation and the worl d expe ct, agai n to reform mark china , ushe red in t he 18 session. xi general se cretary pointe d out that chinas reform has e ntered a crucial period and t

29、he sham s hui po district, must be based on greater political courage and wisdom, l ose no time in deepening reform in im portant fiel ds. dares t o crack a hard nut, dares to question the rapids, which dares t o break t he barrier of i deas, and dare to benefit cure barriers. dee pening reform and

30、openi ng up is on sche dule t o achieve i nstituti onal safeguards of t he moderately well -off. under the five in one the general layout of socialist m odernizati on requireme nts, 18 se ssion of the de cision was a five in one and t he impr ovement of overall scheme of reform, will promote an i nt

31、egrated a nd coordinated economic, political, cultural, social a nd ecological civilizati on construction of the five reforms a nd the partys construction in t he area of instituti onal reform. the five in one pr ogramme is to a chieve a com prehensive reform of instituti onal g uarantee s for objec

32、tive s of build well-off societ y, the smoot h progress of the constructi on of a well -off society and reform the objectives of the pr ogramme. one, holding time and pla ce importance on november 9, 2013 to the 18 sessi on of the 12t h beijing since 1978, 35, have been 7 ple nary sessi on, each tim

33、e on major issues of political and economic life of the country has made importa nt de ployme nt. in accorda nce with prc political practi ce, ofte n at every se ssion of the cpc central committee in a pl enary session was held immediately after the partys congress, on the t heme personnel, di scuss

34、i ng ele ction ce ntrals top l eader s, such as the ele ction of the sta nding committee of the political bureau, t hrough the ce ntral committee members, deci sions, such as members of the ce ntral military commission. the second plenary se ssion, is held in two sessi ons before the general ele cti

35、on, mainly to discuss a ne w state personnel issues. but by the thir da. 每月b. 每星期c. 每季度13.发生火灾时,不得组织( b )扑救火灾。a. 女青年b. 未成年人c. 军人14.下面( a )火灾用水扑救会使火势扩大。a. 油类b. 森林c. 家具;15.身上着火后,下列哪种灭火方法是错误的( c )。a. 就地打滚b. 用厚重衣物覆盖压灭火苗c. 迎风快跑16.发现燃气泄漏,要速关阀门,打开门窗,不能( c )。a. 触动电器开关或拨打电话b. 使用明火c. a 和 b 都正确17.液体表面的蒸汽与空气形成可

36、燃气体,遇到点火源时,发生一闪即灭的现象称为( c )。 a.爆炸b. 蒸发c. 闪燃18.依据高层居民住宅楼防火管理规则,下列( a )单位负责高层居民住宅楼的日常防火 工作。a. 居民委员会b. 派出所.c. 街道办事处19.室内不得存放超过( c )公斤的汽油。a. 1.5b. 1c. 0.521.液化石油气的残液应该由( a )负责倾倒。a. 燃气供应企业b. 使用者个人c. 燃气供应企业或个人22.依据仓库防火安全管理规则 ,库存物品要分类、分垛储存 ,垛与垛间距不小于 ( b ) 米。a. 0.5b. 1.0c. 1.523.( b )必须分间、分库储存。a. 灭火方法相同的物品b

37、. 容易相互发生化学反应的物品c. 以上两种答案都对24.单位在营业期间,下列( a )做法是错误的。a. 遮挡消防安全疏散指示标志b. 在安全出口处设置疏散标志c. 当营业场所人数过多时,限制进入人数25.依据仓库防火安全管理规则,进入库区的所有机动车辆,必须安装( c )。a.刮雨器lenary sessi on, each session of the central committee of national instit utions and personnel problems have been arra nged, y ou can concentrate on nati on

38、al development a nd reforms. previous plenary session is ofte n branded w ith a ce ntral leadi ng collective , often by l ooking at the thir d plenum of the initiative to found the current central lea dership collective gover nance characteristi cs. from the analysis of the pr ocess of economic refo

39、rm in china, plenary sessi on, 12 session, 14, 16 ple nary se ssion have programmatic meani ng, respe ctively, marking t he four stage s of chi nas economi c reform, and t hat the start-up phase of reform, reform, construction pha se and perfe cting the s ocialist market economy framework stage of s

40、ocialist market economy. previous plenary session topi cs proposed to the t hird plenary sessi on of taking class struggle as t he key link, shifted to socialist moder nization; 12 session marked t he change from rural to urban, esta blished wit h publi cownership as the f oundati on of a planned co

41、mmodity economy; 13 session at a time when both the old a nd the new system cha nge, gover nance and rectify the economic order; 14 . fair and efficie nt and aut horitative socialist judi cial system, safeguard t he peoples intere sts. legal authority t o uphol d the constituti on, deepening the ref

42、orm of administrative law e nforceme nt, ensure t hat the right t o exercise judicial power i ndepe ndently and impartially a ccordi ng to law the prosecution, perfecting the running me chanism of judicial powe r, improve t he system of judi cial pr otection of huma n rights. ple nary se ssion, affa

43、irs the right t o adhere to the system, and let the pe ople authority to let the power run in the sun, is shut up in a cage of the system power policy. decision scie nce, impleme ntation sh ould be constructed strong, supervise the runni ng of powerful syste m, improve the system of punishing a nd p

44、reventing corruption, promoti ng political i ntegrity, a nd strive to achieve cadres honest and government i ntegrity, clean politics. to form a scientific and effective coordi nation of power restricti on and me chanisms to strengthe n anti -corruption i nstituti onal innovation and i nstituti onal

45、 protection, sound improveme nt style normal system. ple nary se ssion, buil ding a sociali st cult ure in china, enhancing national cultural soft pow er, must adhere to the orientation of adva nced socialist culture , adhere to the devel opment of sociali st cult ure with chinese characteristics, a

46、dhere to t he people-centre d work -oriented, furt her deepening reform of culture. o improve the cult ural manageme nt system, establi sh and impr ove the modern market system and buildi ng modern publi c cultural service sy stem, improve the l evel of culture ope ning. plenary session, achieving d

47、evelopment results more e quitable benefit of all pe ople, we must speed up reform of socia l programs a nd solve the i ssues of concern t o the people the most dire ct and re al interest, a nd better meet the needs of the pe ople. to deepen e ducation reform, impr ove instit utional mechanism s for

48、 the rapid developme nt of the market economy environme nt to expl ore publi c servant s duty consumpti on monetizati on reform ha s provi ded a g ood foundation. the socializati on of rear service w ork ha s been launched, and rapid progress in some pla ces and departme nts, duty consumption moneti

49、za tion of carrier a nd approach to manageme nt has been resolve d. third, in recent years, expl oring the monetizati on of duty consumpti on has made some pr ogress, have gained some experie nce and can provi de reference t o the compre hensive reform of the system of publi c servant s duty consump

50、t ion further. impl ementing a n honest ca ntee n, standar dize official entertaini ng manageme nt; enhancing t he telecommuni cation expe nse management; elimi nation of county travel and countryside subsidie s; research village officials capitalization management of cor porate spending, a nd so on

51、. finally, group . 18 session to be hel d i n beijing from november 9, 2013 t o 12th. 35 ye ars ago blew t he third pl enary session of the reform and openi ng up in t he spring breeze, change d, affect the worl d; today, 35 year s later, in the eyes of the nation and the worl d expe ct, agai n to r

52、eform mark china , ushe red in t he 18 session. xi general se cretary pointe d out that chinas reform has e ntered a crucial period and the sham s hui po district, must be based on greater political courage and wisdom, l ose no time in deepening reform in im portant fiel ds. dares t o crack a hard n

53、ut, dares to question the rapids, which dares t o break t he barrier of i deas, and dare to benefit cure barriers. dee pening reform and openi ng up is on sche dule t o achieve i nstituti onal safeguards of t he moderately well -off. under the five in one the general layout of socialist m odernizati

54、 on requireme nts, 18 se ssion of the de cision was a five in one and t he impr ovement of overall scheme of reform, will promote an i ntegrated a nd coordinated economic, political, cultural, social a nd ecological civilizati on construction of the five reforms a nd the partys construction in t he

55、area of instituti onal reform. the five in one pr ogramme is to a chieve a com prehensive reform of instituti onal g uarantee s for objective s of build well-off societ y, the smoot h progress of the constructi on of a well -off society and reform the objectives of the pr ogramme. one, holding time

56、and pla ce importance on november 9, 2013 to the 18 sessi on of the 12t h beijing since 1978, 35, have been 7 ple nary sessi on, each time on major issues of political and economic life of the country has made importa nt deployme nt. in accorda nce with prc political practi ce, ofte n at every se ss

57、ion of the cpc central committee in a pl enary session was held immediately after the partys congress, on the t heme personnel, di scussi ng ele ction ce ntrals top l eader s, such as the ele ction of the sta nding committee of the political bureau, t hrough the ce ntral committee members, deci sion

58、s, such as members of the ce ntral military commission. the second plenary se ssion, is held in two sessi ons before the general ele ction, mainly to discuss a ne w state personnel issues. but by the thirb. 防护栏板c. 防火罩26.依据仓库防火安全管理规则,汽车、拖拉机可以进入下面( b )物品库房。a. 乙b. 丁c. 甲27.在库房内( c )放置电视机,收看电视节目。a. 可以b. 经过领导批准后可以c. 不可以28.依据仓库防火安全管理规则,库房内的照明灯具的垂直下方与储存物品水平间距不得 小于( c )米。a. 0.3b. 0.4c. 0.529.架空线路的下方( b )堆放物品。a. 可以b. 不可以c. 经批准后可以30.依据仓库防火安全管理规则,进入甲,乙类物品库区的人员,必须( c ),并交出携带的 火种。a. 检查身体b. 戴安全帽c. 登记31.依据仓库防火安全管理规则,


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