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1、期末综合水平测试听力部分(20分)一、听句子,选择正确的图片。(每小题1分,共计5分)(C)1.A.BC(B)2.A. B C(A)3.A. B C(C)4.A. B C(A)5.A. B C二、听小对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分)(C)6.What did the girl draw?AThe desert. BThe forest. CThe ocean.(A)7.Where did Ted go last month?ATo the Summer Palace. BTo the Palace Museum.CTo the Great Wall.(C)8.How much f

2、ood can an elephant eat a day?AAbout 50 kilos. BAbout 115 kilos.CAbout 150 kilos.(A)9.What has Lily just done?AShe has finished reading a book.BShe has finished writing a book.CShe has talked with Alice on the phone.(B)10.What gift did the girl get from her uncle?AA hat. BA scarf. CA dress.三、听长对话,选择

3、正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分)听下面一段长对话,回答第1112两个小题。(C)11.What does Li Wei help do in his free time?ALook after animals. BMake food at home.CSell food in the store.(B)12.Where did Yuanyuan use to work?AIn the zoo. BIn an animal hospital.CIn a food store.听下面一段长对话,回答第1315三个小题。(A)13.Why does Mary look unhappy?ABeca

4、use she had a fight with her mother last night.BBecause she has to spend most of her time on her studies.CBecause she argued with her father last night.(B)14.What did Mary want to buy?ASome storybooks. BA smartphone.CA new bike.(C)15.What does Mr. Li advise Mary to do?AHave a talk with her teacher.B

5、Talk with her father more often.CWrite her mother a note and say sorry to her.四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分)(B)16.How old is Jim?A15. B25. C35.(C)17.When did Jim climb the mountain?AOn Monday. BOn Tuesday.COn Wednesday.(B)18.What happened to Jim?AHe lost an arm. BHe broke a leg.CHe had a fever.(A)19.Wha

6、t did Jim do on the ground?AHe wrote a message with stones.BHe threw away the stones.CHe dug a hole.(C)20. Who is Jenny?AJims teacher. BJims sister.CJims group member.笔试部分(100分)五、单项选择。(每小题1分,共计10分)(D)21.We are happy that the new school rules have made a big difference _ our school.AbyBofCoverDto(B)2

7、2.Henry knew _ in the new city,so he felt very lonely.Asomebody Bnobody Ceverybody Danybody(C)23.The tea art performance was a big _ and everyone loved watching it.Achange Bmess Csuccess Dproblem(A)24.Have you found a _ place for us to hold a party?Yes,please follow me.Aproper Busual Cstrange Dtypic

8、al(D)25.My father always encourages me _ more books in my free time.Aread Breads Creading Dto read(D)26.Just now I met Tim in the park.He _ his dog.Awalks BwalkedChas walked Dwas walking(B)27.There are so many kinds of mobile phones here.May I have a look?Of course you can.You can also _Ahand them o

9、ut Btry them outCpick them up Dfix them up(B)28.May I speak to Mr. Stern?Sorry,he _ Beijing.He _ in three days.Ahas been to;will return Bhas gone to;will returnChas been to;has returned Dhas gone to;has returned(C)29.Id love to go hiking with you,but I have much homework _If you dont go,_Ato do;so d

10、o I Bdoing;so will ICto do;nor will I Ddo;neither am I(A)30.Im sorry that I cant help you because of my illness._Ill do it by myself.ANever mind BYes,sureCIts up to you DThats right六、完形填空。(每小题1分,共计10分)Jerry and I went to Big Sur,California last weekend.I turned 35 this January,so Jerry booked the tr

11、ip for us as a 35th birthday _31_ to me.Big Sur is _32_ as the greatest meeting of land and water in the world.It is a long area along the coast (海岸) _33_ San Francisco and Los Angeles.Driving along Highway 1,people can _34_ great mountains and the beautiful sea at the same time.We flew to San Franc

12、isco first and rented (租用) a _35_ there.Then we set out to the south.It was a long drive,_36_ the sights (风景) along the way were really beautiful._37_ driving for about four hours,we arrived where we were going to stay.To my surprise,it was a tree house instead of a _38_ hotel.I loved it!We _39_ two

13、 days hiking (徒步旅行).We hiked through redwood forests and saw some wonderful beaches.Its _40_ for me to tell how beautiful Big Sur is.Its one of the most beautiful places Ive ever been to.(C)31.A.card Bcake Cgift Dparty(D)32.A.heard Bagreed Cdecided Dknown(B)33.A.beside Bbetween Camong Dacross(A)34.A

14、.enjoy Bachieve Cforget Dexperience(C)35.A.stick Btent Ccar Dboat(B)36.A.if Bbut Cor Dso(C)37.A.As BWhen CAfter DWhile(B)38.A.special Bnormal Csafe Ddangerous(D)39.A.cost Btook Cpaid Dspent(A)40.A.hard Bpeaceful Cbrave Dhappy七、阅读理解。(每小题2分,共计30分)AHere are some of the most popular films in 2019.Which

15、is your favorite?NezhaWe can learn Nezhas story from many famous Chinese works,like Journey to the West and The Legend of Nezha.But the film Nezha gives us a new Nezha.He is smart and brave.He tries his best to fight against prejudice (偏见) and follow his dream.The Wandering EarthAs the sun is dying

16、out,people all around the world plan to move the earth to a new star system.In order to save humans,a group of young people fight hard for the survival of the human.The film is based on the novel (小说) of the same name.The CaptainThe film is based on the events of Sichuan Airlines Flight 3U8633.The c

17、aptain Liu Chuanjian,played by Zhang Hanyu,determined to get out of danger and bring everyone home safely.My People,My CountryThe film is about seven great historical moments of the Peoples Republic of China.It is directed (导演) by seven directors,including Chen Kaige and Xu Zheng.The seven short sto

18、ries show Chinese peoples love for the country.(B)41.The new character Nezha is _Acareless Bsmart and braveChardworking Dtall and strong(C)42.The film The Wandering Earth is based on _Athe book Journey to the WestBthe story of a great pilotCthe novel of the same nameDthe book The Legend of Nezha(A)4

19、3.The underlined word “determined” means “_” in Chinese.A下定决心 B调查 C主动提出 D收集(D)44.Which film is directed by seven directors?ANezha. BThe Wandering Earth.CThe Captain. DMy People,My Country.(C)45.Which of the following is NOT true?ANezha is a little boy from the cartoon film Nezha.BThe Wandering Earth

20、 is about how to save humans.CThe story of Liu Chuanjian happened on the train.DThere are seven short stories in My People,My Country.BIve found that waking early was one of the best things I did last year,and I would like to share my experiences.You might like to know how I can get up at 4:30 am.Fo

21、r many years,I was a late_riserThen things changed,because I had to wake up before 6:30 am. to prepare my kids lunch and get them ready for school.When I wanted to train for my first marathon (马拉松赛跑),I decided that I needed to start running in the morning if I wanted to have any time left for my fam

22、ily.So,I decided to make waking up early a habit.I started by getting up at 5:30 am.,then at 5 a.m.When that became a habit,and I had to wake up at 4 am. or 3:30 am. for an early long run,it wasnt a problem.And last November,I wanted to write a novel (小说).So I decided to get up at 4 am. to write for

23、 at least an hour a day.Now that I have achieved that novelwriting goal (目标),I dont need to wake that early anymore.But I have got used to waking at 4:30 am. happily.Some days,when Im really tired,Ill wake at 5 am.,but thats still earlier than I used to wake up.(D)46.The writer feels _ when she wake

24、s up early in the morning.Aupset Bnervous Cweak Dgood(A)47.The underlined part “late riser” means “_” in Chinese.A晚起的人 B懒惰的人 C迟钝的人 D迟到的人(B)48.Why did the writer have to wake up early at first?ABecause she wanted to write a novel.BBecause she had to cook lunch for her kids.CBecause she wanted to take

25、 some exercise.DBecause she had to get ready for her own work.(C)49.What can we learn from the last paragraph?AThe writer used to stay up late in the evening.BThe writer hasnt finished writing the novel.CIf the writer feels tired,she will wake at 5 am.DIt was hard for the writer to take an early lon

26、g run.(C)50.What is the passage mainly about?AWays to keep fit as a mother.BImportant things to do in the morning.CHow the writer is able to get up early.DWhat the writer usually does in the morning.COne pleasant evening,I was holding Grandpas hand and taking a walk in the park.“Where are the peanut

27、s?Give me now!” he suddenly said.How I wished I had some with me!“William,the monkeys are taking long to come out today.Wait till they smell the peanuts.” I knew he was lost in one of his memories again.I remembered the stories he told me of how he fed the monkeys when he was a kid.Then,he saw the g

28、oldfish!He acted as if he was seeing them for the first time.Poor Grandpa!He fell ill with Alzheimers disease (阿尔茨海默症) last year.The doctor said it was a progressive brain disorder which could destroy (破坏) a persons memory.The patient might also not be able to make reasonable judgments (判断).The sadd

29、ening part was that it was a lifelong disease.But when my parents invited him to stay with us,he refused and said he liked living alone.One day,he forgot to turn off the fire after cooking porridge.Luckily,one of the neighbors came to help him before the fire could spread.It was then that my parents

30、 brought Grandpa to live with us.Often,he would forget my name and ask me who I was and what I was doing in his house.Each time I would answer softly,“Its me,Ray,Grandpa!” Even if he had forgotten who I was,he would always be my beloved grandfather.(C)51.What did Grandpa want to do in the park?AEat

31、peanuts. BSmell flowers.CFeed monkeys. DTell stories.(C)52.What would happen to Grandpa according to the doctor?AHis brain wouldnt need examinations.BHis memory would get better.CHe wouldnt judge things correctly.DHe would live by himself.(A)53.After getting to Grandpas,the neighbor _Aturned off the

32、 fire Bcooked porridgeCshared the meal Dspread some news(A)54.Why did the writers parents bring Grandpa to live with them?ATo make sure of his safety.BTo help him remember their names.CTo answer his questions in time.DTo get his help with the housework.(B)55.Which of the following best describes the

33、 writer?ASmart. BCaring. CHonest. DBrave.八、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子。每空一词。(每小题1分,共计5分)56People need to get close to nature (大自然) and enjoy the sun.57Ann explained (解释) the whole idea again,but I still didnt understand.58The little boy always becomes very excited (兴奋的) when he listens to the music.59She we

34、ighed 60 kg last year,but now she is only 45 kg.60You shouldnt eat too much sweet food like icecream.Its bad for your teeth.九、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。每空一词。(每小题2分,共计10分)61或许我们应该去图书馆查个明白。Maybe we should go to the library and check it out62王老师正在拿这本书和那本书作比较。Mr. Wang is comparing this book with that one.63那时他们只能依靠收

35、音机来收听新闻。At that time,they could only depend on the radio for news.64这场暴风雨十分钟前逐渐减弱了。The storm died down ten minutes ago.65李明昨天走路撞到一块石头上摔倒了。Yesterday Li Ming walked into a stone and fell over.十、任务型阅读。(每小题2分,共计10分)I teach Chinese at a university three times a week.Last Monday,at the beginning of class,

36、I shared a story of mine with my students.I said to them,“Besides (除之外) teaching here,I also teach at the community college,17 miles down the freeway from where I live.One day on the way to the college,my car broke down.So I had to walk there.”“As soon as I got there,I called to have my car repaired

37、.A secretary (秘书) in the office asked me what happened.This is my lucky day, I replied,smiling.”“Your car broke down and today is your lucky day? she asked.”“I live 17 miles from here, I replied.My car could have broken down anywhere along the freeway,but it didnt.Instead,it broke down in the perfec

38、t place.Im still able to teach my class,and Ive asked someone to repair my car.”“The secretarys eyes opened wide,and then she smiled.I smiled back and headed for class.”My story was over.I watched the sixty faces in my class.Though it was early in the morning,no one seemed to be asleep.I thought my

39、story had touched them.根据文章内容,回答下列问题。66What does the writer do?A_teacher.67How does the writer usually go to the college?By_car.68Why did the writer think it was a lucky day?Because_the_car_broke_down_in_the_perfect_place_and_he/she_was_still_able_to_teach_his/her_class.69How did the secretary feel

40、when she heard the writers words?She_felt_surprised.70What can we learn from the passage?Keep_happy_when_you_are_in_the_face_of_problems.十一、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。(每小题1分,共计10分)find,tail,wife,remind,into,and,marry,special,another,cheatThere once lived a man and his wife.The couple was poor a

41、fter they got 71.marriedOne day,the man went to the forest to look for food,but he 72.found nothing.He was tired and rested under a tree.Then he saw a 73.special bird.The birds feathers (羽毛) were red.It had a long and bright 74.tailThe bird said,“I see that youre poor and hungry.Ill give you one of my feathers.Take it home and cook it.Youll have a good dinner.Come back tomorrow and Ill give you 75.another one.”The man went home and told everything to his 76.wifeAnd then he put the feather int


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