广州版小学英语三年级下册Module 3 Personal information Unit 5 Happy birthday!》PPT课件_第1页
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1、301.302,Unit 5 Happy birthday,Are you happy? Are you sad? No, we arent. Are you angry? No, we arent. Are you tired? No, we arent Are you happy? Yes, we are. We are happy. Rah. Rah. Rah,How are you,当我们遇到朋友的时候, 向朋友打完招呼,然后 问好,可以这样问。 A:How are you? B:I am fine, thank you and you? A:I am fine too,sing a

2、song,hello! hello! how are you? hello! hello! how are you? I m fine I m fine thank you! thank you how are you,Birthday:生 日 b:dei,佳家s birthday,假如今天是佳家的生日我们首先要祝福她:Happy birthday! 那还应该唱什么歌 呢,How many,听掌声说数字 listen carefully,who can you see in the picture? an old man (老人,New Words,old uld老的,年岁的 How old?

3、 多大,Lets guess,How old is Nick,Nick is years old,six,How old is Mike,Mike is years old,nine,How old is Kate,Kate is years old,ten,How old is the baby,The baby is year old,baby,one,How old is the girl,The girl is years old,girl,two,How old is the boy,The boy is years old,boy,three,How old is he,He is

4、 years old,How old is he,He is years old,How old is she,She is years old,She is and he is,four,five,four,five,你问我答“连连看” ( )1 How old are you? A. They are ten. ( )2 How old is she? B. Im seven. ( )3 How old is he? C. She is six. ( )4 How old are they? D. He is three. ( )5 How are you? E. Im fine, tha

5、nk you,B,A,C,D,E,pair work,同桌之间互相问年龄 A:How old are you? B:Im How old are you? A:Im (年龄相同时候 可以加上个“too”,2: How old are you,How old are you? How old _ he? How old _ she,Im _. He is _. She is _,PairworkAsk your partner about his or her birthday,A: How old is your ? B: He/She is _. A: How old are you? B:

6、 Im _,1.Is today Bens birthday? 2.How old is Ben? He is _. 3.How do you know(你怎么知道的)? 4.Who are they ,Questions,Lets talk,Yes, he is./No, he isnt,Is he 1 year old? Is he 2 years old? Is he 3 years old? Is he 4 years old? Is he 5 years old? Is he 6 years old? Is he 7 years old? Is he 8 years old? Is he 9 years old? Is he 10 years old,Performance(表演,同学来表演下咱们课文中的对话,guessing game(猜一猜) game rules:游戏规则 我将请同学上台,拿卡片,卡片上的数字就是你的年龄,每组只能连续猜两次,猜对最多的一组可以得到2个笑脸累计。 发问的句式是: how old are you? Are you


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