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1、A Lets talk,Unit4 Then and now,你会说下面单词和短语的意思吗,dinning hall,gym,grass,years ago,months ago,last year,last month,Lets try,先读题,再听录音,Look and say,Where is Wu Yifans grandpa,then当时,now现在,Schools in different place and time,1900,1987,2015,India,USA,Things are different now,There was/were . There was/were

2、no,What was Grandpas school like,Watch the flash, then answer,What was Grandpas school like,There was no library in his old school,There was only one small building on a hill,There were no computers or Internet in his time,Could you see stars at night,你在晚上能看到星星吗,Yes, I liked the stars,是的,我喜欢星星,plan,

3、One day, Im going to visit the moon,One day, Im going to,Now,Future?(将来,Past,将来)某一天,总有一天,Can you make sentences?你会造句吗,One day, Im going to,One day, Im going to,plan,The Americans took about five days to get there in 1969,took: take的过去式 V.花费,about 大约,大概,get there 到达那里,1969年7月21日,美国的“阿波罗11号”宇宙飞船载着三名宇航

4、员成功登上月球,美国宇航员尼尔阿姆斯特朗在踏上月球表面这一历史时刻时,曾道出了一句被后人奉为经典的话这只是我一个人的一小步,但却是整个人类的一大步,Thats one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.,How do you know that,I looked it up on the Internet,look up 查阅,she looked it up in the dictionary,三人一组练习对话,分角色朗读吧,Role play,两人一组试着用简笔分别画画出学校5年前及现在的样子;画完后,同桌之间相互描述,看谁描述的

5、最准确,画画说说,There was/were five years ago. There was/were no five years ago,There is/are now,招聘校史解说员,竞聘要求: 讲述学校的过去与现在,Summary,Now there is/are,There was/were (no) in years ago,Homework,1.“优教同步学习网”跟读课文动画,按照正确的语音、语调朗读并表演课文对话。2.收集有关唐朝百姓生活状态的信息资料、图片,如:居住的条件、交通工具与出行方式、文娱体育活动、学校等类别。以The Tang Dynasty I know为题

6、组织好材料,下次上课时和同学分享。 3.“优教同步学习网” “同步学习”下预习A Lets learn中的单词,close,Unit 4 Then and now,Part A Let s learn,Today we are going to visit a school,Now, let s go,Where is it ,grass,playground,What can we do on the grass ,play football(run/jump,Where is it ,gym体育馆,What can we do in the gym ,play basketball,pla

7、y ping-pang,play tennis,Where is it ,dining hall 餐厅,食堂,What can we do in the dining hall ,have lunch,golden eyes,library,cinema,bookstore,gym,grass,dining hall,post office,supermarket,单词竞赛(3分钟速记,library,cinema,bookstore,gym,grass,dining hall,post office,supermarket,Whats in the picture,building,play

8、ground,grass,Was there a dining hall in your school three years ago,dining hall,Yes,there was. There was a dining hall in my school three years ago,Was there a grass in your school four months ago,grass,No, there wasnt. There was no grass in my school four months ago,Was there a gym in your school l

9、ast year,gym,No, there wasnt. There was no gym in my school last year,Last year 去年,Last month 上个月,There be 句型,现在时,There is +单数 There are+复数,过去时,There was +单数 There were+复数,Tips: There是个近视眼,只能看到最近的, 最近的是单数用is,是复数用are; 如果是表示过去的,单数用was,复数用were,What are the differences ,There was no gym in the school tw

10、enty years ago,Now there is a new one in the school,Attention: 注意使用there be句型,What are the differences,twenty years ago,now,There was only one old building in my school twenty years ago,There are many new buildings in my school now,Now,10 minutes ago,There is only one horse on the grass now,There we

11、re many horses on the grass 10 minutes ago,Now,1 hour ago,There is no people in the gym now,There were many people in the gym 1 hour ago,Now,3 days ago,There is a TV in the dining hall now,There was no TV in the dining hall 3 days ago,你会说下面单词和短语的意思吗,dinning hall,gym,grass,years ago,months ago,last y

12、ear,last month,Find the mistakes,In the Tang dynasty,At that time, there were no gyms. People didnt go by bus. People couldnt use the Internet,Find the mistakes,there were no gyms,people didnt go by bus,people couldnt use the Internet,Pair work,Discuss with your group. Find out the mistakes in the T

13、ang dynasty,At that time,there were no _. People didnt go _. People couldnt use _,At that time, there were no dinning halls,At that time, there were no post offices,At that time, there were no cinemas,At that time, there were no motels(汽车旅馆,Where is it ,m,otel,汽车旅馆,h,The difference between hotel and

14、 motel,Motels parking space(停车位) and room are linked together(相连). The garage(车库) is on the first floor, the room is on the second floor. 汽车旅馆与一般旅馆最大的不同点,在于汽车旅馆提供的停车位与房间相连,一楼当作车库,二楼为房间,At that time, there were no cafs(咖啡馆,At that time, there were no telephones,At that time, there were no traffic lig

15、hts,At that time, there were no lights,At that time, people couldnt go by bike or by taxi,Lets say,For example,There was no _ in the school twenty years ago,Now there is a new one in the school,Attention: 注意使用there be句型,检测练兵,1、There _ an apple on the table. B.was C.are 2、There_ two apples in th

16、e basket. B.was C.are 3、There _ an apple, two pears and five watermelons on the table. B.was C.are,A,C,A,4、There _ no gyms in my school 2 years ago. A. was B. are C. were 5、There _ no grass in my school last year. A. was B. are C. were 6、There _ no gym, no dinning halls and no library in m

17、y school six months ago. A. was B. are C. were,C,A,A,Thanks,mistakes,buildings(建筑) gym dining hall post office coffee shop motel cinema traffic light(红绿灯) street light(路灯,traffic(交通) go by bus go by bike,activities(活动) watch TV use the phone use the Internet,At that time,there were no gyms. People d

18、idnt go by bus. People couldnt use the Internet,Unit4 Then and now,B Lets learn,gym,last year,moon,last night,last month,火眼金睛:Read quickly(快速、正确地读出单词,years ago,grass,internet,dining hall,Review,Internet,请思考:下面的单词和短语该用英语怎么说,去骑自行车,打羽毛球,滑冰,想,go cycling,ice-skate,play badminton,think,你能说出下面短语的过去式吗,go cy

19、cling,play badminton,think,is,can,went cycling,played badminton,thought,was,could,winter,spring,autumn,summer,summer,winter,spring,autumn,Which season do you like best,I like _ best,I didnt like _ before,maths,noodles,cats,winter,Why? 为什么,I thought it was too cold,think - thought 觉得,It was too cold.

20、 I couldnt _,I like winter now,I love to ice-skate,自读对话,并试着理解,Wu Yifan: I didnt like winter before. I thought its too cold, and I couldnt go cycling. Mike: How about now? Wu Yifan: Now I love to ice-skate, so I like winter,画龙点睛,I didnt like winter before. 我以前不喜欢冬天。 didnt 是did的否定, 动词过去式句子中否定的构成: didn

21、t+动词原形,I couldnt go cycling. 我不能骑自行车。 couldnt是could的否定式,拓展练习,Listen, match and say,Before, Allen couldnt Now,检测练兵,用下列所给词的适当形式填空: 1、There werent any _ (computer) at all. 2、Could you_ (see) stars at night? 3、One day Im going to_(visit) the moon. 4、There _(be) no gym in my school ten years ago,computer

22、s,see,visit,was,Unit4,Then and now,B. Lets talk,swimming,cycling,badminton,football,ping-pong,ice-skate,basketball,kung fu,football basketball swimming ping-pong badminton ice-skate cycling kung fu,Do you like _,I liked it three years ago,How about now,Now I like _. Its very interesting,ping-pong,pl

23、aying basketball,A: B: A: B,Im different now,不同,We are all different now,Yao Ming,Thats funny,Come and look at Yao Mings old photos,He is wearing a red jacket,wearing穿,He is wearing a _,What do you think of him before and now,short,quiet,thin,couldnt play basketball well,tall,active,strong,play bask

24、etball every day,Before, he couldnt play basketball well. Now, he plays basketball every day,Before, he was _. Now, he is _,Mikes friends are visiting his home. Listen and circle,1. What are they talking about? A. Mikes hobby. B. Mikes old photos. 2. What grade was Mike in? A. Grade 1. B. Grade 5,1.

25、 Listen to their conversation,John, come and look at Mikes old photos,Thats funny, Mike. Youre wearing a pink T-shirt,Yes, but I dont like pink now,We are all different now,Right. Before, I was quiet. Now, Im very active in class. How about you,Well, I was short, so I couldnt ride my bike well. Now,

26、 I go cycling every day. I like it very much,Thats good exercise,2. Listen and repeat,John, come and look at Mikes old photos,Thats funny, Mike. Youre wearing a pink T-shirt,Yes, but I dont like pink now,We are all different now,Right. Before, I was quiet. Now, Im very active in class. How about you,Well, I was short, so I could


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