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1、精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching plan教师学科教案20 -20学年度第学期任教学科:任教年级:任教老师:xx市实验学校育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰r - 二rUn it 1 Great Scie ntists 教学设计教学目标目标设置1. Kno wledge and ability(1) To learn about the seven stages of a scientific report.(2) To grasp the main idea of the passage and each paragraph.(3) To develop the st

2、ude nts readi ng ability.(4) To improve stude nts Ian guage expressi on ability.2. Emotional targetTo lear n from the great scie ntists and develop the n oble spirits .3. Evaluation (评价)To see how well youve lear ned the passagea nd how you have performed in this class.教学方 式和教 学手段Commun icative appr

3、oach; Audio Visual approach;Group work; Multi-media板书 设计Great Scie ntists教学重点和难点学习重点1. To train the readi ng skills of skim ming, sca nning, careful readi ng;2. To master the details of the passage and appreciate the spirits of the scientists. 教学难点:1. To get the detailed information by reading and l

4、earn to deal with it.2. To develop the students ability of grasping the main idea.教学过程教学 阶段教师活动学生活动设计意图Lead-i nT: Two weeks ago, I got a bad cold. I had a sore throat and I could nt speak. I also found many of you went home because of it. Right? So do you think catch ing a bad cold is a terrible thi

5、ng? But I have to say were really lucky. Have you ever heard of Cholera? Lets look at some pictures. Dont be scared. .Cholera is terrifying, but it was defeated by a scientistJohn Snow.Stude ntsan swertheteachers questi ons.以近来学校师生 普遍遭遇的病毒 性流感导入,更为 直观亲切,并能引 起学生的兴趣与 好奇,为课文学习 做铺垫。Pre- readi ngNow read

6、 the short passage to learn more about the terrify ing Cholera .Look through the short passage quickly.通过浏览背景材 料进一步激起学 生的学习兴趣并 为课文学习做准 备。Step 1 Fast-read ing(1) What sthe main idea of theStudents read the text学生通过表层阅 读了解文章的文passage?A. John Snow was a well-knownquickly and find out the main idea of t

7、he passage体,抓住文早主题 和段落大意,检验 学生快速阅读并doctor in London.B. The cause of cholera was polluted water.C. The source of all drinking water should be exam in ed.D. How did John Snow collect, analyze the information, find the cause of the disease and solve it .and each paragraph.获取信息的能力。While-(2)The passage i

8、s written in the formreadi ngof a scientificreport. Read theAn swers:passage quickly and use the sevenPara1: Find a problemstages in examining a new scientificPara2:idea to describe each paragraph:Make up a questi onPara3:Draw a conclusion(得出结论)Think of a methodThink of a method(找出研究方法)Para4: Collec

9、t resultsCollect results(收集材料)Para5:Make up a question(形成研究主题)An alyze the resultsFind a problem(发现问题)Para6: Find supportingAnalyse results(分析材料)evide neeFind supporting evidence(找出支持Para7:观点的证据)Draw a con clusi onWhile-rea dingStep 2: Careful readingPara 1 Find a problem1.What is the problem?2. How

10、 to control cholera, in John Snow s opinion?Para 2 Make up a questi onHe put forwardtheoriesexpla ining the cause of choleraIdea 1 Cholerawas spreadbyin the air to attack people.Idea 2 Peopleit with theirmeals.Para 3 Thi nk of a methodRead the 3th Para and try to catch the main idea of this paragrap

11、h.Para 4-5Collect and an alyze the results1. Where were many of the deaths in Broad Street?2. What did Dr. Snow think was resp on sible for the disease?3. The water came from.A. the river that had been dirtied by people from LondonB. the lake that had been polluted by local peopleC. the river that h

12、ad been dirtied by water from LondonD. the lake that had been polluted by water from LondonPara 6-7(1) Find support ing evide nee: A woman and her daughter who hadfrom Broad Street also died after.(2) Drawacon clusi onwithcertai nty:(3) To preve nt the cholera from spreadi ng aga in, what did Joh n

13、Snow do?Stude nts read each paragraphcarefullyagain and try to get the answer from the text by themselves.Then the students will discuss their an swers with group-mates and check the answers from the screen. Point out the problems for the while class to discuss if any.学生通过逐段阅 读课文,从各段中 获取相关信息,并 利用这些信

14、息完 成一些练习。提高 学生获取信息和 处理信息的能力 以及自主学习能 力。以分组的形式 讨论答案可以培 养学生学习能动 性和团队意识。Step 3 Con solidati on Fill in the bla nks from memory.Joh n Snow was a well-k nown in London in the 19th cen tury. He wan ted to find the of cholera in order toit. In 1854 whe n a cholera,he began to gather information. He on a map

15、 where all the dead people had lived and he found that many people who had drunk the dirty water from thedied. So hedecided that the polluted water carried cholera. He suggested that the of all water supplies be and the water companies werenot topeoplepolluted water any more. Fin ally “ Ki ng Choler

16、a ” was.First, the students fill in the bla nks from memory .Then, the students check the answers by themselves.Last, the whole class read the whole passage together.根据记忆填空并 通过浏览文章自 我检查,最后齐声 朗读文章可加深 学生对课文的理 解,抓住课文的重 点细节,给学生提 高自助、自悟的机 会,并培养学生的 发散思维的综合 语言运用能力。Discussi onShow the topic for discussi on:

17、2.What spirit can we find in John Snow?(2)As a stude nt, what should we lear n from him?Students may get these words:in tellige nt, creative, talented, strict, patient, determ in ed,positive,hard-work ing, con fide nt, ambitious.通过讨论约翰斯 诺的精神,学生形 成积极的情感态 度,从而能在生活 中勇敢面对任何 挫折,不被困难打 倒,在学习和工作 中能主动探索积 极进取

18、。Summary& self-evaluationAsk some students to tell what they lear n from this less on and evaluate their own performa nee.Excellent (优)Good (良)Just so-so (一般)How many stars can you get?Stude ntssummarizewhat they have learned in this less on and grade their performa nee.通过对学习内容 归纳总结确认学 生的学习效果,锻 炼学习的总结归 纳能力;自我评价 具有鼓励督促的 双重效果。Homewor kSurf the internet to find out: What should we pay attention to in our daily life to prevent ourselves from getti ng in fected with all these in fectious diseases?培养学生的发散 思维能力,查找信 息的能力以及提 高个人的自我保 护意识。设计思路文章虽然较长并分了七个段落,但整体脉络清晰,完全按照科学报告七个步骤进行:发 现问题t形成研究主题 t找


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