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1、Ive watched more than 800 TED talks in the last 7 years. Last night, I went through all 1400 TED talks and picked out the talks that left long-lasting impressions.Educati onKen Robinson says schools kill creativity (Part 1)Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the lear ning revoluti on!(Part 2)Creativity exper

2、t Sir Ken Robinson challe nges the way were educati ng our childre n. He champi ons a radical reth ink of our school systems, to cultivate creativity andack no wledge multiple types of i ntellige nee.E.O. Wils on: Advice to you ng scie ntistsBiologist E.O. Wils onexplores the world of ants and other

3、creatures, and writesmovi nglyabout the way all creatures great and smalltinyarein terdepe ndent.Life Less onsBen Dun lap: The life-l ong lear nerBen Dun lap is a true polymath, whose tale nts spa n poetry,literature and adm ini strati on. He is the preside nt of South Caroli naopera, ballet,s Woffo

4、rd College.Tim Ferriss: Smash fear, lear n an yth ingTim Ferriss is author of bestseller The 4-Hour Workweek , aself-improvement program of four steps: definingaspirations,managingtime, creatingautomatic in come and escap ing the trapp ings of the 9-to-5 life.Terry Moore: How to tie your shoesis the

5、 director of the RadiusFou ndati on,a forum forexplori ng and gaining in sight from differe nt worldviews.JJ Abrams: The mystery boxmakes smart, addictiveWriter, director and producer J.J. Abrams dramas like TVs Lost, and films like Cloverfield and the new Star Trek.Keni chi Ebin as magic movesPerfo

6、rma neeSe-taught dan cer Keni chi Ebina ble nds hip-hop, martial arts, moder n dan ce, magic and a blast of pop culture in his mesmeriz ing performa nces.Rives: If I con trolled the In ternetPerformance artist and storyteller Rives has been called the first 2.0 poet, using images, video and tech no

7、logy to bri ng his words to life.Science :Aubrey de Grey: A roadmap to end agi ngAubrey de Grey, British researcher onagi ng, claims he has draw n aroadmap to defeat biological aging. He provocatively proposes that the first human beings whowill live to 1,000 years old have already bee n born.Elai n

8、e Morga n says we evolved from aquatic apesne Morgan is an octoge narian scie ntist, armed with an arse nal oftelevision writing credits and feminist instinets, on a mission to prove humans evolved inwater.VS Ramacha ndran: 3 clues to un dersta nding your bra inNeurologist V.S. Ramachandran looks de

9、ep into the brainmecha ni sms. By work ing with those who have very specific men tal disabilities caused by bra in injury or stroke, he can map fun cti ons of the mind to physical structures of the bra in.s most basicStephe n Petra nek cou nts dow n to Armageddo nWhen he was editor -in-chief ofDisco

10、ver magaz ine,Stephe n Petra nektan gled with questi ons as big as the uni verse. Here he confronts the biggest questi on on theplanet: What are the 10 most likely ways that life on the Earth could end?SocietySim on Si nek: How great leaders in spire acti onIn 2009, Sim on Sinekreleased the book Sta

11、rt With Why - a syn opsis of the theory he has begu n using to teach others how to become effective leaders and in spire cha nge.Derek Sivers: How to start a moveme ntThrough his new project, MuckWork, Derek Sivers wants to lessen the burde ns (and boredom) of creative people.Jane McGo ni gal: Gami

12、ng can make a better worldReality is broken, says Jane McGonigal, and we need to make it workmore like a game. Her work shows us how.Temple Grandin: The world n eeds all kinds of mindsThroughgrou ndbreak ingresearchand the lens of her own autism,Seth Godin: How to get your ideas to spreadis an entre

13、preneurTemple Grandin brings startli ng in sight into two worlds.and blogger who thinks about theJonas Eliass on is dedicated tomarketing of ideas in the digital age. His newest interest: the tribes we lead.Jonas Eliasson: How to solve traffic jams researchi ng tra nsportati on flow, an alyz ing how

14、 people thi nk about their commutes and what can in flue nee their travel decisi ons.Larry Lessig: Laws that choke creativityThe U.S. Congress is broken, and law professor and legal activist Lawre nee Lessig wants you to help him fix it. I n Republic, Lost, he tells you how.Malcolm Gladwell: Choice,

15、 happ in ess and spaghetti sauce fads and emerg ing subcultures, chro ni cler ofjobs-you-n ever-k new-existed,MalcolmGladwells work is toppli ng the popularun dersta nding of bias, crime, food, market in g, race,con sumers and in tellige nee.Jas on Fried: Why work does nt happe n at workJason Fried

16、thinksdeeply about collaboration,productivity and the nature of work. Hes the co-founder of37signals,makers of Basecamp and other web-basedcollaborationtools, and co-authorof Rework .En trepre neurshipThulasiraj Ravilla: How low-cost eye care can be world-classThulasiraj Ravilla is the executive dir

17、ector of the Lions Aravind Institute of Commu nity Ophthalmology, help ing eye-care hospitals arou nd the world build capacity to preve nt bli ndn ess.Amos Win ter: The cheap all-terrain wheelchair-poweredAmos Win ter and his team at MIT built the Leveraged Freedom Chair, a cheap lever wheelchair wh

18、ose desig n and develop put the user first. “George Ayittey on Cheetahs vs. HipposEcono micsGeorge Ayittey sees Africas future as a fight betweenHippos - complace nt, greedy bureaucratswallow ingin the muck - and Cheetahs, thefast-moving, entrepreneurial leaders and citizens who will rebuild Africa.

19、Music :BenjaminZan der: The tran sformative lead ing in terpreter of Mahler and Beethove n, Benjamin Zan der is known for his charisma and uny ieldi ng en ergy - and for his brillia nt pre-c on cert talks.Chi naYang Lan: The gen erati on thats remak ing ChinaYang Lan is oftencalledthe Oprah of China

20、. ” The chair of amultiplatform bus in ess empire, Yang is pion eeri ng more-ope n means of commu ni cati on in thecommu nist n ati on.Hans Rosli ng: Asias rise - how and whe nHans Rosli nghan ds,data sings. Global trends in health andeconomicscome to vivid life. And the big picture of global develo

21、pment with somesurpris in gly good n ews sn aps into sharp focus.Leslie T. Chang: The voices of Chi nas workersIn her reporting and writing, Leslie T. Chang explores the lives of workers in China, focus ing on the experie nee of wome n.Not From TED : But theyre so good you cant ignore themRandy Pausch: Really achiev ing your childhood dreamsCa


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