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1、Unit 3 测试题(满分 100分)一、单项选择。( 15分)选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。()1. Is AC MilanItalian football club? Yes. It s one ofmost successful clubs in Italy.A. an; /B. an; theC. /; theD. /; /()2. Look! What s thatthe corner of the room? I can t see clearly. It s a little dark there.A. behindB. belowC. inD. under()3. There

2、arefloors in the building and my home is on thefloor.A. twenty; fifteenthB. twenty; fifteenC. twentieth; fifteenD. twentieth; fifteenth()4. What fruit would you like? Some, please. They are my favorite.A. dessertB. grapesC. juiceD. biscuits()5. The Internet has made communication much more. I agree.

3、 For example, I can communicate with my friends on WeChat any time.A. popularB. necessaryC. importantD. convenient()6. Whom would youfor the job? Tom, I think. He s always careful and serious.A. suggestB. remindC. rememberD. explain()7. Was Eric s father very strict with him? Yes. He never praised h

4、imhe became one of the top students in his grade.A. sinceB. whenC. untilD. because()8. Excuse me, could you tell me where I can buy some? Sure. There s a post office at the first crossing.A. snacksB. stampsC. umbrellasD. bananas()9. Will you bea supermarket on your way home? Yes, Walmart is just bes

5、ide my home.A. looking forB. setting upC. fixing upD. passing by()10. Does my question soundenough? I don t think so. You can ask moreby using“ could ” instead of“ can ” .A. politely; politelyB. politely; politeC. polite; politelyD. polite; polite()11. It s not enoughan English club. You should also

6、 read English newspapers第 1页(and magazines often. Thanks for your advice.A. joinB. to joinC. joiningD. to joining)12. You really went to the park last weekend? Yes, Igo there. Look! This is a photo of me in the park.A. willB. wouldC. doD. did)13. Are you going to Beijing for the summer holiday next

7、week? Yes. But I haven t got the air tickets and donwetknowwillset out.A. howB. whereC. whenD. what)14. I don t knownext. Let s ask our teacher for help.(A. what to doB. what should I doC. how to doD. how I should do)15. The game is too hard for me. I will certainly lose.You never say no before you

8、try.A. Forget it!B. I m sorry.C. Come on!D. Pardon me?二、 完形填空。( 15分)阅读下列短文,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Some kids need to repeat (重复 )a grade inschool. This means ifyou rein the16grade, you have to do the third grade again next year17moving on to the fourth grade.Repeating a grade can bea(n)18thing, though, becau

9、se you get another chance tocomplete your schoolwork. For example, a kid might have19reading. Other kids mighthave been20and absent (缺席的 ) for a long time,so they missed (错过 ) a chance tolearn21they needed to learn.If it s you who 22repeat a grade, you might be thinking,“ Is everyone really movingon

10、 without me?” Repeatinggrade might make you sad, angry, or23. It can be stressful.You might be upset24you won t be in class with all of your friends. You might feel25about repeating a grade. Youmay thinkthat people are talkingabout you or26you. You can be really hurt if someone makes fun of27about r

11、epeating a grade.Try talking28your mom or dad, a teacher, or a friend advisor when you re havingthese feelings. School can be hard work, but there arestrategies (策略 ) you can learn to help it goa little29for you. Set a goal for yourself and30working toward it bit by bit. Ask for help if you need it,

12、 and you ll get there!()16.A. firstB. secondC. thirdD. fourth()17. A. exceptB. besidesC. forD. instead of()18. A. wrongB. rightC. easyD. difficult()19. A. troubleB. funC. practiceD. secret()20. A. illB. afraidC. healthyD. silly()21. A. muchB. everythingC. noneD. anything()22. A. canB. cantC. mustD.

13、mustn t第 2页()23. A. neitherB. allC. eachD. both()24. A. soB. becauseC. butD. though()25. A. shyB. excitedC. happyD. afraid()26. A. caring aboutB. looking afterC. laughing atD. replying to()27.A. himselfB. himC. yourselfD. you()28. A. withB. forC. aboutD. against()29. A. worseB. betterC. laterD. earl

14、ier()30. A. stopB. give upC. keepD. make up三、 阅读理解。( 30分)AWelcome to Jiulong hotel and we will do all we can to make your stay an enjoyable one. We hope you will find the following useful to you.Meal timesBreakfast7:30 9:30 amLunch12:00 2:00 pmAfternoon tea4:00 5:30 pmDinner7:00 9:15 pmTea, coffee,

15、cakes and sandwiches can be brought to your rooms from 10:00 am to 11:00pm except during the meal times listed above. Cold drinks in your rooms can be used at any time.Room cleaningThe waiters will clean the room if you leave the room at any time between 9:00 am and 4:00pm.ValuablesPlease put your v

16、aluables in our safe (保险箱 ), or we canresponsibletbe (负责的 ) for yourloss.LeavingIf you want to leave, please tell us before 6:30 pm of the day. Or you will have to pay for another day.AttentionTo make sure of other people s good rest, turn down the radio or the TV after 11:00 pm.根据材料内容,选择最佳选项。( 10分)

17、()31. The hotel serves(提供) the following foods in rooms EXCEPT.A. coffeeB. cakesC. candyD. cold drinks()32. The underlined word“ valuables” means” in“Chinese.A.贵重物品B. 行李C. 随身物品D. 包裹()33. If you re about to leave,shouldyou tell the hotel beforeof the day so as not topay for another day.A. 10:00 amB.

18、4:00 pmC. 6:30 pmD. 11:00 pm()34. You shouldafter 11:00 pm.第 3页A. watch TVB. turn down the TVC. clean your roomD. turn off the radio()35. What do we know from the reading above?A. The waiters in the hotel work for 8 hours a day.B. The hotel can look after your things in the room well.C. You canbookt

19、 (预定 ) a room in the hotel after 6:30 pm.D. Your room is cleaned when you leave between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm.BIf man s best friend is a dog, then who is a dog s best friend? That would be Rover, Glow,Ivan, or Raina. These four dogs donated (捐献 ) blood to other dogs. And they did it withouthaving to t

20、ravel far from home. They visited an animalbloodmobile (血液车 ).Similarto the Red Cross vehicles for humans, the Universityof Pennsylvaniaanimalsbloodmobile goes to where the donors are to make it easier to give. Kym Marryott is manager ofPennAnimalsBlood Bank. “ Youdon reallyt think about it until yo

21、u need it,”Marryott said.“ Just like us, dogs need blood too.”Like humans, not every dog can donate blood. Dogs must have the correct blood type, weighat least 55 pounds and be younger than 8 years old. About 150 dogs take part in the program. Eachdonates three or four pints a year, which can help a

22、nimals suffering from illnesses like cancer or an accidental trauma (意外伤 ) like being hit by a car. One pint can save up to three dogs. Just like people, the dogs get a snack and a heart-shaped “ Uof P Blood Donor ”sticker after giving. In addition, they receive free dog food to take home.Sandy Luca

23、s brought her 7-year- old black dog, Raina, to the bloodmobile last week.I was“excited that she had the right blood which could help another dog out, ”she said. “ Wedoll itagain.”()36. Where did the dogs donate blood?A. In a zoo.B. In their homes.C. In an animal hospital.D. In an animal bloodmobile.

24、()37. Which of the following dogs can probably donate blood?A. Mary, 3 years old, 25 pounds.B. Kate, 6 years old, 60 pounds.C. Tony, 10 years old, 56 pounds.D. Cindy, 8 years old, 50 pounds.()38. What can each dog get after donating blood?A snackA suit of clothes Some dog foodA heart-shaped stickerA

25、 toy carA. B. C. D. 第 4页()39. What can we infer from the underlined sentence?A. Sandy Lucas feels excited that Raina can help other dogs.B. Sandy Lucas wants to get dog food for her dog.C. Sandy Lucas doesn t think that donatingblood is good for dogs.D. Sandy Lucas doesn t want to come to the animal

26、 bloodmobile again.()40. What s the main idea of the passage?A. Dogs are always man s best friends.B. An animal bloodmobile is very useful.C. Dogs can help dogs by donating blood.D. Dogs and people can get along well with each other.CI left my hometown in London last year and now I have enjoyed work

27、ing in this small city in China. Learning a foreign language opens you up to the culture and history of a country. So in order to know more about China, I started to learn Chinese.But at times, I found myself in funny situations. When I greeted strangers in China, they beganto talk a lot and very fa

28、st. They asked me questions about everything. But all I could do was to look at them with a blank face. I had no idea what they were talking about. Were they just being kind, funny or impolite? Many people want to make friends with me. But I am a bit upset when I find out the reason why they need a

29、foreign friend. They say they want to practice their English. I don t need friends like this. I like friends to share my feelings and ideas with.However, the more Chinese I learn, the moresimilarities I findit has with English. InEnglish,thick- skinned is to describea person whodoesn caret forcritic

30、ism (批评 ). Iwassurprisedto find that houlianpi in Chinese means the same. And both languages share somecommonidioms ( 习语 ). For example,“ look on with folded armsxiushoupangguan”means, and“ burn the boats” is similarpofuchenzhouto.I m still on my journey to learn Chinese. I believe that sometimes yo

31、u have the most fun on a journey.()41. The writer comes from.A. the UKB. the USAC. AustraliaD. Canada()42. Many Chinese want to make friends with the writer because.A. they are interested in Western cultureB. they want a partner to practice English withC. they are willing to share feelings and ideas

32、 with himD. they want to help foreigners with their Chinese()43. The underlined word“ similarities” ”meansinChinese“.A. 相似点B. 不同点C. 规律性D. 重要性()44. A thick-skinned person may.A. be very strong and seldom fall illB. like to criticize others for their mistakesC. talk a lot and speak fastD. feel OK when

33、 he s criticized()45. If there would be a paragraph before the last paragraph of the text, it most probablywould be about.第 5页A. the reasons why he wants to learn ChineseB. the similarities Chinese and English shareC. the differences between Chinese and EnglishD. the importance of learning Chinese a

34、nd English四、任务型阅读。( 10分)Little Bob was born in a poor village in New York. His father has been ill for a long time andcannot do any housework at all. Bob s mother is very busy with the housework besides working.Bob understands how hard his mother works, and he always helps her with some housework.Th

35、ough he does too much housework, his mother is still very strict with him. There are somefamily rules for Bob.He must take good care of his things in his room and keep them tidy. If he makes them dirty,he must clean them up quickly.He is allowed to keep a parrot, a cat and a dog, but he must feed th

36、em often and give themwater by himself every day. After school, he is allowed to play with his pets for a short time.As for his clothes, he isn t allowed to choose his own clothes. When his clothes are dirty, heshould wash them by himself.On school nights, he can t go out alone and only on weekends,

37、 he is allowed to watch TV.Sometimes Bob hates the rules so much that he wants to break them, but he thinks the ruleshis mother has made are good for him, so he faithfully obeys them.根据短文内容,完成下列句子,每空词数不限。46.According to the passage, there are somefor Bob and he must obeythem.47.If Bob s things are d

38、irty, he must.48.After school, Bob is allowed to play with hisfor a short time.49.Bobchoose his own clothes.50.Bob is allowed to watch TV.五、 短文填空。( 10分)根据短文内容,从方框内选择合适的单词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、连贯。be, care, either, quiet, move,obey, suppose, they, use, wearThere is a big library in my school. It is very (51

39、)to us students because we can read manykinds of book there. There (52)many rules in the school library. Firstly, we must keep (53)in the library and we cantalk loudly. Secondly, we have to wear clean clothesand we are notallowed (54)slippers(拖鞋 ) there. Thirdly, we have to keep the library clean an

40、d we arent(55)to spit or litter everywhere. And we can t smoke,. (56)Fourthly, we must take (57)of the books and magazines there andwe aren t allowed towrite or draw on (58). Finally, it srynecessatocare for public facilities(公共设施 ) in thelibrary. We can t (59)the desks and the chairs there.I think it thes duty of everybody (60)the rules in the school library. And if webreak the rules there, the library will be in a mess. Donu think so? t yo六、书面表达。( 20分)假设你是 Lucy ,国庆节期间你将和父母去某城市旅游。你从网上获得了Su


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