1、查询所有数据库列表 show dbs如果想查看当前连接在哪个数据库下面,可以直接输入 db dbadmin 想切换到 test 数据库下面 use testswitched to db test dbtest 想查看 test 下有哪些表或者叫 collection,可以输入 show collectionssystem.indexesuser 想知道 mongodb 支持哪些命令,可以直接输入 help helphelpshow dbs show database namesshow collectionsshow collections in current database show u
2、sersshow users in current databaseshow profileshow most recent file entries with time = 1ms use set curent database to db.help()help on db methodsdb.foo.help()help on collection methods db.foo.find()list objects in collection foo db.foo.find( a : 1 )list objects in foo where a = 1itresult
3、of the last line evaluated; use to further iterate 如果想知道当前数据库支持哪些方法: db.help();db methods:db.adduser(username, password) 添加数据库授权用户db.auth(username, password)访问认证db.clonedatabase(fromhost) 克隆数据库mandhelp(name) returns the help for the command db.copydatabase(fromdb, todb, fromhost)复制数据库db.create
4、collection(name, size : ., capped : ., max : . ) 创建表db.currentop() displays the current operation in the db db.dropdatabase()删除当前数据库db.eval_r(func, args) run code server-side db.getcollection(cname) same as dbcname or ame db.getcollectionnames()获取当前数据库的表名db.getlasterror() - just returns the err
5、 msg string db.getlasterrorobj() - return full status object db.getmongo() get the server connection objectdb.getmongo().setslaveok() allow this connection to read from the nonmaster member of a replica pair db.getname()db.getpreverror() db.getprofilinglevel() db.getreplicationinfo()db.getsisterdb(n
6、ame) get the db at the same server as this onew db.killop() kills the current operation in the db db.printcollectionstats()打印各表的状态信息db.printreplicationinfo()打印主数据库的复制状态信息db.printslavereplicationinfo()打印从数据库的复制状态信息db.printshardingstatus()打印分片状态信息db.removeuser(username) 删除数据库用户db.repairdatabase() 修复数据
7、库db.reseterror()db.runcommand(cmdobj) run a database command.if cmdobj is a string, turns it into cmdobj : 1 db.setprofilinglevel(level) 0=off 1=slow 2=alldb.shutdownserver()db.version() current version of the server如果想知道当前数据库下的表或者表 collection 支持哪些方法,可以使用一下命令如: db.user.help();user 为表名dbcollection he
8、lpdb.foo.count()统计表的行数db.foo.datasize()统计表数据的大小db.foo.distinct( key ) - eg. db.foo.distinct( x )按照给定的条件除重db.foo.drop() drop the collection 删除表db.foo.dropindex(name) 删除指定索引db.foo.dropindexes() 删除所有索引db.foo.ensureindex(keypattern,options) - options should be an object with these possible fields: name,
9、 unique, dropdups 增加索引db.foo.find( query , fields) - first parameter is an optional query filter. second parameter is optional set of fields to return. 根据条件查找数据通过条件查询: db.foo.find( x : 77 , name : 1 , x : 1 )db.foo.find(.).count()db.foo.find(.).limit(n) 根据条件查找数据并返回指定记录数db.foo.find(.).skip(n)db.foo.f
10、ind(.).sort(.) 查找排序db.foo.findone(query) 根据条件查询只查询一条数据db.foo.getdb() get db object associated with collection返回表所属的库db.foo.getindexes() 显示表的所有索引db.foo.group( key : ., initial: ., reduce : ., cond: . ) 根据条件分组db.foo.mapreduce( mapfunction , reducefunction , ) db.foo.remove(query) 根据条件删除数据db.foo.rename
11、collection( newname ) renames the collection重命名表db.foo.save(obj) 保存数据db.foo.stats()查看表的状态db.foo.storagesize() - includes free space allocated to this collection 查询分配到表空间大小db.foo.totalindexsize() - size in bytes of all the indexes 查询所有索引的大小db.foo.totalsize() - storage allocated for all data and index
12、es 查询表的总大小db.foo.update(query, object, upsert_bool) 根据条件更新数据db.foo.validate() - slow 验证表的详细信息db.foo.getshardversion() - only for use with shardingmongodb 的备份工具 mongodump如果想备份数据库 test 如:/mongodb/bin$ ./mongodump -help options:-helpproduce help message-h -host argmongo host to connec
13、t to-d -db argdatabase to use-c -collection argcollection to use (some commands)-u -username argusername-p -password argpassword-dbpath argdirectly access mongod data files in this path, instead of connecting to a mongod instance-v -verbose be more verbose (include multiple times for more verbosity
14、e.g. -vvvvv)-o -out arg (=dump) output /mongodb/bin$ color=blue./mongodump -d test -o test/color connected to: database: testtotest/testtest.user to test/test/user.bson 100000 objectstest.system.indexes to test/test/system.indexes.bson 1 /
15、mongodb/bin$ ls2mongomongodumpmongofilesmongorestoremongosniff dumpmongodmongoexportmongoimportmongostestmongodb 的数据恢复工具 mongorestore查看 test 库中的表 show collections system.indexes user 删除 user 表 db.user.drop();true show collectionssystem.indexes 现在利用 mongorestore 表恢复刚才利用 mongodump 备份的数据falconwww.fwphp
16、.cn/mongodb/bin$ ./mongorestore -help usage: ./mongorestore options directory or filename to restore from options:-helpproduce help message-h -host argmongo host to connect to-d -db argdatabase to use-c -collection arg collection to use (some commands)-u -username argusername-p -password argpassword
17、-dbpath argdirectly access mongod data files in this path, instead of connecting to a mongod instance-v -verbose be more verbose (include multiple times for more verbosity e.g. -vvvvv)/mongodb/bin$ ./mongorestore -d test -c user test/test/user.bson connected to: test/test/
18、user.bsongoing into namespace test.user100000 objectsuser 表中的 10w 条记录已经恢复 show collections system.indexes user db.user.find(); _id : objectid(4b9c8db08ead0e3347000000), uid : 1, username : falcon.c-1 _id : objectid(4b9c8db08ead0e3347010000), uid : 2, username : falcon.c-2 _id : objectid(4b9c8db08ead
19、0e3347020000), uid : 3, username : falcon.c-3 _id : objectid(4b9c8db08ead0e3347030000), uid : 4, username : falcon.c-4 _id : objectid(4b9c8db08ead0e3347040000), uid : 5, username : falcon.c-5 .has more1. 超级用户相关:#增加或修改用户密码db.adduser(admin,pwd)#查看用户列表db.system.users.find()#用户认证db.auth(admin,pwd)#删除用户d
20、b.removeuser(mongodb)#查看所有用户show users#查看所有数据库show dbs#查看所有的 collection show collections#查看各 collection 的状态db.printcollectionstats()#查看主从复制状态db.printreplicationinfo()#修复数据库db.repairdatabase()#设置记录 profiling,0=off 1=slow 2=all db.setprofilinglevel(1)#查看 profiling show profile#拷贝数据库db.copydatabase(mai
21、l_addr,mail_addr_tmp)# 删 除 collection db.mail_addr.drop()#删除当前的数据库db.dropdatabase()2. 客户端连接/usr/local/mongodb/bin/mongo user_addr -u user -p pwd3. 增删改#存储嵌套的对象db.foo.save(name:ysz,address:city:beijing,post:100096,phone:138,139)#存储数组对象db.user_addr.save(uid:,al:,test-2soh
22、)#根据 query 条件修改,如果不存在则插入,允许修改多条记录db.foo.update(yy:5,$set:xx:2,upsert=true,multi=true)#删除 yy=5 的记录db.foo.remove(yy:5)#删除所有的记录db.foo.remove()4. 索引增 加 索 引 :1(ascending),-1(descending) db.things.ensureindex(firstname: 1, lastname: 1, unique: true);#索引子对象db.user_addr.ensureindex(al.em: 1)#查看索引信息db.d
23、eliver_status.getindexes() db.deliver_status.getindexkeys()#根据索引名删除索引db.user_addr.dropindex(al.em_1)5. 查询查找所有db.foo.find()#查找一条记录db.foo.findone()#根据条件检索 10 条记录db.foo.find(msg:hello 1).limit(10)#sort 排序db.deliver_status.find(from:).sort(dt,-1)db.deliver_status.find().sort(ct:-1).limit(1)#count 操作db.user_addr.count()#distinct 操作db.foo.distinct(msg)#操作db.foo.find(timestamp: $gte : 2)#子对象的查找db.foo.find(address.city:beijing)6. 管理查看 collection 数据的大小db.deliver_status.datasize()#查看 c
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