已阅读5页,还剩6页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Module 6(45 分 100分)第卷(共45 分). ( 15分)1. I haven t got_ idea. Can you help me?A. aB. anC. theD. /【解析】 B。句意:我没有 法,你能帮助我 ?idea 是可数名 ,并且是以元音音素开 的 ,故 B。2. The film Kung Fu Panda _ _ is the evening.A. on inB. in onC. on atD. at in【解析】 A。句意: 影功夫熊猫在晚上上演。be on“上映,上演” ;in the evening固定短 “在晚上” ,故 A。3. I would l

2、ike _ a magic show in the evening.A. to seeB. seeingC. seeD. sees【解析】 A。考 would like to do sth.“想要做某事” ,故 A。4. The _ of the book is ten yuan each.A. placeB. priceC. dayD. time【解析】 B。句意: 的价格是每本10 元。 the price of. . .意 “的价格” ,故 B。5. Would you like some bread?_ .A. Yes, I doB. No, I dont likeC. Yes, Id

3、 love toD. No, thanks【解析】 D。考 交 用 。 上句的肯定回答用:Yes, please.否定回答用: No, thanks/thank you.比 四个 可知 D。6. Wang Lin invites me _ to the cinema.A. to goB. go用心爱心专心1C. goingD. goes【解析】选A。考查 invite sb. to do sth.“邀请某人做某事” ,故选 A。7. Tuesday comes after _.A. WednesdayB. ThursdayC. SaturdayD. Monday【解析】选D。考查一周七天的英文

4、表达。句意:星期二在星期一之后到来。根据句意可知选 D。8. When is the ballet(芭蕾舞 ) show?_ .A. Its in MondayB. Its on the MondayC. Its in eveningD. Its on Sunday evening【解析】选D。考查时间的表达方式。在星期几用介词on;在晚上“ in the evening”;在具体的某一天的晚上用介词on,“星期几”前面不加冠词,故选D。9. _ is the football match?It s _ the stadium.A. Where; atB. Where; onC. When;

5、onD. When; at【解析】选A。句意:足球比赛在哪儿举行?在体育场。根据句意可知选A。10. Doctor Wang often asks us _ too much meat.A. don t eatB. not eatC. not to eatD. doesn t eat【解析】选C。句意:王医生要求我们不要吃太多的肉。考查ask sb. to do sth.的否定形式 ask sb. not to do sth.,“要求某人不要做某事”。故选 C。11. Would you like to go there with me?_A. Yes, I would like.B. No,

6、 I wouldnt.C. Good idea.D. Why?【解析】选C。考查交际用语。对Would you like to do sth. ?的肯定回答用Yes, I dlike/love to.或 That s a good idea.故选 C。12. Swimming in the pool with friends _ very interesting.用心爱心专心2A. hasB. haveC. isD. are【解析】 选 C。句意:和朋友们在游泳池里游泳是非常有趣的。动名词 swimming 作主语 , 谓语用第三人称单数形式。选C。13. Let s _ the zoo an

7、d _ pandas.A. to go; to seeB. to go; seeC. go to; seeD. go; to see【解析】选C。句意:让我们去动物园看熊猫吧。Let s do sth.“让某人做某事” ; and前后动词的形式一致,故选C。14. I like_ tabletennis. Would you like_ tabletennis in the afternoon?A. playing; to playB. playing; playingC. play; to playD. to play; playing【解析】选 A。句意:我喜欢打乒乓球,下午你愿意去打乒乓

8、球吗?like doing sth.“喜欢做某事”; would you like to do sth. ?“你愿意做某事吗?”比较四个选项可知选A。15. Ben, would you like to play football with us?_ , but I have to wash the dishes(洗盘子 ) first.A. No, I cantB. I don t want toC. Yes, pleaseD. Id love to【解析】选D。句意:本 ,你想要和我们一起踢足球吗? 是的 ,但是我不得不先洗这些盘子。 but 表转折,说明前面用肯定回答;would lik

9、etodo. . . 肯定答语为“ Yes,I d love/like to”。故选 D。.完形填空( 10分)Now many students haven t got 1classes 2 Saturdayor Sunday.What do theyoften do? They have got their3. Some would like togo shopping4theirparents.Somewould like5 athome. They do their homework. They 6TV7playcomputer games. 8would liketoplay foo

10、tball orbasketball.Others(其他的 )would like to 9their relatives(亲属) . They all have 10good time on Saturday and Sunday.1. A. aB. anC. some D. any【解析】选 D。由 classes 是复数形式,且本句是否定句式可知选D。2. A. inB. atC. onD. of用心爱心专心3【解析】 C。在星期几用介 on。3.A. timeB. plansC. placesD. idea【解析】 B。句意:他 有他 的 划。plan “ 划”,可数名 ,复数在其后加

11、 -s 。4.A. andB. toC. atD. with【解析】 D。“和一起” 用介 with 。5.A. to stayB. stayC. stayingD. stays【解析】 A。 would like to do sth.“想要做某事;愿意做某事” 。6.A. seeB. lookC. readD. watch【解析】 D。 watch TV “看 ”。7.A. andB. orC. butD. so【解析】 B。句意:他 看 或玩 游 。or “或者”。8. A. SomeB. HeC. WeD. She【解析】 A。句意:有的人愿意踢足球或是打 球。根据上下文可知此 A。9.

12、A. doB. lookC. visitD. watch【解析】 C。 visit “拜 ;探望” 。10. A. aB. anC. theD. /【解析】 A。 have a good time “玩得高 , 得愉快” 。. 理解( 10 分)Would, like, film, you, to, a, see? Pleasecome (1)_ (to/from)Xingguang Cinema( 影院 ).We have many new films. You can see IpMan.Itisan actionmovie.It s abouta Chinese hero( 英雄 ) Y

13、e Wen. Itis reallya great movie. You can learn about Chinese history from it. Donnie Yen(甄子丹 ) is用心爱心专心4(2) _ (at/in)the movie. He is a great action star.The price of tickets(票 )is¥ 30 each. Please come and see!阅读短文,完成任务。1. 在文中( 1)、( 2)处选择合适的介词填空。(1) _ ( 2) _答案: 1.( 1) to(2) in2. 为下面两题选择正确答案。(1) Is

14、Ip Man an action movie?A. No, it isnt.B. Yes, it is.C. It s a documentary(纪录片 ).D. Yes, it isnt.( 2) How much is a ticket?A. Ten yuan.B. Twenty yuan. C. Thirty yuan. D. Forty yuan.答案: 2. (1)B(2)C3. 将中的单词重新排序,组成一个完整的问句。4. 将翻译成汉语。5. 在空格处填上合适的词,完成句子。_ is a great action star.答案: Donnie YenWould you like

15、 to see a film?我们有许多部新电影。第卷(共 55 分). 词汇运用( 10 分)( ) 根据句意和首字母提示完成单词(5 分)1. There is a m_ show by Liu Qian this evening.2. They usually play basketball on the p_ after school.3. I w_ like a cup of Chinese tea.用心爱心专心54. They sometimes watch a football m_ on TV.5. F_ comes after Thursday.答案: 1. magic 2.

16、 playground 3. would 4. match 5. Friday( ) 从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空(5 分)matchseeplayplanteam6. What s your _ about your study?7. Houston Rockets(休斯敦火箭队)is my favourite basketball _.8. Don t _ computer games very often.9. There are four table tennis _ this week.10. Would you like _ a film?答案: 6. plan7. team8.

17、 play9. matches 10. to see.完成句子( 10 分)1. 他们都是电影明星。They are all _ _ .2. 我们和他们一起去吧!_ _ with them.3.什么时候上游泳课?_ is the _ _ ?答案: 1. film stars2. Let s go3. When; swimming lesson4.你愿意去公园吗?_ _ _ _ go to the park?5. 海伦收到了一份去看电影的邀请。Helen has got _ _ _ the _.答案: 4. Would you like to5. an invitation to; cinema

18、.句型转换( 10 分)1.The film is on in the afternoon.(对划线部分提问)_ _ the film on?2.The basketball match is at Sun Stadium.(对划线部分提问)_ _ the basketball match?3.I want to ride a bike this morning.( 改为同义句)用心爱心专心6I _ _ to ride a bike this morning.答案: 1. When is2. Where is3. would like4. Lily would like some orange

19、 juice.(改为一般疑问句)_ Lily _ _ orange juice?5. some, would, drink, to, like, you, juice(? )(连词成句 )_答案: 4. Would; like some5. Would you like to drink some juice? . 补全对话( 10 分)从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,有两项是多余的。A. That s a good idea.B. Would you like to go to the theatre?C. Would you like to go there with me?D. Where is it?E. What day is it today?F. How many people are there?G. Its on Sunday afternoon.A: Hello, Kate!B: Hello, Bill.A: 1B: Today is Frid


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