1、1,范畴词的省译和增译,E-C,C-E,2,一、汉语范畴词的省译,范畴词(category nouns)指用来表示行为、现象、属性等概念所属范畴的词,是汉语常用的特指手段。这些范畴词一般放在动词或形容词的后面,有些也放在名词后面。有时前面有助词“的”,有时没有。其中最常用的有“行为”“态度”“方面”“方式”“局面”“涵义”“情景”“情况”“心情”“性”“度”等,3,一、汉语范畴词的省译,例1: 本次会议讨论的重点是世界经济发展状况。 The conference will focus on the development of the worlds economy,4,一、汉语范畴词的省译,例
2、2: 失业问题比通胀问题更为严重,因为失业问题涉及社会治安问题。 Unemployment is more serious than inflation, for the former is related to public security,5,一、汉语范畴词的省译,例3: 在生态环境保护问题上,发展中国家存在的问题较为严重。 With regard to environmental protection, there exist serious problems in developing countries,6,一、汉语范畴词的省译,例4: 成交情况一年比一年好。 The trade
3、volume keeps increasing year by year,7,一、汉语范畴词的省译,例5: 必须杜绝铺张浪费行为。 Extravagance and waste must be prohibited,8,一、汉语范畴词的省译,例6: 这样一个发电站的修建费用仅占开发工程总费用的一小部分。 The cost of such a power plant accounts for only a small portion of the total of the development,9,一、汉语范畴词的省译,例7: 大学的科研工作不能放松,教学工作更不能放松。 Research i
4、n universities must be stressed, not to mention teaching,10,一、汉语范畴词的省译,例8: 作为2008年奥运会的东道主,中国人好客的态度和热情给许许多多的外国人留下了深刻的印象。 As the host of the 2008 Olympic Games, the Chinese people have impressed foreigners by their hospitality,11,一、汉语范畴词的省译,例9: 如果不对儿童进行教育,就会使他们沦入世世代代的愚昧状态。 Not to educate the child is
5、to condemn him to repetitious ignorance,12,一、汉语范畴词的省译,例10: 看到这些照片,他想起了童年的情景。 At the sight of the photos, he recalled his childhood,13,一、汉语范畴词的省译,例11: 在公费医疗制度下,“一人看病全家吃药”的现象很多。 In the public-funded medical care system, it was common that any family member could have medicine prescribed in the name of
6、 the one who was entitled to public-funded medical care,14,二、英语抽象名词汉译的范畴化,比较下列英文句子的两种译文: 例12: The program focused on agriculture, information technology, environment protection, and sustainable development. 译文一:该计划主要针对农业、信息技术、环保和可持续发展等方面 。 译文二:该计划主要针对农业、信息技术、环保和可持续发展等,15,二、英语抽象名词汉译的范畴化,例13: Research
7、 institutes have always had a key role in the implementation of the program, even though in recent years the R&D projects conducted by enterprises receive increased funding. 译文一:尽管近年来企业开展的研发项目获得了更多的资金支持,但研发机构在计划的实施过程中一直起着关键作用。 译文二:尽管近年来企业开展的研发项目获得了更多的资金支持,但研发机构在计划的实施中一直起着关键作用,16,二、英语抽象名词汉译的范畴化,例14:
8、To meet the growing demand for a scientific workforce, universities have had to increase the numbers of students in science and engineering, especially at the advanced research level and PhD program. 为满足对科研力量不断增长的需求,大学增加了理工专业的学生人数,特别是高级研究领域的人数和博士人数,17,二、英语抽象名词汉译的范畴化,例15: From 1977 to 1997, he taught
9、 and conducted research on computer-controlled artificial environments. 1977-1997年间,他从事计算机控制人工环境方面的教学和研究工作,18,二、英语抽象名词汉译的范畴化,例16: The architecture and design of the new SPAs is based on Feng Shui principles - harmony that visitors can feel. 新温泉疗养区的建筑和设计都考虑了风水问题游客在这里能够感受到和谐气氛,19,二、英语抽象名词汉译的范畴化,例17: H
10、isense Imp.& Exp.Co., Ltd. was established in 1991 and is responsible for the export of televisions, air conditioners, refrigerators, DVDs, computers, CDMA mobile phones, cordless telephones. 海信进出口公司成立于1991年,负责电视、空调、冰箱、DVD机、计算机、CDMA手机、无线电话的出口业务,20,二、英语抽象名词汉译的范畴化,例18: His specialty is to tell you what any individual on the face of the globe is doing at the moment. 他的特殊本事(特殊本领或特异功能)在于能说出地球上任何一个人在干什么,21,二、英语抽象名词汉译的范畴化,例19: Instead, t
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