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1、Text B Changing Attitudes to Lifelong Employment,Text,Words shes always cheerful. Whats your attitude to his suggestion,BACK,lifelong,adj. continuing for a lifetime 毕生的, 终身的 e.g. a lifelong friend / 一辈子的朋友,BACK,employment,n. 1. the act of employing 雇佣 2. the state of being employed 被雇佣的状态 3. the wor

2、k in which one is engaged; occupation 某人所从事的工作;职业 e.g. He left his home to look for employment. 他离家去找职业,BACK,corporation,n. 1. a body that is granted a charter legally recognizing it as a separate legal entity having its own rights, privileges, and liabilities distinct from those of its members 法人 2

3、. a group of people combined into or acting as one body 集体 e.g. John works for a large American chemical corporation. 约翰为一家美国大化学公司工作,BACK,hire,v. 1. to engage the services of (a person) for a fee; employ雇佣 e.g. hire a new clerk 2. to engage the temporary use of for a fee; rent 租用 e.g. hire a car for

4、 the day n. 1. the act of hiring 雇佣; 雇佣的行为 2. the condition or fact of being hired 受雇,BACK,major,adj. 1. greater than others in importance or rank 主要的,较重要的 e.g. a major artist 主要的艺术家 2. great in scope or effect 卓越的,显著的 e.g. a major improvement n. 主修科目,专业学生 e.g. I am an English major,BACK,hunt v. 1.

5、to search for 搜寻,寻找 e.g. The children hunted for sea shells on the beach. I hunted everywhere for my lost keys. 2. to chase in order to catch and kill wild animals 打猎,猎取 e.g. Every autumn, many people hunt deer in this area. n. 1. a search 搜寻,寻找 e.g. We went on a hunt for the lost document. 2. an ac

6、t of hunting for wild animals 打猎,狩猎: e.g. the long hunt through the fields and woods,BACK,represent v,1. to stand for; symbolize 代表;象征 e.g. The bald eagle represents the United States. 秃鹰象征了美国。 2. to indicate or communicate by signs or symbols 意指 e.g. Letters of the alphabet represent sounds. 字母表中的字

7、母意指发音,BACK,probably,most likely; presumably 很可能地;大概 e.g. It will probably rain. 天很可能要下雨了。 A: Will it rain this afternoon? B: Probably not,adv,BACK,employer,n. 雇主 e.g. The car industry is one of our biggest employers. 汽车工业是我们最大的雇主之一。 构词 employ 雇用 + -or 者 :employer 雇主 employ 雇用 + -ee 被者:employee 雇员,BA

8、CK,policy,n. 1. a plan or course of action, as of a government, political party, or business, intended to influence and determine decisions, actions, and other matters政策 e.g. the companys personnel policy / 该公司的人事政策 2. a course of action, guiding principle, or procedure considered expedient, prudent

9、, or advantageous 手段;计谋;策略 e.g. Honesty is the best policy. 诚实是最好的策略,BACK,particularly,adv. 1. to a great degree; especially 很大程度上地;特别地 e.g. I particularly like the brown shoes. 2. with particular reference or emphasis; individually or specifically 特别提及或强调地;个别地或具体地 e.g. Everyone has a moment in hist

10、ory which belongs particularly to him. 每个人在历史上都有只属于他自己的一刻,BACK,training,n. 1. the process or routine of one who trains 训练 e.g. training for the race / 为参加赛跑而锻炼 2. the state of being trained 受训,BACK,staff,n. 1. a stout stick used as a weapon 棍棒;警棍 2. the personnel who carry out a specific enterprise

11、全体雇员 e.g. the nursing staff of a hospital v. 1. to provide with a staff of workers or assistants 为配置工人或助手等职工 2. to serve on the staff of 作的雇员,BACK,n. 1. all the people employed by a company, in the armed forces, etc. 员工 e.g. The company had to fire half of its personnel to cut costs. military person

12、nel 2. the department in a company that deals with ( the complaints and difficulties of ) the employees 人事部 e.g. the personnel manager I went to personnel to ask about the company retirement program,personnel,BACK,manager n,1. one who handles, controls, or directs, especially 经营人 2. one who directs

13、a business or other enterprise 经理 3. one who controls resources and expenditures, as of a household 当家人 e.g. My wife is an excellent manager. 我太太是个很好的管家,BACK,firm,n. 公司, (合伙)商号 adj. 1. resistant to externally applied pressure 坚硬的 e.g. a firm belief / 坚定的信念 Prices are still firm. 物价仍然稳定。 The teacher

14、was firm and did not change her mind. 老师很坚决,他不改变主意。 2. marked by or indicating the tone and resiliency of healthy tissue 健壮的 e.g. firm muscles / 结实的肌肉,BACK,select,v. to take as a choice from among several; pick out 选 择,选出 e.g. I was selected for the team. 我被选入这个队。 adj. singled out in preference; cho

15、sen 挑选出来的;精选的 e.g. a select few / 精选出来的少数,BACK,suitable,adj. appropriate to a purpose or an occasion 合适的 e.g. This toy is not suitable for young children. 这个玩具不适合小孩玩,BACK,employee n,a person who works for another in return for financial or other compensation 雇员 e.g. employee benefits / 雇员利益 employee

16、 unions / 雇员联合会 employee relations / 雇员关系,BACK,recently adv,最近,新近 e.g. The company has recently acquired a new office building in central Boston. 这家公司最近在波斯顿市中心买了一幢新的办公楼。 Things got so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. 近来情况变得如此糟糕,以致他决定节食了,BACK,investment,n. 1. the act of investing / 投资 2.

17、 an amount invested / 投资额 3. property or another possession acquired for future financial return or benefit / 资本 4. a commitment, as of time or support / 投入,BACK,advantage,n. 1. a beneficial factor or combination of factors 有利条件 2. benefit or profit; gain 利益 e.g. It is to your advantage to invest wi

18、sely. 明智地投资对你很有利。 3. a relatively favorable position; superiority of means 有利地位 e.g. A better education gave us the advantage. 良好的教育使我们处于有利地位,BACK,flexible,adj. 1. capable of being bent or flexed; pliable 柔软的 2. capable of being bent repeatedly without injury or damage 弹性的 3. susceptible to influenc

19、e or persuasion; tractable 温顺的 4. responsive to change; adaptable 可变通的;易适应的 e.g. a flexible schedule / 可变通的日程表,BACK,international,adj. 1. of, relating to, or involving two or more nations 国际的 e.g. an international commission / 一个国际委员会 international affairs / 国际事务 2. extending across or transcending

20、national boundaries 超越国界的 e.g. international fame / 国际声誉 n. 国际性组织, 国际比赛,BACK,lay off,1. to terminate the employment of (a worker), especially temporarily 暂时解雇员工 e.g. laid-off workers / 下岗工人 2. to mark off 划界线 e.g. lay off an area for a garden / 划出一块区域作 为花园,BACK,Text B Changing Attitudes to Lifelong

21、Employment,1 This fall, as usual, companies and corporations are busily hiring new graduates. Major cities are crowded with young men and women who have just graduated from high school or college and who are hunting for a job. 2 One high school graduate says that the employment season represents jud

22、gment day for many students. “Our whole lives are decided during this period when were looking for a company to work for,” she says. “I know that when I finally find a job, Ill probably be with that company for the rest of my life, and that makes the job search very important.,HOME,NEXT,译 文,3 For so

23、me employers, the policy of lifetime employment is particularly important because it means that they can put money and effort into training their staff. The personnel manager of one large firm reports that the policy here is different from most other countries, where companies employ people who are

24、already trained and whose skills can be used immediately. “What we do here, however, is to select young people who have potential and who can be trained,” he said. “We then give them the kinds of skills that will make them suitable employees for us.,NEXT,译 文,Text B (continued,BACK,Text B (continued

25、2,4 One recently employed graduate says that she is receiving a great deal of valuable training from the company. “This means that I will be a loyal employee,” she says. “And it also means that the company will keep me. I am an important investment for them. So the policy is a good one because it is

26、 of great benefit to both the employer and the employee.,NEXT,BACK,译 文,5 Recently, however, attitudes toward lifelong employment are beginning to change. Employees are slowly beginning to accept the idea that lifelong employment is not always in their best interest and that changing firms can have c

27、areer advantages. Companies are also developing more flexible employment policies. “I thought I had a job for life,” says one young woman who lasted just six months in her first job. “However, when the company lost a big international order, I was laid off. Im now looking for another job.,HOME,BACK,

28、译 文,Text B (continued 3,变化中的终身就业观 1 跟往年一样, 今年秋季各家公司正忙于招聘应届毕业 生。大城市里挤满了刚刚从中学或大学毕业的青年男女, 大家都在忙着找工作。 2 一个中学毕业生说, 就业季节对于许多学生而言意味 着最后审判日。她说, “当我们在寻找工作单位时, 我们的 一生就被决定了。我知道, 当我最后找到一份工作, 我可能 会从一而终。这就使得找工作这件事变得极为重要。,课文译文,BACK,3 对于一些雇主而言, 终身雇用的政策极为重要, 因为这 意味着公司可以投入财力和物力培训自己的雇员。一家大 公司的人事部经理说, 他们的政策不同于大多数其他国家。

29、在其他国家, 公司雇用已经受过培训的人, 这些人所掌握的 技能马上就能派上用场。“然而我们所做的事挑选一些有潜 力, 可培养的年轻人, 然后传授他们技能, 把他们培养成公 司需要的员工。,课文译文,BACK,课文译文,4 一个新近被录用的毕业生说公司正给她提供大量有 价值的培训。她说: “这意味着我将成为一名忠诚的员工, 同时也意味着公司将留住我。我是公司的一项重要投资。 因此, 终身雇用是一项很好的投资政策, 它对雇主和雇员都 有利。,BACK,5 然后, 近来人们多终身雇用的看法有了转变。雇员们慢慢地开始接受了这样的观念: 终身就业于某一单位对他们来说并非最好, 跳槽有利于职业发展。一些公

30、司也正在开发更具有弹性的就业政策。一位年轻妇女第一份工作只干了半年, 她说: “以前我以为得到了一份终身职业, 可是当公司失去了一笔巨额国际订单后, 我就失业了。现在, 我正在另找工作。,课文译文,BACK,Major cities are crowded with young men and women who have just graduated from high school or college and who are hunting for a job. 大城市挤满了刚刚从中学或大学毕业的正在找工作的 毕业生。 句中有两个并列的以who 引导的定语从句,修饰前面 的men and

31、 women,BACK,Judgment Day 最后审判日 根据, 到了世界末日,死者将从墓中复活,接 受基督审判,其中好人升上天堂,坏人贬入地狱。 1. the time after death when everyone is judged by God for what they have done in life, according to Christianity and some other religions, also: Day of Judgment; The Last Judgment 2. the day when a very important event take

32、s place: e.g. Tomorrow is judgment day for me because I will know whether I get the job,BACK,I know that when I finally find a job, Ill probably be with that company for the rest of my life, and that makes the job search very important.” 我知道当我最终找到一份工作,我会在那家公司干一辈 子,这就使得找工作这件事极其重要。 句中 be with 意思是“在(某单

33、位)工作”, and 后面的 that 指的是要在那家公司干一辈子这个情况。 Exercise 汉译英: 他在这家公司干了十年了。 Key: Hes been with the firm for ten years,BACK,The personnel manager of one large firm reports that the policy here is different from most other countries, where companies employ people who are already trained and whose skills can be

34、used immediately. 一家大公司的人事经理说他们的政策不同于大多数别的国 家,在别的国家,公司雇用受过训练的人,这些人的技能马 上就可以用得上。 句中where 引导一个非限制性定语从句,修饰 other countries. 该句还包含两个分别以 who 和 whose 引导的定 语从句,BACK,Employees are slowly beginning to accept the idea that lifelong employment is not always in their best interest and that changing firms can ha

35、ve career advantages 雇员们慢慢地开始接受了这样的理念:终身就职于某 一单位对 他们来说并非最好,跳槽对职业发展有好处。 in sbs interest : helping someone and giving them an advantage e.g. act in the best interest of the patient It may not be in her interests to change jobs so soon. in the interest of sb. : in order to achieve a particular situatio

36、n or quality e.g. It is in our interest that there will be peace in that area. In the interest of safety, passengers are advised to wear their seat belts at all times,BACK,I thought I had a fob for life,” says one young woman who lasted just six months in her first job “我认为我有了一份一辈子的工作,” 一个年轻女子说,她的 第

37、一份工作仅仅维持了6个月。 six months 前省略了for last v. 1. to continue to exist 近 endure e.g. How long will the meeting last? Most sessions last about half an hour. 2. to be enough for a period of time e.g. Ive only got $5 to last me till the end of the week. 3. to survive, live e.g. The wounded is not expected to

38、 last the night. 近 survive,BACK,Main Ideas Fill in the blanks with appropriate words according to the reading passage. Many high school and college graduates have the idea that once they are employed, they will be _that company for the _of their lives. At the same time, some _ have adopted a lifetim

39、e employment_. Once they hire people, they can put money and_into training them, and make them_employees for the companies. _some extent, this policy is good because it is of great benefit to both employers and _. Recently, however, some employees are beginning to change their _ toward the lifelong

40、employment and they think changing firms can bring them career _,with,rest,employers,policy,effort,suitable,To,employees,attitudes,advantages,HOME,Detailed Understanding of Text B Complete the following sentences according to the text. 1. Benefits of lifelong employment for employees: 1) They can_. 2) They can_. 2. Benefit of lifelong employment for employers: The company can have_,receive valuable training,be kept by the compa


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