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1、LEAD-IN,READING AND WRITING,LISTENING AND SPEAKING,LANGUAGE IN USE,LIFE AND CULTURE,SELF-CHECK,UNIT TASK,WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS,FUN TIME,Lead-in,Lead-in,surfed the Internet,played computer games,saw a movie,went to the gym,1. Read and tick,Lead-in,1. Read and tick,watched TV,watched a cartoon,listene

2、d to music,went to a club,Lead-in,2. Listen and number,4,2,5,3,6,1,Lead-in,Listening and speaking,Listening and speaking,3. Listen and number,_ slept through the best part _ went to see a movie _ listened to some pop music _ surfed the Internet _ watched a cartoon,1,4,3,5,2,Listening and speaking,4.

3、 Listen and tick,1. What did Tang Hua do last weekend,Listening and speaking,4. Listen and tick,2. What did Sara do last weekend,Listening and speaking,5. Listen and underline,Li Xiaonian: Bob: Li Xiaonian: Bob,What did you do last weekend? I went to see a movie called The Kings Speech with my fathe

4、r. What do you think of the movie? Oh, it is great. The story is so moving. But my father slept through the best part. He thinks it is boring,Listening and speaking,5. Listen and underline,Li Xiaonian: Bob: Li Xiaonian: Bob,Sometimes parents have different ideas. How about you? Did you do anything s

5、pecial? Nothing special. I went to the gym and played volleyball with my friends. That was nice. We both spent a relaxing weekend,Listening and speaking,6. Talk and act,A: What did you do last weekend? B: I . A: How about you? Did you do anything special? B: Yes. I . / No, I,Listening and speaking,7

6、. Interview and complete,According to our survey, our school should show _,Listening and speaking,Everyday English,Did you do anything special last weekend? Not really. Did you go to the theater / concert / museum last weekend? What type of music did you like in the past? I liked jazz / rock / pop m

7、usic. What type of movie did you like in the past? I preferred horror films / action films / comedy,你上周末做了什么特别的事吗? 没什么特别的。 上周末你去看电影 / 听音乐会 / 参观博物馆了吗? 你以前喜欢什么类型的音乐? 我曾喜欢爵士乐摇滚乐流行乐。 你过去喜欢什么类型的电影? 我曾喜欢恐怖电影动作电影喜剧,Listening and speaking,Reading and writing,Reading and writing,8. Think and discuss,Reading

8、and writing,Talk Show,At that time I spent my free time listening to music. I liked rock music. It was so exciting. And my favorite rock band the Foxy Ladies was one of the most famous rock bands in the world. But now I like some light music such as jazz and country music. Maybe thats because I am g

9、etting old.” Mary, New York,9. Read and match,Reading and writing,9. Read and match,Those days I rented movies as a way of relaxing in the evening. I invited friends over to watch the movies together. We made popcorn or ordered a pizza to eat with the movie. I liked action films. But now I prefer co

10、medies.” Ben, London. “I loved playing computer games. I spent hours and hours sitting before a computer. It was so interesting and kept my mind busy. So I never did anything else at home those days. But now I think it is a waste of time to sit in front of a machine all the time. I do sports every d

11、ay.” Bob, Toronto,Reading and writing,9. Read and match,1 Bob 2 Mary 3 Ben,listened to music rented movies played computer games,Reading and writing,10. Read and complete,rock music,action films,computer games,some light music such as jazz and country music,comedies,sports,Reading and writing,11. Re

12、ad and match,Reading and writing,What did Mary like doing in her spare time,2. What type of music did Mary like best in the past,3. Why did she like that type of music,Mary liked listening to music,She liked rock music best,Because it was so exciting,Reading and writing,_,_,_,12. Read and answer,4.

13、What was her favorite band? _,5. Was that band famous in the world at that time? _,6. What type of music does she like best now? Why? _,Her favorite band was the Foxy Ladies,Yes, it was,She likes some light music such as jazz and country music because she thinks shes getting old,Reading and writing,

14、13. Write and complete,In the past, Mary liked _ in her spare time. She loved _ best. Because she thought _. Her favorite band _. And the band _ in the world. But now she _ _, because she _,listening to music,rock music,was the Foxy Ladies,it was exciting,was one of the most famous rock bands,likes

15、some light music,such as jazz and country music,is getting old,Reading and writing,14. Interview and write,1. What was your favorite song five years ago? _ 2. Why did you like that song at that time? _ 3. Who was your favorite singer? _ 4. Why did you like that singer? _,Music Interview,Reading and

16、writing,15. Link and write,Example: Five years ago, Zhang Mings favorite song was Yesterday Once More. He liked that song. It could bring back happy moments of his childhood,Reading and writing,Language in use,Language in use,Grammar focus,Simple past tense (II,Language in use,16. Complete and act,1

17、. Bob and his parents didnt _ (go) to the local museum yesterday. 2. Rosalie and Nina _ (chat) online in the winter holiday. 3. Li Ping didnt _ (practice) English with her friend last weekend. 4. Zhang Lans dad _ (visit) Shanghai last month. 5. Tom _ (have) great fun last summer holiday. 6. I _ (sen

18、d) a postcard to my friend in Tianjin a week ago,go,chatted,practice,visited,had,sent,Language in use,16. Complete and act,Example,Language in use,A: Did you go swimming last weekend? B: No, I didnt. I went mountain climbing,A: Did you watch a film last weekend? C: Yes, I did,17. Ask and find,make a

19、 snowman go boating watch a film pick apples visit the zoo go swimming play volleyball go shopping,Who share the same experience with you,Language in use,A: To the gym. A: I went with my sister. A: We went there at around 9:00 am. A: It was great,18. Talk and find,B: Where did you go? C: Who did you

20、 go with? D: When did you go there? E: How did you like it,A: I played volleyball last Saturday,Language in use,Vocabulary practice,19. Complete the chart,Entertainment,action film cartoon comedy romantic film,the news talk show game show soap opera,Pop music jazz country music rock,Language in use,

21、20. Look and choose,A: Do you like the movie? B: It is very _. I want to sleep,boring brave smart exciting relaxing soft different,boring,Language in use,20. Look and choose,A: Do you like the song My Heart Will Go On by Cline Dion? B: Yes! Its one of my favorite songs. Its slow, _ and moving,boring

22、 brave smart exciting relaxing soft different,soft,Language in use,20. Look and choose,A: What do you think of Harry Porter? B: He is so _! He is never afraid of the bad guys,boring brave smart exciting relaxing soft different,brave,Language in use,20. Look and choose,A: How do you like Sherlock Hol

23、mes? B: He is very _. He can think of many great ideas,boring brave smart exciting relaxing soft different,Language in use,smart,20. Look and choose,A: What do you think of jazz music? B: Well, I think it is _ and I always dance when I listen to jazz,boring brave smart exciting relaxing soft differe

24、nt,exciting,Language in use,20. Look and choose,A: What do you think of country music? B: Well, it is _ from rock music. It is more peaceful,boring brave smart exciting relaxing soft different,different,Language in use,21. Read and complete,rented,invited,keep,spend,ordered,Language in use,Unit task

25、,Unit task,Hold a talent show in your class,Your class wants to hold a talent show. Now work in groups and prepare for the show,Work in groups of three to form a band. Find a singer, a dancer and a host / hostess for your band. 2. Prepare for the talent show. The singer should decide on a popular En

26、glish song. The dancer should design a dance that can go along with the song and the music. The host / hostess should prepare a 1-minute English presentation to introduce the band. The presentation should answer the following questions,Unit task,Hold a talent show in your class,What is the name of t

27、his band? (e.g. This is the most famous Easymusic Band from Australia.) When did the singer learn to sing? (e.g. Our singer learned to sing at the age of five.) When did the dancer learn to dance? (e.g. Our dancer started to learn ballet at four.) Why did we choose this song? (e.g. This song takes u

28、s back to our childhood.) What is the main idea of the song? (e.g. The song tells a love story.,Unit task,3. Present your talents to the whole class. 4. Vote for the super group for this class talent show. You can make your decisions with the help of the following table,Singer (30)_,Dancer (30)_,Org

29、anization (10)_,Host / hostess (30)_,Hold a talent show in your class,Unit task,Total score _,Fun time,Fun time,After spending all day watching football, Harry fell asleep in front of the TV and spent the whole night in the chair. In the morning, his wife woke him up. ”Get up, dear,” she said, “its

30、twenty to seven.” Harry got up at once and asked, “In whose favor,Listen and repeat,Fun time,Self-check,Self-check,I have learned,) band ( ) club ( ) gym ( ) keep ( ) pop music ( ) rock music ( ) talk show,) boring ( ) computer ( ) Internet ( ) movie ( ) prefer ( ) smart,) brave ( ) country music (

31、) invite ( ) moving ( ) relaxing ( ) special,) cartoon ( ) exciting ( ) jazz ( ) order ( ) rent ( ) spend,Self-check,I can,) talk about different kinds of entertainment activities. ( ) talk about my likes and dislikes,) talk about entertainment activities I did. ( ) use the simple past tense,Self-check,Words and expressions,Words and expressions,Words and expressions,movie,Internet,gym,cartoon,pop music,special,relaxing,moving,jazz,action film,horror film,Words and expressions,comedy,talk show,spend,rock music,band,country music,rent,order,prefer,keep,brave,smart,roma


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