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1、第二学期期末试卷七年级英语(满分:140分;考试时间:110分钟)第I卷(选择题80分,答案填涂在答题卡上) 、听力(共20小题;每小题1分,计20分)A)听下面10段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话 读两遍。听第1至10段材料,回答第1至10题。1. Which place does Mary like best i n her home?A. B.C.2. What does Daniel want to be in the future?A.B.C.4. Where did S

2、a ndy put her shoes?A. B.C.第9页共8页5. Where will the boy father go n ext mon th?B.C.A.6. What is the woma n going to do?C. Walk past the house.C. JerrysC. GiraffesC. Kind and lovelyA. Turn right.B. Turn left.7 Whose bike is it?A. Tom B. Daniel 8. What ani mal are they talk ing about?A. Pan dasB. Eleph

3、a nts9. What are Sim on n eighbours like?A. Frie ndly and n iceB. Kind and helpful10. Which country does Steve n come from?A. The UKB. The USAC. FranceB)听对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A B C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读相关小题, 每小题5秒钟。听完后, 每小题你仍有5秒钟的时间来选择你认为最合适的答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。听一段对话,回答11 12小题。11. Whats wrong

4、 with Dan iel?C. He was busy at school.C. They were not afraid at all.A. He was ill in hospital. B. He was ill at home.12. Were Millie and Amy afraid to see those stra nge ani mals?A. They were a little afraid. B. They were very afraid. 听第一篇短文,回答13 15小题。Outdoor activitiesAmyShe thinks ridi ng is coo

5、l.DanielHe ofte n goes13 to have a good rest.KittyShe14every day to keep fit.DavidHe started to learn roller skati ng when he was15.13. A.climbingB.fishingC.camping14. A.swimsB.runsC.jogs15. A.7B.9C.11听第二篇短文,回答 16 20小题。B. I n the UN.C. I n the USA.16. Where is Jenny? A. In the UK.17. What is Jenny d

6、oing in the first photo?A. Play ing with sand on the beach.B. Readi ng books.C. Play ing beach volleyball.18. How is the weather in the sec ond photo?A. Windy.B. Su nny.C. Rainy.19. Whats the weather like in the third photo?A. Sunny.B. Wet.C. Sno wy.20. In which picture is Jenny readi ng books?A. Th

7、e sec ond one.B. The third one.C. None.二、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)在下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。21. -ls the boy over there your good friend?-Yes, we are insame grade, but he is indiffere nt class.A. a, aB. a, theC. the, aD. the, the29. -What happe ned to Sa ndy? -A. On her way to homeC. In her way

8、 home30. -Did you hear that an old man n ever sleeps -Thats really amaz ing.A. with, closedB. with, ope n31. -Sorry, but I have to go back home now.,she was hit by a car yesterday. B. On her way home D. In her way to home his eyes.C. with, ope nedD. has, ope n-Why? I you would have dinner with us to

9、gether.A. thinkB. am thi nkingC. thought32. -I hope to sing asas the famous sin ger Zhang Biche n. -So undsA. good, wellB. better, goodC. well, well33. -Where are you going to spe nd your summer holiday this year?-Im not sure. Maybein the north.A. somewhere cool B. cool somewhere C. any where cool34

10、. -Itshere. Please keep quiet.-OK, I will not make any .D. didn thinkD. well, goodD. cool any where22. -What wrong with Tom? -The door isn wide eno ugh for him to walk A. pastB. throughC. acrossD. i nto23. -is knocking at the door. Can you help me to an swer it, Bill?-Of course.A. SomebodyB. Everybo

11、dyC. AnybodyD. Nobody24. -Peter bought a nice cage yesterday. -Yes.He bought ithis pet rabbit.A. keep ingB. keptC. to keepD.keep25. -in teresti ng film!-Yes, I saw it twice.A. WhatB. What anC. HowD. How an26. -Could we pic nic here?-.Have a nice time.A. Yes, you couldB. No, you couldn C. Yes, you ca

12、nD. No, you can 27. -A build ing in the park caught fire last ni ght.-Luckily, the workers therein time.A. put up itB. put it upC. put out itD. put it out28.-Oh, my god! I leftumbrella at home.-Don worry. You can share one with me.is a big one.A. yours, MyB. your, MineC. my, MineD. mi ne, MyA. too m

13、uch no ise, no iseB. much too no isy, no iseC. too much no ise, no isyD. much too no isy, no isy35. -Would you like to go to see the In dia n film Dangal (摔跤吧!爸爸)to night?-. I have too much homework to do today.A. Never mi ndB. Not at allC. Im afraid n otD. No way三、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,计 15分)阅读下列短文,从文后各

14、题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。(共15小题;每小题 1分,计15分)We moved to the USA from Russia 16 years ago. Last summer, I was the first in my family to go back to my hometown. My mom gave me a _36 showing the place of mygrandfather grave (墓地)and asked me to visit it. I told her that the 37 thing I dowhe n I arrived would be

15、to visit the cemetery (公墓)But I was too busy work ing and38 my childhood frien ds.39 I only had aday left to go to the cemetery before I was leavi ng.A lady was selling flowers at the gate. By then she had only40 flowers left. Ibought them all, but whe n I reached 41 my wallet, I found that I did n

16、have the map with me. 42 could I find the grave without the map? Then I found the office. An old woma n 43 the records and found two Abraham Pikarskis with no more in formatio n.I found the two graves. 44 graves said Abraham Pikarski, no photos, nothing else. I did n k now which grave was45. So I pu

17、t three flowers on each of the graves. I stoodthere with the last flower. Which Abraham Pikarski should46go to? Fin ally, I put theflower on the grave where I was standing. 47 this is not my grandfather, let it be a respect (尊敬).I flew home to New York the n ext day. When Mom saw me, she started48.

18、She said,“ Tis morni ng, my cous in called from Moscow, say ing she saw yourgrandpas grave. Son, thank you for visiting Grandfather grave. It 5049 on yourmeans (意味着)36. A. photoB. pictureC.map D.list37. A. firstB.secondC.third D.last38. A. meeti ngB. findingC. looki ng39. A. ButB. So C. AndD.The n40

19、. A. threeB. four C. sixD.seve n41. A. forB. to C. atD.in42. A. WhereB. How C. WhenD.What43. A. keptB. lookedC.foundD44. A. EveryB. Both C. AllD.Each45. A. hersB. yours C. mine D.theirs46. A. itB. IC. heD.she47. A. BeforeB. After C. AsD.If48. A. cryingB. smili ngC. laugh ingD49. A. photosB. recordsC

20、.flowersDsearched50. A. always四、阅读理解B. really(共 15小题;C. aga in D. n ever 每小题2分,计30分)so much to me. ” ShlohJ ask her how many flowers her cousin saw? Three or four?shouti ng mapsD. watch ing阅读下列内容,从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。NoBooksAuthors (作者)Price1Fruits and Our HealthP. H. Francis$17.502Successfu

21、l pla nti ng in the garde nMark Brow n$19.773A handbook for Taiwan National ParksJacks on Fisher$32.004Moder n America n HistoryThomas Birdsall$11.535Taking care of your rabbitHele n Piers$5.3951. Anna wants to lear n how to pla nt things well. She n eeds to buy B. Successful pla nting in the garde

22、nD. Moder n America n HistoryC. P. H. Francis.D. Hele n PiersC. I n a readi ng roomD. I n a libraryA. Fruits and Our HealthC. A handbook for Taiwan sNational Parks52. Who is the writer of Taking care of your rabbit A. Thomas Birdsall. B. Mark Brow n.53. Where can you probably read this passage?A. At

23、 a bookstoreB. At a museum(Father and Mother are at home. Gwen just gets home.) Gwen: Im home, Mom, Dad. Mom: How s your day, Gwen?Gwen: Not bad. I hate tak ing buses to school every day. Father: Why?Gwen: The bus is so crowded (拥挤的)every morning.Mom: I don tu ndersta nd. What your idea?Gwen: I want

24、 to buy a motorcycle a Harley. Father: What! Harley! Are you crazy?Mom: (to father) Calm down. (to Gwen) I understand you. I would say Yes!if you want to buy a usual motorcycle, but Harley! Forget it.Gwen: But I want it so much. I always want one.Father: OK. I can give you some money for the motorcy

25、cle, but you have to pay the rest yourself. Mom: I have the same ideas as your dad.Gwen: Oh! Yes! Are you sure? But I don have any money to pay for it! Father: You can use your New Years pocket money or find a part-time job.Gwen: Hey, it sounds like a great idea to get a part-time job.Mom: You have

26、to keep your eyes ope n whe n you look for a part-time job. Gwen: Don worry. I ll be careful.Father: I can give you some advice and experie nee(经验).When I was a young boy, I oncefound a job to carry heavy thin gs. It was very hard, but I lear ned how to work with others and how to use time. So will

27、you. I remember I nearly lost my life one day.Gwen: Thanks, Dad. I think I can deal with (处理)it. I llbe careful.54. Why does Gwen want to buy a motorcycle?A. Because the bus is too crowded.B. Because it takes too much time to take a bus.C. Because he has eno ugh money to buy it.D. Because he can rid

28、e it to the work place.55. How does Gwens Father feel whe n he hears that Gwen wants to buy a motorcycle?A. excitedB. surprisedC. sadD. happy56. Why does Gwen father share the working experienee with him?A. He likes to carry heavy thin gs.B. He does ntwa nt Gwen to buy the motorcycle.C. The experien

29、ce may help Gwen find a right part-time job.D. He wants to show he is great by talk ing about his experie nce.57. How will Gwen buy the motorcycle?A. His father will pay for it.B. He will use New Years pocket money.C. His father will pay some and Gwen will pay for the rest.D. He I do a part-time job

30、 and earn money to buy it by himself.CDo you like to listen to music when you feel sad? Do you like to sing songs in the shower? Music is everywhere. But in many coun tries, music classes in schools are losing their place.These days, because of the bad economy (经济)in the US, some schools fired (解雇)a

31、rts teachers including (包括) music teachers. Some students dont have the chance to learn music. In China, there are no exams for music. So many students choose to make use of their time and study subjects like scie nce, math and history.But do you know that lear ning music helps childre n grow?Playin

32、g music is like doing different things all together said Gottfried Schlaug at HarvardMedical School. For example, when playing the piano, people see the music notes. And they decode (解码) them. At the same time, they use their fin gers to make soun ds. You do all thesethings at the same time.Scientis

33、ts say that music helps with scienee too. Einstein played the violin. And German physicist Max Planek was talented in playing the piano.Music is also a very valuable thing. It makes you interested in things, and it makes youhappy, accord ing to US Nati onal Science Foun dati on.58. What instrument (

34、乐器) could Max Planek play?A. violi nB. guitarC. pia noD. drum59. What does the underlined phrase Idse their place mean?A.丢失地方B.失去地位C.迷失方向D.失去兴趣B. Because there are no exams.60. Why do we say music is valuable? A. Because it can make us happy.C. Because it can make us in terest ingD. Because scie nti

35、sts can play.61. Accord ing to the passage, which is TRUE?A. Scien tists say that scie nee helps people with music.B. When play ing the pia no, people only use fin gers to make sounds.C. In the US, there are no arts teachers including music teachers.D. I n Chi na, there are no exams for music.DOnce

36、there was a prince (王子) and he wan ted to marry a prin cess (公主);but she would have to be a real princess. He travelled all over the world to find the real ones but failed.One eve ning a heavy rain came on; there was thun der and light ning. Sudde nly there was a kn ock ing at the city gate, and the

37、 old king went to ope n it.What a sight the rain and the wind had made her look. The water ran dow n from her hair and clothes; it ran down into her shoes. And still she said that she was a real princess.Well, well soon find that out ” thought the old queen (女王).But she said nothing, went into the b

38、edroom, took all the bedding off the bedstead, and laid a pea (豌豆)on the bottom; then she took twenty mattresses (床垫) and laid them on the pea, and then twenty eider-down (鸭 绒被)beds on top of the mattresses.On this the prin cess had to lie all ni ght. In the morning she was asked how she had slept.O

39、h, very badly ! ” aid she. “ have hardly closed my eyes all night. I was lying on something hard, so that I am black and blue all over my body. It terrible!Now they knew that she was a real princess because she had felt the pea right through twenty mattresses 需the twenty eider-dow n beds. Nobody but

40、 a real princess could be as sen sitive(敏So the prince married her, because now he knew that he had a real princess; and the pea was put in the museum, where you may still see it, if no one steals it.62. This sentence ft was a princess standing out there in front of the gat e. ” cdne put at thebegi

41、nning of .A. Paragraph 2B. Paragraph 3C. Paragraph 4 D. Paragraph 563. What did the old queen first think of the princess?A. The quee n was afraid of the prin cess.B. The quee n knew she was a real prin cess.C. The queen thought the princess looked tired.D. The quee n did not believe she was a real

42、prin cess64. Why was it difficult for the prin cess to sleep through the ni ght?A. She was cold and wet.B. She had a very long day.C. She was all wet from the storm.D. She was lyi ng on someth ing hard.65. How does the reader of this story know that the prince married a real princess?A. Her mother w

43、as a quee n.B. A real prin cess can sleep on a pea. C.A real prin cess is very sen sitive.D. She looked just like a real prin cess.第II卷(非选择题60分)五、词汇运用(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)根据句子意思,用括号中所给的汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。(每空一词)66. He has eno ugh money to pay for two (相机)67. My mother usually (答复)to her friends e-mails at

44、 weekends.68. Can you go to the office and get me some (粉笔)?69. They left the classroom in a hurry with the door ope n (宽)70. After heari ng the news, we were (激动)to see each other.71. Sam failed the maths exam, but Tony did even (badly) in it.72. Jenny kept (nod) her head while her teacher talked t

45、o her.73. The boys (they) aren tafraid of sn akes at all.74. The rabbit was so clever that she (hide)herself in the hole.75. Joh n asked his frie nds never to tell others (somethi ng)about his secret.六、 任务型阅读(共10空;每空1分,计10分)阅读下列短文,根据短文中的信息完成文后表格。(每空一词)Every year, theres a big day for book lovers. It

46、 is World Book Day on April 23. Why not read a new book? Reading is a good habit to have in life. It shows you a different world and makes you think differently. Her ere some good books Time for Kids picked out. Let stake a look! This Side of Wild (2015) Gary Paulse n, USIf you are in terested in n

47、ature (自然) and ani mals, this book is for you! This book tells true stories of the writer and some animals he loved. For example, a dog helpedfaul sen during a bear attack (袭击),and ano ther time a horse led him across a desert (沙漠).Surpris in gly, animals can do many things. You may laugh sometimes.

48、 But these touching experiences may also make you cry.Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School (2015) Jeff Kinney, USYou may have heard of this book series (系列).And this is the 10th book from it. Greg Heffley is a middle school student. He has everyday problems. Now_things get even more in terest ing whe n

49、his tow n decides to stop using all electr onics (电子产品) such as mobile phones and computers! Greg faces some new problems. This book shows there are always a few bumps (崎岖) in the road, but you can laugh about it along the way too.Recomme ndati ons for World76Day77 of the books78of thebooksIn troduct ionsThis Side of WildGary Paulse n This book tells true stories of the writer and some79he loved. You will feel80when you find animals can domany thin gs.81of aWimpy Kid: Old SchoolJeff


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