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1、答作要号 考不内名姓线封级 班密人教精通版2018-2019学年六年级英语第二学期期末复习A卷(满分:100分 考试时间:40分钟)听力部分一、用你所听到的单词或短语,完成句子,将其序号填入题前括号内。(5 )()1.I enjoy.A. play ing footballB. draw ing picturesC. feed ing ani malsD. collect ing stamps()2.There is a hospitalthe shopp ing cen tre.A. n ext toB. in front of C. on the right D. on the left(

2、)3.Get off the bus at the sec ond stop, and the n.A. turn left B. turn right C. get there D. come back()4.These ani mals livedago.A. two hun dreds years B. hun dreds of yearsC. two hun dred yearsD. millio ns of years()5.They are going toto Beiji ng.A. take a planeB. take a bus C. take a car二、选出你听到的句

3、子(10)()6. A. There are plai ns, mountain s, rivers on our pla net.B. There are rivers, lakes, and ocea ns on our pla net.C. There are many trees on our pla net.()7. A. When are you goi ng to visit the Great Wall?B. When are you going to visit the Summer Palace?C. Whe n are you going to visit the Min

4、g Tombs?()8. A. Win ter is the fourth and last seas on of the year.B. Summer is the sec ond seas on of the year.C. Autu mn is the third seas on of the year?()9. A. We should tell people not to waste en ergy.B. We should tell people to make our country gree ner.C. We should tell people not to hunt wi

5、ld animals.()10. A. Will you tell Tom somethi ng about your daily life?B. Will you tell him something about my family?C. Will you tell me someth ing about your school?三、听录音,根据听到的问句,选择正确的答案,将其序号填入题前括号内。(10)()11.A. Yes, I was.B. Yes, I am. C. I was in Tianji n. D. No, I was nt.()12.A. I was at home.B.

6、 I was 1995. C. I went home at nine.()13.A. I can get to the park at ten.B. She can get to the park at ten.C. They can get there by car. D. I can get there by car.()14.A. We re going to visit Beijing tomorrow.B. They re going to visit Beijing tomorrow.C. We re going to visit Beijing with our teacher

7、s.D. We visited Beijing last week.()15.A. I have a cold. B. I had a fever. C. She has a cold.笔试部分一、按要求完成下列各题,将答案写在题后所给的横线上。(10 )1. We shouldn t waste too much water.将划线部分译成中文 2. Last Saturday was New Year s Day.将划线部分译成中文 3. When you get to the mai n street, turn left.将划线部分译成中文 4. We should be polite

8、 to people.将划线部分译成中文 5. Peter will take a train to Xi an.将划线部分译成中文 6. We should keep the water clean.写出划线部分的反义词 7. This is a map of the w _.根据句意和所给的首字母,写出单词8. My mother works in a _h .根据句意和所给的首字母,写出单词9. Mimi and Micky walked and played. _判断句子中所给单词发音是否相同walked played ()10. Mr Black goes outjo give he

9、r some flowers. _判断句子中所给单词发音是否相同out flowers ()二、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10 )1. The girl is good at( dan ce).2. We( live ) in Beiji ng last year.3. your sister(go) to the park yesterday?4. This car is( I ).5. We enjoy( swim ) in the river.6. It s my sister s( nine ) birthday.7. I(draw) a picture yesterday.8.

10、We lear ned( be ) polite to others.9. Everybody( have ) hobbies.10. I lear ned a lot by( make ) thi ngs.三、选择填空(15 )()1.- May I speak to Mr Lu? -A. I m Mr Lu. B. This is Mr Lu.C. That is Mr Lu. D. He is Mr Lu.()2. Let syou the n ames of ani mals.A. tellsB. to tell C. telli ng D. tell()3. You can go t

11、o the park.A. on feet B. on foot C. by ships D. on train()4.0ur studies are coming toend.A. the B.a C. an()5. We will go shopp ingafter noon.A. / B. in C. lastD. this()6. -Would you like a cup of tea? -A. No, I don t. B. Yes, I do.C. No, please not. D. Yes, please.()7. My pare nts are pleased my stu

12、dies.A. in B. on C. with D. to()8. Therea lot of sheep there.A. am B. is C. are D. have()9. The post office isto the hospital.A. n ear B. n extC. in D. n earby()10. This book is.A. her B. her s C. she s D. hers()11. There are of childre n in the park.A. hun dred B. two hun dred C. hun dreds of D. hu

13、n dreds()12. My birthday isMarch 25th.A. atB. on C. in D. to()13. They got off the bus atstop.A. third B. the third C. three D. fourth()14.lovely boys they are!A. How B. How a C. What a D. What()15. -Happy New Year. -.A. Tha nk you. B. The same to you. C. OK. D. Not at all.四、完型填空(10)learnof theLi Ya

14、n s parents66 her to travel around the world 67about the famous places. The first place they went is Big Ben .It is the famous place in _68. They _69_ sited the capital city of America.It is 70_ . After that they went to the Disneyland. It is 71_72 theme parks in the world. This summer holiday they

15、will go _73a trip to Australia. They want to see Sydney Opera House. They plan74_go to Can ada, too.They want _75j _ Niagara Falls there.()1.A.takesB. tak ingC.to takeD. took()2.A.fromB. aboutC.forD.to()3.A.ParisB. TokyoC.LondonD. Beiji ng()4.A.bothB. alsoC.tooD.either()5. A. Washi ngton B. Tianjin

16、C. Washi ngton D.C. D. Syd ney()6.A. aB. anC.oneD. the()7. A.bigger B.biggestC.greaterD.greatest()8.A. inB. outC.onD. with()9.A. tooB. atC.toD. of()10. A. to see B. see ing C. visit D. to watch五、阅读理解并判断对错。(10 )Do you know the big cities in the world? Beijing is one of the biggest cities in the world

17、. It is an old city. And it is the capital of China.There are many famous places to visit. If you go to Beijing, you can goto visit the Great Wall. It is the Iongest wall in the world.The capital of the U.S.A. is Washington D.C. The White House is there. It is the homea nd office of the preside nt o

18、f the Un ited States of America.When you go to Can ada, you can go to Toro nto. The CN Tower is there.I m sure you ll like New York. It s on e of the biggest cities in America.()1. New York is the capital of America.()2. The Ion gest wall is in Chi na.()3. The passage is about the big cities in Chin

19、a.()4. Toronto is the capital of Can ada.()5. The CN Tower is Sydney, Australia.六、阅读理解并选择填空 (10 )Last Sunday was the World Animal Day. Peter, Li Yan and their classmates went to the zoo. They saw manyanimals there. And they learned a lot about the wild animals.They love pandas best. Pandas live in t

20、he southwest of China. Their main food is bamboo. They love golden monkeys, too. Golden monkeys live in the west and southwest of China. They like to eat nuts and leaves.Their teacher Miss Liu told them a story about red-crowned cranes.They live in the northeast of China in spring. And in winter, th

21、ey fly to the south of China.The children also saw some foreign animals. They are platypuses(鸭嘴兽) , koalas (考拉) , gorillas (大猩猩) and so on. They like koalas best.The children know all the wild animals are people s friends. Theywant to help to protect them.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( ) 1. are from Australia.A. P

22、andas B. Gorillas C. Koalas D. Golden monkeys( ) 2. like bamboo best.A. Platypuses B. Red-crowned cranesC. Golden monkeys D. Pandas( ) 3. Golden monkeys live in the A. west and southwest of China B. east of ChinaC. north and northwest of ChinaD. south of China( ) 84. Last was the World Animal Day.A.

23、 Saturday B. Sunday C. Wednesday D. Thursday( ) 85. Should we protect the wild animals?A. Yes, we do. B. No, we shouldn t.C. Yes, we can. D. Yes, we should.七、句型转换(10 )1. We plant trees near the river(用 last year. 改写)We n ear the river last year.2. She did her homework last Sun day.(改为否定句)She er home

24、work last Sun day .3. You can go to school by bus . you go to school?4. There is a park n ear my home.Howare there n ear your home?5. Tom often studies English at home.(用 now.改写)TomEnglish at home now.听力稿及参考答案一、用你所听到的单词或短语,完成句子,将其序号填入题前括号内。(B ) 1.1 enjoy.A. play ing footballB. draw ing picturesC. fe

25、edi ng ani mals D. collecti ng stamps(C ) 2.There is a hospitalthe shopp ing cen tre.A. n ext to B. in front ofC. on the right of D. on the left of(A ) 3.Get off the bus at the sec ond stop, and the nA. turn left B. turn right C. get there D. come back(D ) 4.These an imals livedago.A. two hun dreds

26、years B. hun dreds of yearsC. two hun dred years D. millio ns of years(B ) 5.They are going toto Beiji ng.A. take a pla ne B. take a bus C. take a car 二、选出你听到的句子( B )6. A. There are plains, mountains, rivers on our planet.B. There are rivers, lakes, and oceans on our planet.C. There are many trees o

27、n our planet.( A )7. A. When are you going to visit the Great Wall?B. When are you going to visit the Summer Palace?C. When are you going to visit the Ming Tombs?( C )8. A. Winter is the fourth and last season of the year.B. Summer is the second season of the year.C. Autumn is the third season of the year?( C )9. A. We should tell people not to wa


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